Chapter 23 - Gifts and Payment

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Winter 4995, 27 Ginmoth

Lily managed to get out of the ball through the front door with Perla's help, who was on the Mage team running magical security. The journeyman was a nervous wreck the entire time, and even after, when she helped Lily further by finding her new clothes, a cloak, and a little safehouse with two beds to sleep in. 

"What were you thinking, Lily? What would we have done if you got caught? If got caught?" she raged in the little house, pacing like a caged tiger. 

"I had other ways out," Lily answered with a yawn, "Calm down. It's over now and no harm done."

"Yet!" Perla shouted, then flinched at her own voice, eyeing the closed windows and continuing quieter, "And now you want me to set up a meeting with Sasha? Seriously?"

"You know her then?" Lily asked.

Perla threw her hands in the air but continued whispering, as if she expected people to have their ears pressed to their door or window, "Everyone who has any kind of secret dealings in the capital knows Sasha. Or at least knows of her. There are rumors that she's the true power behind the shadow court-" 

Lily interrupted with a laugh, "Shadow court? Really? Could they come up with a cheesier more cliche name?"

Perla rolled her eyes, and rubbed her forehead, "Just give them a few more years, maybe they'll come up with something worse... Anyway, Sasha is a merchant of information and her currency is secrets. She has a way of making you think she knows everything, and if there's something she doesn't know she can usually find out. I don't think she knows my exact ties, but she knows I'm hiding something big. If she finds out-" Lily scoffed loudly and Perla snapped at her, "They know your ties. If I'm the one to arrange a meeting then that will be like shouting mine to the hunting team itself. Sasha is a Rogue and a spy, but she has a strict code of ethics. That's why people assume it's her that keeps the gangs and thieves here from doing anything truly awful." 

Lily huffed, "And yet the Temple of the Slayer assumes it's their firm hand keeping things in order. Go figure." 

"Just so." Perla said, sitting on her bed, "I don't know how I'm going to introduce you." She looked up at Lily and sighed, her expression softening, "I'll try to think of something. Tomorrow. I'll need to sleep on it." 

Lily shrugged and let herself fall on her bed, lacing her hands behind her head and staring at the ceiling, "Well, let's get some sleep then..."  

But she couldn't sleep. As Perla's breath deepened, Lily continued to stare at the ceiling. Somewhere in this city, possibly only a few blocks away, was Shon. Closing her eyes Lily played through a fantasy of sneaking into his room to continue where they'd left off. It made her smile, but it was a sad one. It was impossible. Well, it wasn't like she couldn't do it, or at least try. But one thing everyone was straining to make painfully clear to her, was that her actions affected more than just herself. As if she didn't already know. 

The dim light of early dawn began to peek through the curtains and Lily gave up trying to sleep. With a yawn, she wrote a note of thanks to Perla and slipped from the house. The woman was right, she really couldn't risk being found out as a spy for the Warlocks. Once they knew she was there it would be that much harder to sneak someone else in. And Lily liked Perla, she didn't want to risk the Journeyman more than she already had.

Lily walked the quiet sleepy streets of the outer city, her illusion necklace hidden by the cloak. She needed to think of another way to find this Rogue woman that Shon trusted. But how... She tapped her lips in thought, going over everything Perla had said about the woman. If all the underground networks knew of her in one form or another then any one of them should work to find her. But that would put them at risk too, and if they had any sense they would sooner turn Lily in for a bounty.

"Quite the conundrum..." She muttered to herself, dodging nimbly out of the way of a gang of children that ran past her from behind. She watched the younglings continue down the road and grinned. Not even a late-night of Solstice celebrations could dull their energy.

She swerved again as two more kids, these in rags, tried to run close enough to pick her pocket. They cursed at their failure and continued without stopping, making her snicker. But her grin turned to a scowl as a yawning guard in purple and gray -an enlisted of Giorgos- shouted at the children. He hadn't yelled at the other, more well-dressed, kids...

As Lily continued her walk past the guard she heard him grumble to his partner, "Damn rats are out in force."

"Trying to pick the scraps off of sleepy drunks no doubt..." the other answered.

And that gave Lily an idea. She turned into a twisting alley, weaving around the outer city slums until she found the same children huddled together over a small fist of only three copers. "Nice," one whisper-shouted to the other, "too bad we missed the bracelet though, old man Gran would'a paid well for that..."

Lily moved quietly to tilt her head down at the two as the other sighed, "Half what it's really worth though..."

"So you guys have a fence? At your age?" she asked. 

The two nearly jumped out of their skin and tried to bolt in different directions. Lily raised her hands, creating small walls of fire on either end of the ally and causing them both to yelp and stop. She slowly brought her hands together, bringing the fires inching closer until they were backed up to her side again, shaking in terror.

Lily knelt and grabbed them both by the necks' of their dirty tunics, pulling them towards her and whispering as her fire died, "How would you two like to earn more than a few coppers?"

The children exchanged nervous looks and swallowed, but they didn't run again when Lily let them go. She reached into the small bag Perla had given her and held up two silver between her fingers. Their tiny eyes went wide and she grinned, using a little sleight of hand Master Velona had taught her to replace the silver with two gold. Their eyes bulged, nearly falling from their heads. "I'm looking for a woman, her name is Sasha and she has a pet dog..."

Lily spent the entire morning handing out gold and silver to every urchin or beggar she passed and was almost out of her limited funds by the time it worked, a few hours past noon.

She was in the open-air market, looking over a selection of wilted-looking fruit, -out of season but shipped in from further south- when another shopper sidled up next to her. "Sure you have enough left for luxuries like fruit, M'lady?" Lily looked over to see a set of deep sapphire eyes smiling at her. The woman continued, "I hear you've been spending heavily looking for the perfect something..." the large dog at her side barked in agreement.

Fingering her necklace to make sure it was still hidden by the cloak, Lily tilted her head and managed a smile. Sasha, finally. Lily was much better at using just the right amount of truth to mislead than she was at getting a secret point across with multilayered conversation, but she tried anyway, "My fiance has assured me that I can find what I'm looking for if I ask someone in the know." 

"Your fiance..." the woman answered, eyeing Lily's hand with its gold and silver ring. 

Lily sighed. It was no use, but she kept at it as best she could, "Some say he's quite cold and close-lipped, but he did say I could find it in the capital." 

The dog let out a little huff and shook its head, as though laughing at Lily's poor attempts, "They say you can find anything in the capital." Sasha said, walking away from the fruit merchant, "What exactly are you looking for?" She grinned disarmingly over her shoulder at Lily. 

The move had allowed Lily to turn her back on the merchant to continue the conversation. Lily was too tired for this. "Oh I don't even know anymore," She lifted her hands to shield a yawn and used the motion to reach back into her cloak, releasing the clasp of her necklace. 

Sasha showed only the slightest hint that it had worked, she nodded. Lily hooked the claps again, returning the illusion, and said, "Maybe you can help?"

"Perhaps," Sasha answered, "why don't I show you around and we can talk?" she gestured down the street with a bow. As Lily started in that direction the woman fell into step beside her, her dog disappearing and reappearing on Lily's other side.

Lily jumped in surprise and nearly ran into the woman who grabbed her shoulders to steady her. Sasha's grip was strong and she didn't flinch at Lily's heat. "Don't mind Blink. He won't bite." She assured Lily in a whisper, letting her go and continuing down the street. 

Lily rushed to keep up and opened her mouth to talk but the dog barked to interrupt and she fell silent. Sasha took her to a modest neighborhood, then slipped into the back allies before kneeling behind a small but well-kept house. She placed her hands on the ground and a set of stairs started to form in the stone and dirt, sinking down one step at a time and leading to an underground door. Sasha went down and brushed some sand off the handle before pushing it open and gesturing for Lily to enter. 

Lily took a deep breath, reminding herself that Shon trusted this woman. He wouldn't have told Lily about her if she was the type to bring Lily in for some kind of reward. And if she was being honest, there was something about the Sorcerer that Lily couldn't help but trust too. Maybe it was just the fact that Shon trusted her, or something in her smile, or that Lily was just too damn tired. No matter what it was, Lily found herself walking down the stairs and past the woman into the hidden basement.

Sasha followed, closing the door behind her and casting them in darkness lit only by a few streaks filtering through the cracks from the wooden floor above them. Lily's eyes adjusted quickly -it being an illusion giving her normal human eyes- but was once more startled as something cold and wet touched her hand. The dog had blinked again, disappearing from the road outside and reappearing in the room to sniff at Lily's fingers.

"Don't be rude, Blink." Sasha admonished it, stomping her foot. Lily heard the stone and earth replace itself over the door, and the dog sat down, wagging its tail and letting its long tongue loll out. Sasha crossed her arms, seeming perfectly comfortable in the darkness, "I don't normally bring people here, but you're about as subtle as your magic, and I did tell Shon I would help if I could. So... how can I help you, Lily Firewyrm?" 

Lily scowled, "You can start by not calling me that, or is that my surname now?"

Sasha grinned that disarming grin again and shrugged, "It could be. There are hundreds of people named Lily in the kingdom, but only one Firewyrm."

"I don't like it." Lily mumbled, looking away, "Only the Warlocks call me that..." 

Sasha sighed, turning for a lantern on a table beside the door. Lily flicked her fingers to light it before the Rogue could reach it. Sasha stopped and blinked down at it, then grinned again, "Thank you. There are a few more if you don't mind." Lily rolled her eyes but lit three more lanterns around the room. Sasha moved for a comfortable-looking couch across from two stuffed chairs and continued as she sat, "Perhaps after the Warlocks are gone, you might grow to like it." 

Blink teleported to lay on the couch beside his human, resting his head in her lap. Sasha waved at one of the seats and Lily's sigh was grateful this time. She removed her cloak and the necklace before falling into it and groaning at the ceiling, wondering who was up there. "Maybe." She concealed.

"Until then," Sasha said, "I'll keep your preferences in mind, Lily. Now, how can I help you?" But then she held up her hand to stop Lily from talking, "I'm sorry. Let me first warn you that I am first and foremost a contact of Oswall, and anything you tell me involving the Warlocks I will tell him. I do not approve of what they're doing to the people of this kingdom. I told Shon I would help you two before you went and joined them. Though I understand you still work primarily for the kingdom."

She did know a lot. But Lily shook her head, "I work for myself. Sometimes I will help the kingdom, and I don't need you to deliver those messages. Anything I have that can help the team I'll give them myself, somehow..." 

Sasha covered her snicker behind her hand and Blink huffed out a doggy laugh beside her, "Like seeking into a royal ball? I must recommend against that method in future." 

"You're not going to tell me it was stupid too are you?" Lily groaned. 

But Sasha just shrugged, "You got away with it. What's life without a little risk?" She grinned, "Was it worth it? How did Os look? Or did you only have eyes for one attendee?"

It was official, Lily definitely liked this woman. She leaned forward in her chair, "Oh it was very worth it. And Oswall looked fabulous, I didn't recognize him at first, but he taught me how to blow smoke rings." 

Sasha covered her snicker and her eyes twinkled, "He can be quite charming when he forgets to be an ass." That made Lily giggle but then Sasha dropped her hand, and with it, her smile, "I have to warn you though, Lily, he will try to bring you in. He follows his Temple's orders as much as Shon does, even if not to the letter. And he doesn't have the ultimatum or history Shon does to protect him."

Damn, what did this woman not know? Though more interesting, to Lily at least, was how Sasha spoke of Oswall. They were more than just contacts and closer than allies. Lily managed a smile, "Thanks. And don't worry, I like him. I won't do anything to put him at too much risk. And I'll go easy on him when we run into each other in future." 

Sasha leaned back, uncrossing and recrossing her legs and crossing her arms to boot. "Don't go too easy on him." she warned, "Though from what I've heard about Yanao you learned that well enough already." Before Lily could reply Sasha rose her hand again to stop her, "But that isn't why you're here. What do you want from me?"

Lily took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I want to send letters to Shon." 

Sasha frowned, "That's very risky. For everyone. If he gets information from an unknown source, they'll investigate, and it'll come back to me. If he doesn't hand over that information and they find out, they'll throw him in the brig, and then it'll come back to me."

Lily opened her mouth to try to assure Sasha but was interrupted by a knocking from the floor above and Sasha shushing her. Dust fell from the ceiling as someone above moved to answer the door. Sasha narrowed her eyes. She stood and moved in complete silence to a knot in the wood ceiling as the person above opened the door and a familiar voice floated down to them, "Madam, Lilian, it's so good to see you again. Is Sasha in?"

Lily stood but didn't move. She wasn't sure she could be as silent as Sasha had been. She worried less when she heard the Rogue woman's whisper, "He should know I wouldn't be here this time of day..."

The woman upstairs, Madam Lilian apparently, answered happily, "Oh young Narvin and Killian! It's been so long. She isn't but please do come in, it's freezing outside."

Lily cocked her head at the ceiling. She had no idea who Narvin or Killian were, but she did know that voice. Oswall. And once he walked in she knew the other man too. Shon...


Shon had followed Tristen back to the manor and found Oswall outside the front door, leaning against the wall and lighting one of his new cigars.

"You told the others?" Tristen asked as he opened the door to the house. 

"Sure did, boss. Tomorrow morning though right?" Os asked. Tristen answered with a nod and Oswall turned to Shon, "Got a moment now?

Shon shook his head but answered, "Give me an hour." 

Oswall shrugged, and waved his cigar, "Sure. It'll give me time to finish this," 

Shon returned to his room but didn't pack for the trip -he could do that after whatever Oswall wanted. He used the requested hour to draw, taking significantly longer than usual and ripping out the pages after. He put them with a brief letter in an unmarked envelope before returning downstairs. 

"Ready?" Os asked, shredding what was left of his cigar butt into leaf litter.

Shon nodded and waved Ryuuko's nip away before it could land, asking, "Do you think we'll see Sasha?" 

"Gods I hope not." Os answered, "That would defeat the purpose of going now." He'd noticed Shon's letter, however, and nodded down at it, "But we can leave that for her. So long as it doesn't give away the plan." 

Shon rolled his eyes, and Ryuuko chittered at him, so he said, "I don't know the plan." 

"Good, the less that do the better. Let's go then," Os put his hands in his pockets and stepped off to lead the way.

He didn't say anything else until they exited the inner city into the outer city, "I'll pay you what the suit is worth, that should make things even."

Shon shook his head, but Oswall had his eyes locked forward so he said, "A few drawings aren't worth-" 

Os spun on Shon and snapped, "Don't you start that too, damn it. I'm not some charity case that needs freebies and I pay my damn debts." 

Shon blinked down at the angry man but nodded. Silently swearing that he would add in what he could to try and even the scales on his own end.

Oswall huffed, reaching into his coat to grab a smoke, and continued to lead the way in silence as he lit it, turning down the back allies and taking such a circuitous route through the maze of a living district that Shon wasn't sure he'd be able to find his way again. Which was probably the Rogue's intent... Oswall took them to a small but well-built and properly maintained home. The flower beds on the roof and hanging from the windows were empty in winter, but Shon could imaging the place looking particularly lovely in the spring and summer.

Was this where Sasha lived? For some reason he'd expected something a bit more... shady... for a Rogue woman who was a contact of Oswall. Then he remembered that Oswall didn't want to run into Sasha. So who lived here?

He found out soon enough when Os rapped his knuckles on the wood and painted a smile across his face as a woman cracked the door to peek out. "Madam Lilian, it's so good to see you again. Is Sasha in?"

The woman beamed, opening the door all the way for them. The resemblance to Sasha was evident, though this woman was older, late-fifties perhaps, and beautiful with the age, "Oh young Narvin and Killian! It's been so long. She isn't but please do come in, it's freezing outside."

Who? Shon thought. It didn't surprise him that anyone might know Oswall by a different name but she certainly shouldn't know Shon at all, let alone by an alias. He started to arch an eyebrow down at Os, but as the woman turned away to let them into the house he stopped mid-expression. Shon had only caught sight of her right side before, but as she turned he saw her left was covered in thick rough scars. Her eye was clouded over, her lovely mouth twisted, and her ear, what was left of it, was partly hidden by her thick hair, the same color as Sasha's. 

"Don't stare," Oswall muttered, dropping his smoke and grinding it out under his heel. Frowning, he continued in a whisper, "She doesn't recognize me... Just play along." He managed a strained grin up at Shon, "Shouldn't be hard, just stay quiet and don't glare too much." 

Shon nodded and followed Oswall into the house. Lillian busied herself at the hearth, poking the fire back to life and babbling happily, "I think I have some cookies if you want any. Young men are always hungry..." She limped on a twisted leg to the kitchen and Oswall took a seat at the table, patting the one beside him for Shon while Ryuuko flew after Lillian to get in her way. Shon could hear her giggle and feel the pat she gave the little dragon as it landed on the cupboard she was opening to look for cookies. 

Oswall watched the door, but whispered low to Shon, explaining, "She's Sasha's mother. Used to be one of the most renowned courtesans in the kingdom. Traveled all over to different capitals throughout the year, following the good weather," He took a moment to huff, grumbling, "Like anyone with the means and good sense should," 

He shot Shon a sideways look and asked, "Can you do it?" He didn't have to explain. He wanted Shon to draw Lilian as a gift for Sasha. 

Shon frowned, looking up to make sure he still had time, and asked, "What happened?" 

Oswall sighed, reaching up to ruffle his hair, purposefully making it even more disheveled, "She fell off a horse. They were escaping that earthquake years ago in Stiudal, that massive bastard that made the new canon? Well, the horse landed on her and they slid down a hill together... They managed to get her to a healer and got her mostly functional but they couldn't do anything about the scars." Shon nodded in understanding and Oswall shook his head, "To add insult to injury she started showing signs of dementia a few years ago. Some days she recognizes me, some she doesn't. On bad days, she doesn't even recognize Sa..." 

Shon cut him off with a hand as Ryuuko signaled Lillian's imminent return. She reappeared with a bowl full of nuts, the promised cookies forgotten, "Eat up. Sasha should be back by nightfall, though if you're still trying to woo her you're wasting your time. Silly girl is head over heels for that new Oswall fellow.

Oswall rubbed the back of his neck, and Shon arched his eyebrow down at the man again. "I wouldn't dream of it Madam Lillian, my heart can only be shattered so many times." The Rogue looked around the room desperately then landed on Shon, and said, "We just wanted to give her a note." he curled his fingers at Shon, and he quickly handed over his letter. 

"Oh? Going to try anyway are you Killian?" she took the letter and laid it out on the table, "I'll give it to her but I'm telling you there is no point. I've never seen her so smitten." 

Ryuuko nipped at Shon and he shot a glare and silent curse at it before he managed to say, "Anything worth having is worth fighting for, Madam." 

Oswall glared at him but Lilian giggled, "Well aren't you just the charmer." her voice dropped to a husky whisper, "Just between you and me, young Oswall could take a leaf or two from your book."

Oswall busied himself by cracking nuts and feeding them to Ryuuko, "Oh?" he whispered. 

Lilian sighed, "She assures me he's really quite kind under all those shadows and smoke stink. But I've seen his type before, he's hiding something, it's only a matter of time before he starts to lock her out too." she sighed again and rested a hand over Oswall's, "Just be kind to her when it happens Narvin, you were always such close friends when you were young." 

Oswall hesitated, looking down at her hand on his, but eventually rested his free hand over it and said, "Of course Madam. Damn anyone who hurts her..." 

She reached up and pat his cheek with her other hand, "Good boy."

"We should go," Oswall said suddenly, standing and pulling his hands back from Lilian, who frowned up at them as Shon joined him, "Thank you, Madam Lilian. Maybe we'll run into her on the way home." Os bowed and started quickly for the door.

Ryuuko flew after him to land on his head but Oswall waved it off. It came back to Shon chittering in annoyance.

"Thank you, Madam," Shon mumbled, bowing to her and following Oswall out.

He found Oswall a few houses down, lighting another smoke, "Well," the Rogue said before Shon could even open his mouth, "Can you do it? A portrait of her? For Sasha?" Shon nodded in answer, looking back to the house with a frown. Oswall shook out his match and continued, "Can you find your own way back, soldier boy? I have some errands to run." 

So he was back to soldier boy... Shon sighed, but continued trying, "I've got a few of my own." 

Oswall didn't ask about Shon's errands, starting off down the road and waving over his shoulder, "See you later then." he turned sharply around a corner, and like a living shadow was gone. 

Shon sighed, looking over at Ryuuko who whistled sadly and sent him an image of Madam Lilian's smiling face, both sides. Shon adjusted the image in his mind and the little dragon whistled. "I got it, Ryuuko," Shon assured it, patting its side. Then he started back for the inner city using the gate in the distance as a landmark to get him through the maze. 

He only had tonight to start the process for his other task and could only hope that Sasha would agree to help. 


Lily stood in silent longing as she stared up at the ceiling and the footsteps she knew were Shon's. Her heart ached at the sound of his voice, muffled but still comprehensible through the floor. 

Sasha didn't move either, though Blink teleported to her side to lick her hand as Oswall told her mother's story. When the two men left and the door closed again, Sasha sighed, burning her face in her hands, "What are you up to Os? Why bring Shon here? Why bring anyone here?" 

"Shon won't hurt her." Lily whispered, "He protects people. Hengist..."

But Sasha shook her head and managed a strained grin to interrupt her, "I know. But I also know Os, and he doesn't trust anyone." she sighed, grumbling as she returned to the couch, "Even when he should."

Sasha fell back onto the couch to stare at the ceiling and sighed again, "We might be over that way, but he'd never do anything to put momma at risk. I'm not worried about established criminals, they know better than to mess with us. But the wannabe up and comers? Those idiots will attack any weakness they can find-" 

"You're mom isn't a weakness." Lily interrupted her. Sasha looked up, her brow furrowed in question. Lily shook her head and sat back down, "Only true idiots think that treasures are weaknesses." she said.

"Treasures?" Sasha asked.

Lily shrugged, "Some people have money, or jewels, or books, but nearly everyone has something they treasure even more. The people that they care about. Only dumbasses would see that as a weakness, because those are the people that give us strength just by existing." 

Sasha laughed, throwing her head back again and laughing loud enough that upstairs Lillian paused, and actually shouted, "Baby Girl? Are you down there?" 

"Yeah, momma, I've got a friend over," Sasha shouted back.

"Not that Oswall boy I hope," Lilian answered through the floor, "I don't want you bringing boys home at your age!"

Sasha rolled her eyes at the ceiling like a teenager, making Lily giggle, "No mamma, a girl friend." then quietly to Lily, "I met Os at seventeen, but had my first boyfriend at sixteen." she held her finger to her lips as though that was meant to be a secret and Lily giggled again. 

Lilian continued from above, "Well, send Blink up here. Young Killian left a letter for you."

"Killian?" Lily mouthed to Sasha.

"An old friend from Stiudal, I haven't seen him since I was fourteen." She explained while Blink vanished then reappeared with a damp envelope clamped in his jaws. She took the letter and pat the dog on the head as she opened it with one hand. Lily had to resist getting up to read over her shoulder. It was from Shon... Sasha's eyebrows went up and she changed pages, then she laughed and returned the letter to the envelope. "Well, that should be a fun project." 

"What is it?" Lily asked, despite knowing it was none of her business. 

Sasha shook her head, "Just a sewing commission. Much easier than what you're asking for." she returned to the topic at hand. 

Lily took another deep breath and tried her best to explain, even more desperately now that she'd had to hide while Shon was so close, "It's just personal letters. I won't put anything about the Warlocks in them. If I did Shon would definitely tell, and I want to give that information to them directly, so they know I'll help when the Warlocks need to be stopped. They aren't all bad, and I'm only working with them because they really are trying to save the world. But I need to talk to him. We used to exchange letters all the time. For years that's the only way we spoke. If I could just do that again then-" Sasha rose her hand again and Lily cut off.

The Rogue studied her, and Lily tried her best to plead with her eyes. Finally, Sasha smiled, "Alright. I can do that at least, but we'll still have to be careful. One a month, and you shouldn't come back here. Give me the closest town to one of these 'not all bad' Warlock groups and I'll give you a contact that can get a letter to me. Though it'll cost you. Double what the Mage's charge sadly, for each delivery and pick up." 

Lily was too relieved to scoff at the increased cost. She understood the risk not only Sasha, but her contacts, were taking in dealing with anyone Warlock related. Doubly so since she was creating a paper trail in written correspondence. She jumped from her seat and lunged to wrap the woman in a tight hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much. No money could possibly pay... " she sniffed, trying to stifle the happy tears. 

Lily had just remembered to pull away when Sasha wrapped her in a return hug and whispered, "I'm only sorry I can't do more, Lily. If you really want to pay me back then I have an assignment," She pushed Lily away to hold at arm's length, "I don't know why I trust him, or you, as much as I do. He's cold in more than just touch you know. It kind of scares me to be honest. But I feel like I know him somehow. Like we're connected in some way. If you can figure out why that is, I'll consider that payment." 

Lily cocked her head in question and Sasha laughed again, "Has anyone ever told you that you look like a cat when you do that?" 

Lily rolled her slitted eyes, "Just everyone." Then she giggled. It didn't matter that Sasha had given her an impossible task as a way to wave off accepting any extra payment. All that mattered was that Lily could talk to Shon again. Even if it was only in letters. It had served them well for years, it would be enough for now.


Shon didn't make it back to the manor until well after nightfall.

He'd spent hours at the Mages Guild. First, he'd had to explain, not only to the attending journeyman running the Guild shop but also to his superior after she was summoned, what he wanted. For some reason neither believed that he understood what he was asking for. Only after he'd drawn up the plans for them did they give him the estimated price of the project. Then he'd had to assure them, repeatedly, that he could pay the exorbitant cost. Finally, they'd insisted on sending a messenger to the Bank of Saint Tzibus with his signature, to make sure he already had at least half the cost in savings. Once the apprentice returned with another note explaining that, though the Bank couldn't divulge Shon's exact savings, his signature allowed them to at least assure the Guild that he was more than capable of paying.

That was when things really got crazy. Shon was taken to a separate room, far too small for the entire gaggle of crafters and their journeymen going over the plans again and again. By then Shon had already had his fill of social interactions to last him an entire month. He was on the verge of giving up just to get away from all the people, when Tuth showed up, Ryuuko on his shoulder after the little dragon had gone to him for help. 

Though one of the youngest in the crowd, Tuth's confidence managed to command enough of a presence that he acted as a sufficient buffer to keep Shon from walking out on the idea. Tuth knew at a glance what Shon wanted and why, and took over explaining and altering the other Mage's adjustments, allowing Shon to slink back into the corner to cross his arms and glare in silent frustration at all of them. It was a simple project, there was no reason for all this fuss. It'll be worth it... he had to recite to himself again and again. 

Once they'd finally determined that it could be done, they let Tuth explain to Shon that it would take almost a year to charge all the required components. Unless Shon himself wanted to offer his pure Sorcerer magic to the effort... 

By the time he got back to the manor, Shon was exhausted in every conceivable way. Physically he was still recovering from drinking an entire bottle of cinnamon-flavored vodka by himself. Energetically he hadn't been so drained since he'd charged stones to make his sealing item. And mentally he didn't want to see another human for at least a week. 

So of course, when he reached the first step up to his room, Ebonwing called to him from the library door, "Hey Shon! You seen Os?" 

Shon turned bleary eyes to the Druid, his sword nearly black over his shoulder. The blasted woman laughed, "Cathbad's antlers, Shon. You look like you've been run over by a herd of wildebeests!" which in turn called the others in the library to crowd around the door to ogle him. 

Ranito let out a little huffing laugh and added to Ebonwing's observation, "You look drained dry, Sorcerer." 

Alena gasped at the sight of him and Shon ran a tired hand over his hair, wondering exactly how bad he looked to make her so worried. 

Tall Tristen arched his neck over all their heads and asked, "Have you been training your magic, Shon?" 

"No..." Shon mumbled, shaking his head and adding, "and I haven't seen Oswall since this afternoon." 

Alena came into the atrium and right up to him, stopping when he backed up a step and asking, "Are you feeling alright? Do you need healing?"

"No," Shon answered again. 

"I took care of the headache this afternoon, Alena," Tristen explained.

Her face fell and she whispered a quiet, "Oh..." in a tone that Shon could only describe as disappointed, though he had no idea why. Alena looked down at her hands and fiddled with her fingers, her cheeks turning pink. 

Ryuuko hissed quietly in Shon's ear and he brushed it off his shoulder just to have it slink over his back to the other side. It wasn't like he'd asked Tristen to heal him.

Though Shon had already decided he would never drink that much again, he whispered, "You'll be the first I ask next time." and Alena beamed at him. 

Behind her, the others were talking about Oswall. "He usually stays here the night before a mission..." Tristen said. 

Ebonwing waved a dismissive hand, "He'll be fine. Unless you want to canvas every brothel in the city." 

Ranito shrugged and turned back for the library but added, "He comes home most nights, just well after you all are asleep." 

"And how do you know that? Are you keeping tabs on us, old man?" Ebonwing asked. 

Ranito waved over his shoulder, "I've run into him on the way to the bathroom a few times. It doesn't help that he sneaks in like he plans to rob us blind." 

Tristen pinched the bridge of his nose but said, "What we do on our own time is our own business. I'll brief you all on the mission tomorrow then."

Shon took that as permission to leave and started up the stairs again, but Alena called after him, "We were playing cards, Shon, do you want-" 

"No," Shon said, a bit more sharply than he intended and without stopping. Ryuuko nipped his ear so he picked it up and dropped it over the railing, but called back, "Next time..." 

Once in his room, Shon resisted collapsing onto his bed only long enough to take his sword off. He'd never socialized so much in his entire life. A few stolen moments with Lily weren't nearly enough to prepare him for so much human interaction. Between the night of drinking, lunch with the monarchs, meeting Sasha's mother, and the damn Mages, he didn't want to see another person for the rest of his life. "I hate humans..." he grumbled. And, for the second night in a row, Shon fell asleep in his clothes. 

And woke up in Hamerfoss...

"No..." Shon groaned into his hands, "Please... not tonight, not now." He practically whined. 

The man chuckled from beside the bed, and Shon spread his fingers to see Him sitting in his chair petting Ryuuko, who was stretched out on the desk and purring. "It's not so bad is it?" the man asked. Shon glared at Him and He chuckled again, "Even as solitary as you are, you need companions to keep you grounded. To remind you why you fight."

"I fight because I'm ordered to." Shon growled at Him, "What do you want?" 

But He didn't answer, He never did. The man sighed and Shon had to squeeze his eyes shut as his head started to pound. "You need to let them in..." the man's voice whispered directly into his mind, "You can't do this on your own. Your siblings will help, but no man is an island..." 

"I have Lily..." Shon tried to argue, pushing futilely against the man in his mind.

He continued to whisper, "She is but the gateway... You're not alone, my son, you just have to look around you and see..." 

"I'm not your son." Shon forced his eyes open. He was still in his dorm in Hamerfoss, but the room seemed like a long tunnel, stretched out and black on the edges.

The man was still right beside him, leaning over him now, Ryuuko on His shoulder, "We shall see." He said, then rested His hand on Shon's chest. 

At once Shon was full to bursting with warmth, energy, love, and life. "If you're closed to everyone I can't get in..."

Shon woke up gasping. And empty. He curled into a tight ball -his heart exhausted and aching now too- and prayed to Hengist, or any god that would listen, for a dreamless sleep.

I can't market myself, so everything is free. But I do take donations! Help a writer, starving for coffee and tobacco, channel their inner Oswall to get shit done!

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