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Chapter 14: No comment

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Zera opened the view screen of the meeting room and the glowing blue light of the nearby star of Zarthos filled the room, Nat and Sam looked at it with wonder and Zera said “beautiful is not she, our ancestors called her Zarthos the goddess of life, the one who brought our planet into being” Natalie looked closely at the view screen, her eyes were entranced by the view of the blue sun, like a salmon going back to the waters were they were born she knew this was her home, were she was born. Soon the planets of the solar system came into view and the ship came to the 6th planet from the glowing blue orb. The ship came into orbit around the planet and docked in a nearby space station. 

The Zarthos prime space station 01 was a buzz with activity outside of the air lock, thanks to a anonymous tip the press had found out that Zoatha Orthos daughter of The slain Lord Zaerk and his Terran bride lady Marry, and this was going to be the scoop of the century. There were shoulders standing on either side of the door and morn on the sides holding a line making sure the press kept their distance from the noble family and their party. Right Infront of the Door was Zera, Marry, Sam, Kazden and Natalie. Zera spoke to the group saying “ok there's probably going to be a lot of vultures behind that door. The guards will keep them inline but there will be a lot pictures taken, pose for one or two and move on to the transport pad, don’t answer any questions they ask leave it too me now don't forget to look pretty for all the papers” Sam and Nat were locked arm and arm as the  air lock door opened and they stepped out to see lights and flashes all around them from cameras. Reporters and cameramen swarmed all around them only being held back by the guards at either side of the corridor. Some were taking pictures and some reporters were taking notes and holding micro phones suspended on battery belts. There came a flurry of flashes as they started to walk down the hallway until they heard a strong deeper female voice from the crowd say “hey Zera could I get photo for the examiner please for old time sake? Zera looked over to see a red female Zarthan the same height as Marry pop out from the crowd. She had short boyish dyed blue hair hid under a reporters hat with her press pass clearly displayed on the side of the brown hat witch went well with her light, orange-colored eyes. Overall she had a rather straight boyish like frame with only small curves on her body she smiled at Zera who stopped the group and said the lord and lady can pose for one photo Yazren. Yazren smiled as she motioned her camera a large green man to cross the line with a large heavy looking camera. With her cousin's permission Natalie and Sam linked arms and made a good smiled for the camera as the man took a good straight on high quality picture. As they were doing this Yazren was not looking at the young happy couple but the shy Terran woman in the corner doing her best to stay out of the way. Marry caught a glimpse of Yazren looking at her and the two blushed at this moment of celebrity admiration. Yazren turned back to Zera when she said “anything else Yazren?” Yazren looked at her and said holding out the mic “um just one question for the record, do you Zaraphrom is and his consort will concede their regency to the new young lady and lord” Zera replied confidently “my cousin and his husband are more than ready accept new leadership of the family” Yazren nodded and with the question answered the group moved along the air lock and down to the transport pad to beam to surface. All the way down they were pestered by questions from other reporters that Nat did not understand but must have been import all the way down Zera in top lawyer form replied “No comment”  

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