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Chapter 26: The way you look tonight

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The door shut behind them as Sam and Natalie entered the room Sam and Nat kissed before Sam threw his partner on the bed Natalie bit her lip as she took her heeled shoes off and threw them across the room were they hit the soft floor with a clunk. Next Nat took her the top off her dress off and threw it too the side exposing her bra and corset at the same time Sam was taking off his coat and shirt exposing his own girdle after taking off his boots and pants as Nat was taking off her long black stockings reveling her long legs and panties Sam sunk his teeth into his lip and leaned over his partner and slid his hands over her legs Natalie panted, she wanted to make love to her boyfriend she had known for 10 year but something need to happen first “ok tiger before we start we both need to take off our corsets. Sam nodded as the two started to untie each other's girdles.  

The rest of night had gone uneventfully, there was some dancing that Sam and Nat clumsily shuffled through in the delight of the audience and the annoyance of them after a wrap up speech by Zera. They were led into the master bedroom after the crown jewels were taken and placed back in the treasure room along with Nat’s auburn wig. As Sam untied his partners corset Nat inspected her head in the mirror with a sad look on her face as she rubbed her bald head “god I don’t like being bald it makes me look ugly” Sam smiled as he untied some of the string “it will grow back just give it time and besides you don’t need hair to look pretty” he then united the last tie and corset bra combo fell to the ground and as Nat turned around he could see her bare body and she was stunning. It was beautiful and elegant without being too exaggerated, her waist, breasts and beautiful rear end were perfectly in proportion. He never thought his old friend would be so as pretty a girl, he wondered what she is was still human she would look like. He spoke to her “come here you pretty thing” he then scooped her up in his arms for a long kiss only for to pull away and put a finger to his lips and give him assertive look that showed that there was no mistake she was still in charge even in the bedroom she then drew him close and kissed him for a time while inserting her tongue into his mouth as they parted once again she smiled at him and laughed “sorry about the aggressive domination stuff its just a show to please the traditionalists” He smiled and said “you know Nat I kind of like it” she smiled and said “alright I've waited long enough let's make love” He smiled and said “yes ma’am” as he carried her off to the bed”   

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