Chapter 14

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Chapter XIV

The Wolves Den


Alan walks into the board room where the other twelve members of the board are looking at him. Vernon follows a few steps behind Alan.

“Good afternoon, I know I'm not one to come into this room that often and believe me I rather not be here.” Alan said sitting down at the head of the table, Vernon stands right behind him.

“Well then boy, spit it out, why have you come to a place that you so despise.” Geoffrey Randell said, looking around at the other board members a few nods but to Alan’s surprise, the majority don’t. At this comment however Vernon steps forward and looks at Geoffrey with hatred.

“Excuse me, do you know who you’re speaking to?” Vernon said, Geoffrey looks up towards the head of the table as if Vernon had just personally insulted him

“What's it to you, you glorified man servant.” Geoffrey said, a smirk on his face.

“Well, I'm just thinking that if you don't shut it and listen to your boss. I have a mind to give you a free facial restructure, if you take my meaning.” Vernon said, not moving a muscle whilst staring at Geoffrey intently. There is silence in the boardroom as Geoffrey stares back at Vernon with equal hatred before relenting and leaning back in his seat.

“Well, as I said, sir, why are you here then.” Geoffrey said turning his attention back to Alan.

“I have reason to believe that one or more of you... Have been selling weapons to the Bartazer people during the war.” Alan said simply looking to gage the reactions. ‘Bingo.’ He thought as an outcry from the board members erupted. As one of them Ivan Blane, a thin man, spoke up in anger.

“Sir, the is a serious accusation!” Ivan said indignantly. As a second the chief scientist. Dr Declan Henry voiced his own opinions.

“What proof do you have?” Declan said, albeit a lot calmer than Ivan but with a nervous tone to his voice.

“When I was out... out there. I saw my company’s weapons being used to kill this country's soldiers. After I returned, I learned from our good friend Mr Derrick that a sale had been made. However, before I could act on that information he was murdered.” Alan said before getting up from his chair slowly leading heavy on his walking stick and looks around at the shocked boardroom. “So, you all have 24 hours to come to me with either your alibi or a confession. If I have not received either of those from anyone of you. You'll all be fired. Good day.” Alan said as he limped out of the room with Vernon following close behind him. A smug grin on his face.


That night Alan sits talking to Dmitri at the large dining room table when Vernon comes in, holding a sheaf of papers in his hand

“Sir, we've had alibis from nine of the twelve members of the board.” Vernon said looking through the papers before placing them on the desk.

“And the three that haven't responded, who are they?” Alan asked, he had a hunch who one of the three was. Vernon hands Alan three folders. As Dmitri gets up and looks over Alan's shoulder for a better look at his potential three targets.

“Well sir, we have Dr Declan Henry, Mr Issac Griffith and Mr Geoffrey Randall.” Vernon said placing each of their files on the table as he said their names.

“Oh, that nob-head.” Alan said looking at Geoffrey’s file.

“Yes sir.” Vernon said with a grin, he had been hoping for a reason for Alan to fire that man for years now and they finally had proof to do it. Dmitri on the other hand had a completely different idea as he picks up his rifle that was leaning up against the table.

“Well, do you want a clean kill. or do you want more of a scene then.” Dmitri said slinging the weapon over his shoulder. Alan looks at Vernon, then back at Dmitri.

“What. No not just yet. I need more evidence.” Alan said, he didn’t want the man dead, well not just yet anyway. He only wanted to question him.

“Evidence? Why? They aren't going to be punished, are they? Look my way is a lot simpler.” Dmitri said, he had seen Randell when he was on the streets and would have loved to get at him.

“We are not vigilantes.” Alan said. At this Dmitri laughed.

“You're kidding right. These people try and kill you and who knows how many other. And you're just going to let them live?” Dmitri said looking at the two men in front of him.

“Yes.” Alan said simply.

“Why?” Dmitri asked, genuinely interested.

“Because last time I checked, I wasn't judge, jury and executioner.” Alan said almost now losing his temper. “I’m not the Mayor, I don’t have people killed just because people have annoyed me.” Alan finished looking at Dmitri who looks around the room dumfounded, eventually throwing up his hands but also manages to hold his tongue. “We wait for them to make the next move. Knowing these men, they will act rashly and that's how we get them.” Alan finishes. At which point the doorbell rings and Vernon goes to answer it leaving Alan and Dmitri to continue talking. When Vernon comes back into the room, he is followed by Codsworth.

“Pardon my interruptions, but I have dire news from my spies at Boris' fortress that you should hear as I know you’ve been investigating it.” Codsworth said looking at Alan.

“What is it?” Alan asked.

“There have been stranger seismic events coming from that place. Along with strange noises coming from the cave entrance. Also, The Iron Legion have joined him.” Codsworth said, looking grim as Charlie walks into the room.

“What?” Charlie said.

“The Iron Company. They're a mercenary company with a formidable reputation. They give no quarter to anyone they are paid to fight against, military or civilian. They are beasts in human skin. They enjoy the bloodlust so much.” Codsworth explained. Dmitri at this news looked mildly sick.

“Well, that's good. Not only does that lunatic intend to release the apocalypse. He now has a bunch of play mates to do it with.” Dmitri said, he had heard of The Iron Company and their reputation, they had been used during the war until they attacked a non-military target, which had finally forced the Mayor’s hand to remove them from the theatre, since then they had been ravaging the south.

“Docksmouth must be warned. Their lands are the closest to Boris'.” Charlie said urgently, whilst she had not been back there in years it was still her homeland. Codsworth nodded.

“And unfortunately, they are the hardest to defend. No natural boundaries or anything.” Codsworth sighed.

“So, what do you plan to do about this blatant act of aggression.” Alan asked.

“We'll ask Boris to declare his intention. We only have a handful of professional troops manning that boarder. The rest are raw recruits and conscripts.” Codsworth said, it was the best he could do, the Mayor would never go into an offensive war with his old friend.

“Why is it so lightly manned?” Vernon said, he remembered a time when the southern boarder was as well defended as any other and it seemed unusual for them to be neglected like this.

“To put it simply, the war. We needed every professional in the west. And we lost at least thirty percent of our army fighting that pointless war.” Codsworth said bluntly.

“You're telling me.” Dmitri said.

“Against the Iron Legion the men holding the southern boarder won't stand a chance. Boris will be able to reach Docksmouth and the Metropolis before we can even mobilise a force to stop them. And...” Codsworth said.

“And what?” Alan asked. Codsworth did not immediately respond, he thinks things through. He knew what was buried underneath his fortress but couldn’t understand why Boris would ally with such creatures.

“Do you know what’s buried underneath that fortress. The main reason in fact that it was even built.” Codsworth asked.

“Yes.” Alan said. “I’ve been there an inspected it, Boris does seem to be attempting to open it up.” Alan finished and Codsworth was for a moment relieved that he wasn’t the only one to have figured it out.

“If he is looking to ally with what is down there. Then Boris has as good as won.” Codsworth said simply and as bluntly as possible. After dropping this bombshell Codsworth leaves the room and Alan turns to Dmitri and Charlie.

“You two, come with me, now.” Alan said to the two of them in all seriousness. Dmitri and Charlie follow Alan out of the room.


Alan strides through the cave entrance and up onto one of the newly constructed platforms and turns to face Dmitri and Charlie, both of whom look puzzled.

“Why have you brought us down here?” Dmitri asked

“And why is it so important that you can't tell the commander?” Charlie said, she knew that Codsworth knew about their little missions and was confused as to why Alan wanted to keep him in the dark. Alan doesn't speak for a moment; he was thinking through his thoughts.

“Alan?” Dmitri said pressing the subject.

“Because Boris is in way over his head at this moment and more importantly beyond reason.” Alan said

“Wait, so you don't think there will be a war.” Dmitri said looking even more confused than he had done a few moments ago.

“Oh, there will be war, but it won't be Boris leading it.” Alan said.

“Wait, what?” Charlie said feeling as confused as Dmitri looked.

“Which brings me to your next assignment.” Alan said looking up at the two of them.

“The last time we went on one of your assignments we almost got blown up.” Interrupts Charlie looking like she didn’t want to remember the experience at the Mayor’s office.

Alan ignores Charlie and continues.

“I need you to steal something for me from the vault in the imperial museum.” Alan said and Dmitri laughed.

“Sure, Alan do you want a whole country while we’re on the subject of getting impossible things.” Dmitri said before continuing. “That thing is locked up tighter than anything else in the country. It's impossible to break into. You'll need a small army to even break into the vault, and that's before you even factor in getting out.” Dmitri said, he had had experience in breaking into secure facilities before, but they were nothing compared to the vaults at the imperial museum, although museum wasn’t the word, he would have called it, they were more like a fortress where anything even remotely valuable was stored.

What’s in the vault anyway?” Charlie asked, she however knew that if it was locked down in that place it wasn’t going to be anything good.

“This.” Alan said, as he turned the nearest screen so that Dmitri and Charlie can see the picture of a clear gemstone with its only colour being the rays of what looked like liquid gold running through it.

“And what the fuck is that?” Dmitri asked.

“Well, if it’s what I think it is, and I’m pretty sure that I’m right, it’s something that will help us kill those monsters.” Alan said

“Doesn't luck like anything powerful to me. Looks like just a gemstone.” Charlie said

“Well, if you believe the stories, that... erm... gemstone. As you call it. Can conduct enough raw energy to light up a planet.” Alan said.

“Hang on. You have one of those stones and... and...” Dmitri said, trailing away.

“And unfortunately for us, so does Boris.” Alan said finishing off Dmitri’s thought process. “Now we know where the third one is as well.” Alan finished, not that it helps us, he thought to himself.

“Who has the other three?” Charlie said.

“No idea. But my guess is that they will come from the old families.” Alan said shrugging.

“No.” Dmitri said, so simply that it took Alan off guard.

“What?” Alan replied.

“Think about it, yes Boris does come from a very old imperial family, but you don't.” Dmitri said, looking around slightly amazed that he was the one to figure it out.

“Hate to admit it but you're right.” Alan said reluctantly.

“Great so the list of unknown people to track down has just doubled.” Charlie said as she laughed, simply as a way to cope with the enormity of the task ahead of them.

“I'll work on that. Now you both have your assignments; I suggest you start preparing.” Alan said and left the cave. Unbeknownst to them a pair of green eyes watches them from out of the darkness.

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