Chapter 27

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Chapter XXVII



Out at the ruins in the east, Arnold, Charlie, Deryn plus the scientists and soldiers head into the small collection of ruins with their weapons raised. Before a voice enters their heads. None of them could see where the voice originated from, with Charlie looking around the ruins but seeing no-one. The voice belonged to Igradust, the ruler of these ruins

“Who dares enter my domain?” Igradust said, his voice echoing throughout the ruins, Charlie once again looked around but once again saw nothing. But what see did see terrified her just as much. The storm that they had battle through to get here had suddenly died off in an instant. As if whoever was speaking to them had turned off the harsh weather. The whole group freeze up, but no one responds to the voice. Until Arnold speaks into the empty ruins.

“Show yourself.” Arnold said, in a much more commanding voice than Charlie would have used with a someone who was clearly this powerful.

“Who are you to command me?” Igradust said, he seemed insulted that Arnold had spoken to him.

“I am Captain Arnold Buckley of The Imperial Guard.” Arnold said looking imperious as he spoke, but this was clearly not the answer the disembodied voice wanted to hear, as it quickly spoke up.

“You don't fool me Captain. I see through your lies.” Igradust spoke up, his rasping voice made it difficult to hear, but it still left Charlie and the other’s confused. The remaining members of the group stared at Buckley, who seemed unperturbed by the accusation.

“What lies?” Charlie asked but the voice ignored her and continued on its accusations as if no-one had spoken.

“I see you for what you are.” Igradust said.

“What’s this guy talking about?” Charlie asked looking at Arnold who was focused on the voice to hear her. However, something was happening as a small wind starts blowing through the ruins as Igradust and Arnold continue their conversation. Neither seemingly bothered by the wind that had appeared out of nowhere.

“You and your master are not welcome here. Captain.” Igradust spoke.

“Then face me, and we'll see about that.” Arnold said, that seemed to do the trick as the voice spoke up one last time.

“Very well.” The voice of Igradust said and as the wind starts to pick up before a bolt of lightning strikes the centre of the ruins revealing Igradust, he was a bald man of middling height, but with a long black beard that reached all the way to his hips, however despite this he was well over two hundred years old, by this point of time. Igradust steps forward clutching a long staff with a clear gem at the end. Charlie noted it was not unlike the one that Alan had brought back from the auction, only this one had none of the golden rays running through it. The soldiers raise their guns slightly, but Arnold simply stands still looking slightly amused.

“All these theatrics and for what?” Arnold said, despite the situation and his soldiers he not only didn’t raise his gun, but he in fact also holstered it in a display that clearly said that he didn’t need it. “You do not frighten me old man. For I have gone further than anyone along the path to immortality. Further than you could possibly imagine old fool.” Arnold said in a calm tone that gave Charlie pause, she wondered then, what the captain was talking about. But there was no further time to dwell on the matter as Igradust spoke up again.

“You will not get what your master seeks. Now leave.” Igradust spoke, walking a few paces forward, seeming to be reading himself for a fight. Once he was within a few feet of Arnold he slams the butt of his staff into the ground causing everyone but Arnold to fall backwards, crashing into the nearest wall.

“What the hell.” Deryn said looking at Arnold who simply brushed his shoulder, not even bothering to look at what had befallen his comrades, his attention was solely focused on Igradust.

“What was the point of that, old man?” Arnold said, he smiled, and Charlie once again thought she saw his eyes glow red, only this time see didn’t doubt herself.

“Forcing you to reveal yourself. So, you can drop the facade.” Igradust said raising his staff again.

“Fine.” Arnold said, as he spoke his skin began to melt away revealing a hooded figure in long black robes with dark grey iron gauntlets, his black eyes were no more, being replaced by the red balls of fire that Charlie had seen throughout but had thought were just a trick of the light. Arnold Buckley was no more. In his place stood the lord of the ravens Rhazien Thornheart, leader of the five and chief servant to The Shadow.

“So, the great Rhazien, has become nothing but a wild errand boy.” Igradust said, Charlie looked up at him, whilst she saw that this man was not at all weak, she would not have been foolish enough to insult a raven to its face.

“Give up the gem or face my wrath.” Rhazien said, it voices almost cracking, unlike the much deeper voice of Buckley.

“Your master could not pry this weapon from my hands, so what chance do you think you have?” Igradust spoke before taking aim and blasting Charlie, Deryn and the rest out of the ruins leaving only himself and Rhazien behind. Igradust walks down to face Rhazien who merely stands still, his black robes billowing in the strong wind. Before drawing a two-foot-long staff with a green blade at the end out of thin air.


Back outside the ruins Charlie sits up against a rock rubbing her head and looking around seeing the figures of the rest of the crew, looking like they had either been knocked unconscious or killed after being blasted almost a hundred feet away. As Charlie and Deryn get up and look around. A large crack appears in the ground as the sound of noises comes from the inside.

“Gods.” Deryn said looking at the ruins which had begun to crack apart

“What are we going to do?” Charlie said also looking at the ruins, before turning back to Deryn.

“What can we do other than run?” Deryn said, he knew about these creatures, and knew that no matter how powerful that old man was, it was no where near powerful enough. Which meant that if they remained out here any longer, then they would be as good as dead.

“Then that's what we'll do. Call for a chopper Deryn. And hope that the mad old fool can hold out.” Charlie said, whilst she wanted to something, she did realise that Deryn was the most senior member of the group now that Arnold had turned out to be a three-thousand-year-old psychopath.

“Aye.” Deryn said and gets on the radio, that he had on his belt and begins calls for help. “Mayday, Mayday. Calling home base over.” Deryn speaks into the radio. Hoping that there was someone on the other end who had the resources they needed.


Deryn sits against a rock. As Charlie paces around. The five others that had survived stand watching the ruins in which a dark light has started to surround the ruins, what they could all agree was that it was not good as the light was darkening constantly around the ruins by the minute.

“That can't be good.” Charlie said looking back at the ruins.

“No, but there's nothing we can do till help arrives.” Deryn said looking up at Charlie, he had injured himself pretty badly, Charlie had discovered when he tried to sit up, she thought it was a broken hip, but without a lab she couldn’t be sure and she didn’t want to move him, even to the mobile command centre.

“If help arrives.” Jamerson said, looking dejected. Charlie looks at the ruins once more before deciding to do something that she either thought was incredibly brave, or very stupid. Drawing her own gun and running into the darkness.

“Charlie No!” Deryn shouted but Charlie was already at the ruins before she heard him.


Dust swirls around the ruins as Charlie lifts her hand to cover her eyes. She continues to walk until she sees the tall, black figure of Rhazien standing over Igradust, who didn’t look to be moving. Looking down, she draws her gun and fires the five shots into the figure of Rhazien.

The bullets have no impact, other than causing Rhazien to look up from his enemy and to stare at Charlie. The lord of the Raven’s cocks his head at Charlie in a curious way, like a child who had just found a new plaything.

“Oh, my dear, you have so much to learn.” Rhazien said, a note of humour in its voice, as the creature spoke through the dust, it raises his hands up in front of him, causing the dust storm to envelope Charlie. 

The force of the dust hurtling towards her causes Charlie to temporally loose her balance, and also her direction. Looking around at the now almost solid wall of dust that surrounded her, the young scientist fires a few more bullets that are stopped in their tracks by the storm and collapse to the ground. Charlie looks down at the gun, wondering how much ammo she had left and, more importantly, how useful it would be against a now alerted enemy. As she looks back up at a Rhazien. The Raven makes himself visible to her and Charlie aims and fires a few more shots.

Rhazien, with his hands still raised causes her own bullets to turn around and propel right back at Charlie, who jumps behind a nearby pillar. She comes out from behind the pillar and tries to fire her gun before realising that its empty, as her gun only clicks when she pulls the trigger. As Rhazien begins to advance. Charlie begins to back up, however this break in Rhazien’s attack is all Igradust needs to get up and use the last of his energy to blast Rhazien from behind.


The Raven collapses to the ground and lies still, a crumpled heap of black robes that was even more terrifying temporally mobile than it had been during its attacks. Charlie stares down at the crumpled form, wondering how long the creature would remain down for, as Igradust limps over towards her. Causing Charlie to back up against a nearby wall, fearing the elderly man no less than when he had appeared out of thin air previously.

“That was a very foolish idea. But I thank you for it anyway.” Igradust said breathing heavily, despite having been given a brief respite, he was under no illusions about how long it would last. And was therefore determined to make the most of every last moment.

“You’re welcome.” Charlie said, sounding as well as feeling completely out of breath, her foot was also throbbing once again causing her to regret coming back into the ruins.

“We don't have much time. I've only crippled him. I need you to take this.” Igradust said and he holds out the long staff with the clear gem on the end.

“But you'll die without it.” Charlie said, she didn’t know how she knew that, but there was no question in her mind that she was telling the truth. Either he would fall to Rhazien without his only weapon, or the magic that the clear gemstone would stop keeping him alive. But Igradust only shrugged at this news. The accient man having clearly made his peace with that fact.

“Maybe I will. But it isn't safe here anymore.” Igradust said and Charlie takes the staff as Rhazien begins to levitate off the ground. Igradust looks at the now floating Raven before turning back to Charlie. “Go now. I'll be seeing you around.” Igradust finishes before he smiles, and Charlie runs out of the ruins. Whilst Rhazien glides towards Igradust with fury in his red eyes.

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