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"Will Garrow, if it isn't my favorite mortal. I take it you want to make a deal." The Goddess said.

"Eventris, we already have a deal, and I have held up my end. It is your turn to hold up your end," Will said with gritted teeth, his barely contained rage boiling just under the surface of his control.

The Goddess, Eventris, Goddess of the Cycle, looks at Will. "Truly, you have upheld what I asked, but are you sure? Is this person worth it? Is it..."

"Yes!" Will snarls out, looking at the Goddess, "We have a deal, and you will uphold it, or I will have compensation."

The Goddess grows pale. She knows what he is threatening and knows the compensation he would demand is not something she can afford to pay right now. "Very well, Will. Consider our bargain complete. Your power will be yours once more, and our deal is done. Fight well, young man, don't lose this person you care so much for."

Will nodded, and the Goddess leaned down to kiss his forehead in an almost motherly fashion. To anyone close to Will, it suddenly looked like the sun was standing where Will had been. But to those further away, a wave of blue light and an indescribable feeling of power emanated from Will.

That wave of light and power caught up to Illicia and her captors. 

One of the Grenga was almost knocked out of the air by the power, and the leader of the Grenga grew pale. "What is that?" 

Illicia had a pretty good idea as to exactly what it was. She thought to herself silently, "Please hurry, Will." 

[Moments before Eventris's appearance]

Paratha was crying, Genduri was dead. There was no denying it, and suddenly, the mana strain shared between Genduri and Paratha was slammed solely onto the woman, who felt bloody tears roll down her face.


Will suddenly bursts into motion after Illicia is taken away, crying out and killing the Shary'In in a display of blood rage unlike any that Paratha has ever seen before. She can feel the emotions rolling off of Will but needs help. 

"Will, please help us; I can not maintain this magic like Genduri could. I..." 

Paratha cries as she looks at Genduri, who is beyond help. "Please, Will." 

Will looks as if he is completely lost in the rage. But suddenly, he unleashes a primal roar that sends shivers down Paratha's spine as she can feel the mana message he somehow encoded into the frightening noise.

And then divine light, wreaths Will. Paratha is stunned; never before has she seen a divine being appear at the behest of a mortal; she watches for a few moments, unable to make out what is said between the two, but noting that even the Goddess looks as if she chooses her words carefully. Finally, the Goddess kisses Will as a mother kisses a babe, and the world is engulfed in a light, unlike anything that Paratha has ever felt or seen before.

[ Moment of unlocking ]

Will was impatient, and when Eventris finally removed her hold on his power, Will was flooded with it. Two years ago, Will sealed his power with some divine assistance, and in those two years, Will transformed into an even more powerful warrior, and his power grew with him. Will gasped and suddenly felt alive, unlike anything he had felt in a long time. Will took a deep breath, drawing in the magic in the air around him. He felt the ring that cloaked his looks shatter, and he also felt the magic in him and around him, eager to do his bidding. 

He saw Pratha crying tears of blood next to Genduri, and his grandmother's words flowed through his mind from a magic lesson when he was first awakening his magic. "Part of the Gilsheribrum were so feared because magic was willing to help us, but you are something even more. I don't know what bloodlines your father possessed as a hero, but it feels as if reality wants to lend you strength. Be careful with this, Will, as it can be a great tool and a terrible curse."

Will stepped forward and looked down at his two friends, one dead, one barely holding on, and spoke a single word, pressing his magic into it; that word seemed to echo through the souls of those who heard it. "HEAL."

Genduri, who had been dead, sat up, the speed wound sealed, and gasped a breath wide-eyed. "Paratha, what the hell happened?"

Paratha, who felt better than she had in years, said nothing. He just stared at Will, and his true form was revealed. "It's Will. He had a Goddess sealing his powers, and now they are not sealed. He brought you back from the dead, Genduri." 

She spoke quickly, and Will waited, his eyes closed as he used his power to get a good idea of what was happening. He opened them and locked eyes with his two friends. "I will be leaving momentarily; I have taken the spell load from you, Paratha. It will be self-sustaining for the next six hours. Work with the household to get everything under control. I will be back."

Will stepped back and closed his eyes before taking a breath. Paratha and Genduri looked on in wonder as the very air around Will seemed to vibrate in anticipation. An unprecedented amount of mana gathered around Will, who suddenly opened his glowing eyes and shot into the sky. 

As Will accelerated, he had only one thought. "Hold on, Illicia, I am coming."

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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