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Across the village from where Will and Gix faced the Shary'In, Illicia was hard at work fighting the rest of the monsters and the lone Grenga. 

"How many more of these things does that bastard have?!" Agrana exclaimed, driving a blade through the head of one of the strange demons. "They just die and seem to be replaced the moment they are gone."

As Illicia and Agrana took a quick breather and watched the demon's body fade into smoke, Illicia could not help but cast a worried glance to where she knew Will was fighting the Shary'In. 

"I wouldn't worry too much about him." Agrana said, catching her look, "You know he is strong, but I think you don't quite understand how much of a monster he is." 

Illicia chuckled lightly at that. "I think I do. He singlehandedly removed a threat from an entire city while I waited for him. If that is not a good indicator, then I don't know what it is."

"You forget that he did all that without any of his magic." Agrana said, looking out over the wall where four more of the strange demons had formed next to the Grenga, "Imagine what he could accomplish with it." 

Illicia paused at that as Agrana set to work with the shadows to deal with the new additions to the top of the wall.


As Will and Gix worked, they quickly realized it would be a war of attrition. The Shary'In could take damage better than most. But thanks to their enforced attention on the dome of stone assembled by the two builders, Grenga, their strikes at Will and Grenga were slowed. So they exchanged blows. Will and Gix would rush in and deal as much damage as they possibly could before dodging a swipe from one of the Shary'In, who would then turn back to the dome of stone and slash at it in anger, desperately trying to reach the two mages inside.


Several hours of this left Illicia ragged as she and Agrana watched the lone Grenga out in the field spread his hands before him to summon more of the strange demons. "This is not sustainable." 

Agrana nodded, "I agree, we need a different plan."

"I have one, but you won't like it," Illicia said, and Agrana and the three shadows gave her quizzical looks. "You four go out there and remove our friend from the equation, leaving me and the rest here by ourselves. We count on Will to do what he does if anything goes wrong."

The shadows look like they want to protest when Agrana raises a hand. "Just to be clear, you want him dead, not captured, right?"

Illicia nods. She has had enough of the games this particular enemy has played. "I want that Grenga dead, and I would give you four this task. Will you accept?"

The three shadows dropped to one knee in unison, clapping their hands to their chests in salute before turning and wordlessly leaping over the wall. Agrana smiled at Illicia before leaping over herself. Illicia watched the four move at a speed that was beyond most, and when they got to within a hundred yards of the Grenga, Illicia suddenly felt as if they had made a massive mistake. 

The Grenga smiled viciously, then clapped its hands together above its head. The sound echoed out louder than anything Illicia had heard. And several things happened simultaneously. Firstly, Illicia saw Agrana, and the shadows dropped to the ground, unconscious. She also heard Will Cry out behind her.

Illicia turned just in time to see the dome that had protected the mages from the Shary'In drop as two Grenga, the ones who were supposedly a married couple, leaped through the fighting towards her.


Will was fighting when he heard a loud snapping that shocked him with its volume. At the same time he watched the dome collapse, the defense mage Genduri fell to the ground dead from a spear of stone formed from the dome. "No! Gix, Kill them now!"

He and the Elderly Grenga jumped in between Genduri and Paratha and the Shary'In, and over the heads of the beasts, Will watched as the two builders rushed towards Illicia atop the wall.


"What is happening?" Illicia asked the two Grenga as they approached. She was surprised when they grabbed her together and leaped over the wall. Running to meet the Grenga out in the field who was casting a spell. Fear ran through Illicia. She knew that she could call for Will, and he would abandon everyone to come to her. So she bit her tongue. 

As she neared the Grenga, she passed the unconscious form of Agrana. She silently said goodbye to the woman. Illlica wondered if she would ever see any of these people again. But she only cared about Will. She wondered what would happen, and as she felt a wave of magic wash over her, She and the three Grenga rose into the air, floating over the village and into the sky. Illicia looked back to catch one final look at Will with tears streaming down her face.


As Will fought, he felt someone looking at him and glanced up to see Illicia, restrained by the two builders, in the company of the lone Grenga, floating through the air. Will locked eyes with Illicia, and he saw tears stream down her face as she was rushed away.

As she drew further away, something inside Will snapped. And he unleashed a primal roar that scared everyone around him and made the Shary'In pause. Suddenly, before the Shary'In can respond, one of their heads falls to the ground. Will moves quicker than most can perceive and slams his bear hand into the chest of the second Shary'In, ripping its heart free of its chest.

The red tint of Orcish blood rage floods Will's flesh, and he turns to run after Illicia. Paratha stops him. "Will please, help us, I can not maintain this magic like Genduri could. I..." 

Paratha cries as she looks at Genduri who is beyond help. "Please Will." 

Will, still in the throws of the blood rage, unleashes a primal yell. In response a wreath of divine light slams into the ground around him. A woman's form steps out of the light. "Well, if it isn't my favorite mortal, Will Garrow. I take it you want to make a deal."


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