Chapter 35 - Plans

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Summer 4997, 21 Doumoth

Despite her apparent desire to get to work, Lily fell asleep at the table only five minutes into their discussion. 

Rose insisted they let her sleep. Lily had already stated that she was going to bring the team to help kill the Nins and Rose didn't necessarily want her -and thus the kingdom- in on the rest of the plans they needed to keep such a thing from backfiring spectacularly.

Rose eyed the doorway linking them to the Central Talon yet again. Reading her concern, Elen said, "Don't worry. We have alarms set on the Talon door,"

"And Tolinar is watching the Master Archmages," Patrich added, looking significantly more comfortable now that the door out into the world was closed. Apparently the Archmage had a severe case of agoraphobia. Though considering what he'd just said, Rose thought his fears even more misplaced.

"That isn't exactly a comfort." Rose answered, "Tolinar has got to be the most insane man I've met, and that is a very high bar to clear."

Elen smiled, but Patrich scoffed, "Archmage Tolinar is brilliant. More of a Mage than a Warlock even now. Do you have any idea how difficult a true polymorph spell is? and he does them on a whim." 

"Which is why he isn't allowed out of Central anymore..." Elen pointed out.

Patrich sighed, "He was the best at gathering information and contacts throughout the kingdom. He even managed to identify six of the ten chosen..."

"But then he started bringing back more and more chickens..." Elen interjected,

"So the Master Archmages forbade him from leaving. I don't think he even bothers to change his chickens back anymo-"

"Wait." Rose interrupted, horrified, "His chickens... they..."

"Are people," Patrich shrugged, "Or they were. They've been chickens so long I doubt they can recover even if they were changed back." Rose stared at them in shock, but Patrich just waved a dismissive hand and continued, "That isn't important for what we need now. We will have to time things just right, remove our colleagues from Central and destroy anything the kingdom might use to track us, but not too soon, just before they strike." 

Rose tapped her nails on the table in thought, "I assume by your tone you already have a plan?"

Patrich nodded, "We do. Tolinar is working on it as we speak."

Rose nodded, then shook her head, "I'm more concerned about the backlash. Who's going to take over leadership once the Nins are gone?" She narrowed her eyes at the elderly Warlock. She still hadn't decided how far she wanted to trust someone who might just be bent on taking power from the established leaders, "You?" 

Patrich's eyes went wide and he shook his head fervently, "Gods no! I was hoping you might take your rightful place as our leader. You, and her," He nodded at the sleeping Lily. 

Rose cocked her head in doubt. Not that it wasn't her rightful place, but that this Warlock would think such. He leaned forward at her expression and continued, finally giving her some of the answers she'd been seeking for years, "You are closer to our lord Ryuugen than even the true dragons. Equal parts in and yo. You are the bridges that allow Yoryuu and Inryuu to touch the material plane at all. You five should have been raised as our leaders upon your creation. Instead, the Master Archmages had you transformed and separated, scattered across the kingdom." 

Gods... how different would the world have been if this group had had their way back then? The others, including Lily, wouldn't have run off. Rose would have the power and influence she deserved. They might even have already succeeded! Instead, they were fighting the kingdom, the entire damned world, all while plotting against themselves in a coup! They would have maintained their natural forms...

"Is there no way to change us back?" Rose asked.

Patrich and Elen exchanged looks, then shook their heads in unison. Rose's eyes flashed and Elen tried to explain, "There may be a way, but you will have to find the power to do it. Dragons are natural shapeshifters, so the spell shouldn't have worked, but you were so young at the time, freshly hatched. Perhaps with the assistance of the gods, you might regain your form." 

"But for that, we need them back," Patrich said.

"After," Rose pointed out, "we kill the Master Archmages." It was time they got back on topic. If Lily was right -and as impatient as she always was- then they only had a few weeks to plan.


Lily could hear voices as if from far away. Only one brought her any semblance of comfort, so she forced herself closer to consciousness, willing herself awake. A tired moan slipped free and the voices died, Damn, now I can't listen in...

She blinked bleary eyes, looking around the table and library as her mind started to clear. "So... what's the plan?" Lily croaked. 

Rose exchanged looks with the Warlocks, then cleared her throat, "We will bring the team to Central and let them kill the Nins. That will give them a perceived victory over the Warlocks and might buy us some breathing room to continue working without them interfering." 

"No shit," Lily snapped at her sister, "How?" Rose blinked at Lily's rudeness and the two Warlocks exchanged nervous looks. Lily ran her fingers up into her hair, pulling it in frustration, and mumbled, "Sorry. I'm tired, and I'm angry, and I'm tired of being angry. I want to rush them now, but I know that would be stupid..." 

"You're learning," Rose smirked.

Lily looked away from that self-satisfied grin. The lesson had only nearly cost her everything... "How will we bring them there? And what else are we doing?" she asked again. 

Rose answered, "We are handling the details." She gestured at herself and the Warlocks, "All we need now is to figure out how to bring the executioners in..." 

Lily groaned, covering her face and grumbling under her breath, "I finally decide to take the time to make a plan and the plan ends up being 'rush in and kill them' Go fucking figure..." She looked up again with a sigh, meeting Rose's eyes and nodding. Lily would trust her sister. Lily was just the muscle. She looked back to the Warlocks to continue, "I'll bring them but I don't think they'll trust me enough to use a Warlock gate, not when you can't see through to the other side." 

Patrich blinked, then stammered, "You... you're going too? You can't! It's too dangerous. You..."

"Watch me," Lily growled.

Elen rested a hand on Patrich's shoulder but explained, "We can't risk you, Firewyrm," Lily hissed but she continued, "Your existence on the material plane is what allows the gods to influence it from the outer planes. Without you five creating a bridge, they would be blocked by the heavenly planes." 

Lily sat up fast enough that the two Warlocks pulled back in surprise. Finally! Answers! But... too little too late. "I don't care. The team will need all the help they can get and I will pay the Nins back for collaring me."

"But-" Elen and Patrich tried in unison. 

Rose came to Lily's defense, "You won't stop her." she said, shaking her head, "Don't bother trying. If you want us to lead when all this is over then you need to start now." 

The Warlocks exchanged looks again but Lily nearly choked, "Wait... lead? Me?" 

Rose tossed her hair over her shoulder and rolled her eyes as if it should've been obvious, "Once the Master Archmages are gone the Warlocks will need someone new to rally behind. Someone sane. Us. I'll need you. You're better at fighting and killing than I am. Unless you plan on letting yourself be captured by the kingdom again?" She studied Lily but already knew the answer. 

Lily shook her head, trying not to deflate at the explanation. If all Lily could do was destroy she would stay with the ones who would let her do it to help. "Fine," she finally said, "I'll see this through for as long as I'm useful. But first things first. How will we bring the team in?" 

"What about the spell they used to bring you back?" Elen suggested, "Tolinar can cast it..."

Patrich shook his head, "Tolinar is needed elsewhere, and the spell requires a flesh sample. I doubt the kingdom will consent to give them." 

"Hair won't work?" Rose asked. 

"We would need a lot of hair," Elen explained with a sigh, "They needed a scale for the Firewy-"

"Lily." Lily snapped at her, "Get used to using my name, or brace yourself to burn." It was the only thing she was good for after all...

Elen paled and Patrich picked up, "Very well... Mistress Li-" he choked, then cleared his throat and said instead, "Mistress." as if he were physically incapable of saying her name. 

Lily rolled her eyes but wasn't in the mood to argue anymore. She waved a hand for them to continue brainstorming ideas. 

"The obvious alternative would be a gate, but as Lily said, they are not likely to trust a Warlock one. Can someone cast a Mage gate inside?" Rose suggested. 

"It would take far too long and would likely be discovered," Patrich said. 

Silence blanketed the table as they all thought on the problem. Rose chewed on her thumb, while Lily let her eyes scan the library... an entire tower that could be moved... Her eyes landed on the door to central. Maybe she could offer more than just muscle...

"What about through here?" she asked. 

Patrich looked like he might drop dead of heart failure and Elen exclaimed, "We can't! These books are priceless, many of them the last remaining copies. If the kingdom gets them-"

"So move the tower." Lily said with a shrug, "Once everyone's in, destroy the gate, and move the tower somewhere else." 

"We... but..." Elen tried but couldn't come up with a cohesive argument against it. 

Rose did though, "And if the kingdom sends more than the team? or leaves someone behind to hold the library?"

Lily huffed, "I'll make sure they don't."


"If you can think of something else we'll try it, but this is the best idea so far." Lily interrupted, "I'll meet them away from here and if they try to bring more I won't lead them back. And if they try to leave someone behind I'll force them through. You lot can hide below so they won't capture you." 

Patrich let out a strangled squeak of a whine, but Elen nodded, "Yes, Fi- Mistress. As you say. But how will we let the kingdom know where to meet us?"

At that Lily grinned, "Oh, I have my ways..." 


Alena couldn't remember waking up... but she must have. She was alive after all... Wasn't she? She thought she remembered seeing a light, bright, like staring into the sun, and a voice she couldn't quite hear, and yet had known... 

"Soleil..." her voice came out as barely a breath, but she could feel it rumble in her chest. A chest that felt somehow, marginally, heavier...? Alena opened her eyes, the blurry outline of something green and brown obstructing her view of the ceiling. 

Ryuuko whistled, then licked her nose, making her cough. 

"Shush you!" Someone whispered loudly from beside her bed, "Don't wake him." 

Alena blinked, bringing up a heavy hand and turning away to block her face from more happy licks from the little dragon perched on her chest and wiggling like an excited puppy.

Ebonwing's grinning face came into focus. The Druid continued to whisper, "Welcome back to the land of the living, Al."

"I... What happened? Where are we? Wake who?" Alena asked, her voice growing slowly stronger with each word. 

She struggled to sit up and Ebonwing leaned forward to help with one hand, using the other to point at the foot of the bed. Shon sat on a wooden chair leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and chin resting on his chest as he dozed. 

"We were going to take turns sitting with you, but he refused to leave once he was done reporting to king and council. So the rest of us took turns keeping you both company." Ebonwing explained. 

Alena felt herself blush -Ebonwing snickered- and forced herself to look away from Shon and around the rest of the room. A hospital room. She found the little altar to Soleil in the eastern corner. "We're back in Deim?" she asked. 

"Have been. For a little over a week." Ebonwing answered, "You have great timing, we were going to take you home today even if you didn't wake up." Then she explained what had happened. How all of Alena's past wounds had burst open in a single instant, but how the same injuries had reflected back on the Warlock. How he had healed those wounds easily, but they'd struggled to stabilize her.

Alena's blush had faded as Ebonwing spoke, but came back with a vengeance when the Druid explained how Shon had held Alena to keep her from overheating. She covered her face in her embarrassment and Ebonwing snickered again, but added, "I don't think he realizes how influential he was in saving your life, Al. You were so very hurt, and we couldn't slow the healing to stop the fever without you bleeding out. You'd already gone into shock..."

Alena swallowed, then whispered a prayer of thanks to Soleil before asking, "How did we get away?" 

Before Ebonwing could answer, a quiet knock sounded and her door cracked open a fraction. Sir Tristen's head peeked in, "Druid, Master Sergeant, we need..." then he noticed Alena sitting up and swung the door open, "Alena! You're awake!" 

He rushed to her side, grabbing her hand and actually kissing her fingers. Were those tears in his eyes? Had she really come that close to death?

Ebonwing hissed, "Shhhhh don't wake-"

But Shon's deep voice interrupted, "I'm awake." He hadn't moved, but his eyes were open, icy blue and intense as they stared at Alena through the loose strands of his long black hair, "Welcome back, Alena." then he focused on Tristen, arching an eyebrow, "Sir?" 

Tristen cleared his throat, setting Alena's hand gently down, "We have news. I came to get you and the rest of the team to report to the council." 

"I'll get dressed," Alena said, reaching for her blankets to throw them off. Ebonwing and Tristen both stopped her, holding the sheets down. 

"You will not, Vicar," Tristen said.

"You still have more recovering to do." Ebonwing agreed. 

"Am I off the team then?" Alena snapped at them. 

Tristen and Ebonwing exchanged looks, but Shon stated, "No." drawing all their attention, "But we won't be moving forward until you've recovered fully." 

Alena nodded, "Then I need to know what's happening." She looked to her commander and didn't back down, "If I can't leave then you can bring the others here before you go to the council." 

Ebonwing shrugged, "I can get them while you two fill her in on what we know so far." 

Tristen sighed, but agreed. Though the team couldn't decide anything themselves without the king and council's input and orders. "Very well. The Fire- Lily, did say we had enough time to wait for your recovery." 

Ebonwing jumped up to retrieve the others and Tristen took her abandoned seat, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, "What has she told you?" 

"Just of my... injury. How did we escape?" Alena asked. 

Tristen took a deep breath and told her everything else. How the two leaders had left and Lily had shown up and chased the Warlocks off. How she had appeared to surrender herself to give them the information on Central, and her subsequent escape. And finished by explaining how the king and council were preparing a variable army to assault the Warlocks, assuming they could find them.

"So this could be the end... Finally." Alena said. 

Tristen shook his head and Shon looked away, "It will be a significant step, but there are still many Warlocks in towers outside this 'Central' base. We will be needed to deal with them." 

Ranito's voice interjected as he entered, followed by Oswall and Ebonwing, "Though that should be easier once this place is captured. They must have ways of tracking their branches elsewhere." he smiled down at Alena, "Good morning Vicar. It is good to see you awake."

"And then there's the dragons. The council seems bound and determined to bring all of them in even after the Warlocks are gone." Oswall added as he pulled up a chair, spinning it around and straddling it to rest his arms on the back then adding, "Welcome back, Al." 

"So what's the news, Tris?" Ebonwing asked, leaning against the doorframe with arms crossed. 

Tristen pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. The familiar sight made Alena smile. To think she'd come so close to never seeing these people again. Her friends. Her family. With his other hand, Tristen reached into his bag and pulled out some papers, along with a clinking chain.

No... not just a chain. The metal links were white, platinum, and on each end were deformed balls studded with amethysts. Ebonwing snorted, trying to smother a laugh behind her hand, while Ranito looked aghast at the mangled mess Lily had made of the formerly priceless magical items.

Oswall didn't hide his snicker, "I swear that woman is powered by pure spite."

Shon sighed, running a hand through his hair and mouthing something, probably a prayer, at the ceiling.

Tristen snorted, "I don't know how she did it without being seen, but she threw them through the Saint Giorgos chapel window. Shattering the stained glass of his defeat of a red dragon..." Tristen passed the destroyed manacles to Ranito, then unfolded the papers, full-sized, so not a short note like she usually sent. They showed obvious signs of having been crumpled then straightened out before being folded neatly. So Tristen had already read them. 

He proved her theory by passing the papers to Shon as he summarized their contents from memory, "She says she's ready to take us to the 'Nins' and that her allies have assured her that they will clear out all the other Warlocks." 

Oswall huffed, "And you believe that?"

"She does. She wouldn't say it otherwise," Shon muttered as he read the exact words. 

"No," Tristen answered Oswall, "and I'm not sure if I should want them to or not." 

Ranito nodded, "Having less to fight will make it easier, even with the extra men, but it will also mean more to hunt after." 

Shon scowled down at the letter, then looked up at Tristen to arch an eyebrow. The Paladin nodded at the expression, "So you reached that part..." he sighed, "She says we can't bring any extra men. Unless we're willing to take a Warlock gate into central. And to do that we have to swear, by the entire pantheon, in writing and word, that we won't apprehend or hurt the Warlock opening the gate for us." Which Tristen couldn't do without a royal order.

Shon sighed, returning to the letter, "She says she knows we won't do that, so instead she'll take us through the library..." he trailed off then arched his other eyebrow looking up again, "She does say we can bring reinforcements after we're through if we can figure out how." 

"Can we borrow one of those gate wands?" Ebonwing asked, directing the question at Ranito.

The Mage shrugged, "For a mission like this? Probably. We need to speak with the council." 

"Great, paperwork," Oswall grumbled, "how long do we have?" 

"She sent a map and said she'll wait for us, but that we can take our time for Alena to heal." Tristen nodded to Alena, "She seems to think you may want some vengeance and says she's willing to share."

Alena grinned, but shook her head, "Soleil doesn't approve of vengeance as a motivator." but her smile faded at the memory of those... things, "But I won't let these monsters hurt anyone else. They aren't human anymore. If they ever were." 

"Focus on fully recovering, Vicar. If they're going to give us the time then we should take advantage." Tristen stood and was joined by Oswall and Shon.

"I'm sorry..." Alena whispered.

Ebonwing pushed off the door frame and Ryuuko gave her one last nuzzle and lick before taking flight to land on Shon's shoulder. Ranito sighed but smiled, "Be grateful, Alena. Not for the time, but that you don't have to participate in the plethora of meetings and paperwork the rest of us will have to endure while you recover." 

They each took a moment to pat her on the shoulder or give her a quick hug as they left. All but Shon, who merely lifted his hands to give her a deep Monk bow. Had he really held her as Ebonwing said? It must have been so hard for him... 'I don't think he realizes how influential he was in saving your life..'

"Shon?" Alena called as he let the others leave ahead of him. He turned back to her, arching a brow. She felt herself blush and looked down at her hands rather than into those piercing eyes, "Thank you..." 

She could see him shaking his head and she looked up as he said, "If I were a Paladin I could have healed you without the heat..." 

"If you were a Paladin," Alena pointed out, "then you wouldn't be on this team. We might have never met."

He looked away, his voice turning as cold as his skin, "Heal fast, Alena. We need to end this." He left the door open and soon after a fellow Cleric of Soleil came in to see to her needs and recovery. 


Shon was the only member of the team besides Tristen that actually managed to focus on the meeting. Shon stood at parade rest to his commander's left, but Ranito's eyes had glazed over, Oswall had retreated to lean against the wall only half an hour in, and Ebonwing had actually taken a seat on the floor, leaning back to stare at the ceiling...

And yet even Shon, with all his strict discipline, couldn't keep his mind from wandering on occasion. They already knew what they needed to do, the team had been assembled for this very purpose, and yet they weren't permitted to just make a damn decision and do it. It had to be discussed, debated, and voted on by the entire greater council. And though the king could make a unilateral decision, he instead encouraged this pointless show of their organization and law, as if it was, in itself, a fight against the chaos offered by the Warlocks. 

Shon forced his attention back onto this latest, and hopefully last, meeting...

"I don't like it," Prince Corwin said, again, "Are we really going to trust a dragon? An abomination of Warlock magic, not to betray us again? What's to say this isn't another trap for our representatives?" 

"This isn't how traps work, Archmage," The leader of the Church of Soleil reminded him, "She warns of exactly how dangerous this is, and even recommends the members bring ways of escaping. If it were a trap, would she not instead assure us of how safe it is?" 

"She even states we can bring our armies-" The Hengist General started only for the Horsa General to snort derisively,

"Though not through the same path the team is to take." 

The Archdruid, sighed, "She wishes to use us to bring down the leaders while still protecting the overall organization." 

At the head of the oval table, the king said very little to participate, instead glancing over his shoulder at the door, as if he wanted to escape. Or was waiting for someone... Ryuuko perked up on his shoulder and Shon himself narrowed his eyes at the door just before it was pushed open by the Paladin outside.  

Tristen muttered a quiet, "Thank Saint Giorgos... finally." as he stood respectfully, distracting Shon from the door as he turned to arch a curious brow at his commander. The answer came quickly as everyone else rushed to mimic Tristen, standing respectfully for the Queen as she swept into the council chamber. Even her Husband.

Already standing, Shon bowed low, noting that this was the first time he'd seen the woman wearing her crown, a delicate counterpart to the kings. 

Queen Delia hid a cough behind a fan, using her other hand to motion for the council to resume their seats. The king moved for her, "My love, are you well?" 

"Well enough, my love. You missed our lunch date," She answered, snapping her fan closed and smiling warmly at the king. The smile left as she looked over the council, "Though I would be better if I knew you were actually doing something." 

King Connar sighed, "This isn't something we can rush..." he returned to the table, leading the Queen by the hand, and resumed his seat. A guard brought one for the Queen, though she didn't sit, instead resting her hand on her husband's shoulder as he continued, "We must explore all possible avenues-"

To Shon's surprise, the Queen interrupted, "And have you come up with any alternatives to the Firewyrm, Miss Lily's, plan?"  

The council members exchanged looks and the leader of the Saint Giorgos Temple cleared his throat, "No, your grace, we-" 

Again the Queen interrupted, "So what are you waiting for? Truly?" She eyed the council again, the most powerful men and women in the kingdom shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Like children being scolded by a usually kindly matron.

Shon resisted smiling, thinking, So this is the real reason the nobles want the king to find a new queen... It had little to do with her ability to produce an heir and more with her ability to take command of a situation without effort. And if he was interpreting Tristen's whisper correctly, the Paladin knew it as well.

Lily would like this woman. Shon was sure of it. 

Queen Delia continued, "As you know, his majesty keeps me briefed on your discussions, and I understand your apprehension. However, every day you spend in discussion is another that these Warlocks may spend harming our citizens. Have you not formed Sir Tristen's most accomplished team specifically for this purpose? And yet you refuse to allow them to perform their duty." 

"They are at the greatest risk if-" Prince Corwin tried, 

"Exactly," The Queen said, then focused on Tristen, "Sir Tristen, are you and your team prepared to take this risk? For the betterment of the kingdom and its people?" 

Tristen stood once more, and the others fell into position behind him. Their commander took a moment to look them over and everyone nodded in agreement, a visual show for the kingdom's leaders. Turning back, Tristen bowed, "We are your majesty."

The Queen lifted her chin in acknowledgment then turned to curtsy deeply to her husband, "Then I suggest, my king, that unless someone has a ready-made alternative, that we allow these honorable men and women to do what needs to be done and follow the only plan we have. Miss Lily has shown herself, repeatedly, to be trustworthy in her intentions to aid the kingdom's citizens and this team." finally she shot a sideways glance at Shon, but returned her eyes quickly downward, "It is my humble opinion that we trust her in this at the very least."

The king stood, lifting his wife from her courtesy and stating clearly, "I agree." Prince Corwin huffed and King Connar looked down at his brother, who looked away from the stern glare as he continued, "However, we will not trust the Warlocks to clear the way, or to assist us beyond taking us into danger. We are authorizing Sir Tristen's proposal of a gate wand to give our armies entrance. You will assemble a company from each Temple to secure the area. I want a platoon of Mages and Clerics as well. Sir Tristen's team will carry individual teleports out, and lead the charge."

That's nearly four hundred extra men... Shon thought, Will they even fit in the twisting tunnels of the central talon?

The rest of the council acquiesced with nods, and Prince Corwin sighed, "As you wish your majesty," then he focused on Tristen, "Be sure to secure this 'library' Sir. Though I doubt they have anything we don't already possess." 

The king nodded his agreement, asking Tristen, "I understand that the Vicar has recovered fully?"

"Yes, Sire,"

"Then meet with the Generals leading this army. Formulate a strategy and make ready to go. We will let you know when our troops are in place." the king threw his arm out in a dismissive gesture and Tristen saluted.

Shon snapped to attention to salute with his commander but Tristen had one last thing to add, "Sire, I have a last request." 

The king tilted his chin up to look down his nose at Tristen, as if he expected the argument and already didn't approve, "Speak it." 

Tristen dropped his salute and bowed, "I request a temporary stay on the order to apprehend the Wyrms during this mission. It will not do to turn a potential ally into an enemy until we have dealt with the true threat."

Shon narrowed his eyes at the king as he studied Tristen. Silence stretched in the council room for what felt like an eternity as King Connar looked first to his brother, who shook his head, then, finally to his wife, who nodded. "Very well." The king declared. Prince Corwin turned his face away in disgust, but the king continued, "Until the Master Archmages are dealt with you will not be required to capture the Wyrms." Tristen straightened but the king held up a hand, "However. Once the leaders are no longer a threat, your order to bring the dragons into custody resumes. Immediately." 

The Prince smirked and the Queen frowned, but the king didn't alter the order, dismissing the team to finish their preparations. Shon smothered a curse. That would mean back-to-back fights... first with the stone monstrosities, then with Lily herself... The scenario reeked of a betrayal. A double-cross after fighting beside her. 

Shon didn't argue against it, however, he didn't have to. Everyone else did, though not until they left the palace. 

"So we're going to stab her in the back after she helps us?" Oswall asked bluntly.

"That's just wrong Tris." Ebonwing agreed. 

Even Ranito sighed, "She hasn't been a true ally in the past," He rubbed his eyebrows, but continued, "but for this she most certainly is." 

Shon ran his hand over his hair, watching Tristen's back, though Ryuuko flew in tight circles around the Paladin's head chittering its annoyance.

Tristen slowed to a stop, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh before turning to the rest of the team and assuring them, "We will tell her of the order before it takes effect. It will have to be enough. Focus on the mission at hand. We will deal with the rest after." 

It will have to be enough... Shon repeated the words in his head, along with a prayer to Hengist, and a barely resisted curse to Saint Giorgos.

Again there was no hope of being able to so much as speak with Lily in private... What's even the point of hope... Shon thought. This was his life, his past, and his future... without her... What's the point in anything... 


Tolinar giggled. He'd decided to multi-task today, using the crimson pool created by one job to do the other. Scrying and spying on the Master Archmages as they went about their business, dismissing those around them as a noble might beggar children.

"And they call the dragons arrogant," he whispered to his remaining chickens, carving another chunk from the thigh of the man lying on the floor of his room. 

He was sad to lose one of his babies. Doubly so, since the poor man had lost his lovely avian form upon death. It would take at least three of his collection to have enough... 

The Warlock sighed as he slipped the lump of flesh into a jar of preserving fluid. "Oh well..." he continued talking to the chickens, musing, "Perhaps it's their age... Humans aren't meant to live for nearly five thousand years..." 

Sometime later, Tolinar entered the 'silence assurance' room. They hadn't bothered to repair the lock since Shaloon had cut it open years ago. Most Warlocks avoided this room anyway. Except the Master Archmages, who often made use of the contents to contact and spy through Warlocks outside the Central Talon.

Jars holding the Warlocks' own flesh, sacrificed as part of their pact with Ryuugen -and to assure their secrecy- sat on shelves carved into the stone walls. There were already too many empty spots. "They've really done a number on us haven't they?" he asked his companion. The chicken clucked.

Tolinar sighed, "So wasteful..." they destroyed the flesh of any Warlock caught by the kingdom, though they knew they'd been too late with a few. Once they were placed in an antimagic field, the execution fire couldn't reach them.

He squinted at the labels on the selves, then down at the list he'd compiled. Again, his favorite hen clucked, and he shushed her loudly as he got to work. He didn't think the Nin's would resort to directly executing their detractors using the flesh, but better safe than sorry...

He hummed as he worked, whispering in a singsong voice, "Waste not, want not." 

Once done, he moved to the next phase of the plan, sprinkling a particular mixture in each of the jars he hadn't replaced. He had to be careful not to trigger the trap too early, and yet he had to do something to keep the kingdom from getting ahold of the flesh. Because the Firewyrm would bring the kingdom here. Even without their manipulations. They had tried to kill her mate after all...

"Silly Nins," Tolinar giggled, "She warned you. We could've continued as we were for years. I would've thought age would've given more patience..."

He paused at one jar, whispering the name on the label, "Morndancer..." The Archmage who'd created the Wyrms, the most brilliant Warlock and Mage to grace their organization... now completely mad and living with his family in Clearhelm. Why had they bothered to keep him alive?

'Destroy it,' a voice whispered in his mind. Tolinar looked down, cocking his head at his fat red hen. The chicken looked up at him, its normally yellow eyes swirling with every color, 'Protect it...' Ryuugen said.

"Okey-dokey!" Tolinar answered, sprinkling the mixture in and triggering it, transforming the preservation fluid into acid, harmlessly dissolving Morndancer's flesh.

I can't market myself, so everything is free. But I do take donations! Help a writer, starving for coffee and tobacco, channel their inner Oswall to get shit done!

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