Chapter 31 - Progress

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Summer 4997, 12 Doumoth 

Three weeks after the request, Rose finally had the information needed, and so, set out to find her sister. Lily was never difficult to find in the Central Talon. There were only a few places where she might be, in their room reading bad fiction, in the infirmary talking with the Cleric of Lune, or in the garden training. No matter which she chose, she complained of boredom. This time, however, Lily had given Rose the time, and space, she needed to work. 

And it was a good thing too... It had been surprisingly difficult to wring this particular bit of information from those in the Central Talon. Some of the difficulty was due to her need to stay inconspicuous, but most of it was because no one wanted to talk about anything even hinting at the mysterious tests being done. Suspiciously so... Instead of coming across as ignorant, the mad Warlocks all seemed scared. Nearly as scared as they were to talk openly about alternatives to biological experiments. 

That could only mean one thing. The Master Archmages were directly involved. 

Rose found Lily in the garden, flinging stones with her sling at the massive oak growing in the middle.

The Central Talon was entirely underground, with no physical exits, but around the edge of the 'garden' were pedestals topped with balls of glass filled with magically captured sunlight. This allowed the plants to not only grow, but grow huge, as they never experienced winter or even night. The ancient oak had reached the stone ceiling then started growing outward, taking up as much horizontal space as it could and making it look like the garden had a green canopy nearly as thick as the woods of Shutha, or even the jungles of Talkar. 

It was the largest room in the complex, with ten halls connecting to it, and it was Lily's favorite place to exercise and practice. Rose walked through the knee-high grass to stand to the left of her sister, well out of range of the long sling she was twirling on her right side.

Rose waited until Lilly let the rock fly, then picked up another smooth stone, wrapping it in paper, as Lily did the same with her own. "Here," Rose stated simply, holding out the projectile. 

Lily held up her own, "I've got it, but thanks." She took Rose's rock and slipped it in her bag, as if planning to use it next. 

"How long do you think you'll be at this?" Rose asked while Lily started her sling spinning again. 

Lily let fly, then nodded at her second bulls-eye on the target she'd burned into the tree trunk, "That depends. You have something for me to do?" 

Rose shrugged, "You can come with me back to Halakon. I need to check on the progress at my tower."

Lily grinned, "Can't be any more boring than staying here." She folded up her sling, slipping it away beside Rose's rock. 

They would wait until they were safely away in Rose's tower to talk openly about what she'd found, but even if they were interrupted with a mission Lily now had all the pertinent details she needed. 

The Warlocks were indeed doing experiments on an entire settlement. More a hamlet than even a village. It was located deep in the mountains of Stiudal, a week's horse ride from the nearest large kingdom settlement and containing only a handful of stubborn families and a Church of Soleil. The Warlocks had replaced the aging Priest of Soleil with one of their own, and were polluting the only water supply in an effort to trigger latent dragon blood in the non-Sorcerer population. 

Fools. Rose thought. The theory was that if they could bring back enough dragon magic, by forcefully awakening people as Sorcerers, that they could spread the concoction over the entire kingdom and possibly placate Ryuugen long enough for them to continue their other experiments. Rose had no love for the humans of the kingdom, but she knew Lily did, and Rose did disapprove of the waste of time and resources.

Rose had spent most of her effort over the last year and a half attempting to find more about the alternative theory concerning the dragon gods, but had found precious little. It was the Master Archmages, she knew. They were actively discouraging the exploration of such avenues. 

But why? Shouldn't they be trying everything and anything? Some whispered the argument that those studies would bring the Slayer's Temple down on their heads. But the kingdom was already hunting them. What more could they do?

Rose suspected it had more to do with the Master Archmages themselves. They had dubbed themselves Yonin and In'nin. A mockery of the dragon gods Yoryuu and Inryuu. Did they fancy themselves the new dragon gods? 

Perhaps it was time for her to do more pruning than she'd originally planned...

Rose glanced at Lily, who was humming beside her. Best not to raise the subject yet... I don't want her grabbing it too tightly. After all, it would take time to set up enough foundation work that the entire organization didn't come tumbling down at the loss of its two heads. Even if Rose could convince Lily to take over leadership with her. 


"Gasha! Finally!" Oswall called, actually skipping down the steps from the Mages Guild, "Just smell that fresh sea air!" 

"We have sea air in Deim." Alena reminded him but smiled at the look of joy on the Rogue's face at returning to his island home. 

"Not the same," Oswall said, waving a dismissive hand. "And this time we've been given the night off." 

"You're to stay on standby, Staff Sergeant." Tristen reminded him sternly, "I gave you leave to see the city but you are to remain sober enough to work, stay in pairs, and report your whereabouts before you leave."

"Yeah yeah, we get it." Ebonwing said, hooking her arm in Alena's, "But the projections say we have two days before we need to be in position, so we might as well enjoy ourselves." she winked at Oswall, who snickered in response, his eyes glinting.

He waved for Shon, "Come on, ice man. I still owe you for saving my ass last time."

Ryuuko flew off to circle Oswall before landing on his head, but Shon didn't move, letting out a heavy sigh. Ranito came to stand beside him, speaking under his breath, "I told you..."

Shon grunted, running his hand over his hair and down his long ponytail. The Mage had warned him, and even though Shon had believed him, he'd prayed it wouldn't happen. "It's fine..." Shon grumbled.

"Is it? What will she think of this?" Ranito asked, predictably taking out his notebook to write out Shon's answer. 

Shon sighed again, answering, "She'll laugh herself sick..." that little bit of truth was what got him stuck in this mess to begin with. Why'd he have to accept that second drink and let it slip? Oswall had been mostly respectful of Shon's decision until then...

Alena and Ebonwing were walking arm and arm to the shopping district, having told Tristen their intentions and where they could be found. Oswall waved impatiently for Shon, "Let's go!" 

"And where will you be going, Staff Sergeant?" Tristen asked, furrowing his brow as Shon finally started towards the evil Rogue. 

Oswall pulled out a scrap piece of paper with what looked like an address written on it, handing it to Tristen, "Don't wait up for us. I expect this will be a long night." he said. 

Tristen looked down at the note and Shon came close enough to see it didn't name the establishment Oswall was taking Shon to. The Rogue was at least being somewhat discreet, even though he was sure Ebonwing at least knew, and Ranito had obviously figured it out.

Tristen folded the note, sticking it in his jacket, but reminded them, "Stay sober." before turning towards his own Temple. 

"Of course!" Oswall called at his back, "Getting hammered would make the job needlessly difficult!"

Shon ran his hand over his hair again but followed Oswall as he led the way through the city, dipping into the back alley shortcuts right away. To Shon's surprise, the Rogue didn't take him anywhere particularly seedy or even low class, but instead to a massive manor with decorative iron gates covered in flowering vines. The guards -privately employed- nodded and smiled at Os as he strode past them and right to the door. 

It had been at least two and a half years since Os had been here, and yet the guards still recognized him. And that wasn't all. Oswall swept the door open and announced grandly, "Break out the diamonds ladies and gentlemen, I'm home!" 

"Os!" a flurry of voices and rustling silk greeted his entrance. Young men and women in expensive clothes -cut in a similar style but far more revealing than true Nobles attire- stood to greet him.

One woman stood out from the rest. With a mature beauty and graceful age, she strode between the younger crowd and curious patrons -many with familiars nearby- to stand before Oswall, "Diamonds, Wally Boy?" she asked, eyeing Ryuuko still perched on his head. 

Oswall reached behind him and grabbed Shon by his sword strap, pulling him in, "He's a little rusty, but I know if anyone can take care of him it's your girls."

Some of the young men pouted, one even asking, "Are you sure? If it's been a while might one of us tempt him to explore again?" the patron woman on his lap giggled, and Shon blushed. 

Shon turned to the young man and raised his fists to bow, mumbling, "No. But thank you."

The matron studied Shon appraisingly, her eyes lingering on his sword pommel for a moment, swirling a fast cloudy white. "A selection then." she said, then lifted her hand, gesturing with her fingers and calling, "Candy, Serna, Elmi" 

Three gorgeous women came forward to stand in a line, their dresses hugging their bodies and showing just enough skin to make someone curious to look deeper. They were each distinctly different from one another, the tallest with straight black hair, the next with wavy brown, and the smallest with curly blond.

And it wasn't just their looks, the matron swept an arm out to display them, "Candy is quite capable of taking command if that is your preference." The tall one cocked a hip and smirked, "Though if that isn't to your taste, Elmi enjoys being submissive, particularly to powerful men." the small blond blushed, though Shon suspected it was a rehearsed expression, perfectly mastered to be alluring. The matron continued, "Serna is my favorite for young patrons who have only just come of age and are learning to explore their own pleasures with another. She is a compassionate teacher." The brown-haired woman smiled warmly at Shon, the look reassuring and not the least bit judgmental of him despite Oswall announcing his recent lack of practice. 

Shon ran a hand nervously over his hair anyway.

Before Shon could try to politely decline, or even make a choice, Oswall announced, "He'll take 'em all!" 

Shon looked with wide shocked eyes down at the Rogue, while Ryuuko chittered with mirth. "I'm paying," Oswall assured him with a shrug.

Shon tried to protest, "I don't-"

"You're a soldier of Hengist aren't you?" The matron interrupted. Some of the workers and patrons whispered to each other. This was a Horsa controlled province.

Shon stood tall, squaring his shoulders and lifting his chin to nod. She smiled, the expression disarming, "What we do is not dishonorable." she said, "people have needs that we see to. However, if you are uncomfortable..." The three she had selected looked disappointed, the tall one looking away, the brunet sighing, and the blond, worst of all, looking almost ashamed.

"Sex work is work." Oswall reminded Shon under his breath, "It's been two and a half years, man, and you already said your lady love wouldn't be upset. You've started to withdraw again and need to relax. Let out some of that pent-up stress. Why continue to deny yourself? Will you insult these lovely honest working women by walking out now?" 

He'd never hear the end of it... Shon closed his eyes with a prayer, "Next time," he whispered to Oswall, "I'll let them kill you." but that just made the Rogue smirk. Shon turned back to the matron, explaining, "I'm cold..." 

"Hence the diamonds," she assured him, "You are aware that Gasha holds the highest percentage of Sorcerers in the kingdom are you not?"

Shon nodded. Of course he knew. Gasha was the only province that offered government funding for Sorcerers to train and get their clearance. After, they would be required to work for the province to pay it back, slowly, taking half of their wages over years and even decades. Legal slavery, Shon thought. And yet Gasha still saw more immigration than any other province, some of it illegal, as families with Sorcerer children from all across the kingdom fled to the tiny island province.

"Alright," Shon sighed. The blonde hopped in place, clapping her hands, and the other two grinned. 

The matron gestured to the stairs, and presumably the private rooms above, "Right this way then M'lord...?"

"Shon," He provided.

She led the way up the stairs while the three courtesans went to fetch the ice-blocking diamond jewelry. The Madam glanced over her shoulder, then down the stairs at Os, who was asking one of the disappointed males for a massage and a drink while he waited, Ryuuko still on his head, "We have accommodations available for your familiar as well. Unless you would prefer it with you?" 

Shon shook his head and she looked ahead once more, understanding, "She will be given a good bath and scrub, as well as a massage. You need not distract yourself from your own pleasure by worrying for hers." She reassured him. Shon merely nodded. 

She led him to a room at the far end of a long hall, opening the door and bowing him in. It was huge, with a bed large enough to match. Obviously designed for more than just two occupants, it also held a shelf of 'toys,' some of which he recognized, many he didn't. He went to examine them as she closed the door, leaving him to wait alone for the women. 

A pair of leather handcuffs and silk rope caught his attention, and he ran his fingers over them. If Lily could see him now... He tried to imagine her jealous, but the image kept breaking down into her laughing at his expense and requiring a detailed description, perhaps a reenactment... 

The door opened and Shon pulled his hands away, holding them behind his back like a kid caught trying to sneak cookies. The three ladies had changed into something more... comfortable -for them at least. Revealing lingerie covered by gauzy transparent robes, and a plethora of jewelry. Matching pieces of silver and diamonds glittered around their necks, on each ear, wrist, and a finger of each hand, they each even had an anklet, and the tall one had a diamond-studded garter. 

Shon swallowed, then looked away, running his hand over his hair. He glanced out of the corner of his eye to see the shortest and tallest nodding at each other, while the brunet stepped closer. She ran her hands over his chest -not flinching at his cold- then under his sword sheath, slipping it off slowly, "You show an interest in their arts, but your demeanor seems like you would prefer something more gentle after so long..."

She leaned into him, resting against his chest with a sigh and looking over her shoulder at her colleagues, "Perhaps you two might entertain each other for him? He can watch while I..." Her fingers started to trail down.

Shon shook, swallowing again. It really had been a long time... Lily really wouldn't mind. He closed his eyes, but all he could see was Lily sprawled below him. Shon grabbed the woman's wrist to stop her. She looked up curiously and Shon tried to smile, "I have a request..."


Tristen sat in the Saint Giorgos chapel in silent meditation. This was an important mission -tracking the origins of some of the human traffickers they'd stopped over the last year- but it was also something the local Temples could handle on their own. 

He couldn't stop thinking about the overall mission and what they'd been assembled specifically to do. It wasn't to stop all the illegal operations, even if they worked for the Warlocks. It was to stop the Warlocks themselves. They needed to find the leaders, but more often than not, they were just chasing the tails of the beast. 

The Firewyrm was helping with that, true, but Tristen couldn't help but feel that she was also the primary reason they hadn't made any true progress. She didn't want to topple the Warlocks yet. She thought they were trying to save the world...

The Paladin looked up at the grand statue of Saint Giorgos, one foot rested on the snout of a dead dragon, his cudgel held high. "But it was you my Lord Giorgos, who saved the world. Saved it from them.

War had raged since humans had first begun writing histories. Both sides supported and egged on by dragons that rained such devastation over the land that humans could hardly gain or maintain a foothold. The land was split, not into provinces under a single compassionate leader, but into ten separate kingdoms. Each with their own armies, laws, and even languages. Many would-be emperors had attempted to unite them, but it wasn't until Saint Giorgos had destroyed the dragons and become a god that it had been managed. Where the dragon gods had fanned the flames of War between Horsa and Hengist, Saint Giorgos balanced and united them. 

They couldn't go back to those times, the cost of human life was far too high, even higher than the threat of the storms. They were all sure of it. Even if the wars didn't resume, the dragons themselves couldn't be trusted not to seek retribution on all humankind. 

Yet there were already some dragons, only five, true, but they hadn't sought retribution... yet.

"Are we gambling with human lives?" Tristen mused, "Die by the storms or die by dragons..." But prince Corwin's Mages were attempting to find ways to mitigate the storms' damage. "If we can do that, save the world without the dragons, will you surrender yourself, Firewyrm?" He doubted it. 

"Sir Tristen!" 

Tristen turned in his pew, and the Cleric on duty hissed for the young Paladin running down the hall to quiet himself in the holy place. The knight bowed to the Cleric, slowing only to a brisk walk. Tristen stood. He had a letter...

"Sir Tristen," the Paladin saluted smartly, holding out the note, "A message for you, rushed from the capital through the Mages Guild."

So late? So it was urgent. Tristen took the letter and opened it to find two notes, one written neatly on expensive paper, and the other crumpled with a messy scrawl. 

By order of the king, you and your team are needed in Stiudal immediately. Your mounts will be saddled and waiting. Make for the village of Goldflow, in the Stinat mountains. The neatly written note read, and at the bottom, P.S. We haven't been able to make contact. Be careful.

Tristen frowned, then read the crumpled note, 

They've taken over a town in Stiudal, Goldflow. The priest is a Warlock. They're poisoning it. Don't drink the water. Hurry. It was signed with a drawing of a Lily.

Tristen looked up, snapping at the Paladin, "Fetch the Archmage Ranito and give him this. Instruct him to find Druid Ebonwing and Vicar Alena. We're leaving. I put this operation in the hands of the Temple of Horsa. Let them know." 

The young knight saluted, and Tristen returned it, marching past him and out the chapel. Once on the road, he fished out Oswall's scrawled address and went to find his soldiers. 

It didn't take long, the city was well designed, and the 'establishment' was in the nobles' district, only a few blocks from the Temple. Tristen still looked up at it, then down at the address three times in disbelief before finally sighing and walking through the ornate gates.

One of the two guards actually looked like he was going to try and stop him, but a staying hand from his partner and Tristen's own glare stopped him. "Sir?" the second guard asked, recognizing the uniform. 

"Two of my soldiers are inside and I need to retrieve them," Tristen explained, as he walked past them and opened the door. 

Prostitutes and patrons alike turned to stare as he entered. Oswall was lounging on a long couch, his head resting in the lap of an older woman, who'd been playing with his hair until he leaped to his feet, "Tris! What by Horsa's hairy ba-" 

"We're leaving." Tristen told him, then looked around, "Where's Shon?" 

Oswall rubbed the back of his neck, "He's uh... busy..."

The various courtesans were starting to distract their patrons once more, and the woman who'd been sitting with Oswall stood, "You are their commander?" she asked, her voice rich and authoritative. 

Tristen nodded, then gave the Madam a courtly bow, "My apologies madam, but we must leave immediately, I assure you, you will still be paid in full." He stood, looking towards the stairs, "I take it he's up there?" 

"Come on Tris." Oswall whispered, grabbing his sleeve, "Give the man a break, we can wait another hour or-"

"We can't," Tristen said, then started up the stairs. He'd thought this was the last place he'd find Shon. He'd expected the man to be more likely to go to a Horsa Temple unprompted than to allow anyone to take him to a brothel. Even a high-class one for Sorcerer patrons.

Tristen shook his head, honestly disappointed. Shon might not be a Paladin, but he swore the oath of one anyway, and had even attempted to marry the Firewyrm, which was a Temple requirement for Paladins to have... relations. And yet after only two years he'd been tempted. Tristen couldn't help but ponder, Perhaps that's why...

Tristen reached the top of the stairs, looking either way and not sure where to go. Luckily, the Madam had followed him up, "This way, Sir." She led the way down a long hall to the very end, then held a hand out to stop Tristen from approaching the door, "Please, allow me. We don't want to walk in on them unprepared." 

She rose her fist to the door, then hesitated at the voices that came out.

"Oh, that's a good one..." a female voice purred. 

"My turn my turn!" another female voice.

Tristen's eyebrows shot into his hair, his eyes wide. 

The matron hesitated, smiling as a third female voice said, "I'll show you how it's done..." followed by a deep, distinctly male, groan. 

Tristen coughed, hoping he wasn't blushing as the Madam knocked a pattern on the door.

Quickly, too quickly, one of the females called, "Come in!" 

Tristen closed his eyes as the Madam opened the door. He should've sent Oswall to get Shon, or the Madam alone. Tristen really didn't want to see the Master Sergeant in such a...

"Sir Tristen?" 

Tristen opened his eyes, then his jaw fell slack. Shon sat cross-legged on the floor, shirt and bootless, the three women formed a loose circle in front of him, various articles of clothing piled between them. All held cards in their hands.

"Cards?" The Madam asked, looking over them, a delicate frown on her lips. 

The black-haired woman shrugged and the blond blushed, but the brunet grinned, "It was his request. Though we required it at least be strip poker." Shon was already slipping his boots back on, the ladies weren't wearing much, but Tristen doubted they'd started with much. Shon apparently wasn't very good at poker...

Shon looked up to arch an eyebrow at his commander. 

Tristen coughed, then held his hands behind his back, formal, "We have a new mission, Master Sergeant. We're leaving. Now."

Shon nodded, grabbing his shirt and his sword and starting out without bothering to slip them on. He did hesitate at the door, however. Turning, Shon lifted his fists to bow to the ladies, "Thank you."

"Any time!" the blond said with a giggle. 

"Next time," the brunet said with a smile, "Bring your woman. I would love to meet her."

The black-haired courtesan smirked, "Maybe we can watch..." Shon blushed from the top of his head all the way down his chest. Tristen coughed again and together the men returned to the public room and Oswall. 

Shon slipped his shirt on as he started down the stairs, still blushing. Oswall cheered, "About time! I hope they didn't interrupt before the end."

"No," Shon grumbled, and the various whores and patrons cheered, clapping for him and making him turn nearly as red as the Firewyrm's scales. 

Tristen suppressed a snicker, marching out with Shon and Oswall behind, the former whistling for Ryuuko, the latter waving and blowing kisses as he left. Tristen wasn't sure if it would be better to reveal what Shon had really done or not. He glanced over his shoulder, Shon was still blushing, dodging Oswall as the man tried to pat him on the back. If he doesn't say anything then I won't. Tristen decided. 

He cleared his throat, that didn't mean he shouldn't change the subject, "We received another message from the Fi- Miss Lily..." he briefed them on the messages and all three sped up. 

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