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Chapter 3: Tuesday Morning Dreams

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Sam shoved Nathan onto the bed and started to take off his pants, Nathan felt his heartbeat as Sam kissed him before Nathan started to hear voices. These voices were in a strange langue that Nathan found her could almost understand. It was then that Sam disappeared, and a shadowy figure appeared and leaned over him it was then that the strange language was clear to understand “Return to Zarthos, Zaotha, the metamorphosis is at hand” he then reached down and put a finger Nathan’s head saying, “it is time for you emerge daughter of Zarthos.” 


Nathan woke up, he was in his bead, he was hyperventilating and just came of out of a strange and sexual dream, he had never had one before, so this was quite new to him. Nathan had been asexual his whole life, he liked Sam and felt an affection for him, but he never had any type of sexual desire for anyone until that dream. Nathan was also worried about the other part of his dream and the strange lanugue he could understand, and what that son of Zarthos thing was about. He put these feelings aside as he looked at his alarm clock and realized that it was time to get up and got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to get ready for school. He was a bit shocked when he investigated the full-length mirror and put his hands to his face, it was less childish than then it was before and more mature and a bit more angled and also a bit more feminine. He didn’t have time to focus on this as his head started to hurt as he put his head to his temple and got into the shower. Looking down at his body he saw that he was not the bag of skin and bones he had always been, now his body had definition, there was a bit of muscle on his arms, legs and stomach and as he cleaned of his chest he felt a slight pain as his nipples were a bit sensitive. After taking a shower he made his way back to his room, he looked at the clock and knew it was time to get ready as he put on a tea shirt and as he put it on his felt it slide of his nipples making him tingle. He put on his briefs and jeans only for them to feel really tight. 

Nathan walked into the kitchen were his mom had the morning news on and was frying some sausage. Nathan smelled the sausage and immediately his mouth started to water as he ran to the some uncooked and meat and without thinking stuffed some sausage down his mouth and ate it raw without a second thought. His mother looked a little shocked until she turned and saw her sons face and she knew more but didn’t let on anything yet. She smiled and said “are you ok son?” He replied “i have a slight headache but I feel great.... just a little off” She replied “maybe you should stay home... if you feel off” Nathan looked at his mom and said “no im fine besides I wouldn’t miss an opportunity to meet up with Sam” a smile appeared across his more mature face saying “me and him have plans today” Marry looked her son in the eye not letting on she knew more saying “sure just come home as soon as class is over... we will need to talk” He kissed his mom on the cheek “thanks mom” he quickly put his backpack over his shoulder and walked out the door to catch the buss. 

After her son left she put the stove on low before going to a side room and opened an old wooden chest. She opened it up and found a small circular disk and opepressed a few buttons until a sound rang like a ringtone, audio only as a voice on the other end picked up and said “yes my lady, is it time?” She replied “yeah Kazden, I think its time for my son to come home”.. She hesitated “you might want to bring a consular... He.... she might need some help during and after the metamorphosis” The other voiced replied “acknowledged my lady, we are patrolling Alpha Centauri right now we will be there less then a day my lady” She replied “my son... I mean my daughter is going to need your help to adjust” 

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