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When Will and Ilicia were seated at the table with the royal family and Sir Balefor, much to Will's distaste, Alkard, the King spoke. "Well firstly, it is good to see you both again. We have already received messages from the collective, as well as our new allies the Grenga. So thank you both for your efforts in this. I also heard from the Grenga that you apparently removed several wizards from their city, and they apparently served Viltar."


"It was purely a pleasure." Will said, that dangerous tone of his creeping into his voice.


"I'm sure," the King said, "Well, those events started us wondering what Viltar would want with the Grenga, so we started doing some digging to see if we could find him. We didn't find him, but we found where he was born. We have solid reports he visits his hometown frequently for some reason. The only issue is that the place he was born is in Nortum." 


Will's eyebrows shot to the top of his face. "Well, that is a problem. I am surprised he ever made it to this kingdom." 


"I'm sorry, I do not recognize that name. Where is Nortum?" Sir Balefor asked.


"Nortum is on the continent that most call the magi-plains." Will said, thinking back to what his grandfather told him about the place. "It is said to be the source of all black magic, curses, and monsters. It is also the only place where adamantium is mined."


"Correct Will." The King said, "So I would ask a favor of you, Will." 


"Ask away your majesty." Will said, a strange sense of apprehension in his gut.


"Would you please join a group I am putting together to establish a mining colony on Nortum?You would of course be permitted a respite from your duties as The Princess's Man..." 


The king would have continued, but Ilicia interjected. "No, where Will goes I go as well." 


Ilicia was surprised and embarrassed by how adamant she sounded on this topic. The king looked at his daughter, meeting her eyes. Then smiled and passed a gold coin to the Queen. "Very well Ilicia, you will act as my eyes and ears to this mission. And assuming you follow young Will, maybe you can act as a restraint for him, if it is needed." 


Will smiled good-naturedly at the gentle barbing. "I will be sure to return her safe and sound your majesty."


"See that you do. I will provide you with all the information I can gather on the village you should investigate, as well as all the information I can gather on Nortum as well." The king said to Will, then turned to Ilicia. "My daughter, I will leave it to my advisors to gather miners and those who wish to move to Nortum, but you should gather a team of your own to assist with the things you will have to do." 


The queen held her daughter and Will in her gaze. Then, for the first time that Will could remember, she spoke. "I do not need to tell you both that a trip like this is potentially life-changing. You could both die, or you might decide to start a new kingdom on Nortum and never return. You will only be able to depend on one another over there, so take good people with you. Make sure your bonds with each other are strong enough that nothing will break them."


Will nodded, and noticed Ilicia blushing as she nodded. Then the King spoke once more. "Very well, in one month, you shall both depart, leading the expedition to establish a mining colony. Work well, work hard, and bring success to the kingdom, and to your own endeavors."

The first week of preparations were a blur of interviews as Ilicia and Will worked together to find the skilled laborers and leaders they would need to help establish a new town. Now they were focusing on finding their own personal group who would ideally leave and return with them.


Currently their party consisted of Will, Ilicia, Agrana, the three Drethi Shadow Guards, and one of the Ogdeshi who had come with them, bringing their total to seven. Ilcia was attempting to select handmaids and staff for herself and Will. Will was insisting on not needing any such help.


"I will be fine," Will said. "You should bring a handmaid or two, but I don't think I will be dressing up for much."


"I know, I just think ..." Ilicia said, only to be interrupted by knocking on the library door where they were seated, eating as they worked.


"Enter." Ilicia said, noting how Will seemed to suddenly appear next to the door. 


In walked Ilvara, who had worked with Will when he first came to the castle. "Princess, if I may, I would like to volunteer for your expedition. I know you probably want staff, and I have no family to worry about me, so I would very much like to go." 


Ilicia smiled at Ilvara. "Of course. See Will? People even want to come with us." 


Will smiled at Ilicia. "Very well princess. I will cede this decision to you and your superior judgment."


Ilvara turned and spoke to Will in Elvish. "I would very much like to serve you, Will Garrow, Princess's Man. If I may be so bold to offer." 


Will looked at her appraisingly and then responded in common. "I am fine with it as long as the Princess is okay with it. She will, for all intents and purposes, be the ruler of this group, so clear it with her. I will leave you two ladies to discuss it."


Will smiled at Ilicia, then turned and left. Ilicia smiled at Ilvara. "So what was it you wanted?"


Ilvara seemed flustered. "I merely suggested that I could serve as Will Garrow's maid." 


Ilicia looked at the elf girl, her eyes quickly taking in the luscious figure hidden behind the layers of cloth that made up the royal servants' attire. Ilicia could not help but be jealous. Where Ilicia had a slender body, and was beautiful, this woman's body looked built for pleasure.

"Why would I ever let this woman near Will? I want him to use my body, not be tested by you every morning." The thought popped into her head before Ilicia could even register another thought. She shook her head to clear it, reassuring herself that Will was not the type to sleep with the servants. 


"Well, you may join our household staff, but Will has made it clear he has no desire for a designated servant. So, if you would like you may serve me or, you may serve our household if you would still like to come." Ilicia said, cringing slightly at the diplomatic but still obvious way she had steered the woman away from being alone with Will. 


"Of course Princess, I would be honored. Please feel free to assign me to any place in your household as you see fit." Ilvara smiled and turned to leave.


Ilicia sat back sighing when Agrana seemed to materialize out of thin air. "Well done. Now do you want me to disappear her?"


"No!" Ilicia said, forcefully so there would be no mistake in her interpretation. "No, please don't hurt her. She has done nothing wrong." 


"Yet." Agrana said, disappearing to her hiding spot once more, keeping an eye on Ilicia.


"God's let her be wrong, and me be right. I can not lose him." Ilicia thought to herself, and set to working out who else needed to come.

With one week remaining before the expedition departed, the castle and surrounding villages seemed to be humming with excitement as those who would be going began to filter into the city. In total, nearly five hundred families had volunteered to move to Nortum and live there. But only forty-seven had been chosen. The final number of people, including Will and Ilicia, who were going to be leaving on ships was brought to four hundred and seventy-seven individuals, filling four ships, with another two ships for livestock and supplies. 


Ilicia was panicking, she felt as if she was going to lose Will in some way along this trip. So she made a decision and asked the castle chef to prepare a special dinner for her and Will. Will arrived per her request and they ate their fill. Talking about the upcoming trip and the massive undertaking that would potentially change their lives for better or worse. When they finished their meal, which Will could not stop complimenting, they sat on a balcony overlooking the castle gardens, sharing a bottle of wine.


"Will, I need you to know something." Ilicia stared at the wine in her glass, feeling her cheeks burn and hoping Will would think it was the wine.


"And what is that Ilicia." Will said, his eyes meeting hers. 


"You know, I never properly thanked you for saving my life that first time you met me. My father gave you a job and you have done so much for me. But I never thanked you properly." Ilicia said building her courage for what she had to do.


"It is not a problem Ilicia. I was ..." Will was stunned when he was interrupted by Ilicia standing and coming to sit on his lap, then planting a long kiss on his lips.  When she finally pulled away after several moments, Will was out of breath. "Well consider me thanked Ilicia." 


"I love you." Ilicia said, her voice almost squeaking with how nervous she was. "I love you so much Will Garrow, and I think I have ever since you stepped into that alley. I want you to know, no matter what happens on this trip, I love you and I think I always will."


Ilicia took a breath to continue speaking and was surprised when Will's lips met hers, his tongue ravishing hers, and a moan escaping her mouth as his massive hands pulled her into him. When he finally let her come up for air, Ilicia was thoroughly turned on. Every part of her body was aching for him.


Will leaned back in his chair and pulled her close as she sat atop him. "I know you love me. You are adorable and I like that about you. But you are terrible at hiding your emotions. I want you to know something as well Ilicia, I love you. I love you with my whole heart. But a part of me can not give up the hunt for Viltar." 


The venom dripping from his voice added to the resolve she felt from him.


"I wish I could just give it up. I wish I could just let it rest and have a happy life with you Ilicia." Will's mouth worked as if searching for words. 


"I understand," Ilicia said, placing her hand on his cheek. "I really do. That is why I will help you see this through Then, after all is said and done, you are mine Will Garrow." 


"Yes, Princess," Will said in a mocking tone and kissed her again. 


In the days after their confessions to one another, Will and Ilicia seemed to grow infinitely closer. And on the day of their departure, she looked out from the railing of the ship and found herself sad to see her family and the life she knew fading into the distance. But she was even more excited at the prospect of building a new life with Will.


Will looked about the ship that would be his and Ilicia's home for the next month and a half, and made himself a promise. "No matter what happens, Ilicia gets home safe, even if I have to kill everyone else with my bare hands."

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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