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Illicia was somewhat worried. In the five weeks since the ship had departed, Will had seemed to be building towards something. A couple of times, he had informed Illicia he was departing on a scouting mission. She looked down at the map they were slowly filling out. She could not deny the efficacy of Will's scouting. In the few trips he had taken, he had covered more ground than most of the other scouting missions combined. 

While he was out, Illicia spent long hours working side by side with the settlers. On the sixth week, Will went out for another scouting mission and returned only hours after sunset on the first day. 

"Illicia," Will said with a smile as he came in the door, looking as if he had spent the day rolling in bushes and mud.

"Will, what happened?" Illicia said, walking to him to hand him a towel as he began to wash his face in a bowl of water the house staff kept full for Illicia.

"I fought something. I am unsure what it was, but it looked like little more than an exceptionally thick grouping of shadows. Before I knew it, I felt the claws and teeth trying to take chunks out of me. So I fought back. I slashed and hacked at everything around me as I fought to get away. When I finally struck something, the shadows seemed to dissolve and flee." Will said all of this as he finished washing his face.

"We had something similar happen," Illicia said, causing Will to stop and focus on her. "While we were outside the walls looking at a route for a proposed road towards the forest, all three of the Drethi were engaged by one shadow. I fought to get through them to me, but when the Drethi finally struck it, the beast fled, and as you said, seemed to dissolve into the shadows."

Will was silent for a moment. "We should be getting some magical communication soon, the next ships are meant to arrive at any time. Once that happens, we can reach out to my grandmother, she is the only person I can think of who might know what is going on. Until then I am going to put off any further scouting."

Illicia nodded, and the two of them went to the ocean so Will could clean the mud from his body. After a refreshing dip, Will and Illicia went to sleep. The next three weeks were draining. At least once a day, either Will or Illicia would be attacked by the shadows. They had conclusively decided that there were two shadows, rather than one fast entity. 

The boats had finally returned, this time with fewer people and more supplies to help prepare for the third wave, which would have more ships and many more settlers needing homes. The captain, the same one who had brought Will and Illicia, stepped off his ship onto the makeshift pier, and saluted Illicia. "Princess, Princess's man, I apologize for the delay, we were held up waiting for the additional personnel that was added. Some more allies from the Colective."

The captain gestured up the boardwalk as six people descended. Will heard several sailors make disapproving gestures at the group. They came and the three Drethi bow to Will and Illicia. "Greetings Princess. Greetings Will Garrow. I am Genduri, a mage specializing in defense magics. The leaders of the Gob'Ran Collective wished me to bring my skills to aid you. With me are my sister, Tarrani, and our close friend, Paratha, They are both mages as well, with one specializing in communications and the other in support magics, respectively." 

"Well met," Will said nodding, "and who are the others in the group?" 

"Ah," Genduri said, "these others are..."

"I can speak for myself young pup." An ancient-looking Grenga said to Genduri, whose eyebrow seemed to twitch. The Grenga turned to face Will. "I am Gix. With me are Tarkin and his wife, Wentil. We are here to support your construction efforts at the behest of the leaders of the Gob'Ran Collective, in return for several services rendered since you brokered our alliance and protected our city." 

Will nodded. Illicia smiled and spoke. "Well, I, for one, am glad that the six of you are here, and I welcome you all. If you have any troubles settling in, please do not hesitate to ask for help."

The six bowed and made their way down the pier. Will turned back to the captain just in time to see him take off his captain's knots and hand them over to his first mate, who smiled and thanked the mad before slipping the knots on over his own shoulder. The captain heaved a waterproof sack onto his shoulder and then headed to follow after the six. 

"Captain," Illicia said as he passed, "what is happening." 

"Well, princess, I had a wife when I left last time, but apparently, she couldn't wait for me anymore. I thought that since I didn't have much to go back for, I could stay here and help out, maybe do some fishing to help alleviate any food problems." 

Illicia smiled at the man and nodded. "It would be fantastic to have you join us. We welcome you."

The captain bowed to Illicia, nodded to Will and went on his way. Wil smiled, "seven new settlers, and a plethora of new supplies. Let's get the ships unloaded tomorrow, then we..."

He was cut off by the call of attack going out and a strange shadow slipping over the wall heading straight towards Will and Illicia. 

"Why are those here?" Gix said in shock.

"I could not tell you, but the fact that you know what the hell they are is rather interesting. Hold on a moment." Will said, turning to drive his fist forward into the approximate center of the shadow. A sharp crack and the rapid retreat of the first shadow were Will's reward. He turned to see Gix and Agrana beating the shadow back.

The old Grenga moved with a fluidity that spoke to a life of fighting, and he was fast. Fast enough that he was interspersing his strikes with Agrana's so effectively that they quickly sent the shadow packing. Gix smiled, "Ah, it has been a while since I fought next to someone so skilled. Thank you, young lady."

Will shook his head, and Illicia chuckled as Agrana blushed at the Grenga. Will stepped up and offered his hand to the ancient warrior. "Let's try this again. I am Will Garrow, Princess's man to Her Highness Illicia Ter Koltsheg and warrior of the Gob'Ran Collective."

Gix looked Will over before taking the offered hand and shaking it. "Well, Will, I am Gix Vathrond, currently a builder here in service to the Gob'Ran Collective, but in another life, I was once Warlord of the Igvari berserkers. However, I prefer to build now. It's more peaceful."

Will smiled at the man and opened his mouth to speak, but Gix cut him off. "Will, I don't mean to worry you, but you should deal with this problem before you or the beautiful princess here get killed."

Will frowned. "What is my problem?" 

Gix nodded. "Well, that explains why you are having trouble. Let me tell you about the problem at hand. Let me explain the strange entities known as Shary'In to you.

Will nodded, and the entire party followed as they moved down the pier, Gix talking the whole time.

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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