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Ilicia was still blushing as she and Yilan walked up to where Got’Ro and Will had just finished their most recent match. Both men had bruises on their bodies from where direct blows had been landed. Around them, many soldiers, and even Ilicia’s brother Kale, clamored for the next round of combat. 


Ilicia watched as both Will and his grandfather begged off fighting them, gesturing to Ilicia and Yilan as an excuse. Yilan waved her hand at her husband and grandson once they had gotten dressed, and Ilicia watched the sweat, dirt, and bruises vanish from their bodies and clothes.


“That's a convenient spell.” Ilicia said eyeing Will’s chest as he finished doing up the laces of his shirt. 


“It is.” Yilan said. “Tell me Ilicia, do you have any talent for magic?” 


“The court wizards say that I don’t, they say I have the ability, but it is not prominent.” Ilicia said. “Why do you ask, Yilan?” 


“Oh, human wizards seem to think that they are the authorities on magic, give me your hand girl.” Yilan said, taking the offered hand of Ilicia into her hands. Yilan closed her eyes and Ilicia could feel power flow through her as the old woman spoke. “I ask because if you have some magic abilities, there are some simple spells that humans don’t know that I can teach you, should you ever need to defend yourself and Will is not around.” 


Yilan's brow wrinkled. “Deep breath girl.” 


Ilicia took a deep breath and suddenly she felt something burst inside her. “What did you do to me?” Ilicia said in surprise as Yilan released her hands. 


“I tried to force the pathways in the body that allow magic to be cast to open up more. It did not work.” Yilan said. “You can probably use simple cleaning spells, and maybe a very low-tier healing spell using human magic. However, if you convince Will to teach you some elvish magic, you might be able to cast a few middle-tier spells as the elvish spells are highly refined and efficient.” 


“Thank you.” Ilicia said, not understanding most of what she was talking about, but making a mental note to ask Will about it later. She looked back to see Will talking with Kale, and Got’Ro packing a new bowl of half-leaf as the crowd that had gathered began to disperse. 


“Now, we should get back to trying to get your father to agree to send you and Will on the mission that we need help with.” Yilan said. 


“Yes, though I am curious why you need help from us with forming an alliance between whoever these beings are, and yourselves. And that is another thing, what race are the beings that inhabit this land that you are trying to align yourself with?” Ilicia said as Yilan walked with her, Got’Ro and Will followed behind as they all made their way into the castle. 


“We need your help because we would like to have you form an alliance with them as well, it will make them feel better. As to who they are, well let's wait and we’ll tell you and your father all at once.” 


About an hour later, thanks to the King insisting that they all eat with him before any business was conducted, Ilicia, Will, Yilan, Got’Ro, and the King and Queen were seated around a table to discuss the mission.


“We would very much like it if we could send both Will and Ilicia to act as an ambassadorial team to the small country that has been speaking with us.” Got’Ro said.


Yilan nodded. “We think that it would be much better for both of our countries if we could make a peace agreement at the very least, if not a trade agreement.”  


The King looked confused. “I am still confused as to who these people are and why you feel so strongly about this.” 


Got’Ro looked at the King. “The beings who have established this small country, are Grenga.” 


That caused a sharp intake of breath. The Grenga are a race with no solid form, they appeared as a cloud of black mist. Though they could take the forms of other races, they could only do so for a short period of time. The other shocking part of this is that the Grenga were typically some of the evilest and most aggressive creatures ever. What made this so valuable an opportunity is the innate magic that the Grenga held that allowed them to fabricate any desired non-magical object out of the dirt. 


It is one of the reasons that the Grenga are so hard to fight. You think you have disarmed one and then it shifts to a different form and materializes a new sword out of some of the dirt it is standing on. This combination of attitude, magic, and ability was also why Grenga were generally hunted on sight as they were technically magical beasts, rather than sentient beings. 


“How many are there in this, what is it, a small kingdom?” The King asked after he had regained his composure. 


“Near as we can tell, there are close to twenty thousand in the one city they have constructed.” Yilan said. 


“Why haven’t they begun killing?” The King pondered out loud. 


“That's what I wanted to know when we first heard of this,” Got’Ro said, “so Yilan and twenty of our best warriors went to make contact. Apparently, the Grenga that we have encountered are part of a highly fanatical military belonging to the ruling class. This Grenga society apparently resides between planes of existence. The Grenga that are here, are a group that have existed on the fringes of that larger society. Apparently, there has been a bit of a regime change in Grenga politics and the new leader gave them a choice, integrate into the society or move into this plane, as it is supposedly very difficult for them to live here.” 


“So these Grenga are, peaceful, and have been banished here to live out their lives?” The King said, sounding as if he were mulling it over. “But how could they have built a city so quickly?” 


“That is one of the things we want to know.” Yilan said. “We hope to establish a trade relationship with them so that we can learn how to use their methods, or if it something to with their abilities, we can at least hire the Grenga.” 


“These are all good points, and I would assume that you are wanting to send Ilicia, but who would represent the Gob’Ran?” The king asked. 


“We were hoping that we could let Will fill that role, as he will be going anyways.”  Yilan said. “And before you raise any objections, part of his training when he lived with us was diplomacy and espionage, so he is fully capable of performing these duties.” 


“May I ask what Will was meant to be to the Gob’Ran?” Ilicia asked, wondering at the breadth and depth of Will’s training.


“Will was, and is, meant to be the next leader of the collective.” Got’Ro said with pride in his voice. 


“Very well, I am content that they go, so long as I can send one other.” The king said, and then glanced over his shoulder to where Sir. Balefor stood by the door.  “Sir Balefor if you would, I ask that you accompany The Princess and her man on this diplomatic venture.” 


“Of course your highness.” Sir Balefor said, bowing slightly from his position. 


“I would ask that they travel with you back to the collective and then go on their own from there.” The King said turning to look at Yilan and Got’Ro. 


“Of course.” Yilan said smiling. 


“Very well it is decided then.” The king said. “Knowing the Gob’Ran you probably want to leave tonight?” 


Yilan and Got’Ro nodded. “Very well,” said the King, “Prepare a grand lunch at least so that you may travel well-fed.”


The rest of the morning was spent packing by Will and Ilicia, Ilicia wanted to take a lot of stuff. And Will was against it. 


“Princess, I’m sorry, but I think it is not wise to bring seven dresses from a logistical standpoint.” Will said, his frustration growing, he would protect her, but he would not carry chests of clothing from here to the Gob’Ran.


“And I am telling you that it is needed!” Ilicia said back. “And how many times do I have to remind you that you don’t need to call me anything other than my name?” 


Yilan stepped into the princess’s room. “Will, why don’t you worry about yourself, and let me help the princess.” 


Will simply nodded and left to take his single bag to the area where the Gob’Ran’s party was assembling. 


“Now then, though Will is right to a certain extent, I know that you are right as well so let's get you packed, and then I can do something about the quantity or weight once we get on the road.” Yilan said and Ilicia thanked her. “Don’t forget that it will just be you, Will, and that captain, so feel free to order the captain to stay behind in the Gob’Ran so you can snuggle up to Will.” 


Ilicia blushed and Yilan laughed. “Why is it that you are so desperate for me to make a move on Will?” Ilicia asked. 


“We can talk about that later, for now just know that I think you are an excellent match for Will.” Yilan said, and then chatted about benign things until they had finished packing. 


An hour later they were eating a grand lunch, and two hours after that they were on the road. 


Ilicia looked around as the cart that she was seated on with Yilan passed through the outermost gates of the city. Yilan noticed and spoke. “You nervous Ilicia?” 


“Not nervous, just curious. I have done diplomatic service for my father before, but never outside the kingdom. And now my father agrees to send me away to meet with a group of beings who as far as we know are only ever aggressive.” Ilicia said. “It’s just interesting to me is all. And it will have been the farthest I have ever been from home.”


“Well don’t worry about that, as long as Will is The Princess’s Man, you are more than welcome to the Gob’Ran anytime you want.” Yilan said. Ilicia smiled and looked ahead at where Will walked alone. 


Will was scanning the horizon. He knew that at the moment, between himself, his grandmother, his grandfather, and the others in their party, they were arguably the strongest military force for several hundred miles. But something didn’t sit right. Will was worried, he looked back at Ilicia and his grandmother, hoping to draw strength, but instead found despair. 


“Well, time to soldier on.” Will said, he looked once more at Ilicia and resolved then and there that nothing would hurt her. “Here’s to hoping that my gut is wrong.” 


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