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Chapter 6: Master and Apprentice

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Alright Adrex, your turn.” Alard said.

Adrex stood and made his way to the front of the classroom, his heart was beating and he was trying his best not to trip over, somehow he was more nervous here than he was during Acceptance day. He made it to the front and turned to face the other students, they weren’t the ones making him nervous, it was the Meisters and Grand Meister Vista sitting behind them that was doing it.

Weeks of drilling on the push spell, and a few other spells had now culminated in the testing today; the Meisters were here because they would be choosing an apprentice. To add to the spectacle; the Grand Meister herself was present. Rumours immediately started spreading; she hadn’t taken an apprentice since the third year of peace. Some said she had taken a liking to Adrex after the acceptance day, and his classmates had been teasing him about being the Grand Meisters pet.

Adrex took a calming breath and let the magic flow through him. They had all been practicing the same routine; this was about demonstrating the basics and doing it perfectly. First was the basic push spell, Adrex moved his hands through the air creating the symbol for it, then he let it fade, held his hands together and it reappeared, burning in the air. He twisted his hands and the spell shrunk to the size of his palm. He let that one fade, then holding one hand behind his back created a push spell the size of his palm with his other hand, no waving his hand. He let the spell fade and took a bow, with the class and meisters clapping.

Adrex bowed and returned to his seat so the next student could perform, this continued on until each student had run through the routine, all of them passing it flawlessly. It was expected of course, they had been training daily in classes and getting together between classes to keep practicing. It not only helped improve their skill, but helped them bond together as a class.

Once the final student had finished their performance the Meisters made their way to the front of the class. Each introduced themselves and picked a student that they would take as their apprentice. Adrex felt the same fear he felt on acceptance day. He counted nine Meisters and there were ten students. One by one the students’ names were called out until only he remained. The class looked at him, whispering, muttering; maybe they heard what happened on acceptance day? The weeks of teamwork looked like they would break apart. Then Grand Meister Vista spoke up from her seat. “I suppose I should make my announcement too.” She said, “Sorry to make you wait Adrex.”




The news was the talk of the school, the first student Vista had taken in seven years. Adrex had already noticed a change in the way people reacted or spoke to him. He hadn’t even had his first lesson with her and people already looked at him differently. Some looked at him with a new found respect; some who he would normally speak to would start to ignore him more. During meal times he noticed that he was being left alone too.

Adrex made his way through the corridors of the castle, the layout now becoming familiar after a few weeks living here. He made his way to the base of the centre tower and started the long spiralling climb up the stairs. The Grand Meisters office was near the top, and as he noted on his first day, it was a tall tower.

He arrived a minute late, slightly out of breath, as he knocked on the door, before walking in. Vista sat behind her desk, a simple dark wood desk with no major decorations, it had a few books on it piled to the sides. She was leaning back in a high backed chair; it had a carved pattern on its frame and plush seating. He closed the door behind him and stood there waiting. He had so many questions, and he hoped he would be able to get answers.

Vista put down a piece of parchment she was reading and looked up at Adrex. “Cast a push spell.” She ordered, her voice was not harsh, but demanding action.

Adrex started to draw out the spell when she interjected. “No, you are past that. Cast a push spell.” She ordered again.

Adrex jumped into action and created a small spell within the palm of his hand, holding it out facing Vista. “Okay, you can release it, and feel free to take a seat.” Vista said, gesturing to one of the seats across from her.

Adrex did as she requested, he dropped the spell and took a seat. He now had a whole bunch of new questions he wanted to ask her. Vista waited until he was seated before she started to speak. “Okay, now for your obvious questions. If we are out in the field and I say cast something, I need you to follow orders. If you cannot do that then you will be left behind. So, consider that a test.” She said firmly. “You passed.” She said more softly.

Adrex just stared blankly, completely lost as to what was going on. It made sense, but he was still trying to come to grips with it all.

The Grand Meister studied the boy in front of her as he sat there. She had just given him a lot of information and she was wondering how he was going to react. Some of the students did not take well to these studies, they were normally trained together. They would become teams and often become very effective units.

Adrex raised a hand, and Vista nodded. “Um, may I ask a question?” Adrex asked.

A grin tugged at Vista’s lips. “I believe you just did.” She replied.

Adrex smiled slightly at that, before Vista said “Go ahead.”

“Why did you choose me?” He asked quickly, the words spilling out quickly.

Vista expected this, and had prepared for it. It was a half-truth, and she hoped it would keep things okay for now. The last thing she needed was her worst fears being realised. “There is something strange about your magical aura, something that I have never seen before. I want to study that while you train.” She said in response.

Vista paused to let Adrex take in that information, before grabbing some parchment and a quill. “How’s your writing?” She asked as she set both down.

“I’m okay, we were taught at Blackhill.” He said.

“Good,” Vista started, she held up her hand and she cast a push spell in front of Adrex. “The push spell is the basis of most spells. It is what helps us propel what we cast.”

As Vista spoke, glyphs formed in the air in her push spell, one in each quadrant of her push spell. “These four symbols are the four symbols for a fire ball; we have heat, light, damage and containment.”

Adrex looked closely at the spell but couldn’t see the fireball. Vista moved her hand to the window and a fireball shot out from the spell. Adrex felt the heat wash off it and saw the almost perfect ball with a tail of flame trailing it. “Each component of the spell is crucial, and that is why you must learn to not just write glyphs, but write them with magic. Once you master writing with magic then it is just about memorising and testing new things.” Vista explained.

Adrex’s face lit up, he could see the end of the current path. He thought it would take longer; writing should be easy, after all. It was just control, and he knew control, demonstrated control. “Alright apprentice, write the four symbols.” Vista said.

She set up a book in front of her pages open facing Adrex. Spread over two pages were the four symbols, nice and big so that no mistake over the lines could be made. “Master, you haven’t provided any ink.” Adrex said.

“I didn’t say write with ink. You are a mage, write with magic.” Vista responded.

Adrex looked at the quill and then set it down. He stood up and faced the book before holding his hand out. He started to draw the four glyphs in the air, focusing on the control of magic, trying to get the lines as thin as possible. He finished the first one, it was bulky and the line wavered a bit. He cut the flow of magic to start the second glyph and the first glyph vanished as he did so as the glyph was no longer supported.

Vista smiled as she read over a parchment, “I admire the style, but how are you going to write more than one glyph?” Vista asked.




“Healing magic is completely different to that cast by defensive and offensive spell casters. So far your studies here have focused on the human body, with only a small amount of magic taught. This is because healing magic works differently.” The Magae said standing in front of the six students. “While you have learnt the basic push spell that the other schools teach, we do not base our spells on that. We teach it for you to learn control.”

One of the student’s hands shot up with a question. “Meister, how does our magic differ?” They asked.

“With the simple fact that we do not push or pull what we cast, instead our magic is used to mend and stitch. That is why you must know the human body so well, because you will be healing breaks and cuts, and more.” The Magae answered.

The Magae walked across the room and opened up a side door. Several meisters in green robes walked in carrying pigs that they then lay down on the floor. “Students, select a pig. Each one has an injury and the Meisters here will aid you in healing it.” The Magae said as she closed the door.

Nora looked repulsed, first that they would bring in such a filthy animal, second that they would purposely injure any animal, and third that the animals welfare was being left to untrained students. Still, she chose a pig that looked like it had two broken legs and sat down with the two meisters. Perra took the pig directly across from Nora; she two looked upset at the prospect ahead of her.

Nora rolled up the sleeves of her tunic then looked at the two meisters with her. One was an older Magae, her hair grey and tied back in a bun, the other was a younger Mage with short jet black hair. Both Meisters nodded at her before beginning, “Okay, for this all three are going to heal the animal, all you will do is release your magic we will craft it. You just need to watch what we do and follow along.” The Older lady said.

Nora nodded and released her pool of magic slowly; she looked left and saw that the young male was crafting several glyphs, using her magic to shape them in the air. Meanwhile to Nora’s right the Magae was taking the glyphs and using magic to sew them into the pig, using the magic and the spell to stitch up the wound. Once the wound had been stitched the spells activated in turn, first any pain was numbed, then the wound was pulled together, the third spell fused the skin and promoted rapid healing. Each spell was made from multiple glyphs and Nora was glad that the other two were there because even the first spell was enough to all but drain her magic.

When the magic finished and the connection was severed Nora collapsed back, sweat was running off her and she found herself panting. She felt like she had just run laps around the castle. 

The Instructor stood at the front of the stage as all the teams finished, other students had collapsed, several looked sick, no one was able to stand. “As you can tell from this demonstration is just how taxing healing magic can be, normally you would not be going for such a perfect spell, or you would be doing it over an extended period of time. However, you must always be aware to not overdo it. Healers are often the difference between winning and losing, so self-care is also required.” The instructor explained. “You will be taken to your rooms and you will have tomorrow off to recover. Take it easy.”




Nora sank into her bed after the two healers stretchered her to her room and placed her on the soft bedding.  They gave her something to drink, it was clear, and tingled in her throat slightly before the sheets were pulled up over her and she soon passed out.

She woke up slowly, moved her head to see her roommate and felt her entire body ache. Yesterday she felt like she had run a huge distance today she felt the pain of doing that. She briefly caught a glimpse of her, asleep. Nora rolled onto her side, groaned and grimaced before closing her eyes and falling asleep again.

Light streamed in through the window bathing Nora’s face and forcing her awake. She wasn’t sure how long she had slept, but judging from the sun's position it was at least the day after the lesson. The aching her body was experiencing was reduced today, but she could still feel it each time she moved too quickly. She looked over and saw her roommate, Perra.  They had kept the wards from each castle together to help cope with the new conditions. For normal wards it might have helped, but Nora and Perra had never been together until arriving. Perra was sitting up in bed; she had a piece of parchment that she was reading.

Nora dragged herself into a sitting position, groaned slightly then asked “How are you feeling?”

Perra looked over at Nora, “Fine, I guess.” She said sharply then went back to reading.

Nora took the hint and rolled over facing away from Perra, she wished she could speak to Adrex, she wondered how he was doing, what training was like for him. She closed her eyes, and thought back to the night where they first met and just spent all night talking, waking up lying on his shoulder, her first night not being the Princess Royal.




A few months of training had passed before Adrex was taken out into the training field. Mostly he had spent time in the Grand Meisters office or in one of the training rooms. He would spend his time crafting glyphs or memorising them completely, crafting spells or casting them. Nothing too complicated unless they went into the inner courtyard, though that was not often. Adrex realised that the Grand Meister didn’t like to announce her presence and actively tried to keep a low profile.

Today, however, was different. You could only spend so many hours inside casting fireballs against the wall before you had mastered it, or come as close as you could in practice.

Adrex stood still in the field, Vista stood nearby ready to begin. She held up one hand and several spells formed, floating around each other. Adrex noticed spells for fire, for containment, a multi push spell and a directional spell. The Fire spell, containment spell and directional spell all had their edges on the multi push spell, which just amplified the acceleration of the magic cast. The three outer spells rotated around the multi push spell, creating a blur of orange magical light.

“Alright Adrex, you might need to cast each spell separately, but it should end up looking like this.” She said,

Adrex nodded then looked on as Vista’s spell stopped spinning and a giant vortex of flame burst forward, at least twenty meters. The heat coming off it was so intense that the grasses behind her started to burn and turn crisp. Vista dropped the spell and the final flames burnt away leaving a scar on the field where the flames had gouged into them, the dirt black, charred and cracked.

Adrex held up one hand and started with the multi push spell as it was the easiest and the main spell, the multiple circles formed as one single spell each a slightly smaller circle within the previous circle. He then used his free arm as he created the spell for fire. This one held within a circle that he placed on the edge of the multi push spell. Once he was sure he had it placed and linked he used his now free hand to create the containment spell, he had to spin the multi push spell to find the location to add this containment spell but that proved to not be too difficult. He could see why Vista’s spell was now spinning. Finally he added the direction spell, the one that gave the vortex spin to it.

Vista looked on, hands behind her back as each spell was added to the previous spell until her student held the spell for the flame twister in his hand. She chose this because it was powerful, especially the more magic you put through it, and because it was just slightly beyond him. She wanted to push him to his limits to see what would happen. So far she had been unable to link the black magic to anything other than demonic magic, but everything she had seen of this boy and everything confirmed by the healers and seers had shown him to be human.

Adrex stood there holding the spell, he made sure the area in front of him was clear then he cast the spell. The heat from the fire was intense as the vortex spun out in front of him; he fed more and more magic into the spell to keep it going. He could feel his limit coming up. He had to cut the spell. Except for the voice in the back of his head, “Let me feed it.” It said soothingly.

The spell started to turn black in front of him; the fire took on a shade of green. Adrex looked at the change and immediately cut the flow of magic, “Next time.” The voice whispered almost like it was retreating.

Vista didn’t show any emotion, even as Adrex looked to her after he had released the spell, concern etched on his face, just like Acceptance Day. She figured it would probably be best to tell him the truth now, but she wasn’t sure how Adrex would react. It would be a good test though before she took him away from the school. She raised her hand and summoned him over.

Both of them sat on the blackened grass, hearing crunch underneath them. Vista adjusted her robes then looked Adrex in the eye she started. “First of all, great work on the Flame twister spell, it was crafted wonderfully.”

Normally Adrex would have beamed at that, instead the boy looked on the verge of tears. “However it is time to discuss what happened afterwards.” She started.

She held up a hand to forestall any talking, it would be time for that later.

“I believe that you have some form of demonic magic that you can access. It is unclear how this is possible, but that is what is giving you the extra power and changing your magic. At the moment, this is just a theory, but your magic is just the same as the Demon Hordes.” Vista explained. “It is a sixth type of magic in this world that we do not understand as we have not been able to study it. And we will not be using you to study it either.” She added before Adrex would misunderstand. 

“You already possess a strong magic, but due to this unknown it was only natural for me to take you on as an apprentice. It is my job to help you control your magic and control this other magic that you possess. Though for now, I ask that you try and hide it as best as you can. Some of the Meisters here that served during the crusades will attack first if they mistook you for a demon.”

Adrex nodded along, he was scared and did not know how to process this. He had pictured himself fighting demons, not being one. He thought about telling Vista about the voice he had heard, however he decided not to, for now.

“Now, with that out of the way, get some rest. Tomorrow we will travel for the Defensive school. My duties as Grand Meister do not stop just because I have an apprentice, and that means you are coming with me. We ride early.” She said,

Adrex’s face fell, more riding horses.




Adrex shifted his weight in the saddle trying to get comfortable, and failing to do so. He and Vista had set off just as the sun started to creep over the plains outside the Battle school and had now been travelling so long the sun was almost at its zenith. Most of the journey had been in open fields, but as they had continued on the world had become greener and more bushes had started to crop up. Ahead of them, Adrex could see, was a deep dark green and brown forest. “Master, are we heading through there?” He asked.

Vista turned round to face him as they continued towards it. “Yes, the path through the forest is well maintained and leads directly towards the Defence school. It’s about a two day journey from this point.” She said,

Adrex realised that Livia and Gennel would have had to have travelled the same way, and with only a defensive Mage with them it must be safe. Still, he pulled the hood on his red robes lower as they approached. Vista slowed her horse so that they were riding side by side. “We’ll take a break just outside then continue on.” She explained.

Adrex was just happy to get some time out of the saddle.

Adrex dismounted his horse and tied the reins to a tree branch when they had reached the forest entrance, he then grabbed his saddle bag and sat down with his back against a tree trunk. Vista sat down across from him and pulled out some dried meat from her own bag. As Adrex did the same, taking a bite of the salty dried meat Vista yelled “Fireball, behind you!”

Adrex immediately rolled away from the tree, crafted the fireball in one hand and then cast it in one fluid motion, striking a tree just inside. The fireball burst against the trunk before the magic died. It left a nice scorch mark, but nothing more.

“Excellent work, apprentice.” Vista said, having not moved from her position at all. “You’ve mastered that skill well, and you followed the instructions without question.”

Adrex again took his seat against the tree trunk, a grin not quite hidden in the shadows of the hood. He had been told that he would not be coming on journeys until he had proven that he could cast the fireball spell, and follow orders and he had just proven that perfectly. It didn’t even feel like a drain on him to cast.

“Now, eat up. We still have to get back on the road.” Vista said.

His grin faded as he pictured the next few hours in the saddle.




The forest was dark and imposing as Adrex and Vista stopped for the night. Vista had summoned a fireball and was holding in her hand as a light as the sun had set and the shadows crept in on them. They had wanted to continue though it would be too dangerous for the horses, one tree root unseen could lead to an injured leg and their journey would take twice as long.

The two of them dismounted their horses and walked them off the track into a small clearing that hid them from view and started their preparations for the night, starting a fire and preparing a warmed meal of travellers’ rations. Honestly, Adrex didn’t mind them, though a proper hot meal at the end of the journey would be great.

Adrex set up a small burner with some water after their meal and Vista prepared the coffee. Imported from the Islands of the Southern Kingdom, it was a luxury at Castle Blackhill, but the Battle school had a great supply and Adrex had without a doubt acquired a taste for it.

The two of them leaned back against trees as they sipped the hot coffee, mixed with a little honey for sweetness, and relaxed after the day's riding. “What are you doing at the Defence school?” Adrex asked.

Vista looked over at her apprentice, studying him. “Sorting out the first inter school training day.” She said,

“Training day?” Adrex responded, quizzically.

“Yes, on a battlefield the defensive meisters and offensive meisters work together. That requires teamwork, and that teamwork must be taught. This is so the students that are trained in groups, the ones typically on the front lines of conflicts can learn to work with the students of the other school, but also so that both can work with the apprentices like you who are given more freedom and who end up in leadership roles. We don’t want you casting a complex spell and hitting a defensive shield instead of the enemy.” Vista said.

“I thought the kingdoms were at peace, especially as most mages didn’t return to their home kingdoms?” Adrex asked.

“That is true, but peace could fail at any time and we must be prepared, especially against a threat from outside as well.”

“Demons?” Adrex asked, nervously.

“Amongst other unknown threats.” Vista said.

Adrex took another sip of coffee, when the bush behind him rustled; it grew louder as something approached. He looked at Vista who was already crafting a spell, and nodded for Adrex to do the same. Adrex immediately crouched and crafted a lightning bolt, the other spell he had learnt. He looked out into the darkness towards the rustling but could not see anything.

That was until the men appeared from within the bush, dressed in leather and carrying knives and short swords. Adrex cast his lightning and it struck one man in the shoulder, he continued charging towards them and drove his other shoulder into Adrex’s stomach, forcing the air out of his lungs and driving him backwards.

The man slashed at Adrex who stumbled backwards falling onto the path and falling over. He could see flashes of light from within the bush where Vista was. He was scared; he crafted a fireball and cast it. The man who charged him down stepped onto the path and got hit in the chest. He screamed and fell, writhing on the ground, but two more men followed him out, swords glinting in the magic being cast behind them.

Adrex scrambled back and cast another fireball, which the attackers easily dodged. “You need help.” The other voice in his head whispered.

Adrex bumped into a tree on the other side of the path and cast a lightning bolt which missed. “They’ll kill you. Your master can’t help.” It whispered.

Adrex could hear Vista calling for him, he opened his mouth to speak but his voice caught in his throat. He didn’t want to die. Okay, he thought.

Adrex felt magic flow through him, as the voice took control. Adrex could still see and hear everything, but it was like someone else was controlling his movements. He looked down at his arms, or he was forced to look down at his arms. They had started to turn black, as little vines crawled under his skin. He tried to shout, but he had no control over his voice. His head turned towards the two men in front of him, he could see them clearly as if it was midday, and he could see the concern on each of their faces.

They stopped advancing on him, and instead held their weapons defensively in front of them. Adrex felt his body stand up and felt the strange other magic flow through him. He held up a hand and cast a green bolt of fire that hit the man to the left of Adrex, fire splashing over him and coating him. The man fell screaming as he burned, rolling around but the fire would not go out. Adrex pounced at the other man, landing in front of him, dancing under the man’s wild slash and slashing with his own hands which had grown claws of black.

He could feel the leather and flesh part with ease as the second man fell backwards holding his chest that was now spilling blood. Adrex stood over him and crafted the spell for a fireball, it appeared in front of him glowing green, lighting up the black magic of the spell. He cast it forward and it burnt a hole into the second man.

“That felt good.” The voice in his head said, “A chance to stretch these legs.”

Adrex looked up just as Vista broke through the bushes, spells at the ready. She looked at Adrex with horror, and brought the spells to bear on him. The voice retreated and Adrex could feel the little tendrils of blackness retreating from his arms. He screamed, and his voice came through loudly. “Don’t, please.”

Vista slowly let the magic go, and stepped towards Adrex. She put a hand to his head, checked something then looked closely into his eyes. That was the last thing he saw, his master staring at him with a mix of concern and horror as the world turned black. He did feel her catch him before he hit the ground.

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