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Ilicia was in ecstasy. She felt her eyes roll back into her head as she focused on the feeling of Will’s fingers caressing her nipples while his tongue played between her legs. Her fingers tangled involuntarily in his hair pulling his face flat against her. In response Will gripped her nipples and twisted lightly.


“Oh, Will. I… I...” Ilicia gasped the words out and cut off as she felt her body convulse as waves of pleasure coursed through her. She nearly screamed when Will did not relent. One of his muscle-bound arms snaked around her waist to prevent her from pulling away, and his tongue continued working its magic with even more energy than before.


Several minutes later Ilicia was panting and Will lay next to her. He smiled and grabbed the nape of her neck gently to pull her close to kiss her passionately before speaking. “I have to admit Princess, I am surprised you asked for that. I thought for sure you wanted me to tease you like I did last time.”


“I want to please you.” Ilicia said and then smirked at the surprised look on Will’s face when he felt her hand encircle his throbbing manhood. “You pleased me, now let me please you.”


Will lay back, watching the top of Ilicia’s head as she trailed kisses down his chest, finally planting an oh-so-gentle kiss at the crown of his cock. Surprising him once more, she opened her lips and let her tongue slide down the bottom of his manhood as she took as much of him into her mouth as she could.


Will could tell she had not done this before and offered gentle suggestions and guidance that Ilicia seemed almost eager for. Before long, Will was panting as Ilicia worked him closer and closer to the edge.


“Oh fuck Ilicia, I am going to cum.” Will panted out and was shocked into orgasm when Ilicia grabbed the base of his cock and forced herself as far down on his pulsating manhood as she could stand.


Ilicia held herself there as she felt Will throb inside her, his hot seed spilling down her throat. She liked the feeling and could feel Will holding himself back from thrusting up into her mouth. She wanted to pull off and take a breath but she felt her job was not complete. She held tight pulling him deeper still into her mouth.


When his cock stopped pulsating in her mouth she pulled off and took a breath. “I want that in me next time.” she said to herself. She looked up and locked eyes with Will. The look there told Ilicia that if she said nothing, the next time would be in about twenty seconds. To encourage him, she reached down to his sensitive cock and began stroking slowly.


“Where the hell did you learn that?” Will said, his body quivering in anticipation as Ilica felt his cock growing hard once more in her grasp. Will returned the favor by reaching between her legs to fondle her clit as they both took a moment of lesser pleasure to recuperate.


“After my little run-in with Agrana, Yav’Nara and Elithana could see I was upset, so they asked me how far we had gotten and I told them,” Ilicia said, taking a breath and moaning as she began to rock her hips in time with Will’s fingers dipping inside her. “When I told them what I had planned for ‘next time’ they suggested some …pointers.”


Ilicia said this last word with a sense of mischief and Will laughed, his hips bucking upward of their own volition as she stroked. He took a breath and spoke. “Well, Ilicia, what now? Seems we both want more. Do you want more of my mouth, or…”


The way he trailed off left little to the imagination and Ilicia was about to beg him to take her when the door opened. One of the Drethi handmaids who had been helping Ilicia walked in, saw what was happening, and took on a must stunning shade of red before apologizing profusely and walking out the door.


“Well,” Ilicia said, embarrassed, “As much as I want to continue this, I think now we need to go eat and I need to apologize to my handmaid.”


“I suppose so.” Will said, giving her clit one last caress, causing a shiver to ripple through her body before he pulled his hand from between her legs. She released his manhood and leaned down to kiss him before they both rose and dressed.


Illicia spoke to her handmaid and ladies-in-waiting about making sure to knock. Ilicia made her way to the hall where she, Will, and his grandparents ate breakfast..


Yilan smiled at Ilicia who smiled back as she took a seat next to Will. They ate a full breakfast, chatting with each other. As they enjoyed a hot cup of tea while Drethi cleared the plates, a commotion in the entry hall gained the attention of Yilan who went to investigate. When Yilan opened the door, words being yelled were finally made clear.


“Where is the whore!” Agrana’s voice yelled. “That little slut thinks she can…”


Agrana’s voice trailed off as Yilan’s quiet voice spoke. “I am sure I do not know who you are talking about Agrana. Please tell me who this whore you speak of is and I will do my best to find her.”


“You know damn well who I am talking about. The dirty little slut that seems to think your grandson is hers.” Agrana pushed past Yilan and into the hall where Will and Ilicia sat.


Got’Ro appeared to have teleported to Agrana and had her by the throat holding her off the ground with one hand as his voice came out in a low growl. “You forget yourself Ogdeshi, you come into my home and cause a scene and shove aside my wife. You would do well to remember who we are and why we are in power.”


Agrana’s eyes darted from Got’Ro to Yilan before she managed to squeak out an apology. Yilan placed a hand on her protective husband’s shoulder. “Got’Ro I think she understands, why don’t you put her down before she passes out.”


Got’Ro’s entire demeanor changed to a smile that radiated love for Yilan. “Of course my love.


After taking a moment, Agrana spoke more calmly. “Once again I apologize Got’Ro, Yilan, Rulers of the Gob’Ran. I did not mean to insult you or your home. But I do have business with the who…”


She caught the raised eyebrow Yilan directed at her before continuing her sentence. “ with the Princess of Kolt.”


“You have business with me?” Ilicia asked. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the handmaid who saw her with Will bowing in apology with a look of utter fear on her face.


“Yes,” Agrana said,  in front of Ilica, Will had a weary eye on her and hoped she would not be foolish enough to strike the princess. “Ilicia Ter Koltshelg, Princess of Kolt, I Agrana Nar Grosh challenge you to Ur’Na Jihn.”


The room was silent for a moment before Will spoke. “Agrana,  you need to stop now and apologize.”


Ilicia was confused, she did not know what Ur’Na Jihn was, but from the looks on Will’s face, it was nothing good. Agrana smiled viciously. “Why should I do such a thing? You were promised to me first, as such I have the right.”


Ilicia looked at Will and saw rage course through his eyes. His tone could have frozen magma as he spoke. “I was never promised to you. You made it clear that with my, and I quote, ‘stupid human father’ out of the way you thought my grandparents would give me to you as some kind of reward for good service. Not once did you ask what I wanted, and not once did you show sympathy for my father. On top of that, as per the laws of the Gob’Ran, I could not be forced to marry you no matter what orcish customs or any other customs had already taken place.”


Ilcia was stunned. She had never heard Will speak this way. He was hurt and doing his best to cover the pain in his voice with anger. It made her sad when she realized that Agrana could not understand this, or hear the pain in Will’s tone. Ilicia was stunned as Agrana laughed.


“Of course I am glad your father is gone. The only good thing he ever did was produce you, and remove that bitch Yilnar from the picture.” Agrana said. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had said.


Yilan and Got’Ro looked deeply hurt and Yilan seemed to be whispering calming words in Got’Ro’s ear, his face was red and he was near tears. Ilicia spoke, hoping to draw attention away from what Agrana said. “Can someone please tell me what Ur’Na Jihn is?”


Will spoke in a monotone voice, clearly keeping a herculean grip on his emotions. “Ur’Na Jihn is right of the promised. In orcish culture, a man can have many potential mates. If he does not wish to take them all, the women promised to him may take it upon themselves to sort out who will be his wife. This usually takes the form of ritual combat, often to the death.”


“Exactly,” Agrana said aggressively, ignoring that she insulted almost everyone in the room. “As one who seems to have a claim on Will, you are subject to Ur’Na Jihn.”


Before anyone else could speak a wicked look crossed Got’Ro’s eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this Agrana? Absolutely sure?”


Agrana seemed to hesitate but finally nodded. “I am sure.”


“Very well,” Got’Ro said an evil smile growing on his face. “As you addressed her with her titles I assume you understand she has certain rights. Not only under the laws of her kingdom, but also under the laws of the Gob’Ran as she is the diplomatic entourage here on the behalf of the King of Kolt.”


Agrana’s face paled somewhat. “Yes…”


“And as such, she is permitted in all rituals and customs that require combat to elect a champion, someone who may stand in for her in combat.” Got’Ro said.


“I..” Agrana said, realizing her mistake Got’Ro cut her off.


“And as Princess of Kolt, she may make that request of any in the Gob’Ran, and not just Will. Will is the male in the Ur’Na Jihn and is also assigned to the princess as The Prinecss’s Man, which includes being her bodyguard.” Got’Ro said, turning to Ilicia. “Princess Ilicia of the Kingdom of Colt, I Got’Ro of the Gob’Ran, first Ogren of the Ogdeshi, protector of the Jok’Na-ra clan, and mate to the last of the Valdesh Family of Gilsheribrum offer to stand in as your champion in place of your Man as he is subject to the Ur’Na Jihn.”


Ilicia was frozen. She knew this was Got’Ro’s way of getting back at Agrana for what she said, but she did not want anyone to fight, this was not supposed to happen like this. She was panicking and was about to burst and say something she might regret when Will spoke.


“Before we go so far as to start killing each other, why don’t you tell us what made you come here all in a huff Agrana?” Will asked, still using the monotone voice that Ilica guessed helped him suppress whatever rage he was feeling.


“I heard this woman was seen, doing… things… with Will.” Agrana said, seeming to be disgusted at the idea that Will and Ilicia would be intimate.


The handmaid stepped forward and bowed deeply as she spoke to Ilicia. “I apologize miss, I had just left and was in the bath. I hate to admit it, but I was gossiping about what had happened; because, well, all of the ladies maids and many of the members of Gob’Ran think you and Will are a great couple. But anyway, I was talking about what I saw and Agrana overheard, and that led us to here and now.”


She bowed deeply and Ilicia smiled at the Drethi woman. “It’s fine, though I do wish you would not gossip about me.”


Agrana was nodding. “Exactly.  I heard what was going on and decided I could not let anyone else have you, especially since we were promised to each other.”


“Agrana,” Yilan said with a slightly disdainful look. “Where did you get this idea of being promised to each Will?”


“Before Will left and came back with her,” Agrana said, gesturing at Ilicia, “you and I spoke and you agreed to a promise. “


“I think you misunderstood me.” Yilan said. “If I promised you anything I would remember. What I think I said was that if Will and his father were amicable about it, there could be a promise. I think I did say I would arrange the meeting with his father for you.”


Agrana seemed to shrink at Yilan’s recounting of what was said. “Well, I still have a claim to Ur’Na Jihn.” Agrana said dejectedly.


Will stepped forward and looked into Agrana’s eyes. Agrana looked as if she was hopeful he would agree with her and claim her as his. Instead, the words that Will spoke next crushed her as surely as if a boulder had fallen from a great height.


“Agrana let me make this as clear as I possibly can,” Will said and took a breath. “I want to thank you for teaching me everything you did, from combat to love, to sex. You taught me much. But I could never love someone who hated my mother and father. You and I were never promised and never will be. I will never pick you over Ilicia.”


Ilicia could not help but feel sad for Agrana who looked nothing like the strong and powerful woman she was. She looked more akin to a scared child. Agrana looked around the room hoping to find a bastion of support somewhere and found none. She fled, running from the room and out into the streets.


The rest of the morning was relaxed, at least for Ilicia. Yilan and Got’Ro retreated to their private chambers and Will asked Ilicia if he could go train for an hour or so to get his mind off of everything. Ilicia smiled and nodded, giving him a loving kiss before he left.


After being alone for a while, Ilicia and her handmaid decided to go to the baths. With everyone getting ready for the celebrations this evening the baths were surprisingly deserted. As she scrubbed her hair with a lovely foaming soap the Drethi produced, she heard a strange sound and called out to her handmaid. “Are you all right?”


When she got nothing back in response, Ilicia quickly dunked her head under water to clear the soap from her eyes and opened them to find herself face-to-face with a furious Agrana. The look on her face scared Ilicia and she opened her mouth to call for help, but she was slammed under the water with a quick toss from Agrana.


Ilicia quickly swam to the surface and came up to find Agrana in the water next to her. Agrana grabbed her shoulders and pinned her to the wall separating the men’s and women’s sides of the bath. Over Agrana’s shoulder, she could see her handmaid laying on the side of the bathing pool unconscious or dead.


Iliicia saw the anger on Agrana’s face. She closed her eyes wishing Will a good life, as she felt one of Agrana’s hands draw back to deliver a blow.

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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