Chapter 20 - Happy Birthday

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Winter 4995, 26 Ginmoth (Winter Solstice) 

Shon hadn't lied to Oswall. He'd always preferred to watch at large gatherings. Even when he was a Squire and all the years before. Back then he would study all the other party-goers, memorizing their expressions and the more unique details of their garments for his drawings later. But over the last year, the expressions had started to blur until they all seemed to be faceless, and the colorful gowns and suits had blended into a nearly monotone dull gray not even worthy of his pencils. This particular ball wasn't helping. All the nobles looked the same and their dancing seemed choreographed. Slow and boring. 

He looked at the fresco ceiling and Saint Giorgos with his foot on the snout of a red dragon, his cudgel held high and divine light radiating from around his head. What was the point? Shon was no artist. Just another soldier. A replaceable cog in the great machine keeping the kingdom running. If it wasn't him, it would be someone else, and nothing would change.

Shon took in a deep breath, intending to let it out in a sigh, and smelled cinnamon.

"I always suspected noble balls would be boring but this takes the cake." 

Shon crushed the champagne flute and choked, "Li-" 

A woman with blond hair, not gold, took his soaked hand in hers, still hot through his glove. "M'lord, you must be careful." she admonished him, turning his palm up and brushing broken glass off it. She hummed, "This won't do..." then slowly, delicately, slipped the glove from his hand one finger at a time. She rested her palm in his, whispering "Much better..." their energy mixing, leaving him warm and tingling. 

She finally looked up to smile at him, revealing smooth pale skin and round pupils. But it could be no one else. He knew that face better than his own. The delicate curve of her jaw, those full lips unblemished by lipstick, the squint of her eyes as she smiled. "L-" he tried again. 

She stepped back and he stuttered to a stop as she curtsied and said, "You may call me Yuri, M'lord." She grinned up at him again, "I'm told it's an ancient name for my favorite flower."

He swallowed. No... I will never call you that. That isn't your name. She stepped forward again, taking his other hand in hers and removing that glove too. She brought the two together and tucked them into his belt, "There." But then she frowned, taking his left hand once more and rubbing her thumb over his knuckles. 

Shon lifted her hands to press against his chest, over the ring dangling from its chain there, "My command has ordered my... relationships confidential." he tried to explain.

She sighed, spreading her fingers over his chest. "Nothing like spreading discord with secrets from the very start," she grumbled. 

He cupped her cheek, feeling the scales he couldn't see below his thumb, "How..." he whispered, then, "Why?"

She looked up and her smile returned, "I wanted to meet the infamous team working directly under the king. I didn't get a chance to really get to know them last time."

That was far too foolish, even for her. To come to the palace itself, to meet the team charged with bringing her in? 

She leaned forward, standing on her toes and whispering in his ear, "I have a particular interest in the Hengist representative. I hear it's his birthday..." 

Her breath on his ear. Her warm cheek just barely brushing his. It took all his might to resist pulling her closer. She made it easier when she stepped away again, "And now I've met most of them. Though I was advised against introducing myself to your commander, and considering his order to you, I'm not sure I want to." She shot a glare over her shoulder, probably looking for Tristen himself, who was distracted by a gaggle of nobles cooing over Ryuuko.

It gave Shon a chance to really look at her, all of her. Her gown was nearly as scandalous as Ebonwing's and one of the most beautiful things he'd ever seen. It would be a perfect match for her scales, if they weren't hidden. And that collar... He knew she didn't like collars, but it made him want to hook his finger under the ruby lily and pull her closer.

"How?" he asked again. 

She turned back to him and reached a hand up to run her fingers over the collar, "I almost didn't come... When they gave me this to complete the disguise, I thought it might be a trap." She looked away, almost in shame. "But I needed to see you. And not in a burning city."

She'd been afraid again, probably constantly, and yet she'd risked it anyway. To see him. And how he'd wanted to see her. Shon could feel the ice around his heart start to drip free, and the party regained some of its colors. But it was too dangerous. 

He swallowed and forced himself to say, "You shouldn't have come. What if..."

She looked at him again, and those deep dark blue eyes, even without the slits, stopped his words. She pat her hair and grinned, "Don't worry, I have my emergency escape in arms reach. I promise I won't make any more problems for you than I already have. I just wanted to enjoy the holiday. Get some Noble food, maybe dance a little..." She forced a giggle. 

Shon eyed the crowd, servers were exchanging looks and inching their way over, either to offer them more refreshment, or probably to clean the mess Shon made of the champagne. It was too late, she was already here and he was the one making a scene. And what she'd said pierced to his very core. He bowed low to her, offering his hand, "Nothing about you is ever a problem. Will you honor me with a dance, M'lady?" he looked up and couldn't help but smile at her tilted head, "Since you're here and so well prepared to take care of yourself? As always." 

Her genuine smile lit up the already bright ballroom, and she placed her hand delicately in his. He kissed her fingers before standing and leading her onto the dance floor.

Silently he prayed. She wasn't here on Warlock orders. Let her have this. Let him have this. And if it was divinely deemed that the others catch them? Fine. It would be the perfect opportunity to end this farce.

It felt strange not to have her pulling him towards the dancing, but she remained perfectly proper as they took their place on the edge of the dancers, ready to step off and join the coordinated Nobles.

He rested his hand on the small of her back and made to pull her closer, but she resisted and giggled, "leave some room for the gods, M'lord. This is a royal ball after all." But then she leaned closer and whispered, "I suppose I can let you lead this time." 

"What a novel idea." He muttered, then spun her onto the dancefloor. 

She followed with the grace of a true warrior and they made it all the way around the dancefloor once before she brushed her thumb lightly over the back of his neck and made him shudder. She grinned and spoke quietly, so only he would be able to hear over the music, "I definitely see the appeal of forbidden romance now. It's almost like we're trying to hide some exciting illicit affair." 

Weren't they though? Shon let his hand slide up enough to brush the bare skin of her lower back with his thumb. He could feel the transition between her skin and scales on her spine. She sighed at his touch, closing her eyes, and continued, "I really needed this. I haven't felt this calm in ages." of course she would feel calm in a room crowded with enemies. 

Lily looked up at him again and her smile was soft, "What about you? I really did meet your team. They're nice. I think I might like them. Oswall showed me how to blow smoke rings, and I love Ebonwing's dress. Alena seems nice, and I already knew Ranito but he recognized me and just warned me to stay away from the Giorgos Paladins." 

Shon sighed, spinning her as the dance indicated and stepping off again before he said, "I knew you would."

"But what about you?" she asked again, "Do you like them." Shon shrugged. He didn't really know them. Had made a point not to know them. 

She reached up and pulled his ponytail, "Don't do that, Shon." she hissed under her breath at him, "They're your team, and they're nice. I'm not saying you should let them in to see everything about you, but you can at least open a window and talk to them through it."

"You sound like Master Veon-Zih." he sighed. 

"Then you should listen to us." She countered. Then she sighed -never losing step with the dance- and continued, "I know you won't listen for your own good so let me be selfish instead. Let me live vicariously through you and make some friends. What will they think of me after all this is over and I've only ever fought them and only know their most anti-social member? They'll find out about us someday and you're my only ambassador. I know I'm more likely to accept someone if they're already friends with one of my treasures. Like Ebonwing and Yua. I felt really bad about kicking her in Yanao and couldn't even apologize. And you should find a way to thank Oswall for me. He could've stabbed me in the back and I wouldn't have even noticed."

He squeezed her hand at the thought and did pull her half a step closer. She returned the squeeze but stepped back, "I don't like seeing you like this Shon. Alone in a crowd and closed off to everyone. Get to know them. Share a drink or two. For me?"

For her... For her, he would pull the sun and moon from the sky. But would he show himself to the team hunting her? "For you..." he answered, leaning down to briefly brush his head against hers. She giggled. 

He'd lost track of how many times they circled the dancefloor, but as the song came to an end they were once again near the balcony doors. Shon let her go and they both clapped politely, but then the musicians set down their instruments and the royal trumpeters stood. 

Shon stiffed as they announced the entrance of the king and his retinue of Saint Giorgos Paladins. But Lily just leaned over and whispered, "Do you need to go up to get some reward or something?" 

He shook his head and answered, "Sir Tristen will handle it." 

"Then you don't really need to be here... do you?" She was taking slow steps backward, still clapping and letting the nobles walk past her, crowding forward to listen to the royal announcement. 

Glancing around Shon caught sight of Oswall to the right, and Ebonwing and Alena to his left. All far enough away and none looking at him. He took three steps back before sending a silent request to Ryuuko and turning. Lily was gone, but there was only one way she could've gone. 

He exited onto the balcony and took a calming breath of cold winter air. Ryuuko flew out after him and circled the balcony, then landed on the railing of one of the stairs with a quiet whistle before taking flight again and perching over the doors to keep watch. Shon started down the stairs.

Halfway down he nearly jumped out of his skin as something burning hot brushed his hand from the bushes at the base of the balcony. Lily backed into the shadows between the balcony and stairs and Shon looked around one last time before vaulting over the edge to land in the soft soil.

Lily grabbed him by the coat and pulled, nearly jerking him off his feet. Backing up, she wedged herself in the fold where the stairs met the base of the balcony. She'd removed her hair sticks, hiding them away somewhere he couldn't even imagine in that dress and didn't bother to try. He laced his fingers up the loose hair at the base of her skull and pulled her face to his, breathing her in with the kiss as she tried to do the same. Her fingers tangled in his ponytail and he growled against her lips. But she just giggled and pulled the tie free before lacing her fingers in again and balling her fists to pull it. 

He returned her tug and she pulled her lips away just enough to giggle again and whisper, "I really like the hair by the way. I'm surprised you haven't cut it." 

"You haven't been around to do it," he answered and she snickered again then returned to kissing him, pulling him closer until he had her pressed hard against the stone corner. 

Gods, he'd needed this. And more. He pulled her hair harder, arching her neck back and looming over her, pressing his body against hers and wishing there were about three layers of cloth removed between them. She let him pull her head back, slipping her lips from his and moaning, "Shon..." he kissed down her neck until her collar got in the way, then growled, letting one hand come down enough to pull on it. She whimpered.

He stopped, realizing what he'd done, "I'm sorry. Oh, gods Lily I'm so sorry." But before he could see her face she'd buried it in his chest, bringing her hands down again to clutch at his coat. He wrapped his arms around her and all his guilt over the past year came spilling out, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I left you to face them alone. I stayed and you..." But she was shaking her head. 

"No, Shon. Don't, please. Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong, I asked you to." he heard her tears, even if he couldn't feel them through his jacket, and held her tighter. But she continued, "I left you to face the kingdom. I'm the one tearing you apart. I wanted to save you from that and I just made it worse. I joined the bad guys and broke the law and you must be so angry with me..." 

"Never, Lily. Never." he pulled her away just far enough to grip her face in both hands and force her to look at him, "You wouldn't have done it if you had any other choice. I know that. You know that. I should've..." She shook her head again.

"You're in more danger than I am. If the kingdom decides you're too close to me and I've gone too far-"  But she stopped as Shon started to laugh, "What?" 

He could feel her head tilt in his hands and pulled it close to rest on his, breathing in her cinnamon scent and calming his chuckles. When was the last time he'd laughed? "We're doing it again, Lily." He tried to explain. She tilted her head to the other side so he continued, "Do you remember? After your trial? When we were both sure that the other would grow tired of us and be the first to leave?" 

Finally, Lily giggled, "You mean, you've been feeling guilty all this time and so have I, and we're both wrong?" 

He sighed. He still felt he had every right to feel guilty. Like the worst kind of human.

Lily sighed and rested her cheek on his chest, letting her fingers splay out and straighten his coat. "Do it again, Shon..." she whispered quietly enough he wasn't sure he'd heard it. 

She wouldn't see his arched brow so he asked, "Do what?"

"Pull on the collar." He stiffened but she looked up at him and her eyes were twinkling, "It was kind of nice. Though not as nice as you pulling my hair." she smirked at him. 

Shon reached up with both hands, balling her hair in his fist with one and tugging back on her collar with the other, "You're going to be the death of me..." He growled against her lips as her head arched back so he could kiss her again. 

Lost in her heat and smooth skin, Shon didn't hear the trumpets' sound again. But he felt Ryuuko's warning and somehow managed to pull away. Letting his grip on Lily go slack but pulling her in for another tight embrace. "Promise me, Shon," She said as she nuzzled his chest. 

He didn't hesitate, "Anything."

She giggled, "Make friends with your team. I really like them, and you need someone to lean on, maybe five someones, until this is over." she snickered and leaned back to poke his nose, "And it will give me a reason to be gentle with them."

Shon ran his hand through his mess of hair. Lily giggled again and held up his tie for him to take. "Fine," he conceded, tying his hair back, "On one condition." She tilted her head at him and he let his hands fall to her hips, continuing in a whisper, "Get away from them, Lily." She frowned but he continued, "Not completely. But when you feel like it's too much, when you start jumping at shadows, get away and go see the Masters. They aren't being watched and even if they are you're not a true fugitive and they won't get in trouble."

"Really?" she asked, "I didn't want-"

"I know." he grabbed her chin, tilting it up, "but you need to remember that there are people on your side. You aren't alone." He cupped her cheek and she nuzzled into his palm. Ryuuko whistled loud enough for both of them to hear and they sighed in unison. 

"Looks like this illicit liaison is over... exciting, but overrated." she declared, pushing him just enough so she could step away from the wall. 

She stood on her toes to kiss him one last time. A gentle brush of her lips against his, then stepped past. Shon grabbed her arm, pulling her back and saying in a rush. "There's a woman in the city, a Rogue and earth Sorcerer with a blink dog for a familiar. Her name is Sasha and she's an ally of Oswall and said she would help us."

Lily searched his face, but then smiled, "Alright. If you can trust her I suppose I can give her a shot." 

Shon pulled her in for one last kiss. But they couldn't keep doing this. There had to be an actual last kiss of the night. He took a step back from her, his sword clinking against the wall, and nodded.

Lily took her own step away from him but didn't turn around. Instead, she reached into the slit of her dress, revealing her other leg and a stick strapped to it. She pulled her hair sticks from that strap and started twisting up her hair again, saying, "Keep your promise Master Sergeant. I expect you to at least try to make friends by the time we see each other again." She stabbed her sticks into her now messy bun and turned, waving over her shoulder, "Until then my secret lover..." and with a rustle of leaves, she was gone.

Shon leaned back on the wall, hiding his face in his hand. Already missing her warmth. Somewhere above him, Ryuuko whistled, sending him an image of his team by the balcony doors, "Where's your human little pest? We're blowing the joint now that the show is over." Oswall's voice spoke directly into his mind through the pseudodragon's ears.

He sent Ryuuko one last request and the little dragon swooped back into the ball with another whistle. The team turned to follow and Shon extracted himself from the bushes.

Kicking mud from his boots and straightening his uniform, he started up the stairs before he remembered his gloves and pulled them from his belt. He slipped the right one on and was starting on the left as he topped the steps.

There was something inside... Shon pulled out a small scrap of paper and opened it to reveal familiar handwriting, 'Go to Shutha. There are Warlocks there experimenting on Sorcerers. Follow the path of the storm.' and a drawing of a lily.

"There you are!" Shon looked up to see the team returning, Alena at the lead. She smiled and, for some reason, blushed.

Ebonwing shoved past her, planting her fists on her hips, "Your pest of a familiar just wanted a snack, but we're leaving." 

Tristen frowned at Shon as he put his glove back on, "Everything alright Master Sergeant?"

Ranito cleared his throat but Shon just nodded. Oswall smirked, "Got some lipstick on your collar, soldier boy." Alena smacked him with the back of her hand but Shon just rolled his eyes and walked past them. He heard Oswall whisper from behind, "See, he didn't even look." 

And Ebonwing's answering whisper, "Damn, and here I was hoping he'd found someone to neck." Shon just smirked where they couldn't see. Lily didn't wear lipstick. 


Lily snuck through the queen's darkened garden, rolling her eyes at the palace's stupidity. By blacking out the other gardens they'd given her the perfect place to sneak in. Though now that she had someone to meet in the city, sneaking out was going to be a bit harder. 

She reached the agreed meeting place and pulled out her borrowed whispering stone. "Don't bother to come get me," she said into her closed fist, her message reaching the Warlock set to bring her back on the other end miles away, "I'll let you know when and wear in the next few days." Before he could answer she tucked the stone back into its little pocket beside her new staff. 

Now she just needed to find this Sasha person and see if she really could be trusted. 


Shon followed the rest back to the carriage. They were the only ones leaving so early, and though Tristen seemed a bit disappointed, he came without complaint.

Shon didn't see the point, but they all piled back into the carriage anyway. It wasn't that far of a walk from the palace. He crossed his arms and watched the passing commoners out the window. Laughing and stumbling home after their own, much more entertaining, celebrations.

"Gods I'm glad that's over," Oswall sighed. 

Ranito huffed, "I thought you managed yourself very well." 

"Just because I can doesn't mean I want to." The Rogue snapped.

Ebonwing snickered, "But you clean up so well! I'm surprised you're coming home with us and not one or even two of the others." 

"Stuffy nobles," Oswall grumbled, "Wouldn't know a good time if it bit them in the ass." He shrugged, "No offense, Tris."

Tristen just sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"The night's still young," Alena tried, "Do you guys want-"

"I'm not going anywhere." Ebonwing interrupted. 

Shon watched the reflection in the window as Oswall nodded his agreement and Alena's face fell. But then the Rogue waved a hand, "I've got some drinks at home and a new box of premium cigars if you guys want to end the night right." 

Alena's smile returned and she said, "I could have a drink or two."

Tristen sighed, "One with the team isn't a bad idea." 

"Why not," Ranito chimed in, "Toast to the sun and all that." 

Ebonwing kicked Oswall, "Count me in." 

None of them bothered to look Shon's way. Ryuuko whistled and Oswall snickered, "You want some little pest?" it hopped the short distance from Shon's shoulder to Oswall's and nuzzled his cheek.

Shon sighed. He'd promised, "I could use a drink." or ten. The carriage went silent. Shon turned to see them all staring wide-eyed at him. "If that's alright..." 

Ebonwing was the first to recover. She slapped her knee and leaned forward, "Oh hells yes! I'm going to get you so hammered!" Shon shook his head but couldn't help the smile. He'd faced the exact same threat the last Winter Solstice, from Yua. Too bad this one couldn't end the same way.

I can't market myself, so everything is free. But I do take donations! Help a writer, starving for coffee and tobacco, channel their inner Oswall to get shit done!

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