Chapter 21 - Friends

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Winter 4995, 26 Ginmoth (Winter Solstice) 

Ryuuko led the way to their door while Shon trailed behind the rest as usual, coming in last and closing it behind him.

Once the door clicked closed, Oswall announced, "To the roof!" and started up the stairs.

But Tristen called, "Stand down, Staff Sergeant."

The team turned curiously to Tristen but he just smiled and waved for Ranito to follow him into the formal dining room. Oswall shouted after him, "Unless you plan on lifting the no smoking inside ban I'm going to the roof!" 

The Paladin didn't answer and Shon arched a curious eyebrow at the door. Tristen returned carrying three bottles by their necks and three tumbler glasses. He handed them over to Alena and Ebonwing, explaining as he made his way across the foyer towards the library, "If this is a drink for the entire team then there's no need for you to tap into your own collection, Oswall." He disappeared into the library and returned once more with three more bottles and glasses, as well as a wooden box under his arm. 

Oswall took the bottles and Shon the glasses as Ranito exited the dining room and Tristen started up the stairs. Oswall looked at the bottles then called up to the Paladin's back, "Something you need to tell us, Tris? It's not a good sign to have liquor squirreled away around the house." 

Shon could see Tristen's sigh from behind, his shoulders slumping and hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose again, "They've been there since we got the house. They're supposed to be for guests and dinner, but as we haven't had-" 

"More for us!" Ebonwing interrupted with a little cheer. Oswall snickered and Alena giggled. 

On the roof, there was only one small table with two chairs, intended for tea or smoking. Ebonwing and Oswall piled the bottles onto it but Ranito cleared his throat and passed them all to set something small on the most open part of the roof. The Mage chanted and tossed something over it and the fancy dining table and six heavy chairs from their dining room expanded to their usual size on the rooftop.

Oswall laughed and slapped Ranito on the back, "I knew we kept you around for a reason, old man."

Ranito snorted but didn't comment, taking a seat at one head of the long table. Tristen took the spot to his right, and Ebonwing to his left. Alena helped Oswall bring over the glasses, bottles, and ashtray, and sat beside Ebonwing while Oswall plopped down beside Tristen and unbuttoned his suit jacket. That left Shon with the other head spot. 

He rounded the table, removing his own jacket, sword, and gloves, draping them over the chair back as he took his seat and Oswall opened his new cigars. "So, who wants one? Tonight's the only night I'm sharing so keep that in mind." 

Tristen grinned, unbuttoning only the top button of his uniform jacket, "Very generous of you, Staff Sergeant. I'd love one. They were my grandfather's preferred brand, aged twenty years from Gasha." He looked particularly relaxed tonight, but then again, he actually liked noble balls. 

"I'll take one." Ebonwing announced, reaching across the table to pluck one from the box, "Can't be much worse than the trippy stuff they have us smoke for our rituals." 

Ranito held out a hand to accept a stick but spoke to Ebonwing, "Can you be anymore irreverent of your own order Druid?"

"Probably," Ebonwing answered, biting the tip off the cigar, "I haven't pissed of Cathbad yet, but I'll let you know when she finds her limit." 

Tristen rolled his eyes, "Use the cutter Ebonwing, that's why they exist." 

"Fancy," Oswall said, finding the cuter and using it to neatly snip the end off his own cigar before passing it to Tristen.

"Um... may I try one?" Alena asked nervously.

Oswall snickered and rolled one across the table to her, "Just don't inhale."

Ranito chuckled, "I'm surprised you warned her." 

"I'm in the splash zone if she blows chunks," Oswall explained. 

Shon watched it all mutely. They were already so close. It reminded him of his friends at Hamerfoss. Only this time he really was on the outside looking in. Of his own choosing...

But he'd promised. Help me Ryuuko... he pled silently to the little dragon. Ryuuko trilled, flying down from circling the table to land on his shoulder and whistle, nuzzling gratefully into Shon's cheek. 

That got the other's attention and Oswall held out a cigar to him, "You want one, solder boy?" 

Shon lifted a hand and shook his head, but Ryuuko nipped his ear, as requested, prompting him to say, "If I lit one of those my Master would materialize on this roof and throw me off it."

Ebonwing laughed out loud, Alena grinned and blushed, and Oswall put the stick back but said, "We should gang up and force you just to see that." 

Tristen shook his head but grinned again and said, "In that case, I'm sure we would be the ones flying. I don't fancy going against a Grandmaster." 

They all took turns with Oswall's matches to light their cigars, and soon smoke hovered over the table. Oswall leaned back with a sigh, running his hand through his slicked-back hair and disheveling it. Shon arched an eyebrow at him but Ebonwing cursed, "Fuck, Os. I didn't think you could look any better, but you pull off the rich disheveled look way too well."

Shon nodded in agreement, but once again no one was looking at him. Oswall made a rude gesture to Ebonwing but then sighed again and said, "Coming from you, I'll take the compliment." He grunted and sat up to lean over the table and reach for the bottles, "So what have we got?" 

As Oswall examined the labels, Alena looked to Tristen and his unmarked box, "What have you got there, Tris?"

Rather than answer, Tristen opened the box to show what looked like twelve perfectly square diamonds and a pair of steel tongs. He used the tongs to put two diamonds in each glass while Ebonwing gasped, "Damn, I've heard of you rich bastards drinking with diamonds in the glass but I didn't think it was literal." 

Ranito and Tristen rolled their eyes in unison and the Mage explained, "They are enchanted with cooling. Basically, they act as unmelting ice."

"These are zircon, not diamonds," Tristen explained, passing out the glasses,

Shon lifted his glass to examine the frost forming where the gems touched, while Oswall snorted, "Zircon's often marketed as diamonds though. So keep that in mind while jewelry shopping."

"That's not legal is it?" Alena asked. 

"Not at all," Tristen said, pointedly not looking at Oswall. 

Ranito cleared his throat, "Real diamonds will hold the enchantment significantly longer but are understandably more expensive."

"And we aren't worth that much." Ebonwing chimed in. 

"These serve the purpose well enough," Tristen answered. 

Oswall finished examining the bottles and announced, "Alright, we've got bourbon, scotch, whisky, rum, and for some reason two cordials made in some potent vodka. Pick your poison." 

"Scotch for me please," Tristen asked, sliding his glass over. Oswall just handed the bottle over and the Paladin sighed but uncorked it himself and poured two fingers worth. 

"Rum's mine," Ebonwing announced, standing to grab the bottle. 

Ranito held up a hand, "I'll take the bourbon." 

"What are the cordials?" Alena asked as Oswall took the whisky for himself. 

The Rogue poured his glass while he answered, "One's citrus, lemon and oranges, the other is cherry and cinnamon. But I'd be careful with those. They don't taste as strong as they are."

Shon held up his hand, "I'll have the cinnamon." 

Once again silence greeted his words. Ryuuko twittered and hopped down to the table to slide the bottle in reach for its human. Shon uncorked the drink and was washed in the strong smell of cinnamon and spirits with just a hint of cherry sweetness. He had to close his eyes at the memories it invoked and when he opened them again it was to find Oswall smirking at him, "A cordial, really?" the Rogue asked, "We'll share, you know. No one's going to finish off an entire bottle."

Alena reached for the citrus cordial and poured herself a small glass but asked, "What's wrong with cordials?"

Ebonwing snickered and leaned over to whisper as loudly as she could to the Cleric, "They're 'girly' drinks since they're flavored." 

Alena snorted and turned her nose up, "And yet he had to warn of their strength. Sounds to me like Os doesn't trust in his own masculinity."

"Hey!" Os shouted. Ebonwing just snickered and Alena stuck her tongue out at him. 

Shon started to pour himself a glass of the cinnamon and Ryuuko hopped onto his shoulder to nip at his ear again. "I like cinnamon," Shon said. 

Ebonwing stood to reach past Alena and tilt the bottle up, causing Shon to fill the glass much further than he intended, all the way to the top, "Well drink up then, ice man. I wasn't lying when I said I was going to get you hammered." 

"Eb!" Alena exclaimed, snatching Ebonwing's hand away. 

"You don't have to finish that, Shon," Tristen assured him, glaring at the Druid.

Oswall just shrugged, taking a drink of his whisky and adding, "What's got you in such a rush woman? He isn't even your type. Unless there's something you to aren't telling us..." Oswall leered at Shon instead of Ebonwing, "Soldier... boy..."

Shon just rolled his eyes, not dignifying that implication with an answer no matter how hard Ryuuko bit him. He took a deep drink of the strong liquor. The cinnamon overpowered the cherry, and he sighed at the flavor. For you, Lily... 

As he drank Ebonwing answered, "Yua says he talks when he drinks, and I've got questions."

Oswall was too distracted by Shon nearly downing the entire glass to answer, "Woh, slow down there man."

"We aren't going to interrogate him, Druid." Tristen snapped at Ebonwing. 

Alena looked nervously at Shon, "Are you okay, Shon?"

Shon brought down the glass and silenced all of them again as he topped it off once more. "Fine," he answered shortly.

"Really?" Oswall asked skeptically as Shon lifted the glass again. 

Shon hesitated with it against his lips, then shrugged and corrected, "Functional." he wouldn't be fine until this was over and he could drink with Lily beside him. 

Ranito cleared his throat, and Shon looked across the long table to find the Mage with his notebook and pencil out, "What changed? You've never drunk with the team before now..."

Ebonwing snickered, "What was that about an interrogation, Tris?" 

"Put that away, Archmage." Tristen snapped at Ranito. 

The Mage didn't answer or put his book away. Shon sighed looking for a good excuse that didn't involve Lily. "It's my birthday," he confessed. 

Alena gasped, "Why didn't you tell us?!"

Oswall huffed, "Winter Solstice? Really?" 

Shon shrugged, and Ryuuko nipped him, "That's what it says on my papers." 

"Ooo, words and sarcasm? This is great." Ebonwing squealed. 

Shon took another deep drink then ran his hand over his hair but explained, "I was found on the Temple doorstep on Winter Solstice and they thought I was newborn so they put that day on my papers." His blood was already starting to run warmer with the cinnamon and booze.

"Oh, Shon..." Alena whispered. 

"The Temple doorstep?" Tristen asked, despite his argument against questioning him. 

Shon nodded, and Ryuuko chittered so he continued, "The Temple of Hegist turned me over to the Church of course." He glanced at Alena and managed a slight grin, "It was a good life, Cleric, I don't regret it." But then his face fell at the memory of everything after and he picked up his drink again, downing all of it.

The adults in his life had all thought that Shon being left with the Temple was a divine sign that he should join their ranks as a Paladin. He was living proof that signs could be misinterpreted.

Oswall just huffed, taking a deep drink of his own, "Parents are overrated." he grumbled. 

Shon shrugged, pouring himself another glass, "I had the best father anyone could ask for. Even if I didn't meet him until I was ten." 

"Grandmaster Veon-Zih?" Alena asked. 

Shon nodded, and Ryuuko nipped him again, "He prefers Master Veon-Zih. Or just Veon-Zih though."

"Oh," Alena blushed and took a drink of her own cordial, shuddering a little as she swallowed. 

"Alright! Now that I've got you well-lubricated," Ebonwing started, leaning over the table to grin at him as Oswall snickered at her word choice, "What-" 

But Alena interrupted her hurriedly, "Why don't we all answer? It'll be fun. We could get to know everyone better." 

Oswall and Ranito rolled their eyes but Tristen nodded and Ebonwing started again, "What... is your favorite color?" 

"Really? That's it?" Oswall asked. 

"Oh, I'm just getting started," Ebonwing assured him. 

"Well? Everyone?" Alena asked, not giving up on her idea. 

Oswall lifted his drink, "I reserve the right to lie." 

"As long as you make it entertainingly elaborate." Ebonwing agreed.

"Deal." Oswall snickered, sipping his whisky.

"Well?" Alena prompted, "Eb, you asked, so, what's your favorite color?" 

The Druid took her own sip of rum but answered, "Purple."

"Not green?" Ranito asked, writing in his book for some reason while he puffed on his cigar, making Shon arch his eyebrow at him and Ryuuko tilt its head.

Ebonwing rolled her eyes, "Classist," she accused him, but then continued, "Purple is always vibrant and beautiful. Especially beside the green." She grinned evilly at the Mage, then elbowed him, "Well, what about you?"

Ranito huffed, "Blue. It brings out the color of my eyes."

Tristen lifted his glass to Ebonwing, "Purple as well, though I'm sure you know why." Ebonwing clinked her glass against Tristen's anyway and they both drank. 

"Os?" Alena asked. 

"Orange," Oswall answered.

"What?" Ebonwing scoffed.

Oswall shrugged, but grinned, "It's one of the hardest colors to hide and that makes it a challenge."

The table turned to Shon and he looked down at his drink in thought. Alena gave her answer quickly as if trying to give him more time, "Mine's pink." 

"Of course it is sweetheart." Ebonwing pat Alena's head condescendingly and the Cleric brushed her hand away but blushed. 

"Well?" Oswall asked Shon. 

Shon sighed, he could only think of one thing, "Red." 

"What? Like blood?" Ebonwing asked.

"Like rubies." Shon clarified. Or ruby scales... as they twine around white skin and shine beside golden hair...

"Not blue?" Tristen asked. Ranito scribbled in his book with a furrowed brow. Shon just shook his head. 

"Okay next! Favorite food! Mine's bean sprouts. They go with everything and add a nice crunch." Ebonwing continued on.

"Potatoes," Ranito mumbled as he wrote, sipping at his drink. 

"As bland as you are, old man," Oswall commented.

"Shrimp." Tristen answered, "Or any seafood really." 

"Maybe we should go to Gasha next, I know a few great places right on the coast." Oswall chimed in. 

"Everywhere is on the coast in Gasha, Os." Ebonwing said. 

Oswall just shrugged, "That's why I like steak. Hard to get there." 

Alena smiled and lifted her glass into the air, announcing, "I love anything citrus, but I think oranges are my favorite," Then she took another drink while the others snickered. 

Then it was Shon's turn again. He swirled his glass, "Cinnamon." and took another deep drink.

"That isn't a food." Ebonwing accused him.

"Yeah, you're not just going to take a bite out of a cinnamon stick. Try a little harder." Oswall added.

Ranito narrowed his eyes at him from across the table. Shon just sighed. Try a little harder indeed... He had to think of something other than Lily. He ran his hand over his hair and grumbled, "I just eat what's put in front of me..." 

Ebonwing elbowed Alena in the side and whispered loudly again, "As every good person should." she snickered and everyone around the table groaned. 

Shon rolled his eyes but finally said, "Curry. Done in Oane style with rice." 

Oswall threw his hands in the air, "That doesn't even have cinnamon in it!" but Shon just shrugged.

Since they'd gone over Shon's childhood, Alena insisted the rest give a brief rundown of where they were from. She was from Stiudal, from a village so small that didn't even have a Temple, and was an only child. Tristen grew up in the capital, spending as much time in the palace as his own family manor. He was a cousin to the king on his mother's side and had three older sisters. Ranito grew up in Swailand's second-largest city but moved to Clearhelm as a journeyman to work under an Archmage there who specialized in magic items and components before retiring to be a hermit. Ebonwing was from the capital of Shutha and her parents still ran a tailor shop there, Growing Garments. 

Oswall gave an elaborate story of how he was shipwrecked as an infant on Gasha and raised by apes, before being taken in by traveling minstrels, then adopted by a noble spinster, who would only give over her estate to him if he joined the Temple of Horsa. No one pushed him on the lie except Ebonwing, who only insisted that the apes must have been bonobos. 

Shon felt warm and more relaxed than he had in the year since Lily left. Admittedly the constant smell and taste of cinnamon helped as much as the booze. Ryuuko helped by nipping him and sending occasional images of some of the locations mentioned, prompting Shon to speak of his experiences traveling the kingdom. He learned that Tristen liked to crochet in his free time, and though Ranito couldn't cook he did enjoy baking as a hobby. Alena collected antique dolls, and Ebonwing was saving her money to take a year off and travel with Yua without needing to work. Oswall told another tall tale about how he was spending all his money to build his own palace made entirely of gold on the uninhabited southern tip of Yanao.

The questions and conversation continued in that vein for a while, and eventually, Shon didn't even need Ryuuko's prompting to participate. Most of the team members went through at least two glasses of liquor each, finishing their cigars. Shon and Os had three. Only Tristen nursed his first cup as he slowly finished his cigar and Oswall started on his second stick.

But each time they circled the table with their answers Shon found himself wondering. How would Lily answer? No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get her off his mind. She would love this...

Then Oswall interrupted Ebonwing with a question of his own, "Okay, my turn. How do you pay someone when they won't accept it?" He looked around the table at all the dumbfounded faces, seeming almost desperate for the answer. 

Finally, Ebonwing shrugged, "You don't. You accept the gift and say thank you."

Everyone nodded and Oswall growled. Tristen furrowed his brow and asked, "What's this about, Staff Sergeant?"

Oswall pushed away from the table and stood, gesturing at his unbuttoned suit, "How much do you think this thing should cost?"

Ebonwing scoffed, "How are we supposed to know?" Though if anyone should it would be her.

But Tristen reached over and pinched some of the fabric between his fingers asking, "Silk?" 

"And the buttons are custom cast brass," Oswall answered.

Ranito whistled, "twenty-five gold for the materials alone." 

"But what about labor?" Alena asked. 

"Rule of thumb for apprentices is to multiply the cost of materials by three," Ebonwing answered. 

Oswall threw his hands in the air and sat back down, slamming his drink back like a shot, "She isn't an apprentice. Damn woman claims to be a hobbyist but she's better than most master tailors."

"You could give her more materials to work with." Alena offered. 

"Or something else of equal value." Ebonwing offered.

"Or just admit defeat and know you'll be in her debt." Ranito chimed in.

"That's not an option," Oswall snapped at the Mage. Then to the ladies said, "She won't take them, I've tried." 

Shon watched it all without comment, and Ryuuko twittered quietly in his ear, sending him an image of the previous Winter Solstice. 

Tristen was saying something along the lines of "Just accept the gift Staff-" when Shon interrupted,

"Give them something of emotional value they won't want to refuse." 

The table turned as one to him and Oswall let out a choked, "Hu?" 

But Ebonwing smacked her hand on the table and said, "Like Yua's map." 

Alena clapped her hands in realization and said, "Oh yeah! That would be perfect." 

"She showed you?" Shon asked. Alena beamed and nodded. He hadn't realized that. Even Yua had managed to make friends with his team before he had.

Oswall just shook his head, "What are you all talking about? What map?"

Shon tilted his cup at Ebonwing so she answered, "Yua has a map of the kingdom. It's the same kind you can get at any cartographer but she wouldn't sell it for the world." 

Alena elaborated, "It was customized. The border has drawings of a Druid on one side and a Ranger on the other and the roads to Shutha are all emphasized." 

"Though I suppose she'll need to update them to lead here instead," Ebonwing added. 

Tristen nodded, "That's an idea. Something with meaning is worth far more than the gold spent on it." 

Oswall leaned back in his seat, puffing on his cigar in thought but Ranito leaned forward to stare at Shon, "And who made those custom drawings I wonder..." 

Shon shrugged, and Ryuuko nipped him, "It was a Solstice gift." he said. 

Oswall narrowed his eyes for a moment then actually asked, "Would you take a commission?"

Shon blinked at the man. He seemed far more serious and intent than Shon had ever seen him before, "Depends..." Shon answered. 

Ebonwing snickered, "Nothing lewd Os, don't get your hopes up." 

"Hush woman." Oswall snapped at her, then to Shon said, "Nothing like that." He actually leaned closer and whispered, "Come on man, it's for Sasha..." 

Shon arched an eyebrow at the man, studying his suit again, "Sasha made that?" 

Oswall nodded, everything about him silently pleading with Shon.

"Alright." Shon finally answered, "tell me what you want and I'll work on it." 

Oswall sagged in relief, "Thanks man, I'll take you to meet the subject tomorrow." 

Tristen cleared his throat, "Tomorrow we're back to work."

Alena sighed, Oswall groaned, and Ebonwing actually whined, "Really Tris? Can't we get at least one day off?" 

Tristen blinked at her, "Winter Sol-" he started

"This was not a day off." Oswall interrupted, "Or is that part of our punishment too." he thumbed at himself and Shon, glaring at Tristen.

More diplomatically Alena said, "It wasn't exactly relaxing Sir Tristen..."

Ranito huffed, "Plebeians. Only you would see a royal ball as work and punishment." 

But Tristen sighed, "Fine. You'll need tomorrow to sleep off tonight anyway." 

"Woo! I'll drink to that!" Oswall cheered and he and Ebonwing clinked glasses, both taking deep drinks. 

But then Ebonwing brought down her glass with a powerful shudder and asked loudly, "Alright! Back to the questions. Tits or ass?"

Tristen pushed his glass away and stood, "And with that, I'm done for the night." 

"Prude," Ranito muttered under his breath, scribbling in his book again, and making Oswall and Ebonwing explode in laughter while Alena blushed and Shon took another drink. 

"Gentleman." Tristen corrected stiffly. The Paladin bowed to the table, "don't stay up too late." and with that, he left the roof. 

"Yes, mom!" Ebonwing called after him, then elbowed Ranito with a wink, "Well?"

"You first M'lady." Ranito countered. 

"It's all in the tits," Ebonwing answered without shame, patting her nearly flat chest.

Oswall snickered, "What? Because you don't have any?" Which made Shon chuckle despite himself. He'd definitely had too much, as there appeared to be two Ebonwings now making a rude gesture at the Rogue in answer. 

Alena was nearly as red as Lily's scales and whispered, "Do we have to answer this one..."

Ranito snapped his book shut and stood as Ebonwing continued to elbow him, "A well-shaped bottom is nice on either gender." he bowed to the table at large, "It is quite late." 

Ebonwing snorted, "And you called Tris the prude. They'll only get better from here on out." 

Ranito grinned but shook his head, "I'm sure, just as I'm equally sure that you will be sharing everyone's answers for days to come. Good night, gentlemen, lady... Druid." 

"Hey!" Ebonwing protested. Ranito just snickered and left after Tristen.

Ebonwing huffed indignantly but poured herself more Rum and answered Alena, "I suppose if you must bring male features into the conversation..." 

For some reason, Alena was shooting nervous glances at Shon, though he hardly noticed. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. She answered shyly, "Well... I suppose a nice chest also looks good on either..." 

Ebonwing snickered into her hand and leaned over to nudge Alena who was looking at her glass as though hoping it would animate and help her. Shon arched a confused eyebrow at the two of them and Alena hid her face while Ebonwing laughed out loud.

"You're missing the real best part." Oswall announced, "It's all about the legs, and what they lead to..."

Ebonwing let out a long, "Oh?" and swung her long legs up to rest on the corner of the table, "You and Yua should get together and compare notes. She's a leg woman too." Then she turned her evil smirk on Shon, "What about you, big guy?" 

Shon wasn't paying attention. He dipped his finger in the last of his drink and used it to draw out the outline of a woman's curves on the table. It was no use trying, he could only think of one woman, the only one he'd ever seen in that way. What would he say was her most alluring feature? Her eyes? Her long hair? Her flexibility? Her strength? Everything... 

Oswall leaned over to empty the last of the cinnamon bottle into Shon's glass. It was barely enough to fill the bottom. "Your turn, man. You're not going to get away from this one."

Shon looked up to see Ebonwing grinning at him, Alena toying with her fingers in her lap, and Oswall attempting to arch an eyebrow and failing. Shon sighed. Leaning back and downing the last of his drink, he stared at the stars and tried to think past the myriad of memories playing through his mind. "Midriff." He answered. 

Ebonwing chuckled, Alena let out a curious, "Hu?" and Oswall asked, "What?" 

Shon looked back down at the quickly drying sketch and traced it again. He'd drunk enough he didn't need Ryuuko's prompting and continued, "The stomach. Flat. Muscled but still soft. The delicate curve of the waist to the hips..." 

Oswall whispered, "Dude, you need to get laid."

Alena gasped, "Os!" Ebonwing let out an evil cackle and Alena reached over to smack her, "Why does it always have to get lewd with you two?!" 

Shon just sighed and crossed his arms over the table, resting his head in them and mumbling, "He's not wrong." silencing Alena's protests.

"You volunteering, Os?" Ebonwing asked with a snicker. 

Oswall huffed and finished his own drink but said, "Been there done that, not my type."

Ebonwing shrugged and turned her grin to Alena, "Ah well, guess you're up Al. Ready to take one for the team?" 

Shon swished his empty bottle and didn't see Alena's reaction, though he could hear her splutter something indeterminant.

"Leave her alone, Eb." Shon mumbled, getting to his feet. The ground lurched below him and he had to steady himself on the table before very carefully walking around the ladies toward Tristen and Ranito's abandoned bottles. 

"He'd break her in half," Oswall said unhelpfully as Shon squinted to try and read the labels that wouldn't hold still. 

"That could be part of the fun though." Ebonwing countered. Shon put Ranito's down and took Tristen's scotch, he turned back for his seat to see Alena hiding her face in her hands, as Ebonwing continued, "He's not bad looking if you're into that kind of thing."

Shon reached out to cup the back of Ebonwing's neck as he walked past. She jumped into the air and dove over the table to get away from him, knocking over both her seat and Tristen's abandoned one before she stood, gripping her neck and cursing, "Cathbads mighty shaft, have you gotten colder?" 

"No," Shon answered shortly, falling back into his chair and pouring a cup of scotch as Ebonwing picked up Tristen's seat and took it beside Oswall. 

"I think you've had enough, Shon..." Alena tried, 

Oswall spoke over her, "Excuses. I know a great brothel in Gasha that specialize in Sorcerer clientele. Decks their wears out in gems."

"No," Shon said again while Ebonwing snickered. 

"You would know all the brothels." she accused the Rogue. 

Oswall just shrugged, "Sex work is work. I wouldn't recommend anywhere they don't love their job." 

"Do we really have to talk about this?" Alena asked. 

"Yes." Ebonwing and Oswall spoke in unison while Shon downed his new drink, shuddering at the strong taste and unable to respond while the two continued. 

"That's probably why he's so stiff and serious all the time," Ebonwing was saying. 

"All that pent-up frustration 'll kill you. Rubbing it out will only take you so far." Oswall added. 

"You two are awful." Alena accused them.

Shon just sighed, laying down on the table again and repeating, "They aren't wrong." 

Alena blushed crimson again and Ebonwing laughed while Oswall said, "See. Yet another reason we need to go to Gasha next." 

But Shon shook his head. It was a mistake and made the entire world spin around him. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe through the alcohol, but said, "We need to finish this mission..." Then.... then he could be with Lily again. Feel her hot skin pressed against his, and hear her moans for more as she submitted to his touch. He sighed. "I need to go to bed..." 

"Not yet," Ebonwing snapped, "I've got one more for you." 

Shon shifted his head to the other side to watch her, "Shoot." he grumbled.

"Why did you really decide to drink with us tonight? What changed?" 

Damn... Before he could think past the alcohol he was answering, "I made a promise..." 

"A promise?" Alena asked in a whisper, while Oswall asked, 

"To who?" over her. 

He tried to stand again but stumbled and fell back into his chair. He'd never drunk this much before. "To try," he muttered, "to make friends..." The three of them exchanged silent looks and Shon continued to mumble, "I contaminate everything I touch..." Where did that come from? "So I lock everyone out. It's easier that way. That way when I'm gone it won't hurt..." But why would it hurt anyone to lose him anyway? It should be a relief... It would be, if only he were braver... Ryuuko squawked in concern and landed on his head, nuzzling down into his face until he pushed it off. 

Ebonwing sighed but spoke kindly as she stood, "Just give me a moment, big guy. You were right, you need to go to bed." She started a chant and Shon squinted at her in the darkness as she took on a brief green glow before it faded and she circled the table to help him up without flinching at his cold, "Don't get any ideas. It'll only last a few minutes." she said, then groaned as Shon stumbled into her, "A little help?" she asked the others. 

Oswall raised his hands, "Don't look at me, I don't have protection magic." 

"Give me a minute, Eb," Alena said, standing and starting her own protection chant before taking Shon's other arm to help steady him. 

They made it to the edge of the table before Shon pulled them to a stop and nearly sent them all tumbling to their backsides, "Sword..." He grumbled and tried to turn. 

"I got it," Oswall said, grabbing Shon's sword and jacket and following behind as the girls helped him down the stairs. "No wonder you don't drink. Can't hold your liquor." Os accused him. 

"He finished off that entire bottle," Alena said. 

"Got to pace yourself," Ebonwing agreed, "We were having a few drinks, not drowning our sorrows." 

Shon huffed, mumbling, "Doesn't work anyway..."

Ebonwing rubbed his back and he thought he heard Oswall whisper, "No, no it doesn't."

They managed to make it down the stairs and into Shon's room without falling down. Shon was hardly cognizant of them as he collapsed onto his bed and rolled onto his back, draping an arm over his eyes and trying to breathe the booze away.

The world rocked like a boat on the ocean and their movements sounded loud as Oswall put his sword in its stand over the fireplace and Ebonwing brought over his trash can, setting it beside the bed in case he got sick. He'd never drunk enough to stumble before let alone puke, but now he wondered if that might help him feel better.

"I'll get his boots," Ebonwing was saying, "You get his belt." 

He grunted as he felt the Druid removing his boots, managing to lift his feet just enough to help before she snapped, "I said his belt, not his pants. Get a grip, Al, it's not like he could get it up in this state anyway." 

Shon reached down to do it instead and his fingers brushed Alena's. She pulled away and he unbuckled the belt but then went limp again. She grunted as she pulled it out from under him and he heard it hit the ground beside his boots. 

"That's fine," Oswall said, "Probably the first time he's passed out in uniform but it'll iron out." 

Shon felt someone reach for his head and turned away to avoid the touch, mumbling, "Don't..."

Alena sighed, "I'll heal the headache tomorrow, Shon. Just ask." Ryuuko whistled gratefully and Shon felt it curl itself over his head. 

Three sets of feet started for his door and he heard it swing open before Ebonwing said, "It was fun, big guy. Let's do it again sometime."

"Yeah." Oswall added, "Next time we'll stick with beer." 

"Thanks for joining us, Shon." Alena finished and they all left.

The room continued to sway and Shon kept his arm draped over his eyes. Fun... He supposed it was. Though he couldn't help but feel like he'd put a damper on it just by being there. "I promised... for her..." He whispered into the empty room. 

Or Shon thought.

His desk chair scraped across the floor and he opened his eyes, trying to focus on the chair moving of its own accord to his bedside.

Ranito materialized, crossing his legs as his invisibility spell faded. Holding his notebook in his lap, he asked, "Are you sleeping already, Sorcerer?" 

Shon growled at the word choice and Ranito smirked, lifting his pencil, "I have a few questions of my own. Some I don't think you want the others hearing..."

"Tristen..." Shon tried.

But Ranito shrugged, "You may tell him. I'll leave it up to you. Now..." He placed his pencil on the page and stated instead of asked, "The Firewyrm was at the ball tonight. To see you." Ryuuko hissed, lifting its head to snap at the Mage.

Shon didn't respond but Ranito started to scribble anyway, then asked, "You're more than just childhood friends and one-time adventuring companions, aren't you?" Again Shon didn't answer and Ranito just nodded, continuing, "Does Sir Tristen know?" 

Finally, Shon nodded. Still flat on his back and with his arm draped over his face he said, "He ordered our history confidential."

"Hmmm..." Ranito hummed, then uncrossed his legs and moved to sit on the edge of the seat. Leaning over Shon, he whispered, "Are you working with her? For the Warlocks?" 

Shon surged to sit up, but that was a mistake. The world spun and he fell back down again. "She isn't working for them," he growled. Ryuuko supported him with a hiss. 

Ranito just sat back and scribbled some more, "She is. By her own admission." 

"Only because the kingdom-" Shon started but stopped as Ranito sighed.

"Yes, quite foolish of them, I agree. But that is a decision above our pay grade I'm afraid. What will you do when we finish our primary objective and she becomes our new primary?" 

Shon glared at the man and sat up again, more slowly, "What do you want, Archmage?"

Ranito shrugged, "That is quite a loaded question don't you think? I want to conduct my research and experiments. To learn how the world and its magic really works," He met Shon's eyes and continued, "I won't be able to do that if the Warlocks keep interrupting it or the world ends, Sorcerer, and I want to make sure we are all on the same side." 

Ryuuko hissed again and Shon tried to will the world to stop swaying. It didn't work but he managed, "We will end the Warlock threat. Without sacrificing Lily to them or the kingdom."

"Oh?" Ranito asked, "Even if it means the end of the world?" 

Shon spoke through clenched teeth, "The world isn't worth saving without her." 

Ranito snapped his book shut, "I'll keep that in mind." He stood, putting his book away and taking out a pinch of something, "and as a thank you, I will help you get some much-needed sleep." Before Shon could protest or Ryuuko could take flight Ranito sprinkled sand over them both and Shon felt himself falling. It felt like he fell through his bed and just continued down into the darkness of dreamless sleep.

The last thing he heard was Ranito moving for his door and saying, "I'm glad we are on the same page. I wouldn't want you for an enemy." 

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