Chapter 25

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Chapter XXV

Revealing the Unseen.


Brydon sits at the table with Alan sitting opposite to him, Dmitri is leaning against one of the mangled walls listening to the two of them.

“Your company, Alan is not under your control, you are merely a puppet figure head. Wolfrick Co is simply one of many front of house businesses for a group called The Answer.” Brydon said, he looked like he had told the story before and was simply going through the motions of the re-telling.

“Impossible, I would have known about it, if it were true.” Alan said, but even now doubting himself, he didn’t want to believe it, but what other reason was there to explain the illegal sales to the enemy.

“This group are incredibly secretive about their own existence. They will not hesitate to kill anyone who threatens to go public on their dealings.” Brydon said.

“Derrick Jacobs.” Alan said, more to himself, realising that he had in effect killed one of his oldest friends by bringing him into his schemes and investigations.

“Yes, He was the latest to try and go public.” Brydon said, bowing his head slightly as he spoke.

“How does my brother and you fit into this?” Alan asked, he was able to hazard a guess but wanted it confirmed, but what came next was enough to make Alan’s stomach turn.

“I was a test subject of one of their companies. They were trying to make enhanced humans, but it didn't turn out that well. After about a year. The Answer ordered all test subjects to be terminated. I managed to escape before that happened. A few years later, your brother had found out how much The Answer were embedded into Wolfrick Co, and sought me out, possibly hoping to find something to help expose them. We met and I confirmed his suspicions and agreed to help bring this group out into the open.” Brydon said. Alan mouth fell open, he had no idea what exactly was going on, but he had never heard about these experiments. It was after all illegal to experiment on humans inside the boarders of Metropololis, selling weapons was one thing, but it seemed there was no end of illegal practices his company was doing without his knowledge or consent.

“But that didn't happen.” Dmitri said his voice slightly colder than usual.

“No. Before we could act. The Answer ordered his death and your gluttonous mayor carried out the order, killing your brother and countless others. I returned here.” Brydon said and this time Alan knew what he was referring to. He had for a long time known that the burning down of the old town hall, during negotiations with The Mayor had been deliberate, but he had had no proof, until now it seemed.

“The Answer.” Dmitri said looking at Brydon. “They’re just a bunch of fanatics.” He finished. Brydon fixed his gaze on Dmitri.

“I know it seemed that way to you mr Jones, you’re experience with them would certainly give you that impression, you were only a boy when you were inducted into the order.” Brydon said, at this Dmitri stands at his full height looking ready to kill.

“By inducted, you mean kidnapped off the streets.” Dmitri said, the former soldier looking ready to take on Brydon despite the size difference. This answer caught Alan off guard, he didn’t know much about Dmitri’s past, every time he had tried to raise the subject, he had been met with a: ‘It’s a long story.’ Type of comment, or no comment at all. He thought his own backstory was terrible, but it seemed he had a lot of rethinking to do.

“Off course.” Brydon said, whilst being able to see that he had touched a nerve, it was clear that he also was ready to take on Dmitri if he made another move against him. “Forgive me, I never meant to step on any powerlines.” Brydon finished and Dmitri stepped back towards the wall, but also Alan noted, did not accept the apology, Dmitri glowered at the man in front of him, but didn’t continue to on his attack.

“How deep does this organisation go then?” Dmitri asked, as he remembered the events of his own past, and what had happened all those years ago when he was eleven. As Brydon turned to face him.

“They run everything, they own the mayor, his council, the military, the major business leaders. Although most don't know it.” Brydon said. “Their true intentions however are unknown.” He finished

“What true intentions?” Alan asked. Brydon smiled at this, it was a humourless smile, that spoke volumes.

“Because something is returning. There have been a lot of strange things happening recently and The Answer is determined to come out on top once again, no matter how they achieved that. They have served many people different people before, a new regime under him will be of no concern to them.” Brydon said

You mean, they intend to join, him? Dmitri asked, if this was true, a secret underground organisation joining the enemy would be much more dangerous than the old bastard attempt to ally with the enemy. There is a slight pause as both Alan and Dmitri loom at Brydon before he continues.

“From what little I have found out about them; they seem to be preparing to face something big. And now that Lord Boris has betrayed us it seems that our worst fears have been realised. The Shadow has returned.” Brydon said, and a cold silence fell across the room as he uttered the name of the enemy.

“Fuck.” Dmitri said.

“Are you certain of this?” Alan said, although he had no reason to doubt what Brydon said.

“I am certain of it. He has sent out his chief servant, the man known as Rhazien, in human form, no doubt he is looking for the gems. Now I am no friend of The Answer, but I would advise you to take a more discreet approach with them Mr Wolfrick if you insist on bringing them down.” Brydon said, returning to the previous topic.

“I am insistent on them being brought down.” Alan said, this group, now he knew they existed had to be brought into the light to face whatever form of justice they deserved. He was then brought out of his thoughts, as he thought for a moment that he had heard a noise from outside, although when he looked over, he could see nothing. Dmitri however also seemed to be spooked and went for a closer look.

“Then take my advice, bring them down from the inside, be patient and wait. And you will both get the answers that you seek.” Brydon said as Dmitri glances towards the window and walks towards it and Brydon brings out a small flash drive. “You will also need this. It is everything your brother had, it's not a lot, but it's a start.” Brydon finished as Dmitri looked back at the two from the window.

“Er, guys. We have company.”  Dmitri said, Brydon stood up and looks out of the window and see's what looks like a band of about two hundred mercenaries heading towards the town, Brydon turns back to Alan and presses the flash drive into his hand.

“The Iron Company.” Alan said looking at Dmitri for validation on that statement and got it when Dmitri turned around and nodded.

“Take it and go, now. I will hold these bastards off.” Brydon said as the three of them and the two bots leave the house. Brydon charges south towards the attackers, running full out on all fours like a bear, Alan thought to himself. Thinking to himself that he had never inquired as to what Brydon was. There was no time to think about that now as he saw the first building going up in flames and thanking whatever gods there were that they had left the chopper on the north side of the down, rather than the south.


Once inside the chopper Alan turns to Dmitri who wasn’t speaking at all. He looked pale as if he was still haunted by what had been said inside the house.

“Why didn’t you tell us about what happened to you as a kid?” Alan asked.

“Because I hadn’t thought about it for the past decade, I blocked it all out. Until today when Brydon mentioned the name of the group. Well… Let’s just say that hearing the name of the group of people who kidnapped you and kept you locked away from the world for four years, will bring back memories that you had hoped were forgotten.” Dmitri said, looking very green as if he was about to throw up. He then looks at Alan with a dark look behind his eyes. “If you tell anyone about my past Alan, there will be no amount of money or men you can hide behind. If you tell anyone, I will kill you.” Dmitri finished, before returning to stare down at the ground. And Alan knew that he was telling the truth on that matter at least.

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