Chapter 10

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Chapter X

Seeking Answers


The Wolfrick Co chopper was waiting for him as Alan walked out of his house, with Vernon a few paces behind.

"Sir is this a good idea." Vernon said as the chopper doors opened up and Alan clambered into it placing his staff next to him.

"Trust me old friend. If there was any other way of getting the proof we need, then I would take it." Alan said smiling. "Don't worry though I'll be back before dark." Alan finished and closed the door, and the chopper took off, lumbering into the air before heading south.


Whilst in the air, his thoughts were no longer on boris the traitor however, they were of the stranger, whilst he had gone through every possible explanation and found all of them wanting for facts. It still struck him as odd that they had targeted his youngest son. There seemed no logic in the attempted abduction, even a weird demented logic that these lunatics possessed. He would however, be making a lot of inquires with The Mayor, as Vernon had reported that the stranger had threatened to go to the fat old fool when he had been refused entry at the gate.

A sudden though came to him however, that maybe it wasn’t Osmund who had sent the kidnapper after all. In fact, the more likely suspect was the person he was going to meet right now. This did nothing to help his temper at the southern lord, but he would resolve to keep his face pleasant, in order to keep up the pretence that he did not suspect the man of committing treason.


As Alan’s helicopter starts making its final decent a few hours later. He could see Boris walks down a long flight of steps into the old courtyard. His red gem glinting in the sunlight cast rays of red light over the large courtyard. The Helicopter touches down and Alan steps out as Boris continues to walk towards him.

“Lord Boris.” Alan said making a small bow at the elderly man, although it painted him to do so, given what Dmitri had told him.

As Boris and Alan walk through the gardens of the fortress talking to each other, Alan couldn’t nudge the feeling that they were being watched, although by what, he didn’t know. But before he could raise the issue with Boris, the lord spoke up on the matter they were previously discussing, regarding the report that Dmitri had given him about the tombs, although he kept Dmitri’s name out of it, stating that his company had detected activity down there instead.

“You are certain of this?” Boris said looking concerned at the news that Alan had just told him.

“Beyond any doubt.” Alan replied, looking equally concerned, although his concern was real, unlike this false friend.

“So, you suspect that someone is trying to open those tombs. I don't see how that is possible. Those tombs are being watched night and day, as they have been for the past 2000 years.” Boris said, trying to reassure Alan of that fact.

“Regretfully I think that we have a traitor in our misted. So, I would like to check on the tombs personally.” Alan said, not entirely showing his hand, but letting Boris know that he suspected something at the very least. But if the elderly lord felt threatened, he didn’t show it. As Boris only nodded in response and proceeded to show Alan down towards the Ravens tomb.

Before they headed down however, they passed a small pile of bodies that were stacked on top of one another.

"What's that about then?" Alan asked pointing at the open grave, remembering what Dmitri had told him about the way the workers that had been sent into the tomb, had come out all burnt and disfigured. And they certainly looked like that now, if it wasn’t for the fact that their half buried corpses hid most of the damages, the full sight would probably have made Alan throw up, as each person seemed to have been almost melted by whatever traps the old imperials had put in place to stop people like Boris from doing exactly what he was trying to do.

"We were attacked." Boris said simply before turning to Alan. "The attacker was not alone; however, he was using robots. Robots that had your company's mark on them." Boris said glowering at Alan, who shrugged at the accusation and responded quickly.

"We were robbed a few months ago, the thieves made off with quite a haul, including some of our prototype AI systems." Alan said simply, it was a lie he had rehearsed all the way down from his home after Dmitri had explained why the bots were not returned. He had expected a call about the BOT’s from Boris a lot sooner, but it seemed that the old fool was getting slower these days.

"Your company seemed to be the target of quite a few robberies over the past few years." Boris said indicating Alan's missing leg, a surge of anger flared up inside Alan at this, it was bad enough that he had to be reminded that it was his own weapons that had mutilated him, let alone by a man who he knew was secretly preparing to go to war with them. "You should really have someone look into your problems. I have a private security force on the way, which you could borrow for a short period to help sort out your problems." Boris said a curt smile on his face, which quickly became a smirk at the look on Alan’s. 

This news was certainly something new, and the thought of this man hiring his own private army was not something that would be good news to anyone. Particularly his unguarded northern and western neighbours.

"Thank you, but no. I prefer to keep this investigation internal." Alan said limping forward and Boris only nodded following on behind as they headed through the large gated archway and down into the tomb.


Boris and Alan walk up to towards the entrance of the tomb and Alan begins investigating it, whilst Boris looks on. After a few moments he notices a small crack in the stonework as well as the smell of some kind of acid, all but confirming Dmitri’s tale. ‘Now comes the tricky part’ Alan thought before turning to the old man standing behind him. “Curious.” Alan said, holding tightly onto his staff, his one weapon that would be of any use in a situation like this, as he spoke he was consciously waiting for the inevitable.

“What is it?” Boris said making to look around and Alan turns round to face him, the green gemstone held directly in front of him.

“It appears that this tomb has been accessed at some point recently, but the intruders were forced to leave and quickly.” Alan said looking around the cave, noticing for the first time a few drops of blood on the ground.

“Impossible, I would have seen them.” Boris stated, taking a few paces forward and mockingly examining the tomb himself, continuing to play the facade that he had been for all this time.

“Yes.” Alan said turning to face his old friend. “So old friend why did you do it?” Alan stated keeping a tight hold on his staff. Despite the fact that he had known about Boris’ betrayal, it still hurt deep down. The elderly man, whilst he had never been on the most friendly terms with, was still someone he had been counting on, albeit unknowingly to keep his oath, and guard against the rising threat from the east. At this Boris smiles, it was a cruel smile that had no warmth in it.

“Come now Alan. You've seen the city, it's a cesspit in need of a good cleansing, and if we bow to them. Well, we could be more powerful than ever. Will you not join me, old friend?” Boris said, his eyes beginning to glow with the excitement of all that power he had been promised for the small price of his service. Alan looks at Boris with a shrewd smile of his own on his face, as he moved both hands so that they were both clutching his staff ready for the inevitable battle. Alan paused for a moment, sighed deeply, and spoke the words that would end their partnership.

“Whilst that is a tempting offer. I'll pass, and settle instead on putting you in the dirt, like the oath-breaker that you are.” Alan said and drew the staff above his head, Boris now furious launches a blast at Alan, that he deflects when he plunges the staff back into the ground, and forcing the blast towards the roof of the cave, causing a huge crack to appear. But Boris, now enraged like a wild animal walked forward keeping his own weapon drawn.

“OATH-BREAKER is it! I'll not stand here and be called a traitor by the likes of you Wolfrick.” Boris said as he sends another blast towards Alan which again is deflected towards the roof off the cave and the crack increases ten fold. However, Boris' third blast strikes home, blasting Alan against the wall.

As Alan crumples to the ground, he heard the sound of bones breaking, knowing that he had sustained serious damage, he stumbles to his feet, feeling his ribs, several of them felt broken, and his arm felt like hell as well. But he was still able to breath, albeit wheezing slightly. Which was a good thing, as the old man continues to advance towards him, not stopping his attack. 

“Call me oath-breaker again, boy, and you’ll see what hap...” Boris never managed to finish his sentence as Alan uses his staff and the last of his energy, brings down the already damaged cave roof between himself and Boris.

He hears the sound of muffled grunts and curses coming from behind the newly created wall, and fearing that his new defence would not hold for long against a man as powerful as Lord Boris, Alan gets up and uses his staff, which had cracked down the middle by the force of the battle, to limp as fast as he can back to the cave entrance, it took a lot longer than he had planned as he kept turning back and bringing more of the ceiling down behind him. As well as the fact that his breathing was becoming more and more painful as his chest moved over the surely broken ribs. But he kept on pushing forward, as he heard the sound of several loud blasts from behind him, and he knew that his wall would not keep Boris at bay for much longer.

Eventually, and after what felt like too long of a time. Alan, his face covered in soot and blood, limps out of the cave entrance and heads for the chopper. A few people call out and start firing their guns, but it was a half hearted attack, and he was able to reach his chopper and climbs in, slamming the door closed and finally sits down, before speaking to the terrified pilot, who had no idea why people were firing their guns at them.

“Get us... the fuck... out of here.” Alan said wheezily, he was finding it difficult to breath and he feared what further damage he had done to his chest in his retreat, but not being any kind of doctor, he was unable to tell exactly what was wrong with himself.

“Right away sir.” The pilot said and began to pull the chopper up into the skies. Just as the first artillery shells came there way. As they clear the walls, the sounds of gunfire continue behind them, but it becomes less and less noticeable as they head westward.

Alan for his part, lies down across the three rear seats as the helicopter flies away, closing his eyes to try and dull the pain. Before passing out cold, losing all consciousness for the next two days.

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