Chapter 12

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Chapter XII



Alan, lying on a medical bed slowly comes around, not immediately recognising his surroundings. He begins to lift his left hand up to his head and feels a wrap of bandages around it, but quickly puts it down again as the pain from his ribs started up again.

“Vernon.” Alan said trying to sit up, but he was too weak to do even that. Vernon looks up from the newspaper he is reading and stands above Alan looking down at him, he quickly realised that he was in a medical facility of the manor, as it was too quiet to be Metropololis General, the mayor hospital in the imperial city where he had been taken after losing his leg.

“What the bloody hell were you thinking of sir. You very nearly got yourself killed.” Vernon said, the old butler was angrier than Alan had seen him in a long time, not since he had been a teenager had the old butler been so angry at him.

“Well I'm not dead. How long have I been out for anyway?” Alan said continuing to look around the room, it seemed darker than usual, although winter had long since passed and he guessed that it was stormy outside. Although that was nothing compared to the tensions inside the room.

“A week. You've been drifting in and out of conciseness for the pass four days, although only to throw up.” Vernon said with no sympathy whatsoever. Alan was starting to think that Vernon’s angry at something more than the failed mission.

“What exactly is wrong with me.” Alan said making to examine his injuries again but is distracted when Charlie walks into the room addressing Alan's question.

“Well you broke you're arm, cracked four ribs, and sustained a massive head trauma. You were lucky to get out when you did.” Charlie said, listing off the injuries like they were nothing although sounding more sympathetic than Vernon had done. There was something off however he examines his body further before looking down to see that his robotic leg is missing.

“Erm, where is my leg.” Alan asked, looking around, half expecting to see the metal limb somewhere nearby. It was Vernon however that answered that question.

“Mr Jones, took it, or what was left of it for repairs. You fell on it you see.” Vernon said, at this some of the sternness broke but he still seem annoyed.

“Lucky you did, if you had fallen on your real leg, you would have been without either of your legs. Luckily I was able to get to you before any serious harm came to you.” Charlie said.

“How did your mission go anyway.” Alan said getting back to business and hoping that at least one of the missions had gone according to plan.

“Well, neither of us ended up unconscious, but other than that about as successful as your mission.” Charlie said, Alan sighed deeply, it had after all been too much to hope for that something would go right for them. At which Charlie turns around and walks out leaving Alan and Vernon alone in the room.

“How are my kids, anyway?” Alan said, succeeding this time in propping himself up in the bed.

“Well, distressed. They were by your side every waking moment for the first few days at least. Jack is getting angrier by the day, although it is still unclear if his anger is directed at boris, or yourself, the jury is still out on that one. Dave spends his time in silence, when we can find him at all, the lad seemed to have taken to Jack’s old haunt of leaving the manor. Whilst we can't get Nick to shut up most of the time. And Martin doesn't understand what is going on. So when he is not in here he follows either me or Jack around crying and when he doesn’t do that, he locks himself in his room with Echo for hours at a time.” Vernon said, it was now that Alan realised why the butler had been so hostile but before he could speak the butler continued. “So sir, if you are intending to try and kill yourself again, please think about that. And what you have to loose, and those that rely on you have to loose next time.” Vernon finished at which point Dmitri walks into the room covered in sweat and grime.

“Well, you fucked up that leg alright. It's fixable mine you, but it's going to take me another couple of days.” Dmitri said cleaning his hands with a dirty cloth, which only seemed to make the situation worse. It wasn’t until now however that Alan had noticed the change in behaviour between Vernon and Dmitri.

“Wait, Vernon. Dmitri is here and you haven't thrown out one insult about him, what's going on?” Alan said looking between the two of them.

“The time for that has passed, we have few enough allies as it is. Plus the fact that he is helping you. And we can use his skills.” Vernon said simply

“I'll take that as a complement.” Dmitri said with no joy in his voice, which was an ominous sign as Alan knew the captain tried to make every bad situation humorous. Dmitri walks out leaving Vernon and Alan once again alone.

“You may leave Vernon. I'd get some rest if I were you. As tomorrow I have things for you to do.” Alan said lying back down on the bed and taking a sip of water.

“Very well sir.” Vernon said simply getting up and exiting the room, leaving Alan alone once more.


Three weeks had passed since Alan’s chopper had made its emergency landing on the freshly cut grass of Wolfrick manor, when Vernon walks into the room to find Alan sitting in the old armchair staring at the flames once again. Alan still is wearing the bandages around his head and waist and his arm is still in a sling. However his leg has been restored to full working order.

“Sir, I sorry to disturb you, but there is something important that you should see in the paper.” Vernon said. Alan looks up at this, it had been a long time since he had been in the loop and was desperate for any information.

“Well let’s hear see it then, can't get any worse can it.” Alan said grimacing as Vernon hands him the newspaper. Alan starts to read then gets up far too quickly and sits back down again, wincing and holding his side. “My, my, this is interesting. It seems we no longer have a Police Chief.” Alan said continuing to scan the paper.

“It seems so sir.” Vernon said he had heard rumours but had only had them confirmed when he read the paper for himself. Unlike Vernon however Alan didn’t seem gladdened by the news, on the contrary, he looked like it had foiled his plans.

“Yes, but it isn't a good thing. Yes Bernard was basically a puppet. But he hardly ever did anything. No the next chief will be a lot more active, which is a problem. As I was counting on Bernard’s laziness. But now…” Alan begins to tail off. When Vernon speaks up again

“Sir, don't tell me you are planning on going out again.” Vernon said, whilst Alan had seemed to be getting stronger, he would make sure that he did not leave the house until he was fully recovered. At this Alan did crack a smile.

“No Vernon, I've learnt my lesson on that one. No, I'm sending you in my stead.” Alan said, putting the paper down on a small table and looking up at the old butler.

“Me?” Vernon asked.

“Yes, you Vernon. I need someone who is known to work for me as not to arouse suspicion. I need you to go and collect the details on who's my companies weapons sales.” Alan said and gets up, albeit much more slowly this time and grabs a stick to support himself so that he can be on an eye level with Vernon. “I would go myself, but I'm in no fit state. It is best that people do not know that Charlie has been working for me, and Dmitri is still wanted. So you are the only one left. Plus I know you know how to defend yourself.” Alan said. Vernon looks into Alan's eyes, nods, turns and leaves. Alan sits back down in his chair, only to get back up again and walk towards the cave. Which was becoming an old haunt of his nowadays.

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