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Chapter 25: Strangers in the Night

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Marry smiled and picked at her salad as she looked on at her daughter and the newly transformed Sam were engaged in small talk . She sipped her whine when she felt someone sit in the seat next to her. She looked next to her and saw was at first glanced appeared to be a man but on closer inspection she saw that it was a woman in a suit, the reporter she saw at the station. Yazren face had a boyish feminine face, short blue hair. Her body was rather unfeminine with a straight narrow form with two small breasts poking from under her dress shirt. She put her hat down on the table and ran her hand through her short hair. She looked over to Marry and said “i bet seeing them two brings back memories” Marry looked over at Yaz and said “it sure does, not all of them good” Yaz took a cigarette out of her pack and put it her mouth asking Marry “would you like a light?” Marry smiled and said “sure” she handed her one before lighting hers and then her own” Marry breathed in some of the fumes and then exhaled “i didn’t smoke before I came to Zarthan and now I can't stop” Yaz let out a laugh and said “yes, we just cannot get enough of smoking on this planet, I think Zathuion cigarettes has more power then the high matriarch at this point” Marry looked over at her daughter and Sam Yaz remarked “so young and full of love, remind you of anyone?” Marry smiled “yes they do remind me of someone” Yaz puffed and said “you gotta admit they are a beautiful photogenic couple, the consorts to new body is..... well if I was into men” Marry sighed “that is the problem, I wish they were less photogenic that way the vultures in the press wouldn’t bother them as much …. no offense to you of course” Yaz put out her cigarette and smiled “no offense taken, for the record what my fellow collogues did to you was disgusting” Marry looked closely at Yaz she was about the same age as her, but she would have remembered her if she saw her. She also put out her cigarette out in the ash tray and said “i know all the guys who cover noble affairs in this country... I have caught most of them stealing my trash... but I do not know you” Yaz snorted “that was during my early days of my career during that time I was over on Xekon covering the war”  

Marry looked down that must have been quite an experience” :it was reporting on war is juicy news but senior reporters don’t want to do so that and as a new reporter and as an “incomplete” I was lowest on the ladder” Marry looked at her very interested, she was an “incomplete” an incomplete was a Zarthan who during their transition got stuck halfway and failed to develop many female characteristics, Marry smiled “incomplete huh? That explains why you have the best of both genders” Yaz blushed at this flirting and said “i guess you could say that, some people think I'm a freak some think I'm some kind of boundary breaking goddess, I'm just being me” Marry cleared her throat and said “um would you like to go out for coffee some time?” Yaz’s eyes lit up and pulled out a business card and put it in Marry’s hand saying “i would like that, call my cell phone when you want to set up a date” she then looked at her watch, got up and put her hat back on “i got a report to type up but... give me a call doll” As she left marry smiled to herself, she was going to go on a date … with a woman.  

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