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Chapter 22: Himbos and Blonde Bomshells

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The sun was setting over the nearby mountains as many cars were line up around the huge road for as long as the two of them could see the gate was opening and closing as the guards at the large metal gate checked people’s microchip invites and press passes as they allowed some in and guided them to a large open field were people were parked and making their way to a large courtyard just outside the main castle of the estate were the event was getting ready to start. Many tables were set up in the middle for people to sit down, a large, long table at the side of the courtyard was set up with almost any food or drink you could imagine for people to get in a self service style. Infront of the table was constricted wooden stage that was prefbricated months in advance and pained black and gold, that is where the noble couple would officially receive their tittles from the current lord and lord consort and behind the dining aera was a space for everyone to mingle and dance and complete to Marry’s thankfulness a fully stocked bar and private bartenders.    

Natalie had her arm around her partners waist and looked down at the madness. Zera looked at the two and said “you two behave, I know you want to bop your new bodies together but that can wait until you’re alone, I'm serious no groping in public” They both nodded to show they understood, as Zora said “you two look wonderful, I don’t have an escort for tonight but seeing you two together makes me smile, I can't wait till the wedding” They looked down from the balcony and saw the press setting up their cameras and getting ready for soundbites they could get from the couple. Zora then looked at Natalie and said “whatever questions they ask keep them short them short and honest” Sam smiled and said to her “what about me?” Zora laughed as if he was asking her a dumb question and put her hand under her chin and said “no one is going to ask you a question dear, your job is to look pretty in your very tight trousers, your job is eye candy, leave the thinking to your wife to be” Sam put on a brave face but inside he was steaming, he didn’t like that she implied he was stupid. Natalie then drew him for a kiss and gave him a look that said “Play the himbo tonight it will be fun” 


On the other side of the estate in the parking aera designated for press Yazren opened the door to her hover car and got out the right side as her cameraman got out the left side and went to pop up the trunk to retrieve the camera equipment. She dusted off her Jacket and said “hey Zed, get the close up lenses and the medium lenses, also get the extra batteries incase this goes on long, the examiner wants photos and video coverage for the newsreels” Zedidiah on the other end replied, “of course what am I an idiot?” Yaz ignored this as she took her own battery belt out of the car and strapped it through her trousers' straps and clicked it into place, she carefully placed her corded microphone in a holster to the side. She then slicked back her hair straightened her bow tie and put her hat on her head. Reporter Yazren was dressed to the 9s tonight, black jacket, white shirt, black bow tie, and black trousers. Her sense of dress was very unladylike, but she never cared what anyone thought. It was then that as Zed came out of the trunk a gaggle of other camera people gathered around a woman, holding a microphone, she was beautiful, blonde, she wore a beautiful white dress and wore a pearl necklace around her throat. Her skin was a pale red a beautiful shade, Yaz would be attracted to her if she did not hate her so much. The blonde turned her head to see Yaz and she smirked saying “oh if it isn't the Ortho’s examiner's favorite errand boy!” she put emphases on the word boy to insult her rivals looks. Yaz returned as she dusted off her lapel “hey Kazy, shouldn't you be reporting on how the newest motion picture star got pregnant out of wed lock again?” Kazy stuck out her tongue and simply walked away. Yaz shook her head and said “that silly blonde and her stupid tabloid” Zed finished with the equipment and said “yeah but she's hot and the Orthos Inquirer is popular” Yaz simply shook her head and moved on to the party.    

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