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Chapter 24: A little too close

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After the flash of the passing of the torch the atmosphere calmed down and everyone headed down to the dining aera. The Noble family all sat at a large table in the front of the courtyard the happy, young photogenic couple were of course in the middle of the table with the Zaraphram and his husband next to them on the right of Sam while on the right of set Zora her face beaming with pride under her silly puffy pink wig. Across from them was Zera, with her husband to her right with Maz and Zam next to him on her left side there sat a red Zarthan woman carrying a baby in her arms, with 4 Zarthan children next to her. Those were Zera’s children and the woman was a nanny, still not old enough for the time of change, they all looks very pale much like Nathan used to look like with pale sunken in eyes, and wispy thin hair, she guess this is how all Zarthan children look. Notably absent was Marry, the “The high mother” as she was given of as of now, this was given to all former consorts when their spouse died, and their children ascended to head of household. She was sitting by herself as she wasn’t feeling like talking tonight.  

The food was an all-meat affair as Zarthans have a majority carnivore diet. Natalie dug into a stake she was absolutely famished she had not eaten in a while, her new canine like teeth made it easy to dig into it and she loved it. Zora chuckled “take it easy my lady if you wish to keep your shapely from” she took a sip from whine “after all there is only so much a padded bra and corset can do” Sam smiled and his comment whispered into her ear and said “I'm glad I'm not the only one wearing a corset” He blushed yellow as his felt his partners hand brush the side of his inner thigh brushing against his bulge feeling the edge of it, he let out a silent moan and she whispered back “I'm glad you're not wearing a cod piece” she paused she had never felt this kind of desire before but she liked it and wanted more. She leaned over and looked him in his brown eyes and placed one hand under his chin saying “that's going to be inside me tonight you understand?” Sam looked into her blue eyes and said in submission “yes ma'am it will be” Then there came a camera flash as the Examiner’s cameraman got the photo opportunity. Zera smiled approvingly as Sam smiled, this was far from the scared young man he used to know, now she was a confident and an aggressive young woman, and he couldn’t lie, it turned him on. Zora smiled but looked sad “why cant I find a guy like that? They all seem to run away from me” 

Across the table Maz and Zam looked unphased and unamazed the two would meticulously eat and look at each other sometimes like they were talking without speaking. Something about the twins felt off to Natalie as the two only seemed interested in each other. Maz the female one seemed to be the more dominate of the two, they were both the same height as each other but her heels made her look a bit taller then then her brother and there was a certain way that she handled him that made them seem less like siblings and more like spouses.   

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