Chapter 22 - Commander and King

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Winter 4995, 27 Ginmoth 

Shon woke up with a pounding headache and what seemed like the sun shining directly on his face. He tried to roll away from it, but that woke Ryuuko, who squawked and flew in distressed circles around the room, twittering madly and sending him far too many fast-moving vivid images of Ranito. Shon's empty stomach roiled and he cursed silently at the little dragon, snarling out loud, "Leave it, Ryuuko." 

So at least one team member knew about Lily and his refusal to take her in. But even if Ranito confronted Tristen with the information, the Paladin would merely inform him that they knew of his ultimatum. That was why they chose to keep Shon close after all. At least the Mage seemed to accept the truth that Shon was on their side where the Warlocks were concerned.

Shon rolled the other way to sit up on the edge of his bed, gripping his head and groaning. What had he been thinking? He was supposed to make friends, not get stumbling drunk and make a fool of himself. I deserve this pain, he thought, don't drink a drop for a year then down an entire bottle of hard liquor? I'm lucky it's only Ranito who knows now... This was precisely why the Temple frowned on overindulgence, he'd very nearly gone against his commander's orders.

He moved slowly, sore all over, as if he'd been punished for his near slip-up with running and pushups. Stripping off his crumpled dress uniform and draping it over his chair -still beside his bed- to press later, Shon dressed in loose-fitting commoners clothes and grabbed his sword. He took a quick break in the bathroom to relieve himself and wash his face, then hesitated in the hall, considering going down for drills but instead returning to his room. He started to drag his chair back to his desk, but flinched at the awful sound and picked it up instead. Collapsing into it Shon reached for his journal and tried to organize his memories of the night, working backward. 

He drew. Ranito as the Mage leaned over his bed, intent on discovering the truth. Ebonwing glowing ever so slightly as she prayed for divine protection from his cold. Oswall's pleading look for a commission. He would need to meet with the Rogue to get the details for that... Shon ran his hand through his disheveled hair, dislodging the tie and tangling it in his fingers. 

He stared at the hair tie. Lily...

He put pencil to paper and started from the beginning. Lily leaning on the wall beside him. Lily pulling his anti-cold gloves off one finger at a time. Lily smiling down at him as he kissed her hand. Lily with her lovely neck arched back and full lips partly open as he pulled on her collar and hair. Without color, he could almost imagine her hair as still being lustrous gold and had to stop himself from adding her scales. They hadn't been visible over the illusion.

Nothing that happened before mattered. Not Ebonwing's dress, or Oswall's suit. Not the dancing nobles or Tristen's thoughtful gifts. 

Ryuuko landed on the desk and tilted its head at the drawings as Shon put the final touches on Lily reaching into her dress, showing her hidden weapon as she retrieved her hair sticks. She'd left then, and Shon had climbed the stairs alone to meet with the team hunting her, his team, and keep his promise to her... 

Cursing the alcohol and Lily's own intoxicating effect, Shon turned in his seat and rifled through his coat to find the note she'd left him. He had to tell Tristen. 

He hesitated at the door, crinkling the paper in his fist. Tristen would know Lily was at the ball. Ryuuko flew to his shoulder and whistled sadly. The Paladin would turn the capital upside down looking for her. Because it's what his god demanded.

Shon had sworn an oath... He whispered a prayer and left his room. Lily can take care of herself... he reminded himself, tying his hair back hastily.

No one else appeared to be up, but Shon found Tristen in the office. Working despite giving the others the day off. He smiled at Shon as he entered and asked, "How's your head, Master Sergeant?"

Ryuuko nipped him, though Shon didn't want the help socializing anymore. "Pounding," he answered anyway.

Something in his tone wiped the grin from Tristen's face and the Paladin stood. "What is it?" 

Shon marched across the office and placed the note face up on the desk, sliding it across to Tristen and taking a step back to stand at attention. 

Sir Tristen mumbled, "At ease..." as he lifted the note and started reading. It didn't take long and his gray eyes snapped up to Shon, "Where did you get this? When?" 

Shon swallowed, "We have an agreement." he managed.

Tristen rested his palms on the desk and leaned over it, speaking through clenched teeth. "This involves the Warlocks before her. How long have you had it?" 

"Not long enough," Shon answered shortly, looking through the Paladin rather than at him.

"If you withheld vital information," Tristen snarled, his voice dropping to a growl, "I should have you court-martialed."

Shon's eyes snapped to the Paladin and Tristen stood straight again but resisted taking a step back. Shon answered in a monotone, "And when you do I will plead guilty and remind the king and counsel of our agreement. You would not have canceled the ball for this, and I handed it over at the earliest possible moment for you to act on."

"You are not authorized to make those decisions, Master Sergeant," Tristen whispered, his gray eyes furious. 

Ryuuko hissed, but Shon tilted his chin up, "I know why you accepted me on this team, Sir, and you know why I agreed." They wanted to watch Shon exactly for this reason, and to have him at hand if they decided they needed to lock him up as well, "I want this mission over more than you do, but I will not aid in bringing Lily into custody. In any way."

"You..." Tristen growled but was interrupted by the noon bells. The two men glared at each other in silence for the entire twelve resounding rings. As the last one faded Tristen snapped, "Come with me, Master Sergeant."

He marched around his desk and out of the office, Shon following mutely behind while Ryuuko chittered. They made it the short distance to the front door when Oswall called from the top of the stairs, "Yo! Shon! You got a minute?"

Shon turned, but Tristen answered for him, "No. Pack your things Staff Sergeant and tell the others. We're heading to Shutha tomorrow morning." The Paladin continued out the front door and Shon sighed, shaking his head at Oswall's bewildered look, then followed. 

Shon flinched, closing his eyes as the light of the clear winter day assaulted his pounding head. Then flinched again, pulling sharply away when he opened his eyes to see Tristen reaching for his face. "Hold still, Master Sergeant. That's an order." 

Shon did his best to hold still, squeezing his eyes shut and clenching every muscle as the Paladin rested his fingertips on Shon's forehead and chanted. He felt the wash of healing magic as a twinge of pain, like a spike, as the pounding headache and continued aches eased. Tristen wasn't nearly as skilled a healer as Alena.

Tristen sighed, shaking his hand out, and said, more calmly and quietly this time, "Come with me." before he turned and continued out the manor gates and down the road.

Shon followed without voicing any of his many questions. He would get the answers soon enough, and if not could ask afterward. That decision itself was put to the test, however, when Tristen led Shon to the palace. 

Shon hesitated outside the gates, eyeing the Saint Giorgos Paladins on guard warily. Tristen turned, waving for him to follow. Shon whispered a prayer and obeyed. He'd sworn an oath to Hengist and thus the kingdom, if they felt he deserved to be thrown in the brig for insubordination then he would accept that. He just hoped Lily didn't do anything foolish to get him out.

Tristen led Shon through the palace but didn't take him to the dungeons, or any of the courtrooms. Instead, the Paladin took Shon to the private living quarters of the royal family. Shon arched an eyebrow at the massive portraits lit by the sun through huge windows on the opposite wall. Ryuuko let out a long impressed whistle, wrapping its tail tightly around Shon's neck and holding onto his ear for balance. 

Tristen had marched with such purpose through all of it, that Shon was taken aback and nearly ran into his commander when the man stopped in the middle of the hall and bowed at the waist, "Your majesty, I apologize for my tardiness."

Shon dropped to a knee before the king of Daanlin, bowing his head and staring at the marble floor. 

Above him, the king laughed, "Now now cousin. You know my rule. Please stand, good man." Shon stood but continued to bow at the waist. "Now now, that won't do." The king admonished him gently, ordering, "Look at me. Is there anything missing?" 

Shon looked up and arched an eyebrow at the king. He stood in his royal regalia, surrounded by his personal guard. But his simple steel crown wasn't on his head. He had it tied to a loop on his belt. Shon alternated his arched eyebrow to the other side and the king laughed again and explained, "When the crown comes off so do the formalities. This is my lunch break, and I intend to enjoy it with friends and family. There will be no posturing during this time." 

He stepped closer to Shon and made a show of studying him, stroking his chin in thought before he said, "I almost didn't recognize you, Master Sergeant." then to Tristen, "Interesting that you should invite the Hengist representative to lunch, cousin. But I suppose he is your most valued team member." Then he smiled broadly and made to pat Shon on the shoulder. Shon stiffed immediately but the king just slapped him on the back and said, "You are most welcome to join us, Master Sergeant. As it so happens I have an unexpected guest of my own." 

What on earth was going on? Shon exchanged a curious look with Ryuuko but the little dragon just chirped and made a shrugging motion with its wings. Shon eyed the king from behind as he turned to continue down the hall, making note of all the jewelry of every type of gem and metal on his person. Apparently, they weren't just for show. One of those diamonds set in silver had cold blocking.

The king and his guard led the way through the hall, and Tristen fell back to walk beside Shon, whispering, "I had this lunch date planned in advance. Bear with it." 

"Sir," Shon answered. Tristen didn't elaborate further and it wasn't hard for Shon to smother his questions behind his usual stoic silence. He just wished he'd changed into an appropriate uniform.

The king took them to an internal garden. Heated by magical orbs on decorative pedestals and the noon sun through a glass roof, the dichotomy with the winter season outside was further intensified by blooming flowers and a tree full of green leaves shading a large table for six in the center.

A woman was already seated at the table, and though she made to stand when they entered, the king and Tristen both very quickly waved her down, "Please, my love, don't exert yourself." The king said softly, rounding the table and bending to kiss her on the cheek. 

Tristen bowed at the waist once more and Shon very quickly mimicked him. "It is good to see you up and about your highness," Tristen said, standing again with a truly warm smile Shon rarely saw on the Paladin. 

"It is good to be up, cousin," The queen laughed, but then coughed into her handkerchief. Shon frowned at his feet without coming up from his bow. He'd heard the rumors swirling around the capital concerning the queen, his lack of participation in conversation making it particularly easy to listen. The populous seemed split between the rarely-seen woman being either a master manipulator, whispering in the king's ear from the shadows, or her being on her deathbed with a mysterious illness. 

Shon still hadn't looked up but Ryuuko sent him an image of her nonetheless. Considering her pallid complexion and the way her skin was drawn tight over her cheekbones, he had to imagine the truth was closer to the latter theory. 

"Please stand, good ser." The queen said as she smiled at him from her seat, "I'm sure my husband has already explained his rule concerning his crown being off at the moment." 

Shon straightened as the king sat at the head of the table. Taking the queen's hand in his left, he gestured for the empty places at his right, "Please have a seat, I'm famished and rarely have such good company."

To Shon's horror, Ryuuko launched itself from his shoulder to circle the table, then landed on the back of the chair beside Tristen with a loud whistle before hopping over to the table itself to sniff at the food already laid out for them. Shon rushed forward to pick up the pest of a dragon by the tail, making it squawk in indignation and nip at his hand before he dropped it. 

The queen giggled again, "What a marvelous familiar you have, Master Sergeant Shon," So she knew who he was just by looking at him? Shon wasn't sure how to feel about that, but then she asked, "May I pet it?" and Ryuuko scurried under the table to her side and jumped back on it -out of Shon's easy reach- to sniff at her offered hand and lick her fingers, making her giggle and cough again as she scratched under its chin. 

For the moment, Shon gave up on maintaining some semblance of propriety where the animal was concerned, and took his seat. To further his embarrassment, his stomach growled loudly at the smell of the rich food, and this time the king himself laughed. "Help yourself. It will only get colder the longer we wait. Though I suppose," He placed his elbows on the table and laced his fingers before his mouth, his gray eyes twinkling at Shon, "that doesn't matter as much to you does it?"

Shon stiffened and his sword swirled quickly over his shoulder. He tried to smother his jumble of confused emotions and continued unspoken questions under a layer of ice, but the king reached over to take his wife's hand once more and the sight sent a pang of both longing and resentment through Shon that couldn't be ignored. He glared at the empty plate before him and busied himself by taking a helping of roast beef so he wouldn't have to look at them.

The queen herself served Ryuuko a helping on the empty plate beside her, saying, "I was sorry to miss the ball last night, but now I must admit myself pleased for the rest. It allowed me to be here to meet you, Master Sergeant. May I call you Shon?"

Shon nodded down at his plate but Tristen reached over to smack his leg so he said, "Of course, your highness." 

The king huffed, "Are you always so close-lipped Master Sergeant? I assumed at our last meeting it was merely due to the setting." 

"Yes, Sire." Shon answered, finally looking up, "I apologize, I will try harder." 

The queen reached over to pat her husband below the table and smiled at Shon, "That won't be necessary, Shon. I understand that little has changed for you between then and now." 

That took Shon aback. How much did she know? As if reading his thoughts she continued, "I have been wanting to meet you since you joined Sir Tristen's team. Though I admit you are not at all what I pictured..." Shon ran his hand over his hair and down to his ponytail, cursing again his lack of uniform. 

The royalty seemed determined to show they could read his mind because the king commented, "I'm surprised to see you out of uniform." 

Tristen cleared his throat and explained, "I gave the team the day off to recover from last night." 

But Ryuuko stretched its neck over the table to nip at Shon's fingers, showing an image of Veon-Zih from six years ago. Shon sighed, explaining "I only wear my uniform for official functions. When required." 

The king rested his chin on his knuckles informally saying only, "Oh?" to prompt Shon for more. 

Shon busied himself shredding his roast, feeling awkward at the casual conversation with the leaders of the kingdom, but continued, "My Master ordered it." 

"Your Master?" the queen asked, and Ryuuko whistled proudly. 

Shon explained, "A Grandmaster of the Ryukyu Monastery in Oane." 

"But why?" The king asked.

Losing his appetite, Shon set his utensils down, "You know my history, your majesty?" He looked up to see the king frown and nod. Tristen muttered a prayer beside him and Shon continued, "My Master believed that the enlisted uniform was an unnecessary reminder..." 

The queen coughed, this time pointedly, drawing all the men's attention. She smiled, and though Shon could tell, somehow, that she knew and understood, she wasn't pitying him. She said, "Is that why you're hair is out of regulation as well?" 

Shon felt himself blush despite himself and shook his head, looking at his plate again and explaining, "I haven't been able to see my barber in a while..."

"Well, I like it." The queen declared, "I admit, your dedication is admirable-" But dedication to what? The kingdom? Or Lily? "-and Sir Tristen has yet to file a report that doesn't sing your praises as his most valued team member..."

Tristen cleared his throat as Shon arched an eyebrow at the Paladin. "I assure you, cousin, that all praise has been well earned. Shon is by far the most dedicated to our cause and is a highly disciplined soldier." Tristen assured her without looking up from his food.

The king dabbed at his mouth and said, "So we have heard. His performance in Yanao in particular was admirable despite the breach in law. Which is exactly why we saw the wisdom in changing it. However..." He took a moment to take another bite, letting the silence stretch while he chewed before continuing, "If you think bringing him now will aid in your other petition, then I must remind you that I've already made my decision on that as well."

Shon alternated his arched eyebrow to the other side, but Tristen merely tightened his hold on his utensils and said, "Yes, Sire."

The queen coughed again, drawing all eyes and Ryuuko's worried whistle. She was sweating at the temples but waved them all down with a strained smile, "Don't mind me, gentlemen." She proceeded to push her food around her plate, pretending to enjoy the meal and making Shon frown. Until she looked up to meet his eyes again, then nodded at her husband. The king waved his guards away and only once they were gone did the queen continue, "I take it you aren't here to inform us that you plan to take back your ultimatum, Shon?" 

Shon resisted scowling but didn't look away from the queen's gray eyes as he answered, "No, your highness." 

The king sighed, "Even after Yanao? The Firewyrm has shown herself to be working to protect the Warlocks."

Shon opened his mouth to answer but Tristen spoke over him, "She helped protect the city and managed to smuggle important information to us in Yanao, cousin." 

"And yet she is still in their custody and her samples fuel their research." The king countered. 

Shon grit his teeth but the queen took her husband's hand again, "I find his devotion to her to be quite admirable, Connar. I don't know if we could trust a man who would so easily forsake his word on one incident-" She broke off in another fit of coughing, harder this time. 

The king gripped her fingers and she tried to wave him away and smother her fit at the same time. It didn't work and she leaned forward, gripping her chest and dripping sweat. "My love," The king sounded truly distressed and stood to rub her back, but then gasped, "you're burning up. I thought you said the fever broke?" 

The queen gasped between deep breaths, "Oh... dear... it seems... the... dragonsbane didn't.... work as well... this time..." She managed a brief snicker before that too was cut off by hard coughing. Her napkin red with blood and spittle.

Shon and Tristen stood and the king shouted to his guards outside the garden doors, "Summon the chirurgeon! Ice, bring me ice." He grasped the queen's hand with both of his own as she leaned back in her chair to gasp at the ceiling, "You said you wouldn't take that stuff anymore, my love. Why?"

She smiled despite the sweat, her skin blotchy pink below the sickly pallor, "I missed... the ball... and wanted lunch..."  

"Tris?" Shon whispered to the Paladin.

But Tristen just shook his head, "Divine healing will only exacerbate the fever." 

"Damn it, BRING ME ICE!" the king shouted to the servants poking their heads curiously through the doors around the garden. They scattered like rats and Ryuuko whistled. 

Shon grabbed his and Tristen's napkins and circled the table. He dipped them both in the pitcher of water, causing it to overflow and soak the dining table, then knelt on the other side of the queen. "Forgive me your majesties," he whispered to both of them, then clapped the wet cloths and his ice-cold hands over the back of the queen's neck and forehead. 

She gasped and flinched but then relaxed into his grip, "I'm... sorry... Shon. It's merely... surprising..." She managed a chuckle then more coughing. 

The knights returned at a run with a worried old man and a bucket full of diamonds. They wrapped the diamonds in a set of towels but as the chiurgeon reached for Shon's hands he pulled back then snapped at the knights, "never mind, call a palanquin." then to the queen, "Your highness, why? You know-"

"Enough..." The queen gasped. She opened her eyes and her glare was enough to set the chirurgeon and king back on their heels. "All of you. It is my life... and my health... If I wish lunch with... my husband... then I will have it... damn it." She turned her gaze on Shon and at the look, he nodded in understanding. She continued to him, "I understand... your desire to protect... your love... Shon. We won't try to... dissuade you... But know... that we... intend her no harm..."

"My love, please, don't." the king tried.

The queen shook her head in Shon's hands, and continued, "I hope I'm able to meet this woman who has earned such loyalty and trust... before... the end." 

The palanquin arrived and the king and chirurgeon tried to help her stand. She slapped both their hands away, "I can walk..."

The king reached for her hand again, and despite her declaration, the queen took it. But as the chirurgeon tried to help, Shon grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him back, shaking his head at the man.

The queen smiled gratefully, looking at least a little better from his cold, "The kingdom is grateful for your loyalty, Master Sergeant. You are a testament to your order." 

She let the king hold her hand as she walked to the palanquin, her head high and proud. King Connar stepped back as she arranged her skirts and the bearers lifted her, "Take her to her room." he ordered, rather unnecessarily in Shon's opinion as they had already stepped off.

Shon laid the wet napkins out on the table as they left, but the king ordered, "Come stand with me, Master Sergeant." Shon obeyed, standing beside the monarch and barely resisting taking a knee again. The king fingered the crown still at his waist. 

Together they watched the door where the queen had exited until the king finally spoke in a low voice, "Many on the council of nobles believe I should divorce her." Shon blinked at the king and when he looked over, arched an eyebrow. The king shook his head, returning his gaze to the door, "With her health, she cannot risk bearing children. But the kingdom needs an heir..."

"The crown prince..." Shon tried, referring to the Master Archmage and the king's younger brother. 

The king chuckled and turned to look over his shoulder at Tristen, "What was it he said last time cousin?"

Tristen cleared his throat, "That he didn't care where you planted your seed so long as it was in fertile soil." He provided. 

The king chuckled again, "I believe he also specified something like, 'a servant or whore would do. Even a bastard would be a better heir.'" he shook his head and returned his eyes to Shon, "My brother has worked very hard for his position in the Mages Guild, and all of that would be for not if he had to surrender his robes for the crown." He frowned and looked once more at the door, "And yet the kingdom still needs an heir. What would you do, Master Sergeant? As one man in love to another? I am sworn to serve the kingdom and its people, and yet, am I shirking my duty for the sake of a woman and my own selfish heart?"

Shon stared at the king until their eyes finally met. He was just a man. A man in love but sworn to serve. And yet their worldview was so irrevocably different. How could he possibly explain? Shon thought of Lily. She wasn't able to have children either, but Shon neither needed nor wanted an heir.

As her smiling face swam before his vision he decided to take a leaf out of her book and be blunt. "Are you a breeding stud then your majesty?"

"Master Sergeant!" Tristen snapped, but the king merely rose a staying hand to silence the Paladin and waved for Shon to continue with the other. 

Shon shook his head, looking at the door again, he continued "Is the queen, whoever she might be, only a broodmare? Forgive me, your majesty, but we come from two very different worlds. I was under the impression that your value as ruler was due to your training and knowledge in statecraft. Though if bloodlines mean more than I can understand, then is it not true that your family tree is more than just a straight line? You have a brother and cousins, could you not adopt one of their children as an heir?" 

The king studied him for a long time, looking him up and down, from boots to sword hilt, then said, "You fight to have it both ways in everything don't you?" 

Shon stepped back to bow to the king but answered, "It isn't always possible, Sire, but anything worth having is worth fighting for. Whether that be justice for the people or the love of one woman who returns it unconditionally." he looked up to meet the king's eyes once more, "I admit ignorance in the ways of nobility. I am an orphan ward of the Church of Soleil, adopted by a Monk sworn to celibacy. Teaching and love are sacred-" Where had that come from? That wasn't part of Hengist's tenants... Ryuuko whistled, and Shon forced himself to continue,"- I would rather the heir to the crown be properly trained than see any man sacrifice his heart for something as pointless as a bloodline."

The king took a long time to answer, and when he did he stated, "The blood of Saint Giorgos himself flows through the royal family, Master Sergeant." Shon deepened his bow, but the king continued, "But you are correct, the family tree is not a log." Shon looked up again to see the king smiling down at him, "Please stand. I still haven't placed my crown on my head."

Shon straightened, looking away in embarrassment. Had he really just lectured the king himself on heirs and love? At least he'd managed to stay respectful. He doubted Lily would've bothered to try. 

The king turned away from Shon and addressed Tristen, "Perhaps your little ploy has had some effect, after all, cousin. But I'm afraid I must reiterate, I will not make any changes to my declaration while the Warlocks remain a threat. Take care of them, and I will consider your proposal. You are going to Halakon next?"

Tristen bowed, "Shutha Sire, we have received a new lead, from a most reliable source, that there is activity there we may be able to track."

"See it done. And..." The king turned to Shon once more, "thank your... most reliable source, when you see her again." How? Shon bowed but looked to Tristen, who nodded in understanding. Something in the Paladin's word choice had told the king exactly who they were talking about. So they do trust her? It didn't make any sense. Why try to bring her in then?

The king continued in a whisper to Shon, "Thank you for your assistance today, Master Sergeant. I will see you rewarded, and would be honored if you join us for lunch again in future."


Shon followed Tristen mutely from the garden, all the way out of the palace, and through the gates before Ryuuko lost its patience. The little dragon darted past them both, swiveling in the air and chittering in the Paladin's face.

Tristen followed the pseudodragon's flight back to hiss in Shon's face too, before Tristen sighed, "Before you ask your questions let me say that I know miss Lily was at the ball last night and that that was where you received the note." 

Shon blinked in stunned silence and managed, "I don't know where she is now."

Tristen shook his head and looked at the sky with another sigh, "And if you did you wouldn't tell me. I understand. Though... It is very convenient that she refuses to tell even you of her plans..." he looked back down at Shon and finished, "Very cognizant of your oath. She is kind to you, at least, even if she doesn't hold back against us."

Shon clenched his fist at his side, "How?" 

Tristen sighed once more, "I sensed that there was someone there who shouldn't be. And I trust you, Master Sergeant. If you'd received the note before the ball, even as we were leaving, you would've handed it over." 

Shon swallowed and Tristen reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose, "You do realize that every time we use the excuse that we are to mitigate collateral damage in bringing her in, it hurts her future arguments? I have no intention of combing the capital looking for her. If she uses even half the power she showed in Yanao in her efforts to get away, then it will be impossible to minimize the damage here. I am forced, therefore, to assume, and argue, that she is already gone. Possibly waiting for us in Shutha. Though if she means to help or hinder there, I don't know."

Shon felt his fist loosen and forced his slack jaw closed. Tristen had sworn an Oath to Saint Giorgos and the king, he had to enforce the letter of the law and all declarations. Including bringing Lily into custody. And yet he was using loopholes like Oswall, and Shon himself, to avoid doing it. "Why?" 

Tristen scowled, "Don't mistake me, Shon, I will bring the Wyrms in-" Ryuuko hissed and they both ignored it, "-but that isn't our primary objective. The proposal the king mentioned? It has two parts," He held up two fingers then put one down, "I have been arguing for months that he needs to declare a limit to the amount of time we can hold the Wyrms. If an agreement can't be reached between them and the kingdom in that time they are to be set free. And," He put down the other finger and his hand, "That when they agree to come in, they will receive a blanket pardon of all past laws broken, preventing them from being arrested and held longer. The king has refused both until the Warlocks are brought to heel because he fears the Wyrms returning to aid them after their release.

"There are those in the kingdom and both councils that fear them for their power and what they are. But I am not one of them, and neither is the king. They may be dragons, but they were raised as human and are unable to procreate. Five of them alone are not a threat to the kingdom. However, if their blood and samples are able to aid the Warlocks in returning true dragons to the sky, and the monsters band together in vengeance, then humans don't stand a chance. I will protect this kingdom and its citizens, Master Sergeant. With my life if necessary." 

His voice had grown hard as he spoke but softened again as he continued, "And it is my sincere belief that you will as well, Shon. The king and queen were not lying when they said that I have praised you in every report. You believe that I keep you on this team to watch you, and to use you to bring in miss Lily. It may have started that way, but it didn't take long for that to change. You are a valued member of this team. The most valued member. It's no secret that I often butt heads with the others, but never with you. You are the most driven and disciplined man I have ever met, and I agree with the queen, your loyalty to both the kingdom and Lily are admirable and in your favor. The others all have their own motivations for following our mission and my orders. You alone are driven by the need to see them through to the end. Though I take issue with your declaration that you might wish the mission complete more than I do." Tristen actually grinned at that, then turned away to continue towards the manor, speaking over his shoulder, "I trust you will not hesitate to hand over any information, regardless of source, in future, Master Sergeant?"

"No, Sir," Shon answered in a whisper. 

Tristen nodded without stopping, "Good. And I hope you will join us again in future leisure time. Be sure to be packed and ready by tomorrow morning, I do believe Oswall had something he wanted to talk to you about this evening." 

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