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Viltar was sweating as he watched the mana increase with every step Will took toward him. Will locked eyes with him, staring down at the small man who thought himself worthy of killing Will's father. Will smiled.

"But most of all, and most importantly to you. I am the last thing you will ever see."

That sentence caused Viltar to pause in his momentary fear, giving him something to focus on other than the sheer overwhelming force of Mana, who was the young, glowing man standing in front of him.

"The last thing that I will ever see?" Viltar asked, regaining some of his earlier bravado. "What makes you think you can kill me? You are the son of the Hero. Not the Hero himself. I already killed him. How do you think you are any better. I heard all your titles, but all I heard was a bunch of trumped-up excuses."

Viltar chuckled but let the sound fade when Will did not get angry. He simply waited. So Viltar lashed out once more with his tongue. "Your father made some bold claims, too. Stating that I would never get away with it, I let him be attacked while I laughed. But I seem to be doing well. Look at me, building my kingdom, and I have quite a nice manor, don't I?"

"You have prattled long enough, Viltar. Though I will be the last thing you ever see, I want Illicia back. Return her to me, and I shall leave you be." Will said, despite his soul crying out for the death of the man in front of him. But he knew that he needed to protect Illicia.

"I simply want Illicia back," Viltar said mockingly. "Well, unfortunately for you, I need that particular brat to get her father to give me some things. Maybe I will kill her, or better yet, I will give her to my men to be roughed up a bit before I send her back. I..."

Viltar tried to continue, but a massive hand with crystalline nails was wrapped around his throat. The hand was inescapable. Viltar's eyes bulged at the rapid onset of pressure that Will was able to apply. Will's next words came out in a primal roar that cracked the stone around them: "WHERE. IS. SHE."

With each word, the hand tightened, and Viltar felt nothing but fear once more. Before he could think of anything, his body, desperate for air, betrayed his mind and pointed before he could stop himself.

Rather than release the man, Will simply walked where Viltar pointed, dragging the wizard by his throat.

Illicia was sitting in the corner of a room where the three Grenga stood, talking quietly to themselves. Illicia had given each a nickname in Will's style.

The leader of the three, who had been channeling the flight magic and attacked from outside the town, was Limper, as he now had a limp in his left leg from several kicks to the leg that Illicia had delivered with all the strength she had.

The male of the two traitors was Tipless, as Illicia had just bitten off the tip of his finger when he had grabbed her to shove her into this room.

The woman of the two traitors had yet to earn a name. "I wonder what I can do to her. She needs a name. But other than being a traitor, I have not done anything to her yet. Maybe I could scratch her face or..."

Illicia paused in her thoughts, realizing what she was thinking. "Oh gods above, I have definitely let Will rub off on me too much."

As she thought this, the two males sent the female to Illicia. "Get ready to move, try anything, and I..."

As she was speaking and leaning down to where Illicia was to pull her to her feet, Illicia snapped her hand out quick as a snake, striking with extended fingers just as Will and Agrana had trained her. She slammed her fingertips as deep as she could into the point where the throat met the jaw.

"What the fuck!" Tipless said, rushing over and tossing a kick at Illicia, who was punching at the downed woman over and over.

Illicia dodged and slunk back down into the corner to provide them with as little target as possible. Limper came over and tried to help the woman, but Illicia had practiced that strike thousands of times on Agrana's insistence.

Even now, Illicia could hear the woman talking as Illicia slammed her hand over and over into a training dummy. "Remember, Princess, Will can and will fight armies for you, but if someone catches you alone, you must fight. If done well and with one hundred percent of your strength, this strike can and most likely will collapse the windpipe of whoever you strike. They will then suffocate to death. It is not a pretty way to go. But your life is worth more than theirs. Never forget, you are the one who decides if you get to go home or someone else gets to go home."

As she watched, the female died, clawing at the arms of Tipless. Tipless had tears running down his face. "What the fuck! I'm going to kill this bitch!"

Limper stopped him in the middle of a lunge towards Illicia. "You and I both know that would only get you killed by Viltar. No way that piece of shit faces the Boss and lives. Just wait; when he gets what he wants, I'm sure that the Boss will let you get revenge. I..."

Limper trailed off as they heard a voice that Illicia recognized cry out in a rage that sent shivers through everyone in the room and seemed to vibrate the building.

"WHERE. IS. SHE." Will cried out, and Illicia stifled a laugh. Each word carried a wave of power that even Illicia could feel and told her all she needed to know.

Limper and glanced down at the dead woman. "We are moving; get the bitch; if you want, knock her out; I am done playing her stupid games."

Tipless stood and nodded, taking a cloth from a pouch on his belt, and quick as a flash, he slapped it over Illicia's mouth and nose. She tried to struggle, but almost instantly, she was unconscious.

Tipless kicked her in the gut, then scooped her up over his shoulder, casting one last tearful look at the dead woman on the floor before he and Limper, with an unconscious Illicia, rushed off down the halls, away from the approaching calamity that was the Princess's man.


Viltar was screaming in his mind, even as he struggled for every breath in the hand of the man who was dragging him around like a doll. "What the hell is he! How does he have this much power? What did he say, Grandson to a true orc? Who did that blasted Hero have a child with? And why does he claim the Gob'Ran Collective? They were nobody to be concerned with!"

Viltar was still pointing the way to the room where he assumed the three Grenga had taken Illicia. He did not know if he could take Will in this moment; being choked as he was, it was hard to focus on breathing, let alone whatever great work of magic he would need to fight Will.

When they got to the door. Will opened it and looked down at the dead woman, a smile playing across his face as he recognized the telltale bruises under the woman's chin. "She killed one Viltar; I wonder if she escapes alone. Then I get to kill you as I wish."

Viltar was shocked. The Princess of Kolt had killed this woman. Will's simple smile, as if he expected it, made him wonder what had changed since his departure from the Kingdom of Kolt.

"On to the next place," Will said, turning to leave the room. Suddenly, he and Viltar felt an accumulation of Mana that had a pattern any magic-sensitive person would recognize. Will gave up on using doors and simply ripped apart walls with brute force as he ran headfirst through the many rooms and hallways comprising Viltar's manor towards the accumulating magic.

With a final burst of strength, Will burst through a wall, only to see Illicia unconscious and draped over Grenga's shoulder. The two Grenga and Illicia vanished in a final wave of Mana, the single-use teleportation stone crumbled to dust, and Viltar was forced to lock eyes with Will.

The glowing eyes of whatever Will was drove fear into Viltar as he realized what he had done to this man. He also realized he had soiled himself, and his bladder was barely holding out.

Will spoke, a calm blade of magic backing every single word. "Where did they take Illicia?"

The question was simple, and in any other context, Viltar would have happily answered the seemingly calm-sounding question. But he could see the rage and power broiling in Will's eyes, so he gave the only answer his panicked and oxygen-deprived brain could come up with. Viltar Pissed himself then passed out.

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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