Chapter 9

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Chapter IX

The Old Legends.


The following day, after checking Martin’s room three times for intruders at the boy’s increasingly hysterical requests. Alan found himself out in the manor grounds thinking about the stranger that had come into his house in the dead of night. He thought about everything he had been told by Vernon after he had spoken with the strange man at the gate, trying to make a connection. But all he came up with was, like Vernon, that the man had been after Martin specifically.

This however, raised more questions than it answered, after all, his youngest son had rarely ever left the manor or its grounds, and was besides the most private of all his sons, keeping to himself most of the time. He thought back to see if if there was anything he had done that would have meant that Martin would have been targeted in retribution, as was common in The Imperial City as a means of silencing potential enemies.  But he kept coming up blank, sure he had annoyed a lot of people in his time, even he knew this, but not to the extent that any member of his family would be targeted.

 Whilst Alan was deep in thought, Vernon and Dmitri, who had finally returned from his mission came walking up towards him. It had been a surprise that an hour after getting back to sleep after the intruder had entered his home, he had been woken up again by Vernon. Who had proceeded to inform him that Dmitri chopper had appeared on the radar.

“Sir, this scum has returned.” Vernon said with utter distaste in his mouth. Dmitri turned to the butler with and incredulous look on his face.

“I'm not scum.” Dmitri retorted.

“So.” Alan said, choosing to ignore this previous exchange of words. “What did you find out?” He finished.

“Something you wouldn't believe.” Dmitri said.

“I see.” Alan said, he wasn’t surprised, for years it had been said that the old lord in the south was up to something.

“First, tell me. How did that old fucker manage to stop a bullet.” Dmitri asked. It was the first and at the moment only thing on his mind. To his astonishment, Alan looks for more a moment like he is about to smirk, but then hesitates. He then moves his staff to his side

“I trust you know by now that this is no walking stick.” Alan said, leaning heavily on the staff.

“Erm, yes.” Dmitri said, even he had managed to guess that much. “That old fucker had a staff very similar to yours, only it was a different coloured gem.” Dmitri said the last part almost an afterthought.

“Your only half right on that one I’m afraid. as this isn't a gem.” Alan said.

“What is it?” Dmitri asked looking curious at the green gemstone.

“I have no idea, all we do know is that is something very powerful.” Alan said, he was almost certain, but he wasn’t a hundred percent, so decided on holding back. “Now was there anything else that you found on your mission?” Alan asked, trying to get the conversation back on track.

“Yeah, they digging for something, I don't know what exactly.” Dmitri said shrugging, however this news had a completely different effect on Alan, who looked horror struck at the news, sitting down in a chair.

“So Boris, you've actually done it.” Alan said, in almost a whisper.

“Done what. exactly sir.” Vernon asked.

“Yeah spill it.” Dmitri said wanting to get answers to what he had seen back in the caves as quickly as possible. Alan looked up at this, a grimace on his face.

“Tell me Dmitri, how are you on the old legends.” Alan asked, wanting to know exactly where to start. He looked between Vernon and Dmitri for a moment but after none of them spoke he decided to simply tell them all he knew. “Well I suppose it all began some 7000 years ago, when this country was at peace and more importantly, whole. Until five men found five of these gems, for won't of a better word. which upon these five claiming there prize gained abilities.” Alan said trying to keep it as simple as possible, when Dmitri interrupted him

“Abilities.” Dmitri said.

“Yes, heighten senses, increased strength, speed and stamina, and extend life. Once they gained these abilities they were now positioned to strike at the country. Within a week they had won. either by cunning or just brute force. They were in effect, the first ever one man army.” Alan said looking slightly pale as he spoke. “Afterword’s they divided up the land into what it is today between themselves, aside from the north which managed to maintain its independence due to its natural barriers.” He finished looking up.

“How were they stopped?” Dmitri asked.

“Eventually. After about five-hundred years later, the people rose up against the five. Until they finally defeated them. But at a terrible cost. About two thirds of the population were wiped out. In that war. What had taken the five a week, it took the people seven years.” Alan said, he laughed, but it was a humourless laugh.

“So the five as you call them are dead.” Dmitri said. Alan shook his head at this.

“No, they vanished for another five thousand years. Until The Shadow came, and called them as his chief lieutenants in his wars against both east and west.” Alan said. “After The Shadow was defeated their bodies were sealed away, with only a few having knowledge of their burial sites. But it was believed that at least one was buried inside that mountain.” Alan finished, before getting up out of the chair and walking back towards the window, where Martin had been joined by Nick in their attempt to outsmart the dog.

“Why not kill them?” Dmitri said.

“The hope was that they would eventually die, without the gems to extend their life they should have died. However what you have told me has cast a doubt in my mind.” Alan replied.

“Why imprison them in a mountain.” Dmitri said. “Why not burry them out at sea or something.” He said looking around.

“Because if legend has it, the only thing the five had no control over was the earth. the hope was that imprisoning them underneath what was at the time the most sacred mountain, that the earth would have been able to stop what man could not.” Alan said.

“Could even Boris be so mad, as to release even one of them.” Vernon said, he was angry, but there was another look in the old butler’s eyes, a look of pure fear.

“It seems that he thinks he will have some form of control over them.” Alan said, he however knew that if Boris succeeded it would be the other way around. He wondered how the great lord had managed to arrive at the conclusion that he obviously had about controlling these creatures. He was brought out of his thoughts by Vernon’s voice.

“Codsworth must be told about this, he must raise his army once again and march to face Boris before it is too late.” Vernon pronounced. At this Alan sighed, it was a simple idea, and in his experience the simple ideas were usually the best ones, but Vernon’s plan had one major flaw in it.

“What do we offer as proof.” Alan asked, if they went to Codsworth, the commander would want some form of physical evidence of their claims, he might believe Dmitri’s tale, but it would require more to convince him, and the people above him to mount a campaign in the south when they weren’t even finished in the west. “For the time being we must wait, until we have more. Boris is too close to The Mayor for us to anything yet.” Alan continued, looking tired. At this Vernon nodded and headed out, with Dmitri making to follow the old butler before Alan called him back. “A moment Dmitri.” Alan said, he had thought long and hard about it and decided that now was the best time to ask.

“Yes.” Dmitri said, looking apprehensive for the first time, fearing that he was about to be sent on another suicide mission.

“I need your advise on something. Your very specific advise on a matter that cropped up during your mission.” Alan said, he was trying to step around the issue as carefully as possible. He knew the captains past reasonably well, and knew that in this instance, despite his own carefulness, the subject had to be brought up.

“Ask away.” Dmitri said, although their was a resigned tone in his voice.

“Whilst you were away.” Alan said, as he took out a sheet of paper, on it was the security photo of the stranger, captured by the camera on the gate. “We had a visitor come to the manor. Asked Martin couple of questions.” Alan said, trying to get the information out in the most concise way possible.

“I don’t get why you need my advice on this Alan.” Dmitri said raising his eyebrow, whilst he was skilled in keeping away from the cameras of the manor, he failed to see how his advice was needed. Although the next words took even him off guard.

“Later that night, the man returned and snuck into Martin’s room. What he was doing in there we don’t know. But I think he might have been trying to snatch him.” Alan finished and watched Dmitri’s face drain of colour.

“I see.” Dmitri said, his throat becoming incredibly dry. It had been a long time since he had thought about that aspect of his past. In fact he had actively suppressed it. But now it all came back to the forefront of his mind. At the age of eleven, Dmitri remembered how he had been kidnapped by an illusive organisation, for four years they had kept him locked away from the world, only taking him out to, in their words, improve him, but to Dmitri it had been literal torture. It had taken him four years to escape, but eventually he managed it, only to find that when he got back home, everyone he had ever known had died.

“I need to know if you recognise him. From your time at… Well… You know?” Alan said as he passed the sheet of paper to Dmitri, who took it without question, but also without comment, and began scanning it.

“No idea.” Dmitri said, before noticing something on the man’s sleeve. “There is something here though, on the sleeve. It’s some kind of marking, I can’t make it out though.” Dmitri continued handing the piece of paper back to Alan, his hand shaking slightly as he did so. “It seems odd, the group th-that took me, didn’t tend to bring in people as young as Martin. Are you sure they just got the room mixed up, like they were trying to snatch your two eldest.” Dmitri finished, his tone was slightly too calm for the words that he had just said, but Alan was too distracted to notice.

“No. Whoever he was, he was specifically after Martin. Although why. I have no idea.” Alan replied as he sat down on the chair and spun around on the chair. “Which is why I need you to start work on creating more of those BOT’s. As I have more missions that I need you to do, but I also need the manor defences to be strengthened for when we aren’t here.” Alan finished, got up and walked out of the cave.


“You called for me.” Dmitri said walking into the rapidly expanding cave, that was for the moment at least his home. He had managed to finally get the electrics working and fix the broken water pipes. Waiting for him were Alan, Vernon and Charlie, who didn’t look at all happy being down here.

“That I did, I have another task for you.” Alan said standing up from the revolving chair, he looked tired, for so than usual.

“Let’s hear it then.” Dmitri said

“The mission is to break into the mayor’s office. We need more proof.” Alan said. “Proof that he is involved in everything that Boris is doing, or at least that he knows about it.” He finished.

“You say we. But it's me risking my life.” Dmitri said, he didn’t mind, but he was being asked to put his life on the line, for no tangible gain as far as he could see.

“Well not anymore, you’re not going alone this time.” Alan said, he too had thought about and thought that it was unfair for Dmitri to be taking all of the risks.

“Sir... What.” Vernon said.

“Yeah, why. You're a cripple. Why shouldn't I go?” Charlie said looking at Alan, who smiled.

“Who said it was me. My plan was to send you.” Alan said.

“Great, perfect. I've got a girl who will do nothing but slow me down.” Dmitri said, if he was at all honest, he would rather go on his own, at least then his life would be the only one at risk and there would be no-one to get in the way.

“Plus, you're new bots. Hopefully these will survive longer.” Alan said, whilst also inquiring into Dmitri’s new project.

“They will.” Dmitri said. He had grown fond of the Bots on his previous mission and was now determined to have his own private army, in case the worst came to the worst. “What about you?” Dmitri asked of Alan, changing the subject off of his projects.

“I'll be going to see Boris and...” Alan starts but at that moment the doorbell rings and all of them turn around to face the exit.

“I guess I’ll get that.” Vernon said before leaving the meeting.

“...and ask him about what is going on, you leave at dusk.” Alan finishes before exiting the cave, after Vernon.


Once Alan arrived in the dining room, he saw Codsworth standing by the fireplace looking grave.

"What is it?" Alan said walking up to the commander, he had not seen Codsworth like this in a long time, not since the massacre at the old town hall.

"I have troubling news." Codsworth said taking off his helmet and sitting down at the table as Alan did the same. "The Mayor has seen fit to grant himself emergency powers, he has made himself, effectively into a dictator." Codsworth said.

"That... That is interesting." Alan said stroking his short beard, whilst it didn't surprise him that the egotistical maniac had given himself new broad sweeping powers, it was curious that he had done so now.

"Alan, he's on the warpath, whatever you do, don't rile him." Codsworth said before stressing his next point. "And keep the Jones under the radar." He finished.

"I thought we had an understanding; I keep Dmitri here and you keep the Mayor of my back." Alan asked, it had been weird when Codsworth had first proposed the idea, but Dmitri and Alan had fought together during the Imperial-Bartazer wars. So, Alan had accepted the offer.

"I have fallen out of favour with the Mayor. When I suggested that he should be focused on actually governing he became enraged, after I left the council meeting, he sent his thugs after me.

"Did they follow you?" Alan asked, looking towards the windows as if he would see these figures at them.

"No. I made sure of that." Codsworth said nodding. "The Mayor really needs to hire better underlings, I almost insulted that I didn't get a better quality of assassin." Codsworth finished smirking, Alan laughed at this for a few moments.

"We do need you in the Mayor's office in all seriousness old friend." Alan said after he had managed to steady himself.

"Yeah. I'll go back to the Mayor and make my apologies; he'll have to accept. Without me, my men will mutiny and then he'll have a proper rebellion on his hands this time." Codsworth said getting up and leaving the room, his helmet under his shoulder.


After a few moments Vernon returns looking at Alan trying to gage what had been said by the look on his face, a trick the old butler had mastered over his time serving the Wolfrick family.

"Vernon would you mind sending for a chopper, I'm sure that my company has one they can spare." Alan said getting up and walking towards the doors, where Vernon stood.

"Certainly sir." Vernon replied. "Might I suggest that you inform Lord Boris of your arrival ahead of time. Given the defences he has placed around his home." Vernon inquired. Alan only nodded and the two departed Alan heading towards the communications room and Vernon to the entrance hall, the nearest room in the manor that had a phone.


Inside the communication room Alan dialled the emergency number that was a direct line to Boris. He had hoped never to use it, but if what Dmitri had told him was true then times were that desperate.

Boris appeared on the screen in front of Alan, his pristine robes hanging off him, he glared through the screen in a way that ten years ago would have made Alan run out of the room.

"What is it, young Wolfrick?" Boris said, his deep voice as usual skipping the pleasantries and getting straight to the point.

"I have received word that there has been an attempt to access the tombs beneath your home." Alan said, trying to sound as commanding as possible.

"Yes, we did have a bit of a break in two nights ago, but we saw them off, don't worry." Boris said, Alan smiled internally, 'Yes, you did have a break in, you old fool.' He thought to himself.

"I would like to come an inspect them all the same. I'm sure you can facilitate that." Alan said, getting more confident as the conversation continued. Boris paused for a moment before responding.

"Yes." Boris said looking stern, Alan only nodded and turned off the call, before walking out of the room, having he thought to himself, called him as an ally for the last time.

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