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Ilicia felt Agrana draw her hand back to deliver a blow which would surely end the fight before it began when a voice rang out. 


“I don’t know if this is the move you want to make Agrana.” An elderly and familiar voice said. 


Ilicia opened her eyes when the blow did not come and saw Karva standing beside Agrana with a disapproving look in her eyes. Agrana looked as if she was desperately looking for a way to justify the blow.


“If this is the move you want to make, then by all means, please go ahead Agrana.” Karva said, “But remember if you do this, I must report all you have done here to Got’Ro, Yilan, and Will. And before you even suggest it, we both know there is nothing you could do to stop me.”


Ilicia heard Agrana’s jaw click shut. Then she felt Agrana release her and Agrana stormed out of the bathing area. Ilicia nearly collapsed in the water, and then suddenly felt strong hands supporting her. Karva was next to her and guided her to a seat near her handmaid who was stirring.


“I… What did I do?” Ilicia asked numbly. She thought she had a pretty good idea of what she had done, but she did not understand why it had gone this far.


“You did nothing child, it is Agrana who is in the wrong. And even then, it's not truly Agrana’s fault.” Karva said, and then took a deep breath, sinking into the warm water up to her shoulders. “If you want to blame anything, blame Orcish culture and heritage. Something like this would not only be normal in a standard Orc clan but encouraged.” 


“Trying to kill each other over a broken heart is normal?” Ilicia asked in disbelief.


“Oh yes, but again it is not the fault of the individuals. There was a time when the Orcs roamed the wastelands to the southwest, it is where they are said to have originated from. In those wastelands, having the most powerful mate could be the difference between, barely surviving, and having all your children grow up strong. So for generations, the women of the Orcish clans killed one another over the strongest males.”


Ilicia looked at Karva in disbelief. Karva continued speaking. “However, if I may make a suggestion. You are not willing to share Will with another woman I presume?” 


“No!” Ilicia said surprising herself with the anger she brought forth with the thought. 


Karva laughed. “I thought not. And this is appropriate for one in your position. A Princess should not share a mate unless it is with another princess. So instead of having to watch your back for Agrana your entire life, or instead of having Will kill her, as I am certain he will after he hears about this, make her your ally. Make her loyal not to Will, but to you. Make Agrana loyal to protecting you and maybe even one day your children.”


Ilicia was stunned. The thought was alien to her. In her father’s kingdom, such actions as Agrana had taken would result in death. But maybe Karva was right…


Karva smiled at the young woman whose brow had wrinkled in thought. She stood to leave and felt Ilicia grab her wrist. Ilicia spoke. “Thank you Karva, I appreciate everything you did today. Can I ask what it is you do here in the Gob’Ran?”


Karva smiled. “I am Karva Battleborn, first among the Ogdeshi, and leader of the shadow guard. You could say I am the strongest fighter in the Gob’Ran, other than the leader’s family.”


Ilicia was shocked and thought to ask more questions, but by the time her mouth caught up with her head, Karva was gone. She sat on the shallow stairs with her handmaid as she waited for the drethi woman to regain consciousness. When she came to, Ilicia helped her to her feet and they both made their way back to the rooms she had shared with Will earlier in the day. 


The other maids saw Ilicia supporting her handmaid and rushed to help. As per their conversation on the way back, the handmaid said she had simply stayed in the heat of the water for too long. Ilicia dressed in a simple tunic and trousers and went to find Yilan.


Ilicia found Yilan sitting in her private library. Yilan smiled and looked up when she saw Ilicia. “Sweet child, you look as if you have a great deal on your mind.”


“I do,” Ilicia said and then looked Yilan in the eyes. “Yilan I need to tell you what happened but, I would appreciate it if it stayed between you and I, not even Got’Ro or Will can hear of it, or someone will die.”


Yilan got a serious look on her face and nodded, waving her hand. Ilicia felt a cold wave of magic wash over her and assumed she was free to talk. Ilicia told Yilan what had happened, every detail of her conversation with Karva, and what she had suggested Ilicia do. 


Yilan let her finish then laughed, humorlessly. “Well, I guess it makes sense for Karva to suggest that particular path. After all, it is the path I consigned her to several hundred years ago.”


Ilicia’s eyebrows shot to the top of her forehead. “I’m sorry, what?”


Yilan smiled at Ilicia. “Ilicia, I am near to a thousand years old, Got’Ro and Karva are both close to 600 years old.”


“I mean that makes sense for you, and for Karva, but Orcs are lucky if they live to 300. They are the shortest-lived race other than humans.”

“Correct. To satisfy your curiosity about his age suffice it to say He and I are bonded in ways no others have ever been. It is a result of the magic which allowed our daughter to be born. As such, If I live, so shall he. If I die, so shall he.” Yilan let Ilicia process for a moment and then continued speaking.


“When I first met Got’Ro, he was only a young man of one hundred, but already he had amassed a strong clan, and had laid plans to lead his clan and any who would follow him from the wastelands to a better home. He lacked only one thing, magic.”


Ilicia settled in to listen to a story she felt not many knew. Yilan continued. “One day, he rescued me from a tar pit I had slipped and fallen into. In exchange, I offered the magic he needed to pull off his plan. For the next two years, I wondered with the assemblage of clans he had led from the wastelands. Finally, we settled here. And almost instantly the women of the clans began vying for Got’Ro’s attention. And it shocked me at how much it hurt to watch him get pulled into a tent by an eager young woman. What was even more shocking was how relieved I was when he would appear moments later begging his leave, before taking off away from said tent. After I watched the third woman try this, I knew he was waiting for someone, and hoped against all hope it was me.”


Yilan smiled at the giddy look on Ilicia’s face as she paused for a breath.  “So the next day, I went to his tent, and waited, naked and with bated breath, hoping he would not send me away. When the tent flap opened I expected Got’Ro, but the one who I threw my arms around was Karva. She flipped me onto my back and I blasted her, and the tent, sixty feet into the air to land at the feet of Got’Ro. Got’Ro took one look at my naked form with a dislocated shoulder, and Karva’s naked form tangled in the tent and growled in disgust. ‘I will not be fought over like some prize buck, if you want to win my hand, win my heart.’ was all Got’Ro said before disappearing into the dark.”


“You are far more bold than I.” Ilicia said with a smile. “What happened next.”


“I helped Karva to her feet and we treated each other's injuries and I made her a deal. We would both attempt to win his heart and in the end, whoever lost would serve the other until death. For several years, it looked as if I would end up serving Karva until she died, but in the end, Got’ro asked for my hand on the night he was named ruler of the Gob’Ran Collective. After our first night together, Karva came to me and pledged her loyalty, and formed the Shadow Guard. Both of us thought there would be spite and anger, and for the first decade there was, but afterward, it was as if being angry was too taxing. And when my daughter was born, well suffice it to say had anyone ever tried to harm my family, Karva would have done horrible things to any who tried. Karva loved my daughter as if she were her own, and that was all I could ever ask for.” Yilan spoke the rest in a way that told Ilicia she was getting a deeply abridged variation of what had happened.


“So then how can I do that with Agrana?” Ilicia asked.


“I don’t know if you can.” Yilan sighed, “Agrana for all her skill and ability, is about as stubborn as I have ever seen someone be. If you can think of a way, then I would try, who knows you and Agrana may end up the best of friends as Karva and I are. Or things may come to a point where Agrana needs to be killed, in which case, just tell Will and it will be done.”


“Alright,” Ilicia said, surprised at how easily the idea of Will killing for her just because she said so flowed through her. “Thank you for the advice Yilan, and thank you for the story, I am grateful to know more about you and Got’Ro.”


“Not a problem, now go and rest child, you start your training again tomorrow, so enjoy the day off.” Yilan said, waving her hand to dismiss the magic which had been protecting their conversation. 


Ilicia stood and went to find Will. She found him lying in the sand sunning himself at a nearby river. There were several other people, mostly women, who were sunbathing as well. Ilicia sat down next to Will and felt the sand between her toes. 


“When I was younger, not many knew of this place, but I can only guess I got followed here a couple of times, and now the news has spread.” Will said without opening his eyes. 


“It is a lovely little beach.” Iliciai said and casually reached forward to tousle Will’s hair. “Will I am going to do something I think you might not be a fan of, I just want to know if you would still support me even if you disagree with me?” 


Will opened his eyes and shaded them from the sun with one massive hand. “I don’t know what it is you are going to do, but yes, I think I would. I don’t honestly know, and can’t until it happens.”


“That’s fair.” Ilicia said and then stood. “Alright, well come back soon so we can have an early diner.”


“Yes, princess.” Will said laying back and closing his eyes once more. 


Ilicia walked back towards the center of the collective she was about to pass through the gates which would take her to the main street when a hand darted out of the undergrowth and pulled her into the bushes. 


Ilicia found herself in a small clearing ringed by high bushes and trees. Pinning her to one of the trees was Agrana. Agrana’s hand covered Ilicia’s mouth, and she spoke quickly. “I am not going to hurt you but I need you to just listen, okay?”


Agrana pulled her hand back and Ilicia spoke. “As long as you listen to me after you are done.” 


Agrana nodded, and Ilicia took a seat on a tuft of grass, gesturing for Agrana to sit next to her. Agrana did, grudgingly, and began to speak. “Princess Ilicia I…”


“Ilicia, please just call me Ilicia. After being nearly killed by you and threatened I feel as if we can forgo the pomp.” Iliciai said getting a small flinch from Agrana.


“Very well Ilicia, I wanted to first apologize to you for my behavior in the baths. I realize what is normal for me and my people, is not even recognized as acceptable in the world you live in.” Agrana looked down at the dirt. 


“I also want to explain why I have been so adamant about making Will mine.” Agrana looked up and surprised Ilicia, as she had a look of ultimate vulnerability on her face. “Will is nice, and I don’t mean nice as in polite, I mean he was the first person I was romantically involved with who treated me as just another partner. He was not concerned with how strong I was, he was not worried if I was stronger than him or made him look bad. He only wanted my body, he needed me to please him, and we shared a closeness and sensuality that we both needed.”


Agrana took a breath. “I know in human cultures, a man only wanting you for your body is not wanted, well at least most of the time, but in Orc culture, where so much revolves around strength and combat ability, it is incredibly rare to find a partner who wants you just for you, even just your body, rather than how many victories you could bring to the clan, or how strong the males of your line are. He just wanted me.” 


Ilicia was surprised. Agrana’s tone was as harsh as ever, but there was a look in her eyes Ilicia knew to be the soft woman who just wanted to be loved. Ilicia waited for more but Agrana sat there every inch the warrior on the outside, and a scared lonely maiden on the inside.

“Thank you for telling me those things.” Ilicia said.


“You are welcome, I also wanted to tell you, you don’t have to worry, I leave tomorrow to travel to the ancestral home of the Orcs, and find what fate has in store for me.” Agrana sounded angry at this, then took a breath. “But after how insulted you, Will, Got’Ro, and Lady Yilan. Well, what else can I do.” 


“I have a sugestion.” Ilicia said smiling at the chance she had now. 


Agrana looked at her in surprise and waited. Ilcia spoke. “Instead of leaving, become a member of my personal guard, come and train Sir Balefor and the other knights. In this way, you can still be a part of Will’s life. It’ll allow you to find a mate as well, because if there is something I have realized, it is Will seems to attract great and strange people to him.”


Agrana was flabergasted. “You would want me as a guard even after I tried to kill you?” 


“I would. How better to know a warrior's capabilities, than to have them attempt to kill you.” Ilicia said with a smile. 


“If you are sure, then I would be honored, though I must first be relinquished from my post within the Gob’Ran. If it can be arranged, I will take you up on this offer.” Agrana said, sounding like a strange mix of thankful and awkward. 

“Well then, let’s go talk to Yilan and see what we can work out.” Ilicia said turning her back to Agrana and for an instant, she wondered if she had made a mistake.

Ilicia held her breath until she heard Agran speak again. “Yes, Princess.”

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