Chapter 19 - Winter Solstice

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Winter 4995, 26 Ginmoth (Winter Solstice) 

Lily twisted in her scarlet gown to try and see the low-cut back in her mirror. Normally it would be far too revealing for the literal middle of winter, but she suspected that this particular venue would be well heated. Even if it wasn't, Lily didn't care. So it would take a little extra energy to keep warm. So what? It was worth it to look this good. She smirked in satisfaction at her reflection. 

On the other side of the room Rose huffed, crossing her arms and looking away, "It's quite fetching," She said snidely, "It goes particularly well with your scales."

Lily rolled her eyes but answered, "I know, right?" just to annoy her.

A pair of Warlocks, trying to look unintrusive in the corner, shifted uncomfortably. One already held her black-bladed dagger and tapped it nervously against her leg. Only one in every ten Warlocks was able to summon the magic blades that could cut portals through the outer planes to anywhere in the world. And each one could only perform the feet once a day -sometimes twice but only if they were particularly powerful. 

Lily reached down to touch her toes, running her hands up her legs as she stood again. One leg was revealed, complete with twisting scales, by a long slit to her thigh, the other held her new staff strapped to its side. She twisted again a few more times to make sure the weapon was well hidden in the folds of the dress. 

Just as she'd promised, Rose helped Lily with her hair. Twisting it up in a fancier bun than Lily could manage on her own, and held in place by sticks tipped with small globes of glass. But as it came closer to the time to go, Rose had gotten more and more nervous at what she called "An idiotic plan that risked everything for a man."

Lily hadn't let Rose in on the entire plan. For some reason she enjoyed seeing the normally collected woman so nervous. It was cute how she tried to hide it behind sarcasm and snide remarks. 

But as the time grew nearer, Lily's excitement started to evolve into jitters. Where were the other Warlocks? The Master Archmages said they would send someone with her payment in time...

As if summoned by her nerves there was a knock on the door and Lily jumped. She managed to hide it by adding a little spin and waving for one of the Warlocks to open the door.

Yonin and In'nin themselves walked in. Yonin held a box flat in her hands, while In'nin carried a book with his thumb holding a particular page ready to open. 

"What are you doing here?" Rose asked, looking from Lily to the Master Archmages and back again, "Are you going to try and convince her not to be stupid then?" she tried, and failed, to keep the hope from her voice. 

Lily rolled her eyes again but pat her hair to try and settle her nerves.

The two smiled in perfect unison, the look alien on their stone faces and unable to reach their blank eyes.

"Of course not," Yonin answered,

"She is free," In'nin added. 

Yonin ran her hand over her box, "As you requested, Firewyrm." 

"Lily," Lily corrected them, stepping closer and reaching for the box. 

Yonin didn't pass it over or open it and In'nin shook his head, "I would recommend going by a different moniker tonight..." 

"It's my name," Lily snapped, "You can't take it from me." 

In'nin sighed but just opened his book. Yonin spoke, "You must forgive us..."

"Must I?" Lily snarked.

In'nin continued over her, "We have never been particularly versed in botany..." 

"Perhaps this will be more appropriate..." Yonin finished, waving at the book which In'nin turned her way. 

On the page were drawings of three different flowers, though all with the same common name. Draconic logograms she'd never seen before were written in calligraphy below each of them, and scribbled below one in pencil, was the pronunciation. 

Lily brushed her fingers over the word, and smiled. "Perfect..." she whispered. 

"We're glad you're pleased," In'nin said. 

"It is far more appropriate than..." Yonin trailed off, as if incapable of saying Lily's name. 

Lily rolled her eyes again but turned for the white stone woman with her blank black eyes, "Well? The item?"

Yonin's smile widened and she opened the box. 

Lily hadn't known what to expect, but this definitely wasn't it. They'd said they could make what she needed out of anything she could wear on her person. Had implied heavily that they were considering a broach or even a tiara, maybe something simple like a bracelet, ring, or even a decorative hair comb. 

Lily took an involuntary step back, her hand going to her neck before she could stop herself. It tingled and itched. In the box sat a golden necklace made to fit close, with a ruby carved in the shape of a flower dangling from the center. 

A collar... they'd made a collar. Lily swallowed, and sweat started to bead on her brow. She could feel her hairs stand on end and tried not to gasp for air that suddenly seemed impossible to breathe. 

In'nin lifted the small necklace from the box and held it open in both hands. "Firewyrm?" he asked innocently. Too innocently.

That tittle. She couldn't see, couldn't breathe. The room didn't hold the same people to Her eyes. Before Her were the Archmages Morndancer and Shaloon. In the corner stood a nervous Brom and Ran. And... "Lily." 

Rose's voice broke through her panic attack and Lily fell to her knees, gripping the water woman's arms as she knelt with her and held Lily's trembling face. "You don't have to Lily. There will be another way, another time." Rose tried to reassure her, her palms hissing on Lily's skin and making her magic tingle. It wasn't as strong as Shon's ice, but the effect helped clear her mind. And reminded her of him.

Lily shook her head. Shon... She wanted to see him. Needed to help him. His deep voice floated through her memories. She'd been panicking after a nightmare of memories. Of snapping fingers and choking golden collars. He'd held her close to his strong cold chest and said exactly what she needed to hear, "You escaped them, Lily. You did." he'd whispered it, his breath like an icy wind on her hair "They can't hurt you or anyone you love ever again because you won't let them. You were stronger than them then, and you're even stronger now." Even if they tried to take her magic, her very breath, she would fight them. She was stronger now. Shon had always known it. Maintaining that she could take care of herself. 

Lily pulled herself to her feet. "Thank you," She whispered to Rose. And took the collar.


Tristen checked his reflection again and leaned forward to comb his fingers through his trimmed beard one more time. Not for the first time he wondered if the streaks of gray made him look distinguished or just old. "Have I gotten more gray in the last year?" He whispered to his reflection. 

He flinched as at least one of the causes of his increased gray hammered on his door and Ebonwing's voice shouted in, "Come on, Tris! Alena and I are already ready to go. You're taking almost as long as Ranito." He sighed. At least she hadn't come barging in.

He stepped back to check his dress uniform one last time in the mirror, straightening the purple cuffs and brushing some perceived dust off the gray slacks, -both shades reserved exclusively for those serving Saint Giorgos. He stopped to grab the small pile of packages by his door and spoke as he opened it, "What about Shon and Oswa-" he nearly dropped the boxes, "What in all the gods' holy names are you wearing Druid?"

Ebonwing twisted to try and look at her back, the motion causing the unseemingly short front of her dress to ride up even higher. The back of the forest green gown reached the floor, but the front was pinned in place at the hips and hiked so far up that it only barely hid her womanhood. Her boots were darker green and reached to her thighs, further highlighting the revealing nature of the gown. At least she's wearing undergarments... Tristen thought, then had to shake his head at the fact that he'd gotten a good enough look to realize that. 

Ebonwing looked up from her examination and cocked her head to the side, "Boots?" she asked. 

Tristen pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand but rather than rise to the woman's bait he brushed past her towards the stairs. He breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Alena outside the washroom, knocking on the door and calling politely for Ranito to hurry. 

She was dressed in a proper gown reminiscent of a sunrise. The hem was yellow, slowly lightening to pink, then purple, then blue as it reached her shoulders. She wore her pendant of Soleil proudly, the chain hanging low enough that the golden sun sat in the middle of her modest bust. Her long blond hair was done up in curls with small diamonds woven throughout like stars. If she'd had Shon's black hair it would look perfect, but even without it, she looked like a lovely proper lady. 

She turned to Tristen and blushed, reminding him how young she was. "He said he's almost done..." she led

"Well that's good, we don't want to be-" Tristen started, but Alena continued over him,

"an hour ago..." 

Tristen sighed and took her place before the door to rap it with his knuckles. "Come on Archmage, you can't possibly look more ridiculous than Ebonwing." 

"Hey!" Ebonwing exclaimed from halfway down the stairs.

Tristen ignored her, addressing Alena, "Shon and Oswall?"

"Shon is waiting by the door and said Os was already outside. Probably having a smoke." 

Tristen knocked on the washroom door again, "You're the last one, let's go!" Tristen wasn't much for the sexist cliche of females taking longer than men, but he also had three sisters and knew their layers did take longer to organize than even the Mage's robes should. He opened the door to find Ranito in just his underwear leaning over his sink and applying a cream to his face. 

The old Mage squealed and Tristen closed the door as quickly as he could while Alena spun and covered her pink face with her hands. Tristen cleared his throat but called again, "If you're not downstairs in ten minutes I'm sending Ebonwing to come get you."

The door cracked just enough to show one dark blue eye and Ranito breathed, "You wouldn't dare..." 

"Test me." Tristen answered, "We're late to a ball, held partly in our honor by the king himself. Get downstairs. Now." 

Ranito huffed as he closed the door again but Tristen could hear him moving around the room so chose to assume he'd taken the threat seriously and turned to offer Alena his free arm as they went together down the stairs. 

"What are those?" She asked as she rested her fingers lightly on his arm, lifting her long skirts with her other hand. 

"Solstice gifts," he answered, but was distracted once more by Ebonwing standing at the window staring out with wide eyes and a slack jaw. 

"Alena, get over here you have to see this..." She hissed, waving for the Cleric to hurry. 

Shon stood beside the door in his dress uniform. White trim and buttons on a blue base. His black hair -pulled back into a neat ponytail- made the Hengist blue look pale by comparison, but as he looked up, Shon's eyes seemed nearly white compared to the blue of the uniform. He stood with his hands behind his back, unphased at the Druid's antics. Ryuuko twittered its dragon giggle and lept from his shoulder to Ebonwing's head to peek out the window with her.

"What is it?" Alena let go of Tristen's arm to rush across the atrium, "The footman?" she asked, "he looks nice..." 

"That's not the footman..." Ebonwing whispered loudly.

Alena gasped and Tristen resisted the urge to join them in gawking out the window. They would be going out in person in a moment anyway. He nodded to Shon, "You look good Master Sergeant. You should wear your uniform more often." 

Deadpan, Shon asked, "Is that an order, Sir?"

Tristen sighed and shook his head, "Not at all, Master Sergeant. Uniforms are only required for official meetings and reports."

He doubted Shon would have answered but Ranito spoke up from the stairs before he would have had the chance even if he'd wanted to, "Why am I not surprised that you would wear a uniform to a ball?" The Archmage wore a robe of dark violet embroidered with silver stars, his thick brown hair done in curls and many of his usual wrinkles smoothed by whatever he'd put on his face. 

Tristen came to Shon's defense, "A dress uniform is always appropriate for formal occasions." He cleared his throat to try and gain the ladies' attention, still focused out the window and whispering to each other in hissing voices. They ignored him. 

Shon coughed pointedly and they both responded immediately. Tristen sighed but muttered a quick thank you to Shon before he nodded for the door, "Shall we go? The carriage awaits." 

Shon held the door open for them and Ryuuko flew out ahead. Tristen stepped out behind the others and took a moment to look for Oswall, but the Rogue was nowhere in sight. Shon followed but before the soldier could pass, Tristen reached out to stop him. He'd tried to grab his shoulder but Shon turned at the last moment to avoid him. Tristen dropped his hand and cleared his throat, but asked, "You said Oswall was out here already?"

Shon nodded towards the carriage waiting outside their gate, where Ryuuko was flying tight circles around someone he'd assumed to be the footman. Alena and Ebonwing swarmed the poor man and he began to blush. "Saint Giorgos's mighty cudgel..." Tristen breathed. 

He joined the rest of the team, Shon trailing behind, and heard Ranito humph, "You clean up well." 

"I didn't even recognize you!" Alena exclaimed. 

"It's got to be some kind of illusion right? There's no way you can look this good." Ebonwing declared. 

Oswall huffed indignantly and flicked his smoke to the side, looking only slightly more like himself with the motion as he answered, "You can thank my tailor. She'd kill me if I didn't do her work justice. 

He wore an immaculately tailored suit of chocolate brown trimmed with brass accents and buttons. Standing straight and tall for once, his face was clean-shaven and his hair slicked back. Even his boots were shined. He looked downright dashing.

"She's an artist." Alena breathed, reaching out to finger Oswall's cuff, "It must've cost a fortune." 

Oswall scoffed again, "It should have..." He looked away, scowling into the distance. Was he upset that he didn't have to pay more for it? The same man that bitched about the cost of crossbow bolts and decent tobacco?

The actual footman hopped down from the back of the carriage and bowed low before holding the door open for them. Alena and Ebonwing entered first, Alena taking Tristen's packages so he could follow and sit beside them. Ranito, Oswall, and Shon followed and sat across from them. It was a tight fit but not too uncomfortable. Except that Oswall shivered as Shon took the seat beside him, though Tristen managed to resist across from him. 

Ryuuko flew in just before the footman closed the door, and took its spot on Shon's shoulder. Tristen waited until they started moving before he cleared his throat again, "I have a few things I wanted to give you all..." 

Shon looked out the window, but Ebonwing clapped her hands shouting, "Presents!" 

Alena smiled shyly and Ranito crossed his arms while Oswall asked, "And you couldn't give them to us before we left?"

Tristen sighed, "The last wasn't delivered until this evening. You can leave them in the carriage if you don't want to take them in." he explained

"You didn't have to do this, Tris. Thank you," Alena said kindly while Ebonwing continued to dance in her seat. 

Tristen felt his cheeks grow warm and covered the blush with another cough, "They are for both Winter Solstice and thank you gifts for all the work you've done over the year."

He hurried to pass out the parcels and Ebonwing ripped hers open right away, showing a band of tightly woven blooming vines. Tristen explained, "It stretches so you can wear it in your hair or around your neck..." But Ebonwing was already slipping it over her boot and sliding it up her leg to wear as a garter. Tristen closed his eyes and turned his face away from her, but Oswall and Alena both snickered at his reaction so he nodded for them to open theirs without further comment. 

Alena opened hers and the small carriage was filled with soft warm light from two tiny glowing viles attached to hooks. "Oh, Tris..." She breathed in awe as she removed the earrings and quickly replaced the ones she wore with the gift.

"Is that bottled sunlight?" Ranito asked as he opened his own. 

Tristen nodded in answer and Alena leaned forward to try and see her reflection in the glass of the carriage's window. "They're beautiful! Thank you so much."

Ranito finished unwrapping his gift and pulled out a small copper locket in the shape of a book on a long chain. His eyebrows reached for his hairline as he opened the little book and it expanded into an actual notebook complete with pen and blank pages. "In case you are ever, somehow, without yours," Tristen explained. 

Oswall snickered, "On a jewelry kick, Tris? Sorry, I'm sure it's lovely but I don't wear-" he started as he opened his own, the largest of the lot, but stopped with a gasp, then laughed, "Oh fuck yeah. I take back everything bad I've ever said about you." he held the cigar box tight and rubbed his cheek against the wood like a cherished pet. 

"Can I assume you're not disappointed then?" Tristen asked while Alena, Ebonwing, and Ranito all laughed. Ryuuko twittered its dragon giggle from Shon's shoulder but Shon just opened his own package without looking up. 

Inside was a silver bracelet with the seal of Hengist done in blue enamel, and below that, a set of white gloves sewn with silver thread. Shon stared down at the package and Tristen reached forward to grab the bracelet and explain, "This is actually for Ryuuko," he held it open and the little dragon leaned forward to let him slip it over its long neck as a necklace, the sword of Hengist resting on its winter gray and white chest. 

The pseudodragon lept from Shon's shoulder onto Tristen's chest to nuzzle his face. He pushed the little dragon down gently but couldn't meet Shon's eyes as he looked up and alternated his arched brow. At least he'd shown some expression. 

Alena asked, "Gloves?" 

But it was Ranito who answered, "Ah, cold blocking."

"Ha!" Ebonwing declared, "Now you don't have an excuse not to dance." 

Tristen expected Shon to at least snort at that, but the man's expression had gone blank again. Though he did remove the gloves and replace his white uniform set with the new ones. 

Tristen cleared his throat and addressed them all, "I expect you all to mingle, at least a little. We work under the king, but that just makes it more important that we maintain the approval of the general nobility as well. The king makes a point of inviting the lesser nobility every year, and this year he extended the invitation to include many Sorcerers in honor of the assistance offered by both Shon and the Captain of the Bronze Beatris. Though I've heard the Captain himself was unable to attend."

"Oh joy," Oswall moaned, "Politics. Just what we need on a holiday."

Ranito shook his head and waved a dismissive hand, "Anything involving the nobility was going to involve politics." 

Alena rested a hand on Tristen's knee and spoke reassurance, "Don't worry, Tris, we'll be on our best behavior."

"I doubt anything truly interesting will happen at something as swanky as this. No need to worry about us." Ebonwing added, crossing her legs and bouncing her foot in the air.

Oswall snickered, "Yeah, Tris, I doubt anything could be as disruptive as Eb's dress." She kicked him but he just snickered again.

"Let us pray that is the case." Tristen finished as their carriage pulled up to the palace and the footman came down to open their door again. 


Oswall got his social obligations out of the way early. He danced with his General, who hadn't recognized him either. He assured her that this was part of his charm as an undercover operative. This way no one who attended the ball would recognize him as he usually was. He shared a few drinks with some of the lesser nobility and engaged in completely pointless conversation. In short, he'd been a perfect gentleman. Just because he didn't like acting the part didn't mean he couldn't. Unlike one of his companions anyway...

Shon leaned against the wall in the shadows of the massive stone pillars that held up the frescoed ceiling, glaring away every nervous attendant that tried to offer him horderves or drinks.

Oswall sighed, making his way towards the Hengist man. He scooped up two delicate glasses of champagne on his way and held one out to Shon. "Hold this," he ordered. 

Shon took the glass and looked down at it then at Os saying, "I don't dri-"

"I didn't say drink it. I said hold it." Oswall interrupted, leaning beside him on the wall, "Amateurs," He mumbled, swirling his own drink, "This way the staff will think you've been served and leave you alone."

Shon looked down at the glass again. "Thank you," he grumbled.

Oswall shrugged, asking, "So, have I finally found an order you're going to disregard, soldier boy? Tristen wanted us to socialize." 

Shon sighed and almost took a sip of the champagne before he lowered the glass again and shook his head, "I'll try." he answered, then ran his hand over his head and back to his ponytail.

"One dance should satisfy him. Might as well get some use out of those gloves." Os tried to assure him. Though even he couldn't explain why he was bothering. Shon was even less social now than he'd been when they first met. Where everyone else opened up more the longer they worked together, he'd closed off even further. "Come on, man. It's a holiday. Try a little harder to lighten up, will you? Fake it 'til you make it." 

Shon shook his head and looked up at the ceiling, painted in exquisite detail with the exploits of Saint Giorgos and his other god companions. Oswall was sure Shon wasn't going to say anything more so he pushed off the wall to leave only to have Ryuuko swoop down from wherever it had been and chitter in Shon's face. His sword pommel shifted in color from dark blue to light and the man ran his hand over his hair again before saying, "I've always preferred to watch."

"Yeah, I bet you do." Oswall walked away, waving over his shoulder and heading for the gardens. The Rogue didn't have any room to lecture the big man. They'd both been ordered to the damn ball as a punishment, and even now Oswall was retreating for a much-needed break from the bull shit for a smoke.

Outside, only the immediate garden area was lit and open for the party-goers to walk around in. He found a spot beside one of two sweeping staircases that led from the balcony down into the garden, away from anyone else, and pulled out his pack of pre-rolled smokes, wishing he'd brought at least one of Tristen's cigars. 

"Figures they'd block off the real gardens..." he muttered to himself. The palace was surrounded by a multitude of immaculately kept gardens, each with different themes. All darkened to keep people out tonight. Those weren't for the commoners to enjoy. Even if the most common of those invited were still nobles, just of lesser rank. And his team of course.

Ebonwing's dress had made quite the stir in the ball, and not in a good way. As Oswall tried to light his smoke a pair of ladies whispered behind their fans close enough for him to hear, "Scandalous, have you ever seen anything of the sort?" 

"What did you expect? We should be glad they didn't come covered in mud and blood." 

"I don't know how Sir Tristen manages to live with them. I hope they don't start to have an influence..." 

They moved away and Oswall rolled his eyes. When they'd arrived, those same ladies had given Ebonwing the most backhanded compliments he'd ever heard. Was no one here capable of being genuine?

"Not that I have room to talk about that either..." he grumbled to himself. 

He tried again to light his smoke, the match fizzling before he'd got it to his lips. He was reaching for another when something rustled the leaves in the darkened queen's garden at the base of his stairs. He reached for his bag and crossbow on instinct and let out a frustrated "tch" when he remembered he hadn't had a place to put it in this blasted suit and went instead for some hidden dangers in the coat. 

He let his hand fall when a young woman rounded the evergreen bushes and straightened her scarlet gown before starting up the stairs. Just a partygoer. "I don't think they want us in the other gardens, M'lady," he called to her as she rounded the stairs.

She stopped, patting her hair for a moment. Oswall resisted rolling his eyes where she would see. But then she grinned and said, "I won't tell if you won't." 

Oswall eyed her. Her hair was a darker blond than Alena's and done up in a fancy bun held in place by sticks tipped with glass. Her skin was pale and her dress far too revealing for the cold of Winter Solstice. But she moved with grace, like a proper noble lady who'd been taught to walk with a delicate step from birth.

He still hadn't commented when she looked over her shoulder, arching her long neck and making the tight necklace around it glitter in the light from the ballroom doors. It was solid gold with a ruby flower dangling at the base of her throat that must have cost more than his entire year's worth of pay. Looking back at the gardens, she continued, "Rather selfish of them to cut off half the palace on Winter Solstice anyway don't you think?"

Oswall huffed and reached for another match, "Selfish thy name is royalty." he mumbled around his smoke. 

She laughed. Not a delicate giggle as the other nobles might. It was quite a lovely sound from deep in her flat belly. Oswall looked up to find her dark blue eyes twinkling at him. She brought her hands behind her back and stepped closer to him, leaning down to look up at him from below, "Need some help with that?" she asked. 

Oswall huffed again and moved to strike his match only to have the woman hold her fist up to his smoke. Taken aback, he pulled away and she flicked her thumb out of her fingers, a tiny flame lighting the tip of her nail.

He leaned forward and let her light his fag, taking in a deep breath and letting it out in a cloud of billowing smoke, he stated, "You're a fire Sorcerer." Tristen had said they'd invited a few token Sorcerers to the ball this year. Maybe that was the real reason the gardens had been blacked out. 

The woman continued to surprise as she hopped up to sit on the stone railing of the balcony, "Yep." she answered, "Though I'm afraid that's probably the most useful thing I can do." So a minor Sorcerer. Figures, Oswall thought, There's no way the Prince Master Archmage would invite any true Sorcerers to a royal ball. He supposed he should be more surprised they weren't all sealed with tattoos. 

"Personally," Oswall said, "I can't imagine anything more useful than being able to light a smoke on a whim." She laughed again and he couldn't help but smile.

It was difficult to keep up the act of a noble guest when she laughed like that and he offered her a smoke. She tilted her head down at the rolled tobacco then shrugged, "First time for everything." and took one. Once again she summoned a tiny fire on her thumb and before Oswall could advise against it, took a deep breath. 

She managed to fall forward off the balcony and onto her feet, hacking and coughing as she tried to catch her breath. "You alright?!" Oswall tried to reach for her shoulders but she waved him away and... smiled? Her eyes were watering and she was still coughing but she managed to grin at him and choked out, 

"How in all the planes does anyone enjoy this?" She laughed at herself and eyed the smoke still in her fingers. 

Oswall chuckled, "You take in some air too, not just the smoke. You might like cigars better, you don't inhale those." He expected her to put the fag out, but instead, she tried again. Breathing in just a little smoke and finishing the breath with some real air. She managed to exhale the puff with minimal coughing this time. 

She whipped her eyes and managed another little giggle at her own expense saying, "I'll have to give that a try then."

Oswall grinned around his own smoke and took a deep breath letting it out in rings. She watched the smoke rings with the wide eyes of a child, "Oh, let me try, let me try," She took in a mouth full of smoke, not breathing it in this time, and attempted to make rings. It came out as little puffballs. She scowled at her own attempt and Oswall couldn't help but laugh for real. 

"Like this," He showed her, "You've got to use your tongue,"

She tried again. And again. And finally managed a single ring. She hopped in place and clapped her hands, "I did it!" but it had taken her entire fag, the cherry reaching to her fingers.

It should have burned her, and before Oswall could remember that she was a fire Sorcerer he exclaimed again, "Watch it!" 

"Hmm?" she tilted her head at him curiously, reminding him of Ebonwing for a moment before she realized what had him shocked and pinched the burning cherry between her fingers, extinguishing it, but also dirtying her hand with ash and soot. 

"Shit," she grumbled and almost wiped her hand on her dress before she managed to stop herself and look around for something else she could wipe it on. 

Oswall provided a handkerchief but couldn't find his words. He'd never heard a Lady curse like that. "Thanks," she told him informally, casually cleaning her fingers.

"What's your name, my Lady?" Oswall asked her, looking her over once more. 

"Hmm?" she looked up from her hand then gasped, "Oh! I'm so sorry," she gave him a curtsy, "Call me Yuri. It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lord..." 

Oswall shook his head and gave a sweeping bow, "No Lord. Staff Sergeant Oswall, of the Temple of Horsa, at your service," She hadn't given a family name, did that mean they'd actually invited commoners to the ball to fill the Sorcerer quota? But how could a commoner afford jewelry like that?

She gasped again and actually leaned forward to study his face, "You're Oswall?" She said, "Of the Warlock hunting team?" What had she been expecting? Before he could ask she stepped back and curtsied again, "It's definitely a pleasure then m'lord Oswall. I was hoping to meet you and your team tonight." So was she a noble then? Their mission wasn't secret but it wasn't common knowledge among the populous either. 

He didn't manage to comment before she was looking away from him and into the ballroom through the massive open doors, "I suppose the one in the Hengist uniform is one as well?" She asked.

Oswall followed her gaze to Shon, still holding his full glass of champagne and looking for all the world like he would rather be anywhere but here. Os sighed, "I'd give that one a pass, Lady Yuri. He's not one for socializing at the best of times." 

The smallest of frowns creased her lovely face. Then he blinked and she was beaming at him again, "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." She sighed and pat her hair again, though not a strand was out of place. Taking a deep breath, Yuri let it out slowly, "Time to enter the fray I guess." She held her head high and pulled her shoulders back and for the first time looked like a proper Lady. Quite the convincing mask. 

She gave Oswall one last smile and perfect curtsy before she started for the ballroom. He turned away from the doors, reaching for another smoke, and lamenting. How sad it was that someone so genuine would need to hide it to look like all the other searing Nobles. Then he heard her exclaim, loud and not at all reserved, "Oh wow, that is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen!" 

He turned in time to see her rush towards Ebonwing and shook his head, looking back out over the garden and mumbling, "Amatures..." She couldn't even hold the facade for five minutes. But that just had him wondering again exactly who Yuri was... A Noble? A token Sorcerer? Or someone else... "Not my problem." He blew more smoke rings, enjoying the short respite.


Alena watched as Ebonwing frightened off yet another Noble couple from further conversation with her. The Druid grinned as they made their excuses before shuffling away, whispering behind their hands. Alena sighed, and Ebonwing snickered. 

Spotting the Cleric, Ebonwing swayed her hips as she walked to her. Letting her ankles cross with each step Eb spun so her trailing skirt swept the ground as she turned to face the dancers.

"So, having fun yet?" Ebonwing asked. 

Alena sighed again, "I was told that royal balls were the best in the kingdom," Ebonwing snickered and Alena ignored her, "but this is..." She tried to find a polite way to word her complaints. 

Ebonwing didn't give her a chance to finish and shrugged, saying, "Well you know me, I'm not one for balls in general,"

Alena groaned, "Really Eb?" 

The Druid just snickered again, "Fine, fine. But I think the word you're looking for is boring."

"Maybe if we knew more people..." Alena tried to look on the bright side, but Ebonwing just rolled her eyes, 

"You mean you didn't get to know that gaggle of hounds earlier? I'm surprised you managed to get away."

Alena felt herself blush and did her best to suppress it. It didn't work and Ebonwing laughed, "None of them your type, Vicar Alena? Not strong enough in the chest perhaps? Or were their scars not to your liking? Hair not dark enough maybe? Eyes not blue enough..." 

"Stop it." Alena hissed, slapping the Druid with both hands like the child she felt like. Ebonwing just snickered. 

Alena sighed again and finally relaxed enough to roll her eyes and whisper to the Druid, "They wouldn't stop boasting about their 'accomplishments'. As if ten of them riding out, with a full contingent of personal guards, to kill a small wounded band of draken is supposed to be impressive." 

Ebonwing shrugged, "I doubt they have any idea what we've done or even what we're supposed to do. Young punks like that don't pay attention to the goings-on in the world outside their own social circles."

"And yet we're supposed to stay on their good side?" Alena asked, seeking out Tristen.

Ebonwing shook her head, "More their parents than them. And honestly, all that stuff is outside our pay grade anyway. Let Tris deal with schmoozing the Nobles. He's one of them anyway, we're just the grunts." 

Alena sighed yet again and glanced over at Ebonwing's dress then at a pair of young women her age whispering behind their fans, "You could at least try to not actively make it difficult for him." 

"I'm doing no such thing." Ebonwing scoffed. 

"Eb... that dress..."

"Yua likes it." the Druid countered, "And she's the only one I had any intention of impressing tonight before you lot guilted me into coming."

"You said you wanted to see Oswall all dolled up." Alena reminded her. 

"That was before I expected him to look that good. Where in all the hells was he hiding that over the last year? I don't even like men and I can tell he looks good. I wonder who his tailor is..."

Before Alena could voice that they should ask, someone exclaimed loud enough to be heard from the balcony doors, "Oh wow, that is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen!" 

Ebonwing and Alena both looked around for the caller -and for whatever had caused a Noble to shout- when a young woman practically ran across the hall straight for Ebonwing. 

Despite how much the Druid grinned and sauntered and pretended that the thinly veiled insults didn't upset her, Alena saw Ebonwing stiffen for a moment before she forced herself to relax and painted a sarcastic smile across her face. 

Alena reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, whispering, "Yua loves it." before the woman reached them.

But this woman didn't sneer or shoot sideways glances at her friends as the others had. She gripped her hands in front of her chest and bounced on the balls of her feet, her smile bright and dark blue eyes brighter. She said again, breathlessly, "Wow... It's perfect." She circled Ebonwing and Alena, the two ladies turning to try and follow her before she returned to their front and, still clasping her hands tightly as if she had to resist reaching for Ebonwing, continued, "You have all the mobility of pants but the grace of a dress! And those boots! They're stunning! You have the perfect legs for them. I have to know where you got it. Please?"

Ebonwing blinked at the strange woman, then over at Alena then back at the woman, "Are you serious?" she finally managed to ask. 

The woman's eyes went wide, "Of course! You must've been swarmed when you got here. Who wouldn't want something so practical and yet still elegant?" 

Ebonwing didn't answer her, looking at Alena again she whispered, "I think she's serious..."

Alena cleared her throat and smiled, "Please forgive us, Lady..." 

"Oh!" She stepped back and curtsied to them, "Call me Yuri." 

Alena nodded, "Lady Yuri. I'm Vicar Alena, and this is Druid Ebonwing, and I'm afraid she hasn't had as warm a reception as you've given." 

Yuri actually scoffed, then shot a glare over her shoulder at the other Nobles whispering at her and Ebonwing causing a scene. She turned her nose up at the lot of them and stated, "Fools." she waved a dismissive hand over her shoulder without looking again and continued, "They wouldn't know a beautiful dress if it animated off the rack and danced a jig without them." She grinned at Ebonwing, the expression warmer than the well-heated room, "Ignore them. I'm sure whoever you've dressed for loves it, and they all look the same anyway." 

Yuri herself was dressed in a gown more appropriate to summers in the south. Made of a lightweight flowing fabric that hugged her curves down to her waist with a long slit in the crimson fabric all the way up to her hip. The color matched the ruby flower at her throat perfectly. 

Ebonwing returned her smile and asked, "And who are you dressed for tonight, Lady Yuri?"

Yuri spun a pirouette, showing a low cut all the way down to the small of her back. She clasped her hands behind her and leaned down to look at them from below, "The only one that really matters of course. Myself." She answered. 

Then she smiled at Alena just as warmly, "I love the dye work of your gown, by the way. I know a place in Clearhelm that would love to try and replicate it. I'm not one for something so heavy myself, but I bet it's light compared to your usual armor."

Alena felt herself blushing again and started saying, "Thank you, Lady Yuri-" before she really registered everything Yuri had said, and asked, "How did you know I wear armor?" 

Yuri tilted her head, looking almost feline, "You're the Cleric of Soleil that's on the Warlock team, aren't you? I met Oswall outside." 

Ebonwing snorted, "Smoking like a chimney no doubt." 

Yuri clapped her hands like an excited child, making Alena feel mature by comparison, "He taught me how to blow rings!" Yuri announced, but then continued to surprise when she said, "I wasn't sure what to expect, to be honest, but so far every one of you has been wonderful. I'm glad." 

Ebonwing shot Alena a curious glance but managed an awkward, "Thanks..." 

Yuri didn't seem at all phased and answered with a short, "You're welcome." 

She turned back towards the ball at large and seemed to be scanning the crowd. Her eyes settled on Shon for a moment and she reached up to tap her lips saying, "The Hengist rep seems a bit..."

"Anti-social?" Ebonwing provided, rolling her eyes, "I don't recommend you try and get to know that one, Lady Yuri. We live with him and he hardly speaks to us." 

Yuri frowned. Just the slightest tilt of her lips. But Alena waved her hands before her face at Ebonwing's comment, "Shon's just... well..." she trailed off, watching him too. It wasn't her place to gossip about her companions, especially to a stranger. 

Ebonwing didn't hesitate, "What? Aloof? Cold? He's got a spare sword stuck so far up his ass I'm surprised it hasn't punctured through the top of his head." 

"Hurt." Alena snapped at Ebonwing before she could stop herself. She glanced nervously at Yuri, who returned her look with a tilted head. "It's okay." Alena hurried to explain, "We've just been working very hard I assure you, Lady." 

"It isn't okay," Yuri said, taking Alena aback and reminding her of Shon. Though Yuri at least sounded kind when she said it. The strange noble shook her head but then the warm smile returned and she said, "But it will be." 

Alena felt like she'd been slapped. She gaped at Yuri. With one simple word change, she'd explained everything. Right now, things weren't okay. They'd just lost an entire city, displacing its citizens. They were all frustrated with their lack of progress, and Shon was hurting and closing himself off to everyone. But it didn't have to be permanent. Things would be okay, with time and effort. Alena had always thought saying it is okay, meant the same thing. But it didn't. She needed to acknowledge the hardships of the now and not brush them aside by saying that everything was fine.

"Thank you, Lady Yuri," Alena whispered. 

Yuri just continued to smile that warm smile, "Any time Cleric Alena. Though if you really want to thank me then keep up the good work." She turned to Ebonwing and her eyes took on a greedy glint, "And you, Druid Ebonwing... I really have to know who made that dress." 

Ebonwing laughed, "Sorry, but they're in Shutha."

Yuri beamed, "What luck! I'll be heading to Shutha shortly after the Solstice." 

Ebonwing blinked, then laughed again, "Alright then. They're in the capital, Growing Garments. You'll have to tell them I sent you though, they don't usually make dresses." 

"Will do!" Yuri announced loudly, "Perhaps they will start to if we continue to take advantage of their skill." She rubbed her stomach and eyed the food tables, then turned and curtsied again, "Well, my lovely ladies, the longest night continues and I'm starving. Until we meet again." With that, she waved and walked away. 

Ebonwing and Alena watched her go. Finally, Ebonwing snickered, "I don't think I've ever met a Noble quite like that before! I like her. You think she'll dance with me?" 

Alena grinned, "Maybe." What a strange, though warmly kind woman.

"What about you, Cleric Alena?" Ebonwing asked, holding out her hand, "Will you dance with me? I noticed you refused all those young men from earlier." 

Alena rolled her eyes, "Just this once." she conceded, and let herself be led onto the dance floor.


Ranito stood beside the food tables, watching the dancers and nibbling on horderves every time an attendant walked close enough for him to snatch one. Occasionally he used a little spell when one was just out of reach to pull a sample closer. 

He glanced up to see the handful of various familiars flitting around the painted ceiling, picking out Ryuuko amongst the birds. It seemed the Prince hadn't invited any Sorcerers with anything more interesting than an eagle, and nothing that didn't fly -and thus could stay out of the Nobles' way as they danced and socialized.

Tristen extracted himself from a gaggle of the more influential people and made his way toward the Archmage. The moment the Paladin turned away from the group his professional smile vanished. "Not enjoying yourself, Sir knight?" Ranito asked quietly as Tristen came in range. 

Tristen sighed heavily, taking a morsel from a passing attendant and staring down at it without partaking, "I don't know." he admitted, finally taking a bite and swallowing before he continued, "It's as beautiful and well-coordinated as every year, but there is something that's got my skin tingling and I can't figure out what it is." 

"It couldn't have anything to do with your guests could it?" Ranito nodded towards Ebonwing, who was leading Alena onto the dance floor, then thumbed over his shoulder towards Shon, who hadn't moved from his spot on the wall since they'd arrived. "Oswall and Alena are fine, surprisingly enough. But Ebonwing is creating a stir and Shon is looming like an executioner waiting to be called to the chopping block."

Tristen sighed again, "I don't know what I expected. But no, this feels different. Like there's someone here that shouldn't be." his gray eyes scanned the dancers then turned for those taking advantage of the feast. He blinked, "Who's that?" 

Ranito turned to follow the Paladin's eyes and nearly dropped his plate. Bede's mighty staff. What in all the hells was she thinking?! Outloud he managed to remain calm and shrugged, "One of the token Sorcerers no doubt."

As Tristen narrowed his eyes at the woman in red, Ranito found Ryuuko and flicked his fingers at his side with a short silent spell. Tugging on the little dragon and getting its attention. He continued to Tristen, "Prince Corwin invited a few of nearly every element, I would guess she is a minor fire Sorcerer, taking advantage of her cold tolerance to cause a stir." 

Ryuuko flew down to them and Ranito nodded toward Tristen. Luckily the little dragon followed his silent instruction and landed on the Paladin's shoulder, causing him to jump and break off his stare. Ranito chuckled, "I think our seventh member wishes to preen," Ryuuko obliged, spreading its wings and causing the nearest Nobles to whisper and point, "Perhaps you can introduce it?" he suggested to Tristen.

"You would be better..." the Paladin grumbled, resisting brushing the little dragon off as Shon did. 

"Don't be foolish, Sir Tristen. They would merely assume it was my familiar. This way you can do some socializing on Shon's behalf. Since he seems so averse to doing it himself." 

Tristen pinched the bridge of his nose, and mumbled, "I knew he would never come if it wasn't an order."

Ranito gave one final nudge, playing off of Tristen's still lingering guilt, "I'm sure he was well trained for such balls. But that was when he still assumed he might be a Paladin."

As expected Tristen flinched. "Alright," he conceded. He'd asked the team at large to socialize, but knew Shon at least would find it particularly difficult. Tristen stepped for the Nobles, "My Lords and Ladies, may I introduce you to one of our most valued members?"

Ranito shook his head. Ryuuko could keep the Paladin of Saint Giorgos occupied for a while at least. Meanwhile, he had to make sure this party didn't become a fiasco. Or worse, a burning bloodbath.

He wove through those heading from the food towards the little dragon -now finally in reach- towards the woman in a low-cut scarlet dress. He stood beside her, carefully picking out cakes and saying, "Trying to make a statement?" 

She turned wide dark blue eyes towards him, the pupils round pinpricks in the well-lit room, and swallowed her mouthful of food. "A statement, M'lord?" 

He watched her but she just tilted her head at him. Ranito sighed, "The last thing any of us need is a scene." 

She giggled, "I doubt I could make any more of a scene than has already been made by Lady Ebonwing's dress." 

"Drop the act Li-" He tried to snap at her, but she interrupted,

"Yuri. You may call me Yuri. She gave him a perfect curtsy and he eyed her again. Trying to find the source of the illusion spell. The necklace...

"Why are you here?" He asked. 

She covered her giggle with a hand, "The same as everyone else I expect. A little talk, a little food, maybe a dance or two." 

"The last thing I want to do is work on Winter Solstice, Lady Yuri." Ranito tried. 

She shrugged, "Me neither. That's why I'm at a party and not working." 

So she wasn't here on anyone's bidding? Then why? Her eyes darted over his should and he turned to see Shon out of the corner of his eye. Ranito turned back to her, "A man. You would risk-" 

"I have no idea what you're talking about Mage Ranito." She finally said, letting the mask slip just a little. He hadn't given her his name.

"Archmage." He corrected her, glancing at Shon and back again before leaning in and whispering, "I really don't want to work tonight. But if someone were to cause more of a scene than Ebonwing already has then we will all have no choice but to intervene."

She cocked her head at him, causing the glass orbs on her hair sticks to glitter, showing the diamonds within. Teleport stones... So she wasn't completely stupid. "Well, then I hope no one here is that foolish. For everyone's sake," she said.

She set her plate down and straightened her dress then pat her hair. She started to pass him and Ranito reached out to grab her arm, letting go almost immediately at the heat of her skin, "Stay clear of the Paladins of the Slayer." he mumbled.

She smiled, "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Archmage." She gave him another curtsy and made for the shadows of the pillars around the outside of the ball. 

Ranito sighed, reaching into his robes he pulled out his notebook and found a seat at one of the many small tables for diners to take advantage of. Ready to watch. 

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