Chapter 13 - Comunication

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Spring 4995, 16 Buromoth

Lily had felt pain like this before. A few times in fact. It wasn't even close to the worst pounding headache she'd ever woken up with.

But it still hurt.

She scrunched her eyes while keeping them closed in an attempt to open them as slowly as possible. But that just sent a sharp stabbing pain through her skull to accompany the dull pounding ache. She whined.

What had she done this time to deserve such pain? Oh... Lily remembered and opened her eyes without complaint. Accepting the pain of the dimly lit room and staring at a ceiling painted with stars. Shaloon was dead. The last Warlock from her childhood was gone. Finally... Lily thought and closed her eyes again with a sigh. 

"You're awake. Miss Rose will be glad." the strange man's voice made Lily flinch, and she opened one eye to squint at him. 

"Rose?" She asked. The man smiled warmly down at her. His robe was embroidered with silver stars throughout and three moons across the chest, two crescents abutting a full moon. "You're not a Warlock." She stated. They all refused to use their names, "A priest of Lune? Where am I?" She sat up, reaching for her head and covering her eyes with her palm. 

A large calloused hand rested above hers, then stroked back to her hair. A tingling flowed into her head, and he answered, "Yes, and you're still in the Central Talon."

The Cleric's spell eased her pain, and Lily dropped her hand to look around the room more closely. It was an infirmary. Her bed was blocked by dark curtains on two sides, the stone walls painted a midnight blue, matching the ceiling with its smattering of silver stars. A small altar to Lune, the god of the moon and secrets, sat on a shelf in the corner. 

This was the Central Talon? "You work with the Warlocks?" Lily asked.

"I do." The Cleric of Lune nodded. "I have not bound myself to their master, as I have a master of my own," He smiled, "But I assist in my own way. Healing their wounds and assessing their madness to keep those nonfunctional off the field." He turned his back on her and moved to pull back the curtains, continuing, "Fear not, Miss Lily. Everything said and done here is confidential. Protected by my vow to the lady of secrets."

Lily tilted her head in confusion at the Cleric's back, then smiled as Rose was revealed beyond the fabric. "You stupid, stubborn, fool." Rose hissed at Lily, wiping the smile from her face, "How did you ever manage to live this long?"

Lily started to growl, but Rose continued unthreatened, "Don't you dare start. I have every right to state the facts. You are an idiot. You killed an Archmage in front of everyone. And if that wasn't enough, you just told them you were going to give their information away and let the kingdom take them if they broke the law in any way other than being a Warlock!" Her voice grew louder with each word until she was shouting.

"It's the truth!" Lily shouted back. And why should she lie? Lily didn't lie. It was a waste of time and energy, "The kingdom has better resources. If they just shared-"

But Rose snapped her fingers, interrupting Lily and making her flinch, "That's why you're a fool! They'll never tell us where they're holding the others now. They know you can't be trusted because you went and announced it!"  Rose's breathing was heavy, but she calmed it. Looking down at her fingers, she clenched her hand into a fist. More calmly, she continued, "I don't blame you for killing Shaloon, and I don't think the others even care about that. But how have you never learned to hold your damn tongue? With some subtlety and tact, we could have made them trust us. They would have given us anything we asked for."

Lily couldn't meet Rose's slit eyes, the only pair she'd ever seen like her own. Being blunt and honest had always served Lily well before. She didn't have the patience for secrets and subterfuge. She liked to make sure everyone was on the same page in communication. And she had been so angry. At Shaloon and the Warlocks that continued to accept her. And frustrated. With the leaders and the entire situation in general... But even she could see that Rose was right. 

Yet, Lily still couldn't bring herself to apologize. She clenched her bedsheets and turned to the Cleric instead, "I need some paper and a pencil." 

"What are you going to do?" Rose asked while the Cleric just nodded and went to his desk. 

"I need to write a letter," Lily answered honestly. Because she was always honest, damn it! It was part of who she was.

Rose scoffed, "To who? And how do you expect to send it? You can't possibly be this stupid! The kingdom knows you! They're probably watching everyone who ever knew you. They will intercept it!" She stopped as Lily took the paper and a pen without answering and whispered, "Unless that's what you want..." 

Lily tapped the blank page for a moment before meeting Rose's eyes, "Do you want me to answer? Or should I start practicing lies and secrets?" 

"Don't be cute with me, Lily," Rose snarled, "I'm on your side, remember? They are not. No one else is." 

"Shon is..." Lily responded, putting pen to paper and sighing, "I know they'll read this. Even if they don't, Shon will tell them, and that's fine. I won't write anything that'll give away our location. But I need to tell him what's happened and what I plan on doing. Because we can't do this by ourselves."

Rose was silent, and Lily looked up to see Rose looking slack-jawed down at her. Seeing Lily's eyes, Rose turned her face away and crossed her arms stubbornly, "We've been working alone for-"

"Thousands of years." Lily interrupted, "And what have they done in that time? I understand why they can't work with the kingdom, but we can. To an extent." 

Rose sat down at the foot of Lily’s bed with a sigh, “You really think he will help bring the dragons back? That they will help?” 

Lily shrugged, “They’ll want to save the kingdom at the very least. Maybe that will convince them. Maybe they'll find another way. But if the threat really is as imminent as you think, then we should be looking everywhere and anywhere for help.” And Lily really didn't have anything better to do, considering the kingdom wanted to bring her in. It was either help the Warlocks or live alone in the wilderness and wait for this to pass. 

Lily wasn't good at waiting. 

Rose sighed again, crossing her arms and bringing one hand up to rub her head as if she had a headache half as bad as Lily’s had been. Finally, she said, “Fine. But how are you going to send it?”

The Cleric cleared his throat, “I can see it to your recipient. Just this once, mind you.” 

Lily grinned, feeling almost like herself, “Like that.” she answered Rose, then started writing. She hated using a pen, preferring a pencil and rubber so she could make corrections, but oh well.

“But why?” Rose asked the Cleric over Lily’s bowed head.

“For the same reason I help the Warlocks, my dear,” he answered, “Because the world does need saving. And Lune, and all the old gods, I suspect, wish Yoryuu and Inryuu, restored. And with them, balance.” 

Lily humphed at that. The dragon gods were dead. If the gods wanted them alive, they should've helped them when their species was being hunted to extinction out of spite. Then again, who, even gods, would ever have suspected humans capable of killing a divine universal force? Who would ever expect that humans could fix that damage? She clenched her pen a little too tightly. She had to at least try. 

If the Warlocks were wrong, then the worst-case scenario was that she had wasted some time while staying out of kingdom hands. But if they were right... 

Master Velona had finally been reunited with Veon-Zih. Yua had forgiven her lover and gone to find her. Tuth was just beginning his real studies. Shon was starting to smile again... And she'd only just found true happiness. With someone who loved her for who she was and not despite what she was. Lily wasn't about to let that go without a fight. 


Spring 4995, 18 Buromoth 

Outside the mansion doors, Shon braced himself. He'd been awed all over again at the size of the gates and grounds and had needed to remind himself that he lived here now.

Assuming the team would still have him.

Masters Veon-Zih and Velona assured him that they would. That Tristen himself told the Monks that Shon could take his time and come back when he was ready. They would be waiting for him... 

Ryuuko lept from his shoulder to the door, hanging onto the knob and scratching at the wood. Shon nearly knocked before remembering, again, that he lived here... He hadn't lived anywhere since Hamerfoss. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door. 

A part of him half expected the team to be waiting for him in the atrium. As stupid as that was. The grand entryway was filled with early morning light from the skylights above and empty of his team members. Shon let out his held breath. He was just closing the door, considering his foolishness while also admitting a bit of disappointment that they weren't there -at least that way he wouldn't have to go looking for them- when Ebonwing came out of the kitchen.

"Hey!" She exclaimed. Shon jumped at the sound and turned to face the Druid, imagining her scowl. Or worse, her continued pity. He found her grinning at him. Then she turned back to the open kitchen door and shouted in, "Shon's back!"

Oswall's disembodied voice called from beyond, "Thank the gods! He can cook tomorrow!" 

Ryuuko trilled and flew past Shon to circle a laughing Ebonwing, then disappeared into the kitchen. Shon followed more slowly.

As he approached, he heard Ranito clearly huff, "My breakfasts aren't that bad!"

"You cheat," Ebonwing countered, "It takes all the flavor out when you conjure food." She stepped aside, giving Shon a full view of the informal dining area. Ranito stood at the head of the table, gathering empty plates, Oswall was leaning on the back legs of his chair, his boots resting on the corner of the table, and Alena was moving over to push his feet off.

The young Cleric smiled warmly at Shon and said, "Welcome home." While Oswall moved his feet to rest on an empty chair instead. 

Ranito nodded without looking up and added, "Yes, yes, welcome back. Now we can continue our research more efficiently." 

Shon arched an eyebrow in question, and Oswall waved a dismissive hand. "We've been combing the records for any suspicious activity and 'abandoned'.." he made air quotes, "...towers. I'm in charge of all Horsa's provinces, and you'll have all the Hengist ones. Eb and Al are helping us, and the old man is focusing on Guild-specific stuff." 

Shon switched his arched eyebrow to the other side, looking around the room pointedly, then asking, "Tristen?" 

"Tris mostly helps Ranito," Ebonwing answered. 

"I think he was asking where he is," Alena said, a blush rising in her cheeks.

Shon shrugged. He was wondering about both. 

"I see that hasn't changed..." Oswall muttered. 

Before anyone could answer the second part of Shon's question, Tristen himself cleared his throat from the entryway, loudly, as he was clear on the other side, "Master Sergeant..." 

At the sound of his rank, Shon snapped to attention and made a sharp about-face to salute the Paladin. Ebonwing jumped at the quick moves, and Ryuuko whistled, abandoning the scraps of breakfast it had been munching on to fly to Shon's shoulder and whistle a greeting. 

Tristen stood with his hands behind his back by the office door and sighed. He waved a hand at Shon, "At ease." then he managed a slight grin, "and welcome home... Shon."

"Sir," Shon said gratefully, dropping the salute and relaxing a fraction. 

He stiffened again, however, as Tristen's smile faded, and he said, "I need a private word with you, Master Sergeant." he stepped to the side of the door and gestured into the office. His resumed use of Shon's rank hadn't been a slip, so Shon marched without question across the atrium. 

"Tristen!" Alena called from behind. And though Shon didn't turn to look at her, Ryuuko did, sending him an image of the Cleric, hands on hips, glaring across the way at the Paladin, "He just got back! You could at least let him see his room." 

"Yeah, Tris," Ebonwing chimed in, then to Shon, she said, "Your furniture came in. We set it up for you." 

At the office door, Shon turned back to the team. Oswall had appeared beside Alena and was busy rolling a smoke but said, "If you don't like it, you can move them yourself. That shit's heavy." 

But Tristen wouldn't be dissuaded. He shook his head, "That can wait. This can't." He gestured for the office again, "Master Sergeant..." 

Shon nodded to his commanding officer in understanding, then the others in thanks, and entered the office. Situated at the front of the manor, it had a massive window looking out into the front garden and the road beyond the gates. In front of the window was a large ornate desk facing the rest of the room with two chairs before it. The rest of the room held five smaller desks facing each other. Each desk had piles of files, some more neatly stacked than others. As Tristen closed the door, Shon took a moment to thumb through one of the files. Records of reported incidences in Halakon, a Hengist Provence. 

"Please have a seat, Master Sergeant," Tristen said, gesturing towards the chairs before the large desk. He flipped a switch beside the door and a strange buzzing filled Shon's ears and made Ryuuko hiss before the sound settled into the background. An anti-spying device that would prevent anyone from listening at the door. 

Shon arched an eyebrow at Tristen as he followed the order to sit, wishing he could stand. 

Tristen shook his head but didn't explain the precaution. Instead, he approached the front of the desk to stand before Shon and said seriously, "I wanted to start off by apologizing for my actions..." He turned enough to retrieve an envelope and handed it to Shon, "... but then this came for you this morning."

The seal was broken and held a familiar image of a lily imprinted in the wax. Shon turned the open envelope over to see the writing on the front in a scrawl he recognized as well as his own, 'To Shon. Please deliver to the Warlock hunting team. If you don't know where they are, ask the Hengist Temple because I don't know either.

From Shon's shoulder, Ryuuko started to chitter angrily, but he reached up to clamp the little dragon's mouth closed. Over him, Tristen said, "It was delivered by an acolyte of the Church of Lune who said it was given to them by a street urchin who was paid a silver to deliver it," -A fortune for an urchin- "I've already sent the city guard to find this child..." Shon looked up to arch an eyebrow at the Paladin, and Tristen held up a staying hand, "We won't bring them in or take their payment. We merely wish to know who gave them the letter."

Shon looked back down and removed the letter's contents as Tristen continued, "You understand why I had to read it?" 

Shon clenched his jaw but nodded, still feeling violated. Of course, they would be watching his correspondence for anything from Lily. Probably in general, considering his ultimatum. Though she'd made it painfully easy for them with her stamp. She wasn't even trying to hide it. That was made even more apparent as he started to read...

'Shon, (and whoever from the kingdom is also reading this)

I'm going to write as if this ISN'T going to be read by anyone else because it isn't MEANT for anyone else. But that being said, I know it's going to be intercepted, so I'll start out by saying something two things to whoever letter spy has gotten this first...

1. You're really quite stupid. Anything I tell Shon that might be of use to you, he would tell you anyway. How does it feel to know you've wasted your time so thoroughly while also invading a loyal man's privacy?

2. If I find out he didn't get this letter when you're done with it, there will be hell to pay, then the Warlocks will be the least of your concerns. 

Now on to business.

I've infiltrated the Warlocks. I found (See? If the kingdom had just agreed to let me help from the beginning, they would already be halfway done with this stupid mission, and we could all go on living our lives. But NOOOOO, they had to be stupid.) I found the water dragon, her name is Rose. I let her use your drawings to pick it. I hope you don't mind. She has bronze hair and black scales like mine. Though her stripes are different. She's symmetrical! She's been working with the Warlocks, but she isn't one. They practically worship her at her tower, well... one of them literally worships her, but she's quite mad, so oh well. I'm not going to tell you where they are. They aren't hurting anyone. Their experiments are all on animals. They're trying to split something that's a mix like us into two separate beings. No luck yet, though.

They really do think the world is in danger. And I can't help but believe them... Their pact is with Ryuugen. Apparently You probably don't know who he is... He's the progenitor of the dragon gods and the manifestation of creation and destruction. Apparently, he's pretty pissed at humanity for killing off all his kids, particularly Yoryuu and Inryuu. He gave the Warlocks the chance, as humans, to fix the mistake, but he's getting impatient and has threatened to destroy and recreate the world again from scratch.

I know what you're probably thinking... Warlock's are mad. Right? Well, yes, but IF they're right, it means the end of the world, and if they're not, then it just means we wasted some time trying to save it from nothing. Considering I've FINALLY found you, I would rather play on the side of caution until I have some more solid evidence that there isn't a threat. But considering where the threat is coming from, I'm leaning towards believing them. I just hope the kingdom can get their head out of their ass long enough to figure something out while staying sane.

I killed Shaloon...

I met the leaders of the Warlocks, and they STILL had her with them. I fixed that particular problem. Though it knocked me out for a day, and now Rose says I messed everything up. I told them I would help them with their work but that I wouldn't help them hurt anyone and that I would let you lot have them if they did do anything against the law, apart from existing as Warlocks, of course. (Really, it's their soul. Why shouldn't they be able to sell it? You lot sell yours to the gods. And most of them are only as mad as an old person with dementia anyway.)

Anyway, now they don't trust me as much as they might have... But we still have a deal. I'll do some work for them, just like I did as an adventurer, and give samples on occasion, just like I did for the Guild, and in payment, they'll give me information. I'm not sure how I'll get that information to you lot without getting taken in, but I'll figure it out somehow.

Before you ask, I can't tell you where their headquarters are. I was taken there by Warlock gate, and I have no idea where it is. There weren't even any windows for me to give hints as to the province or landscape. Apparently, that was on purpose. They have been working undercover for millennia after all and might be a bit paranoid. I CAN say that there are two leaders, who aren't exactly human, and that they operate like an even more disjointed version of the Mages Guild. Each group, they call them Talons, does their own research on their own topics and sends only the clearest results to the Central Talon to share with everyone.

Now that business is done...'

The letter moved on to the second page, and Shon paused to close his eyes and breathe. Lily had infiltrated the Warlocks. Had even gone to their headquarters and faced the leaders. She'd killed Shaloon... All by herself.

Meanwhile, he'd had an emotional breakdown just by returning to Clearhelm. Even before Smilnda. And hadn't gone anywhere near Hamerfoss.

You're so much stronger than I am, Lily... He thought, and Ryuuko whistled low and quiet.

Shon moved on to the second page...

'I miss you... So very, very much, my love. I had just found you and now... Well, that's why we're working so hard, isn't it? I feel so... it's hard to explain. Like I can't stop moving, but like I'm not going anywhere. I can't calm down. It's like I'm flitting this way and that with no direction. Like I have too much energy, and nothing I do really uses it like it should. With you, I felt calm, like I could just be still. That it was okay to just breathe and BE without having to DO all the time.

Though I did finally find the appeal of running. So that's something...

It hasn't even been that long. We've been apart way longer than this before. An entire year while I was in Tarorn, and FIVE before I found you again. But this is different. And I don't think it's just because I don't have Master Velona this time or that the kingdom wants to lock me up again...

I still have your ring and our promise. This is just a roadblock, right? We'll be together again, right? We'll be able to travel together and see the world. I want you to show me all the things you wrote to me about in the past, and I'll show you everything I saw so you can draw them! Won't that be wonderful? Soon... I keep telling myself it'll be soon, but first, we have to do this.

I hope your team is a good one and that you're socializing with them at least a little. I know that if you let them know you, they'll love you at least half as much as I do. Are there any girls on your team? It's okay if there are. I won't even mind if you fall for one of them. Just tell me, okay? As long as you're happy.

In the end, that's what all this is about... for me at least. I want the people I love, you and Master Velona, Yua and Tuth, even all my merchant friends and my Squires, to be happy. If the world is destroyed, you'll all go with it... and that is NOT acceptable. So be careful. Please? Don't go taking any unnecessary hits! Because this world isn't worth saving without you in it...

I love you. I don't think I'll be able to write again so this will probably be both the first and last letter you get for a long time. I don't want to risk getting anyone in trouble for acting as messengers.

I love you. Don't forget.


Shon read the last line, just five words, three more times. Then held the page to his head to cover his face, keenly aware of Tristen still standing before him. Ryuuko nuzzled its way under the paper to rub against his cheek, quiet bird-like chirps sounding from deep in its throat.

Tristen coughed, and Shon finally looked up in time to see the Paladin look pointedly away. "She joined the Warlocks..." he said.

"She infiltrated them." Shon corrected in an unexpected growl.

Tristen looked down at him curiously but argued, "She will be doing work for them..."

Shon stood, "Only because you're hunting her. And she gave them terms. She won't let them hurt kingdom citizens."

"Master Velona told us that she doesn't care about kingdom citizens. That she doesn't care about anyone she hasn't claimed."

It was true. As much as Shon tried to ignore that part of Lily's personality, he knew she wasn't just being dramatic when she implied that she would let the world fall if it wasn't for those she loved living in it. If she could find a way to save only them, she would do it. And not lose a wink of sleep over it.

He looked back down at the letter again and whispered, "She cares about me, about my oaths, and I care about kingdom citizens. She won't stand by and let them be harmed. You'll see. If you looked at her history, you would already see."

Tristen sighed, "I have. And... I'll believe you, for now."

He held his hand out for the letter, and Shon hesitated. Ryuuko hissed and snapped toward the Paladin's fingers. Tristen didn't flinch, but he did say, "You may keep the second page, Master Sergeant. I apologize for the necessity of reading your correspondence, but I have my orders, and I can't disobey them. You understand..."

"Sir," Shon answered and handed back the envelope with the first page. He did understand. Even without the magic behind Tristen's Paladin Oath, Shon understood the need to keep one's word. If you didn't have your word, then what did you have?

Tristen took the letter and placed it back on his desk, but then picked up a small box and passed it to Shon. "On a related note. I had this made for you..."

Shon opened the box and pulled out a long silver chain. A necklace? He only wore a Hengist medallion -in steal- and the ring Lily had given him. He arched an eyebrow in question at the Paladin.

Tristen coughed into his fist, then placed both hands behind his back and refused to meet Shon's eyes, "I ordered you to keep your relationship with... Lily... confidential. And I thank you for seeing the reasoning and agreeing to do so. With that in mind, I don't think it... prudent... that you continue to wear a wedding band when you're not married under any Temple... It invites... questions... and I won't ask you to lie outright..."

Shon held up the silver chain. Tristen didn't want him to wear his ring, but he wasn't going to deny Shon having it, had even provided a way for him to keep it close to his heart. "Thank you, Sir Tristen." Was the knight blushing? Shon felt a slight grin at the sight and looked down to give Tristen a moment to cough again and clear his expression. He really wasn't as uncaring as he tried to appear—just a good, professional, leader.

It took Shon a full minute to take the ring off. When he did, it slipped off easily, not even leaving a mark or tan line on his pale skin. It was as if it had never been there... He slipped the chain through the band and quickly put it over his head, tucking it into his shirt. The metal was somehow warm against his chest.

I love you, Lily... he thought, hoping the feeling would reach her when the words couldn't, I won't forget. And neither should you. Soon... We'll be together soon... 

But first, they both had jobs to do. 


Shon was given the rest of the morning to see to his room. 

The others left him to it, returning to the office and their stacks of files while he went upstairs with Ryuuko. They'd told him his things had come in, and yet he didn't know what to expect. So, when he opened the door, he froze in the entryway, blinking in shock around the alien space.

The large window was open to the left of the door, letting the sun light the new furniture he'd purchased without seeing first. Everything seemed overly large, and yet it all seemed to fit the room.

To the right of the door, a wardrobe sat against the wall with a standing mirror beside it. To the left, someone had set up a reading nook beside the window, with a stuffed chair he didn't remember asking for to go with the bookshelf Sasha had mentioned. Opposite the reading area, to the left of the fireplace, was his desk. On the other side, a massive four-poster bed was situated in the corner furthest from the window.

And in the middle of the floor was a wooden crate with a note resting on top...

'I had your belongings checked out of Temple storage. Please make yourself at home. There will be no need to live out of your bag anymore. -Sir Tristen Graeyson-'

Shon stared down at the note while Ryuuko flew in dizzying circles around the room. He opened the box, revealing a cache of books -mostly old journals- as well as a few spare supplies he'd updated but kept back-ups for over the years.

He started by removing the books and journals. Walking them to the bookshelf and flipping through a few pages. The oldest was nearly twenty years old. The church had given all the children journals on the Summer Solstice after their fifth birthday so they could practice their writing. Shon's early pages were a mess. He remembered the matron attempting to get him to use his right hand for the first few months until the Abbot caught her at it and allowed him to use his left. Even back then, Shon had used the book for drawings as much as writing. An apple for 'A,' a cat for 'C,' and such things filled the margins beside the rows of practice letters. 

Though most of the children had given up journaling once they'd moved beyond mandatory practice, Shon had loved the ritual of describing, and often drawing, his days. He'd gone through about one journal a year and had twenty-three that he used to fill the bottom two shelves of his bookshelf. 

The top shelf was taken up by an altar to Hengist he hadn't noticed before, and another note... 

'Shon, I had a Cleric from the Temple come help me set this up properly. I hope you like it and that it brings you comfort as we continue our journeys together. -Alena-'

Shon's lip twitched at the second note. He said a short prayer at the altar before continuing.

Next came the spare supplies and a few statues of knights of Hengist. Gifts from his childhood and packed away with his journals after leaving Hamerfoss. He placed them on the fireplace's mantle, where he found a sword stand and yet another note...

'I measured your room and determined that if you keep your sword here, then the sealing item should be able to reach every corner easily. No need to carry it with you even here. -Archmage Ranito-.'

Shon sighed, taking a moment to look around. Had all of them involved themselves in setting up his room? He placed the note with the others on the crate and finished by unloading his bag of holding. 

He unpacked most of his clothes into the wardrobe, though he kept enough spares in his bag to last at least a week without washing. Closing the doors, he noticed the fourth note wedged into the mirror frame...

'Sasha knows a guy who can get you a deal on a rug. Let me know if you want an appointment. -Os-'

Shon was arching an eyebrow down at the paper when Ryuuko whistled, clawing at the last note pinned to the headboard of his bed...

'With a bed this big, you better bring someone home to use it. With that in mind, those logs by the fire are special, super slow-burning. Two should last you an entire night. You're welcome. -Eb-'

He couldn't hold back anymore, and Shon actually chuckled.

Lily said she hoped his team was a good one... "They really are..." He whispered. Ryuuko trilled.

Shon took a moment to look around the room one last time, then went to his desk, taking out the last thing. A stack of old letters. He added the second page of Lily's most recent missive to the pile and sighed. Then he took out a blank page and started writing. 


I don't know when or if you will ever be able to read this, but I wanted to talk to you, and this is the closest I can come at the moment...' 

He tapped his pencil on the desk. It was pointless. He had no way of ever delivering it to her or even leaving it anywhere she might get it. And yet...

'This team is a motley crew, to say the least. Sir Tristen is the only professional. Archmage Ranito is always taking notes on something. Cleric Alena is constantly trying to get me to talk. And Ebonwing and Oswall are absolute nightmares.

You would love them...'

He took a moment to look over the notes they'd left for him again. A motley crew indeed. But they were a team. His team. And together, they would see an end to this mission. Until then, he would count his blessings and pray for the day that Lily could meet them without fear of being captured.

Soon... But not soon enough. 

I can't market myself, so everything is free. But I do take donations! Help a writer, starving for coffee and tobacco, channel their inner Oswall to get shit done!

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