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Viltar was content. Well, as content as an evil magician working towards his goals can be. He had grown tired of playing the good servant to the King. He had been planning to kill the King and take over the kingdom, but a sudden opportunity presented itself: the Prince was captured by the remnants of the Dark Dragon's army.

Viltar had been plotting how to slip away and take control of the army when the King and none other than the legendary Hero, Brock Garrow, had come and asked him to accompany Brock in an effort to save the Prince.

Viltar smiled upon his luck and followed the 'hero' with gusto. Their trip was rather quick; with Viltar's magical abilities and the shocking powers Brock wielded, they had located the wayward Prince and the remnants of the army.

Viltar rubbed his shoulder, feeling where Brock Garrow had caused damage that still had not healed.

"Don't you worry, Brock? I will be sending your son to join you soon. No matter what he is, I am sure he is nothing I can't handle." Viltar muttered to himself.

Viltar has wanted revenge on Brock ever since the blasted Hero had gotten in the way of his plans. Viltar had even offered Brock a place in the empire that would be built in Viltar's name.

"But nooooo," Viltar muttered as he walked the partially constructed fifth wing of his illustrious noble manor, "had to go and be so much of a hero. Grabbing the Prince and shielding him from damage with his own body. Bah!"

Viltar made it to the tower where the fifth wing was to connect to his manor; inside were people, only peasants, who he used in his latest experiments. He walked around and suddenly froze.

Viltar's magical senses were some of the most powerful in the known world. It helped him achieve the heights of magical power he had achieved. If you asked anyone who knew him quite well, his magical senses were also what had driven him so far up the wall, turning him from an odd wizard into a truly mad individual.

These senses had allowed Viltar to sense that somewhere, within a hundred or so miles, a god had set foot on the world's surface. Then, these senses let him sense something that inspired fear and excitement all at once.

The strange power began shooting towards him, and Viltar began to laugh. "OH, I do not know who or what you are, but come to me, and I will play with you. Just before finding the upstart Will Garrow and sending him to see his father in the afterlife."


The three Grenga were panicking. One of them cried out, "What in the Hells is he!?"

The three had pooled their combined magical power and were still not outpacing Will; however, they were not letting him gain rapidly.

Where Will had initially been roughly a thousand feet behind them when they started pooling their magical powers, he was now only seven hundred feet back. And every minute, he drew closer.

"It's fine," The leader of the Grenga panted, "We will reach the master's keep before he catches up. And then that freak will not know what hit him. No one is more powerful than the master."

The three Grenga, instead of talking more, continued to pour their power into moving as quickly as they could muster. Finally, a strange building grew on the horizon, and the leader of the Grenga chuckled.

"We made it, and look, there is the master. We have nothing to worry about. Just a few more moments."

The other two grumbled and poured on the coals for the last part of their trip. As they touched down, Viltar was waiting.

"You have the princess?" Viltar asked with disinterest, his eyes never leaving the rapidly approaching Will.

"Of course." The lead, Grenga, said, "We will need to talk about our pay. The things...."

Viltar waved a hand dismissively. "Yes, yes, you want more money for betraying your people. You will have it. Tell me, what is that?"

The lead Grenga looked at Will, who was only a couple hundred feet away. "That is the Princess's Man, son of the Hero. His name is Will Garrow."

Viltar was in extasy. "It is him, isn't it. Very well, take her into the manor, and we will discuss things later."

The three Grenga and Illicia disappeared into the massive structure of the manor. Viltar stepped off the elevated platform he had been waiting on and floated to the ground.


Will could have caught the Grenga instantly, but he was also unsure if his method for catching them would put Illicia in danger, so he simply followed them. He went just fast enough to push the three Grenga into exhaustion by the time they landed.

Will had not expected them to lead him to a massive, sprawling manor with multiple wings and even one under construction. He also did not expect a wizard, especially one with the massive mana presence that this wizard had.

If this was a kidnapping attempt by someone who was an enemy of the kingdom, it made more sense than any other option. The only other option was for this to be Viltar.

Will hoped it was so he could rescue Illicia and kill the filthy bastard who had killed his father all in one day. But he would wait and see.

Will landed just as the strange wizard finished floating down from where he had been standing. The wizard spoke first.

"I am quite curious what you are. I can see that you are a magic user of quite prodigious power, but that does not explain your rather unique look. I know who you are, Will Garrow, son of the Hero Brock and Princess's Man to Illciai Ter Koltshelg. But what are you."

Will's blood began to boil; no one could know who he was here unless it was someone who used to live in the encampment or someone from Kolt.

"I am Will, but you seem to have me at a disadvantage; I do not know who you are. Please, tell me what is your name?" Will asked, barely containing his emotions, as he felt he knew the answer.

"Oh, forgive me," Viltar chuckled, "you have manners even though your father was a bit of a heathen. My name is Viltar. You might know me as the man who killed your father."

Viltar smiled as the mana around Will seemed to fade. "Good, whatever boosting skill he has is wearing off; now, I will end the meddlesome Garrow bloodline before taking my rightful place as king of Kolt."

Viltar thought that to himself as he quickly drew in mana to compress it for a spell that would strike Will down. But he faltered as Will locked eyes with him.

"Viltar." Will said, taking a long, shaking breath, "Finally, we meet."

Will let the breath out, and mana exploded from him, denser than anything Viltar had ever seen.

"You asked what I am, so let me enlighten you," Will said, drawing closer steadily with every word. "I am Will Garrow, son of Brock Garrow and grandson to the leaders of the Gob'Ran Collective. I am the Princess's man to Her Majesty Illicia Ter Koltshelg. I am the lover of the aforementioned princess. I am the grandson of the last Gilsheribrum and a True orc. But most of all..."

Viltar was sweating as he watched the mana increase with every step Will took toward him. Will locked eyes with him, staring down at the small man who thought himself worthy of killing Will's father. Will smiled.

"But most of all, and most importantly to you. I am the last thing you will ever see."

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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