Chapter 25 - Meeting

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Winter 4995, 35 Ginmoth 

As Oswall had so rudely pointed out, the Grove of Cathbad was the real power in Shutha, despite it being a Hengist province. As such, no one complained when Ebonwing drew up the map for their trip to Everbough, or when the Grove insisted that they have an escort of Rangers through their wood. 

As usual, Tristen had his warhorse, Kelvar, magically transported, and everyone else was lent mounts by the Temple of Hengist. It would take them a full week to reach Everbough and the route Ebonwing had chosen would purposefully take them near the path of the magical storm. 

The party was more subdued than usual, as Oswall's attitude didn't let up the entire time. The first night, he didn't speak with any of them and went to bed early, and Alena chewed on her lip again, whispering, "Did we do something wrong? It's like he's pushing us away..."

Tristen broke apart some sticks, tossing them in the fire and saying, "as long as he does his job." 

Ebonwing grumbled to Shon, "It's like you two changed places..."

Ranito added, "Are you sure nothing happened? What was his commission you spoke of?" 

Shon sighed, looking down at his sketch pad and the face of Sasha's mother smiling up at him. He shook his head, but Ryuuko chirped, nudging the side of his head with its wing, "That's Oswall's business." he told the Mage, then turned to Ebonwing repeating his advice, "Just give him space."

But there was definitely a hole left in the team where Oswall's constant complaining should've been. Shon struggled to fill the resulting silence, speaking with Ebonwing of her adventures with Yua, and Alena of whatever she wanted to ramble on about that day. As a result, he found himself grateful -as well as horrified- when they reached the swath of destruction caused by the storm and no one was in the mood to talk anymore. 

Here, the magical storm had triggered a series of powerful tornadoes that tore through the ancient wood. Tearing out massive trees by the root, ripping them into kindling and pulling up moss-covered boulders, tossing them about like pebbles. Two villages had been destroyed, the first with no warning whatsoever. 

The Rangers rerouted them after that, bringing them back into the shade of the wood and out of sight of the upsetting destruction.

They arrived at Everbough near dusk. The village was too small for a Mages Guild or Temple, though it had a small Grove of Cathbad and smaller Church of Soleil. That wasn't what made it unusual though, that was reserved for its defenses.

Nearly every settlement in the kingdom was built with tall strong walls -a necessity to keep them safe from the constant danger of monster attack. Everbough only had a flimsy wall of sharpened sticks, its real defense was the fact that it was built twenty feet up with stairs that could be lifted by cranks. The only ground-level building was the stable, built of thick stone with heavy iron doors. 

Despite his extensive travels, Shon had never seen such a village, though Ebonwing informed them that they weren't uncommon in this part of Shutha, where the trees were largest. His fingers itched with his desire to draw out the varying designs of the round buildings encircling their given tree with the many balconies and walkways around and between them. 

After settling their horses, the Rangers pointed out the inn before retreating to the Grove. The team made their way up to the two-story building, the second floor on a separate circle from the first with an exterior stair and its own balcony all the way around. Before Shon could get a good look at the tree trunk growing through the center of the massive room, or Tristen could ask for accommodations, the barkeep chuckled, "So, she wasn't lyin' after all. Your companions are waiting for you upstairs." he pointed up at the ceiling, "First door on the right. Your personal rooms are around the other side."

Tristen stumbled over his request but finally managed to ask, "Companions?" 

The innkeeper nodded, whipping his hands with a rag, "The ladies said you would be paying." he shook his head, still grinning, "Never seen anything like it. One all covered up like some shady Rogue from the Bard's tales, the other with hair like gold and red stripes I swore were tattoos! Nice though, complimented my beer like she'd never had anything so good in her life." He moved around his bar and passed them out the door as he spoke, the team staring at him in dumbfounded shock, "I'll let them know you're here."

Lily... Shon could barely hear the others talking over the pounding of his heart.

"She's not even trying to hide," Alena was saying. 

"This might be a good opportunity to bring her in..." Ebonwing said.

Ranito scoffed, "We're in a wooden village. Better not to try here."

"We'll see," Tristen trailed, turning to look Shon over. He could see the internal debate playing out behind Tristen's gray eyes. How would he keep Shon away from her this time?

Shon swallowed, looking away from them all, retreating into his usual silence and letting them lead the way up the stairs.

The external balcony served as what would be the hall between rooms at any other inn. They entered the first door on the right as instructed and found that the room had been converted into a meeting room, with no bed and only a large square table with eight chairs. The room was shaped like a wedge, the wide end holding the door with two windows on either side, and the narrow end abutting the tree growing through the center of the building. 

Tristen checked every corner and even under the table, while Alena lit the room with both the lamps provided, and a sunlight spell. Shon circled the table to take a side seat, but Tristen sat with his back to the tree -facing the door- and pat the chair to his left, nodding pointedly at Shon.

Shon took the seat, Ryuuko flying around the room a few times before landing on his shoulder.

Ranito and Alena took the places to Tristen's right, and Oswall and Ebonwing to Shon's left, leaving the last two seats for Lily and her mysterious companion. "She wouldn't bring a Warlock here would she?" Alena asked in a whisper.

Ranito shook his head and said, "That would be stupid even for her." 

"If she did," Tristen declared, "Then we capture them, at any cost. That is our primary objective. If it means we can get no more information then so be it. We'll find the tower on our own." 

Oswall grumbled something incomprehensible, crossing his arms. It was impossible for Shon to tell if he would rather kill the Warlock or if he found Tristen's inability to use a willing one frustrating. 

Ebonwing opened her mouth to interject her own input when the door slammed open and the waft of cool wind and scent of cinnamon set Shon's head spinning. "You're here! Great, we can finally get started. I haven't fought anything since you guys and I've been bored out of my mind. Did you get any good fights in on your way here?" Lily announced as her greeting. 

Gods she was beautiful. In all her gold and ruby glory. Shon didn't even notice the second person behind her at first. Then Lily stepped to the side and continued without waiting for the team to answer her question, "May I present to you my watery sister, Rose." 

The woman lowered her hood, showing wavy bronze hair and black scales on both cheeks coming up from her jaw to point at her slit aqua eyes. She studied each of the stunned team members, settling on Shon for longer than the rest, and huffed, as if unimpressed. "You think you'll be enough to fight five Warlocks and who knows what other defenses?" she asked while Lily skipped forward, pulling out the two empty chairs and falling into hers. 

Shon saw a slight frown crease Lily's face, and could imagine her trying to stretch her legs out under the table to touch his, even slouching low in her chair, only to find that it was too far to reach. She sighed in disappointment and instead sat back up and leaned over the table, resting her chin in her hands and grinning around at everyone. "I'm sure they'll be fine. They're the cream of the crop after all and this is the entire reason the team was put together in the first place." 

Rose turned up her nose and took her seat like a noble, folding her hands in her lap and saying, "Yes, and to take us into custody." 

"To try," Lily corrected, "But I bet they also would rather Everbough not burn to the ground." 

Ebonwing flushed under her dark skin and snapped at Lily, "You would-"

Lily silenced her with a look, saying, "In a heartbeat. To stay free." Then she shrugged and looked away, "I would rather not though. I like it here, good food and good people all round."

Rose rubbed her forehead and asked, "We all want the same thing here. To stop these particular Warlocks, and in the grander image, to save the world. Are you going to do your part or should we leave now?" 

Shon and Lily leaned back in their chairs in unison, crossing their arms. Shon's glare was enough to take Rose aback and she blinked at him, while Lily lit three fires to float around her head, causing the team to stiffen. Lily grinned across the table at him, like she was playing some sort of game.

Tristen cleared his throat, "As you say, Miss Rose, we want the same things. So why don't you two join the kingdom and put your considerable skills to work with our vast resources? We would much rather you come willingly and show your cooperation in-" 

Lily opened her mouth but Rose spoke over her, "Skills? You mean samples. You wouldn't let us work with you any more than you would allow us to leave your towers. No, Sir knight. I think we are much better off, and more likely to achieve our goals, on the outside. You will have to find some other time to try and force us into captivity." 

Tristen sighed, but at least he'd tried diplomacy first. "Very well. I will relay your words to the king and council, and we will be forced to try force elsewhere. But for now, in the interest of keeping the kingdom and this village in particular safe, we will work with you."

Lily laughed, and Rose smiled, saying, "So at least a few of you have some sense. Good. Shall we get down to business then? Do you have a map? Preferably one marked with the storm's path?"

Tristen answered, "We do," and nodded to Ebonwing to take out the map.

As she did, Lily leaned forward in her chair again. Shon could hear her boots tapping against each other under the table as she rested her chin in her hands once more and said, "Isn't this nice? All working together to bring down the bad guys? So, what about your trip here? Anything interesting happen?" 

Ranito was busy scribbling in his notebook but answered, "Two drakwalf fights and one draken raid." 

Lily blew out a raspberry, "So boring..."

Ebonwing rolled out their map and Rose took out a bottle of ink and some papers. When she spoke it was to Lily, "Why don't you go watch the door? Make sure no one comes near enough to listen in. If the Warlocks find us..."

Lily rolled her eyes, speaking in a deadpan voice, "Wooo guard duty," but she still stood, spinning on her heel and heading for the door. She stopped before exiting, however, looking over her shoulder to grin at the team, "I'll want to talk to you guys at least a little before we leave though." then she exited to lean on the railing. Leaving the door open.

Shon was torn between wanting her to stay and knowing that he would be able to focus more if she left. It hadn't bothered him to have her around when they were together, but now he felt like every time she walked away it would be the last time he would see her. He sighed, running his hand over his hair and down to his ponytail. When he looked up again it was to see Tristen watching from the corner of his eye. Shon looked quickly away, and Tristen spoke to Oswall, "Go with her Staff Sergeant."

Oswall groaned as he stood but didn't argue or even make a lazy salute as he followed Lily out of the meeting. 


Oswall followed the firewoman out of the room and found her leaning against the banister just outside the door, gazing up at the canopy of branches blocking most of the stars from view. She sighed mournfully, turning around and hopping up to sit on the railing and thus catching sight of Os. She tilted her head at him -looking for all the world like the pest of a pseudodragon inside- and asked, "So you get to be my babysitter?"

Oswall shrugged, reaching into his coat for a cigar. Biting off the tip and spitting it out he waved it at Lily, "If you fall I'm not going to catch you." 

She giggled, "It's not that far of a fall," then shrugged herself, "if you know how to land properly."

Oswall huffed, coming to lean on the railing beside her and looking down the thirty-foot drop, "are you a dragon or a damn cat?" He reached for his matches but Lily brought up her fist, flicking her thumb out of her fingers, a little fire floating over the nail. 

"Definitely a dragon," she answered as Oswall lit his cigar with her fire. Looking through the door at their taking companions, she continued, "But one of the first things Master Velona taught me was how not to get hurt from a fall, even this high." 

"Was that before or after she taught you to catch crossbow bolts?" he mumbled around the smoke. She was surprisingly talkative, and he was finding it contagious. He'd spent the last week distancing himself from the team, but Lily wasn't a member of his team.

Lily hummed in thought, then shrugged again, "I think it was about the same time. But both were definitely after she taught me to control my ki better." She grinned evilly down at Oswall, "So if you think I'll be helpless without my magic you'll be sorely disappointed. I once beat a flesh golem all by myself with a broken bed hanging and my ki." She explained smugly. 

"Duly noted," Oswall grumbled. 

"You got another one of those?" She asked, tilting her head to the other side and reinforcing Os's comparison with a cat in addition to the little cat-like dragon. 

"You smoke?" he asked, retrieving a second cigar and holding it up for her. 

She shrugged but took it, "Not really, but a very nice man once said I might like these. Since you don't inhale." She studied the cigar, then used her fingernail to cut a hole in the end before putting it in her mouth and lighting it as she had his. He watched as she attempted to blow smoke rings. She had the basic technique down, and that had him narrowing his eyes at her. 

"Speaking of Monk Masters," he led, blowing his own smoke rings, one inside another, "Ice man inside said his would kick his ass if he caught him smoking." 

Lily snickered, "Oh I bet he would. Master Velona would be disappointed, but she also knows she can't stop me. No one can." She managed a single lopsided ring and let out a triumphant, "Ha! Got it!" like a happy child. She examined her cigar again then turned her beaming smile on Os, "I think I see the appeal of these now. It's quite relaxing."

Oswall huffed, blowing more rings and staring mutely out into the strange little village. Lily hopped down from the railing to lean beside him, not quite close enough to touch, but the proximity still made him feel warm. "You're quiet tonight." She accused him, "Mad they sent you out to watch me?" 

Oswall shrugged, but that just made her giggle, "It's almost like talking to Shon again..." 

That made Oswall scoff, "I'm not that quiet." He grumbled, looking over his shoulder and seeing the man himself leaning back in his seat, his huge arms crossed and lips firmly closed as the others spoke around him. 

"Maybe not," Lily conceded, "He just doesn't like to waste words. You practically radiate secrets as much as you do smoke." 

"Everyone has secrets," Oswall mumbled. His just involved a lot more blood and ruined everything good in his life. 

Lily stood straight and brushed her long golden hair over her shoulder with a scoff, "I don't." she said, "Secrets might as well be lies, especially if you have to use lies to keep them." 

"Oh?" Oswall asked, leaning on the rail with one arm to watch her and waving his smoke in the air, "So if I ask you anything you'll answer?"

Lily mimicked his position, "Maybe. I said don't have any secrets, that doesn't mean I'm not keeping others safe." 

"How is that different?" Oswall scoffed. 

"They aren't mine." Lily leaned closer to him and spoke quietly, "I might give away my money, or volunteer my services, but I'm not going to spend someone else's money or promise their help without asking. Just like I won't accept someone else doing that with mine. Information and secrets are the same." she shrugged, seemingly unconcerned with her own contradiction in telling the innkeeper the kingdom would pay for their stay here. Lily continued, "You can ask me anything you want about me, and I'll tell you, but if you want to know about someone else, and it isn't something they want others knowing, then I won't answer. Simple." 

"Prove it," Oswall challenged her, "What's the one thing you're the most ashamed of?" Maybe he could learn something useful after all. She seemed to forget that he wasn't her friend. He didn't have friends. It was easier that way. 

She turned away from him, resting her chin on her knuckles with one hand and puffing on her smoke with the other. He gave her a little time, expecting one of two types of answers. The first was for her to take back her statement or contradict it by saying it was none of his business, the second was for her to give something dumb, like wetting the bed as a teenager. But when she answered it was in a whisper, "Losing control. I've done it twice. The first time I killed the two people closest to me, at the time. The second time I attacked Master Velona and Shon..."

Oswall's cigar nearly fell out of his mouth. He caught it and took a moment to puff and keep it lit. Finally, he said, "Damn..." 

"Yeah..." Lily said, then sighed, "What about you?" 

Oswall shook his head, "don't have a problem with keeping secrets." 

Lily huffed, "That's dumb. They're just weaknesses waiting to be exploited by enemies and wedges between allies. And honestly, they're just exhausting," She draped herself over the railing. Holding the cigar between her lips and letting her arms dangle limply, she continued mumbling around the smoke, "Just like lies. I don't care about the supposed morality of it, but keeping track of them is a pain in the ass."

Oswall forced himself to snicker, "So you don't have morals? What, are they weaknesses too? Maybe we do have a few things in common after all. Besides good taste in tobacco." He blew out a cloud of obscuring smoke between them for emphasis, but when it cleared he found her glaring at him. 

"I have morals," she snapped, "I don't do anything to others that I don't expect them to do back to me in the same situation, and I don't judge others' decisions to do things I think are stupid as long as it doesn't affect me. You can keep all the dumb secrets you want. I'm not trying to talk you out of it. I'm just explaining why I think it's dumb."

"No one needs to know everything." Oswall retorted, "Somethings are better kept in the dark where they belong." Her blunt honesty was getting under his skin. How naive did you have to be to go around telling everyone everything if they just asked? Annoyed, Oswall lashed out, throwing her confessed shame in her face, "If you go telling everyone how you killed and attacked your allies then no one will trust you enough to be your ally again."

He expected Lily to get angry, but for some reason, she actually stopped scowling and tilted her head at him again, "Then they were never good allies to begin with, were they?" she asked. 

"Huh?" Oswall choked on her response. 

The strange woman just shrugged and held up three fingers, lowering one with each of her points, "There are different types of relationships. Enemies, who will try and use your secrets against you, not having any takes away that ammo. Strangers, whose opinions don't matter anyway so why care. And the people you care about and treasure. They should care about you back, and keeping secrets from them just shows that you don't trust them, so why should they trust you? Secrets create a wedge between you and them and they might as well be part of group two then. If you tell them everything, if asked, and they don't trust you for it then they were never true friends to begin with and are really just one of the other two."

She tilted her head to the other side and looked down at her now-closed fist then lifted a fourth finger, "I suppose you could say there's one more group, between the last two. People you trust with most of your truths but not enough to give them everything. I guess I can kind of see why someone else might keep some secrets. Like if, hypothetically, someone had broken a particular law or two, I could understand why they wouldn't tell their Paladin friend, even though they are an ally or even a treasure, but I don't understand why they wouldn't tell, say... their lover."

Then she grinned, still watching her own hand, and lifted her last finger, "Maybe there are actually five then. The people you love most, who know everything and not only trust you but love you anyway." she let the finger fall and held her fist to her heart, closing her eyes, "Those are the true treasures." She opened her eyes again, and their vivid dark blue and alien slits caught Oswall off-guard as she beamed at him, "But you'll never know who those people are if you keep secrets from them. And just the fact that you didn't trust them enough to tell them would hurt way more than the truth itself." 

At her last words Oswall was assaulted with memories he didn't want to see. Sasha's furious face swam in the smoke he let out between them, and her screaming words floated across with the breeze that blew it away. It wasn't just what he'd kept from her that had made her angry, she'd said it herself, it was that he thought he could keep them from her at all. When she specialized in information.

He'd already known Lily was right. About the last part at least. That's how he had fucked everything up. How he always fucked everything up. "It's too late..." he whispered to himself. But not quietly enough.

"How so?" Lily asked, "Unless they're dead, it's never too late to put someone in one of the categories. Or for them to move themselves up or down. Movement and change are what defines us as being alive." 

Oswall growled, biting down on his cigar and ruining it. Change. Some things, some people, could never change. He spat the stick out and watched it fall, exploding into sparks on the ground far below, "Are you some grand philosopher now?" he snapped at her, trying to push her away with his attitude, "No one needs your holier-than-thou bull shit," 

But that just made Lily laugh. She took her cigar, studying it for a moment, then held it out to him, "Here. And that's some awful word choice, Os. I'm the least holy thing here. I hate the gods, and am an abomination between two of them." When he didn't take the cigar she waved it before his eyes as if trying to tempt him, "And I'm no more a philosopher than anyone else trying to explain why they do what they do or believe what they believe."

When he still didn't take the cigar, she puffed on it, leaning in close and blowing it out in his face with her next words, "I see what you're doing. You're trying too hard to be an ass. But I happen to know you're really a nice guy. Did I hit a nerve? If so you can tell me, I'll try to watch my tongue in future."

"You don't know me." Oswall snapped at her, snatching the cigar from her hand and taking a deep breath of it, letting it out to block her smile from his view. 

Lily shrugged, "Not as well as I'd like to." she admitted, "if it helps, then I'm sorry for whatever it is I said that pissed you off. I like you, Os. If lovers are at the top, and true friends are next, then casual companions, then neutral strangers, with enemies at the bottom, then I'd say you're floating around between groups two and three."

"You like me?" Oswall asked her, putting what was left of the cigar out on the banister before tossing it over the side too, "You don't know me. Except that I'm going to bring you in to be locked in the Mages Guild." 

"You're going to try." Lily corrected him, still with that infuriating grin. 

He huffed, taking out a smaller prerolled smoke and placing it between his lips. But she continued "And I know that when you forget to be an ass, you're a nice guy. You watch your companions' backs in battle. You explode water towers to save people in slums. You wear old friend's sewing projects to royal balls..." What? How? His unlit smoke hung limply from his lip, forgotten as she kept going, "... You share your smokes and teach strange women how to blow rings. You're a nice guy. No matter what other things you do or secrets you keep. Keep being a nice guy, Os, and you're bound to find your own treasure to put in your number one spot." She shrugged, "Or maybe you already have. I don't know." 

"How?" He finally managed to breathe, the fag falling from his mouth.

Lily bent to pick it up and stuck it back in his slack jaw. Then she rose her fist, popping her thumb out with its little fire. She held her other hand with a finger extended to her lips, and whispered, "This really is the most useful thing I can do..." She lit his smoke.

Then Lily spun on her heel, her golden hair flying out behind her. She looked over her shoulder, her ruby scales glittering against the gold as she said, "They should be done by now." Before she skipped back into the inn. 

Oswall watched her go, taking a deep breath of calming smoke before letting it out with one word, "Bitch..." He'd called her an amateur that night. What an idiot he was. She was so unique, so exotic, it was all anyone ever noticed. All she had to do was hide those features, and no one would know it was her.

He turned back for the banister, resting his head in his hands and staring unseeing as the cherry of his smoke climbed closer to his lips. Now that he'd seen it, he couldn't unsee it. She hadn't even tried to hide anything else. Not her power, or her genuine personality. "Bitch," he whispered again, rubbing his face with both hands then up through his hair before turning back for the inn, "A nice guy? Me?" he watched Lily smiling at the rest of his team, a team he'd let himself start to like. Even the damn soldier boy.

"Fuck." How did she do it? How did she make him want to prove her words true? Even if they weren't... If they couldn't be. "I'm going to hate bringing you in now, damn it." 


Shon watched while the others leaned over the map. Ebonwing pointed out the location of Everbough -a lonely unlabeled dot about ten miles from the path of destruction- but when she tried to take Ranito's pencil to label it Rose just brought her hand up. The ink she'd brought rose from its bottle at her command and wrote out the name in lovely curvy handwriting. 

"Well, that works too, I guess," Ebonwing mumbled. 

Rose huffed, continuing to draw a zig-zagging line from the village to the destruction then straightening out the line south before looping it back north near the border again on the other side. She ended it with a large oblong circle and explained, "This is the path Lily and I took from the tower. It's only about a half-mile from the brunt of the destruction and took considerable damage during the storm."

"Why go south first?" Ranito asked.

Rose looked up to smirk at him, "We were given a mission, and no I'm not going to tell you what it was or if we still plan on completing it. We went around to prevent the Talon from seeing us come here instead."

She tapped her circle and continued, "The tower is somewhere in here. I don't know exactly where, as we were always transported through gate. But I'm sure you'll find it. If you travel straight..." She drew another line from Everbough straight to the westernmost point of her circle, "It should only take you about two days." 

"Two days by horse?" Alena asked, chewing on her thumb as she studied the map, "That doesn't sound right..." 

Rose blinked at Alena before she whispered, "Oh... right, I forgot you can ride horses. Probably just a day then." 

"You can't ride horses?" Ebonwing asked her.

Rose shrugged waving a dismissive hand, "They can sense a true predator when they see one. And dragons are the most dangerous of predators." her grin was sinister.

Shon was struck by how different this woman was from Lily. He'd always known Lily was unique, but now he realized that he'd half expected her to have a bit more in common with the other dragons. Apparently not. Rose was calm, calculating, and if he wasn't mistaken, cunning. Though they both seemed to wear their pride on their sleeves, even if it manifested differently. Rose being haughty, much like a noble, and Lily being overly confident, even if it was earned.

Tristen nodded down at the map, stroking his chin with one hand before looking up to ask, "What else can you tell us about it?"

Rose laid out her papers over the map, showing a few rough sketches of the floor plan of the tower. "There are five Warlocks in residence. Two apprentices, you will most likely find them either assisting the two Archmages in their labs, or in the library," She labeled the rooms on the plans. "The Archmages will either be in their personal labs, on the first floor, or in the basement. The most difficult will be the Journeyman. He is the only one there who can cut a gate and could be anywhere he's needed at any given time."

She narrowed her eyes down at her own drawing then sighed, "They will have other defenses, usually some kind of construct, but I couldn't figure out what they are. Lily said her tower had stone golems." 

Ranito nodded, "The one in Swiland had flesh golems and undead," Which made Alena shutter. 

Tristen tried, "And your tower, Waterwyrm?"

Ryuuko hissed and Rose and Shon corrected him in unison, "Rose,"

Rose met his eyes, holding them in shock while Shon nodded at her. She smiled, "Thank you... Shon." Then she turned back to Tristen, her expression turning sinister again, "Nice try, Sir knight, but I'm not about to tell you that."

Ebonwing shrugged, "It was a nice try though."

Tristen grunted, but continued on mission, asking, "And the captives?"

Rose lifted her ink one last time and labeled three of the rooms in the basement, "There are eighteen young Sorcerers, held in this room at the far end of the hall. Their familiars are in the two rooms next door." 

Alena sucked in an angry breath between her teeth but Ranito waved a hand over the drawing, "And the elderly? The ones taken willingly?"

Rose sat back in her chair and shook her head, "They're dead."

"But why?" Alena choked out, "How did they manage to convince them to come?"

"Lies no doubt," Tristen mumbled, but Rose tilted her head at him.

"Actually no." She informed him, then shrugged, "Well, not completely anyway."

"What did they promise?" Ranito asked, readying his pen.

Rose rolled her eyes but answered, "That they would save their familiars from their humans' eventual death."

"Did they?" Shon finally spoke and Ryuuko squawked in alarm. Everyone turned concerned eyes his way but Shon's gaze never left Rose, who glanced from him to Ryuuko to his sword and back again before she answered.


Shon took in a slow breath and Tristen said warningly, "Master Sergeant-"

Alena interrupted him, "Shon, don't. Don't even consider it, please..." 

Ranito hummed making a few notes before watching Shon intently. 

Ebonwing didn't mince words, "Ryuuko isn't the only thing holding you to this life, Shon. 

Shon let his eyes trail outside, to Lily speaking to Oswall, and didn't answer them.

Rose waved a dismissive hand and continued, "They survived, but only for a few days. It seems they kept their intelligence and refused to eat or drink after their human died." As if to drive her point home, Ryuuko wrapped its tail tightly around Shon's neck and nuzzled his cheek, then under his chin using its long neck to wrap around and nuzzle his other side as well. He wouldn't have been able to brush it off if he tried, but he did sigh, running his hand over his hair and closing his eyes with a nod. 

Tristen cleared his throat, "Is that everything then?" 

Rose nodded, "Unless you have any more questions, then yes." She stood, brushing off her dress just as Lily skipped her way back in, beaming around the table.

"Done?" She asked. As if in answer everyone climbed to their feet, Shon taking his time to rise slowly after everyone else and watching her. She'd said she wanted to talk to them all... and how he wanted to talk to her, hold her. He glanced at Tristen who stood stiffly with eyes narrowed at Lily as she started with Alena who was closest. 

"I wanted to tell you, if you ever end up in Clearhelm you should go to the capital. There's a shop there called Rainbow Raiments, and they specialize in dye work."

"Huh?" Alena furrowed her brow at Lily who just smiled back, then leaned forward to whisper. 

Ryuuko leapt for her shoulder and Shon heard some of what she had to say through it, "... don't take Shon, I don't think he's ready yet. But someday. You're a good healer so you'll probably know when." Alena shot Shon a worried look but Lily had leaned back and turned to Ranito.

Reaching into her bag she pulled out a jar and rattled it in the air between them before setting it down on the table, "Two scales and fifty strands of hair." 

Ranito's eyes went wide and he beamed at her, "You beautiful wonderful woman," He reached for the jar but she pulled it out of reach and held her other hand out palm up.

"Pay up."

Ranito's jaw hung slack, "You... Really?" he whined and Lily made to put the jar back in her bag, "Fine fine." he said in a rush, sticking his own arm in his bag to the elbow to pull out a writ book and write out her payment, "I don't know how you'll cash it though..."

Lily grinned, "I'll find a way," Taking the writ she tossed the jar in the air and giggled as he fumbled to catch it. Rose rolled her eyes.

She passed over Shon and addressed Tristen, "I still don't know if I like you yet." she said bluntly then ran around Rose to beam at Ebonwing.

It looked for a moment like she wanted to grab the Druid's hands, but resisted, putting her own behind her back and leaning down to look at her from below saying, "I'm sorry I kicked you so hard last time. But I met those tailors! They are amazing, and their work is exactly the kind of thing I look for. I even managed to commission a gown." 

Ebonwing blinked down at her in confusion, even taking a step back, "What?" but Alena gasped, covering her mouth and glancing from Ebonwing to Tristen. Ebonwing looked like she'd been slapped and Lily leaned closer, whispering -though Shon could still hear through Ryuuko- "I hope you find time to show Yua, though I doubt you'll be wearing it for long if you do." She winked at Ebonwing then stood straight and waved at Shon from across the table,

"It was nice to see you again, Shon." she pet Ryuuko affectionately, "Maybe we'll have more time to talk later." He could feel her touch through his familiar and tried to hide his shiver. 

Rose rolled her eyes again, even more dramatically, then swept for the door. "Come on, Lily. I'm not staying here where they could ambush us in our sleep."

Tristen let slip and annoyed 'tich' and Shon shot him a glare that could freeze blood. Lily whined, but pet Ryuuko one last time, gently removing it from her shoulder and giving it a little kiss on the head before tossing it in the air to fly in circles before landing on Shon once more. 

"Until next time then," She waved to all of them, following Rose out and nearly running into the proprietor. "Oh!" She exclaimed, "Do you have my necklace?" 

The innkeeper chuckled but handed over something gold. Lily danced a little jig putting it in her bag before standing on her toes. She rested her palm over his cheek then kissed the back of her own hand so as not to burn him, making him chuckle again, before she rushed out after Rose. 

She was gone... again. Shon stepped away from the table to lean on the tree, resisting running his hand over his hair again and staring down at his boots. If only he'd stretched out further, as she had, he could have touched her. But that would've been too obvious. He had orders to follow. 

The innkeeper moved for Tristen, presenting him with a paper. The bill. Tristen choked and Shon looked up to arch an eyebrow at him. The Paladin fell back into his seat and Ryuuko leapt over to land on his head, catching a glimpse of the monstrous number before Tristen brushed it off and it returned to Shon with a dragon twitter of amusement. 

Shon coughed into his fist and whispered, "I can-" 

"No, Master Sergeant. The kingdom will handle the bill." He looked over his shoulder, his expression strained, "But I will request that when you do get a chance to speak with her, that you request she not do this again..." Shon nodded in answer while Ryuuko twittered again.

Tristen turned back to the proprietor handing the bill back over, "We'll be leaving in the morning, so feel free to add dinner and one breakfast each to our tab."


Lily whimpered, staring back at the lights of the inn through the trees. Rose sighed but argued, "There will be other opportunities, Lily." 

"But he's right there!" Lily whined, "He even has his own room. I could-"

"It's not worth the risk." Rose snapped at her, "You saw that Paladin, he has his orders, and no matter what he might feel personally, nothing will get in their way. Best to stay away from them unless we have insurance."

"The town..." Lily tried.

But Rose just sighed again, placing the circlet for her rug back on her head and straining to pull it out of her bag far enough that the magic could activate and she could command it to unroll on its own. "It won't matter if they shackle you while you sleep." She argued. 

"I wasn't planning on sleeping..." Lily countered with a smirk. 

Rose rubbed her head but turned around to look Lily in the eyes. "You will get a chance to see him again. Alone. I promise you, Lily. But this is too risky." 

Lily sighed, letting her shoulders slump in defeat she plopped heavily down on the rug. At least she could send letters now. That would be something. For now.

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