Chapter 6

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Chapter VI

The Cave.


Alan stands looking over the impressive grounds of Wolfrick manor, the city watch having left that evening with Derrick’s body and assurances that they would return later to continue their investigation. Which posed a serious problem for him, which was walking up to Alan at that moment. Dmitri walked up looking confused with Vernon not far behind.

“Sir, I have brought this layabout as you requested. But may I ask why we are keeping this free lodger?” Vernon said whilst looking at Dmitri.

“Thanks Vernon, and no, not for the moment at least anyway.” Alan said looking at the butler who took that as his leave to go.

“As you say sir.” Vernon said, walking back to manor.

“Can I ask why I’ve been dragged away from my drink, to come and look at your garden?” Dmitri asked looking around.

“Follow me.” Alan said starting to walk towards a nearby cliffside, as Dmitri reluctantly followed. “You do realise your now accused of murder.” Alan said looking around at Dmitri. The news had come that evening from Mayor Osmund’s office that Dmitri was now the main suspect in Derrick’s murder. “Which poses a problem for me, harbouring a fugitive and all that.” Alan said stopping at the edge of a cliff next to manor’s north wing. Dmitri walked up to the cliffside looking up and down it. “So this will be your new home.” Alan said taking out his staff.

“You want me to live on the mountainside, are you trying to get me to freeze to death or…” Dmitri stopped as whilst he was talking Alan had dragged the gem on the top of his staff down along a vertical line on the side of the cliff. Causing a gateway to appear in the cliff-face. Ten meters wide and twenty meters tall. Alan and Dmitri walk through the gateway as it loses behind them.

“This will be your new home. You will have access to everything you need.” Alan said looking around the cave. He had stumbled upon it by accident twenty years ago when he had gone exploring as a boy no older than Jack. And since then he had had no idea what to do with it. Until now at least. The cave was massive, spanning the area of about a mile, with many tunnels leading away from the main cistern, where the two stood looking up at the caves ceiling, forty meters above them. The only thing to have changed was the rough addition of some new platforms that at least levelled the floor a bit.

“And what’s the cache?” Dmitri said looking around. A door opens behind them as Charlie enter s the cave from one of the tunnels that lead back to the interior of the manor.

“You will be working for me, as a sort of half investigator, half hitman style of role.” Alan said.

“So you want me to find and avenge the death of that old sot that was lying dead on the…” Dmitri said before Charlie interrupted.

“Watch yourself thief.” Charlie said looking angrily over at him. “Does he have to be here?” She asked Alan, looking at Dmitri like something she would find underneath her shoe.

“And on that note, I’ll leave you two together.” Alan said, looking at both Charlie and Dmitri. “Just try not to kill each other. It would make a terrible mess for Vernon to clean up.” Alan said leaving the cave out the door that Charlie had enters closing it. Before walking a hundred meters and opening a part of the rocky wall that lead into the manor’s library in the north wing. Where Vernon was waiting for him.

“Sir. Is this a good idea. You have a company full of people who would gladly do this job for you.” Vernon said as Alan closed the wake wall shut behind him.

“Yes but almost everyone in that place has been bought and paid for by the Mayor, or worst, parties unknown. The only person I trusted at that retched company I own was Derrick, and look what happened to him.” Alan said making for the door, as Vernon followed.

“Of course sir. May I ask why you have enlisted Miss Sparrow as well?” Vernon asked, quickly taking a book of one of the shelves as he followed Alan.

“Because I asked her and she agreed to help.” Alan said. “At least until we have found out what why derrick was murdered.” He finished walking up the stairs before Vernon grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn around and look at the butler.

“I take it then sir, that you have an idea about what happened to Mr Jacobs.” Vernon said looking into Alan’s eyes. “May I ask you sir. How many people are going to have to die, before this is over. I mean sir, that Derrick was within a month away from retirement. Before you dragged him into your plans.” Vernon said not flinching one bit as he berated Alan. “I mean to say, you are asking people who don’t know you to risk their lives, just so you can find out the answers.” Vernon finished.

“I know.” Alan said. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t have to Vernon. I still have friends in high places thought, despite the Mayors best efforts. I need the commander here as soon as possible Vernon. If anyone has information on Derrick. It's him.” Alan finished and detaching himself from Vernon’s grip he returned to his room, closing the door behind him.


The following morning Alan sits at the long dining room table, next to him on his left side sits Codsworth.

“Tell me young Wolf, why have you called me to your manor?” Codsworth asks. “I mean it’s very odd. Why not come to my office?”

“Because I do not like the Mayor. But more importantly I don’t trust him.” Alan answered, whilst he didn’t know whether or not to trust Codsworth either. He was sure that the commander was no friend of the Mayor either.

“Well at least you’re not stupid. Very well. The Mayor has been anxious about you, or more specifically the company that you keep. Very anxious indeed.” Codsworth said, keeping his face neutral, not knowing whether to fully trust this businessman or not.

“I see.” Alan said

“And he has his reasons. Everyday more and more fools surround him, filling his head with fear.” Codsworth said taking a sip of his drink putting it down and changing the subject. “So tell me, how is the captain.” He smiles, causing Alan to choke slightly on his own drink.

“What?” Alan asks. Codsworth smiles.

“Come on old comrade. Do you think that I an that stupid. Your butler picked him up.” Codsworth said before seeing the nervous look on Alan’s face. “If I was not on your side I would have told the mayor about him being here a long time ago.” Codsworth continued. “So tell me the whole truth.”

“Alright, yes I agreed to help him.” Alan said.

“I see. Well make good use out of him. And the woman as well come to think of it. Yes. You will need them in this mission of yours.” Codsworth said picking up his glass.

“I intend to. Anyway these fools, what are they telling the Mayor. More importantly who are they?” Alan asked.

“Why do you want to know?” Codsworth replied taking another drink.”

“Because I think that one of them made a major order from my company. A new prototype weapon. Which I saw was shipped to the enemy base at Ironclaw.” Alan said. It was Codsworth’s turn to choke on his drink.

“What? Are you suggesting that there is a traitor in our city.” Codsworth said looking at Alan. He knew that the mayors advisors were about as corrupt as they came but didn’t suspect them of anything more than that. Let alone treason.

“Traitors. But yes.” Alan replied.

“Very well. I will send you a list of everyone in the Mayors ear, but be careful young wolf.” Codsworth said looking around the room, which was empty other than themselves. “You are being watched. Not by the Mayor, well not let anyway. But someone wants this house and its grounds monitored.” Codsworth said getting up and walks out of the room, and back towards his car parked by the manor entrance doors.


Dmitri walks around the small lake inside the cave in the dark thinking to himself how he had gotten to this point. The lights come on taking Dmitri is taken out of his thoughts as he looks up to see Alan limping towards him, the light reflecting of the green gem on his staff.

“Let me guess. I finally have a mission.” Dmitri said, guessing why Alan had come down to visit him.

“You do.” Alan said taking out a picture from his jacket pocket of an old man, with long white hair and beard. “Recognise him?” He asked.

“Nope.” Dmitri said looking at the image.

“His name is Boris Yur.” Alan said handing the picture to Dmitri. “He works for the Mayor.”

“I see. Do you want a clean kill, or more of a scene.” Dmitri said pocketing the photo.

“Not yet. He doesn't live in the city you see. He is way down south in an old ruined fortress.” Alan said.

“I see. Do you have the gear I requested?” Dmitri asked looking at Alan, it had been the first thing he had requested when he took the position Alan had offered.

“Right over here.” Alan replied leading Dmitri over towards the cave wall where a black suit, streaked with white lines running through it lay. “I don’t believe you’ll recognise it. It’s an advanced commando prototype suit for the dessert squad division. Strong enough to stop any form of blade.” Alan said tapping the suit.

“Bullet proof?” Dmitri asked, looking down at the black outfit.

“All caliber weapons. As well as anything but a direct shot from a rocket launcher or grenade thrower.” Alan said.

“And it’s a prototype?” Dmitri asked.

“Yes, but it is one of kind unfortunately.” Alan said.

“Why?” Dmitri asked. Surely the top brass would have loved to get their grubby hands on as many of these suits as possible.

“This is the reason why.” Alan said gesturing at the thin white lines running down the suit. “It's called Ostuaercil. Strongest metal that we know of. Named after the mountain from which it is mined. It cost a small fortune to get hold of.” Alan said running a hand through his hair as he was like to do when he was nervous.

“How the fuck did you get hold of this stuff?” Dmitri asked. He had heard about this material but assumed that no-one had ever managed to make armour out of it before.

“Luckily I still do have some contacts left in the north. Now then I trust you still have your weapon.” Alan said as Dmitri looked at a sniper rifle leaning up against the cave wall where he had taken to sleeping.

“Cause. Living in that slum, you need it.” Dmitri said. It had been hard to convince the butler to go back and get it, but eventually the old man had agreed. “What about transport?” Dmitri asked looking around the cave.

“Follow me.” Alan said as Dmitri picked up the suit and followed Alan who was leading him through one of the passages and into what could only be described as a hanger with a large gap in the rock looking out towards the western horizon where aircraft could take off and land into the cave. But it was what was on the landing pad that impressed Dmitri.

“Now you’re just showing off.” Dmitri said walking up to where a light dropship waited on the landing platform.

“Yeah well, it isn’t going to take you all the way.” Alan said looking nervous for the first time.

“What do you mean?” Dmitri said, his temporary joy slipping away.

“It will take you to the top of the mountains, then you’ll have to abseil down.” Alan said as Charlie came to join them.

“Okay.” Dmitri said, he wasn’t afraid of heights but he had never abseiled before.

“Now is there anything else?” Alan asked clapping his hands together, looking at Charlie.

“Nope.” Charlie said before turning to Dmitri. ‘Good luck in the field, thief. And please return all the equipment in one piece.” Charlie finished and walked off back towards the main section of the cave.

“Well, what are you waiting for, a goodbye kiss. Get a fucking move on. I’m not paying you for nothing.” Alan said slapping Dmitri’s shoulder and walking off.

“Well, I ain’t getting paid.” Dmitri said to himself before getting into the gunship. He walks up to the cockpit and sits down. “Right how hard can this be?” Dmitri said taking control of the controls and taking off.


As Alan returns to the cave proper. Charlie is waiting for him. Leaning up against the rocky wall of the cave.

“Do you really think that this is going to work?” Charlie asked

“Ask me in a few days. Then I’ll answer.” Alan said looking mildly concerned. The two walk over towards a rudimentary table and sit down.

“Why are you so determined to bring down the Mayor. I mean, I know him and his cronies are corrupt and all. But why do you want him gone.” Charlie asked, immediately wondering whether she had gone too far. Alan looks at Charlie closely for a minute, thinking about whether to answer or not.

“I was never supposed to inherit this place. Or the company that comes with the Wolfrick name for that matter.” Alan said pausing, organising his thoughts. “About two years ago, when the Mayor was starting to become more paranoid by the day of what he called undesirables. He arranged for many people he suspected of helping these people to meet with him in the old town hall.” Alan said looking more and more angry as he told the story.

“That old burned down place by the river?” Charlie asked, she had wondered how such a building had managed to burn down considering how close it was to a water source.

“Yes. Well, my brother was rumoured to be helping these people. And so he received his invitation.” Alan smiled as he said the word, but no hint of the smile reached his eyes. “To meet with the Mayor, along with any others who were even remotely suspected of helping undesirables. I think half the government was in that place, both military and civilian, along with a few dozen business leaders, including the Mayor’s right hand man at the time.” Alan said. At this his hands coiled into fists. “My Brother went into that the hall, as a guest, unarmed. He ate with the Mayor along with every other poor sod that day. And the Mayor repaid his guests by murdering them all.” Alan’s fist slammed down upon the table. “Ever since then, I have worked ceaselessly to see that man’s downfall. I intend to see him answer for his crimes that day, along with the lackeys that participated in the event and every other bad decision that has led to the slow destruction of the city.” Alan said his face red with anger at this point.

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