Chapter 23

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Chapter XXIII

Brydon Briggs


A helicopter lands on the outskirts of a bleak small town divided by a river the two sides connected by a stone bridge. Alan and Dmitri along with two of Dmitri’s Bots get out of the chopper and head towards the town.

“Is this really the place?” Dmitri said, he looked at the outskirts of the town and wondered why anyone would ever want to settle there, if he hadn’t lived in the slums of Metropololis for years he would say that this little town was the worst looking place he had ever seen, before remembering his childhood and what had happened, put pay to those thoughts.

“Yep.” Alan responded and he, Dmitri who was still deep in thought and the two Bots walk into the town.

Whilst not completely abandoned the town of Prostead Bridge was as close to that status as it could possibly be, what Alan would have guested used to be the main street was nothing more than a collection of ruined building lining each side of the road. He knew that in the olden days the town had been a centre of trade for the entire region with its bridge being the main connection between north and south, but those days now appeared to be a distant memory, its high street gone, and its homes burned or partially collapsed, the remaining citizens withdrawing to a smaller and smaller pocket around the bridge itself. The two then noticed the house that they had been searching for. It was a single-story dwelling that stood on top of a small hill, surrounded by abandoned buildings. Alan walks up to the door and knocks, when no one answers he draws a small pistol and signals for Dmitri and the two Bots to follow him inside.


The small group head in through the font doorway, that whilst was only just hanging onto the doorframe, that they had been hesitant to open it, but the door had not collapsed and so they entered the almost rotting house, Dmitri also notices that the exterior walls seemed to have holes in them at random points, which he thought didn’t bode well, as they walk through the hallway and into the main room. Both of which being very dark other than for a small amount of light coming in through the holes in the wall, but that merge light was not enough to illuminate the room. Dmitri fumbles around along the wall and flicks on a light switch, he initially doesn’t know whether the damn thing would work, however after the lights flicker on, he wished that they hadn’t as they revealed a long tear marks in the wall and ceiling.

“What the hell?” Alan said almost jumping backwards into one of the Bots at the sight of the tears, they hadn’t just cut through the wallpaper, they had cut through the stone underneath as well, to the point that light was able to trickle in from the outside.

“We've got to get out of here, now.” Dmitri said, looking around and keeping his gun raised, as the two are about to vacate the house however, sudden movement from behind them makes them turn around as Alan now raises his gun. Before a growling voice in the darkness speaks to them. The voice that they both guessed belonged to this Brydon Briggs they were searching for.

“I would advise you lower your weapons, boy. It won't be much use against me.” Brydon said, he sounded almost bored, as if others had tried to threaten him with weapons and he was getting tired of repelling their attacks.

“Show yourself?” Alan said, but neither he nor Dmitri lowered their weapons, on the contrary they had raised them further, and the two Bots had also raised their weapons, there red eyes searching the darkness for a threat.

“Very well.” Brydon said and he stepped out, he was tall, well over two meters high and completely hairy from head to foot, but his eyes were the scariest feature of all, they were the exact red of the Bots who were aiming their weapons at the man. Brydon mockingly raises his hands, even though he looked like he could and would tear them apart of he so chose.

“Who are you?” Alan said, his gun still raised, although he knew who this man was, he had known ever since hearing his voice, but he still wanted to be certain. Brydon only chuckled lowering his hands as he did so.

“You know who I am Mr Wolfrick, I mean who walks into a strangers house willingly.” Brydon said looking at Alan with intent, intent to do what however was still a mystery to both Alan and Dmitri.

“Your Brydon?” Dmitri said, his mouth slightly a gape, a trickle of sweat had appeared on his forehead at the sight of the man, and he was guessing that even if they did fire their guns that they would be about as effective as water pistols on this man.

“Well done, genius.” Brydon said looking at Dmitri before turning his gaze back to Alan, who didn’t back up due to the fact that he was now standing up against the wall, he was not afraid to admit to himself that he was terrified of this man, if that is what he was.

“What are you?” Alan asked looking at Brydon.

“All in good time Alan Wolfrick.” Brydon responds, Alan was shocked that he not only knew his last name, but also his first. What to make of this information however was still unclear? He didn’t know whether he was shit scared, or relieved.

“How do you know my name?” Alan asked.

“Because Mr Wolfrick, you are the spitting image of your brother when he was your age. Minus the leg.” Brydon said as he walked past the two and opens a crack in the black curtains to look out of the window, but obviously didn’t spot anyone so he quickly closes the black drapes and returns to where he had been standing a few moments ago and addressing Dmitri. “Now lower that gun Mr Jones, as I stated it will be no use against me.” Brydon said staring down at them like they are ants in his gigantic world.

“How'd you know...” Dmitri started but Brydon interrupts him, holding his hand up and turning too Alan. Under normal circumstances Dmitri would have argued with any person that interrupted him, but he guested that doing that with Brydon would only end up with him in an early grave.

“Now Mr Wolfrick, you want information about your brother and company is that correct.” Brydon asked in a tone so matter of face it was as if he was asking Alan about the weather.

“Yes.” Alan said surprised at the bluntness.

“And are you ready for the harsh truth. Because what I can reveal will shine a light on your family's dealings.” Brydon said gazing into Alan’s eyes intently, the information after all had almost driven his older brother mad.

“Yes.” Alan said and Brydon continues to stare deep into Alan's eyes mentally sizing him up for a moment before continuing.

“Good, then I'll begin.” Brydon said, sitting down on a ruined chair and gesturing for Ala and Dmitri to do the same.

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