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Chapter 5: Answers

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Marry sipped her tea and looked at the two people In front of her sitting on the ugly floral couch. One was a man politely sipping his earl gray. He was tall, over 6 feet tall with a balding head with black hair on the sides. He also had a thick black mustache with bright green eyes. The other next to him was a woman she was shorter but taller than Marry equally jet-black hair to her companion at neck length. She had one earring on her right ear and a thin black choker. She had the same bright blue eyes as Nathan. The man was the first to speak eloquently “thank you my lady for picking us with our attire we would draw attention to ourselves in a location like this” he then sipped his tea. Marry blushed “please call me Marry, Kazden, I forfeited my tittle when I left Zarthon” He slightly bowed his head “yes... Marry” The woman sipped her tea and said “Zoatha is the only heir to the house of Orthos its time for her to come home and take her place with her own people” Marry sighed she had her share of Zarthon politics but maybe Zera was right. She put the teacup down on the coffee table saying “you would think living on another planet for 6 years would prepare me for this but I'm not sure Nathan will be. Zera put her hand on her friends saying “I know dear that’s why I'm here to help...... her I know what its like living my first 6 cycles as a male only to metamorphize as a woman, all Zarthon females were once males, it's just our biology” The man then spoke saying “well my dear unlike you, Zoatha had no idea this would happen  to her for all she knew she would stay male forever just like most of us during the metamorphizes. Zera finished her tea and spoke “if you would have stayed on Zarthos with Zoatha you two would have been treated well and she would have been educated and prepared for the Metamorphisis. Marry pursed her lips and said “It was my right as the Nathans’s mother to take them back to earth I wanted to see my mother again .... but now my mom is dead there is nothing holding me here” she sighed “I want to her to come home.... I want to come home for good this time..... but only if we can take Sam” Kazden raised his eyebrow “who is that?” She smiled and said my daughters chosen mate” 

Sam had no idea what was going on he pulled his car into the trailer park, he was so confused he had no idea what was happening. Nathan was beside him breathing heavily caressing his thigh proudly showing his new teeth and complaining about his headache. The two got out of the car and went into Nates house were in the living room they saw the three of them sitting down finishing their tea. Kazdan instinctively stood up and was about to bow until his wife motioned for him to sit down “not the time for this dear” Nate and Sam looked at the three Nate said to his mother “um.... what is happening to me?” Zera got up and went over to the two she first examined Nathan looked him over and smiled as she caressed the side of his face feeling it, witch seemed to put Nathan in a trance, he knew this woman somehow. Zera smiled “I am Zera Orthos, you are blood of my blood I am your cousin Zoatha. She then looked at Sam and said “ah yes Zoatha’s chosen mate “let me have a look at you” Sam hesitated for a moment until Marry nodded for him to go along with this and Zera walked around the young man examining him before saying “yes a fine Terran male specimen, if this is Zoatha’s chosen mate I will not be against it” Nathan stood forward and said “maaate? What is this about?” Marry sighed and said “you two have a seat It’s a long story” 

“Over 20 years ago more or less I was just a normal country girl working full time at a dinner when I met your father and Kazen here. He seemed different then the normal guys I knew. After some talking, we went out on a few dates then we started to get serious until I started to suspect he wasn’t telling me the whole story” He said he was from “The UK” on a mission an Interpol agent and Kazden was his partner. I knew this story was bullshit when he didn’t know basic facts about his own country that were pretty common knowledge. I went along with it because he was cute and treated me like a queen and we started to get serious and I noticed more things. Your’e father didn’t eat any vegetables and would sometimes eat nothing but raw meat and often avoided questions about his family. Eventually I had enough I couldn’t be with a man who was keeping secrets and confronted him. He told me that he was an alien from the planet Zarthon and he was actually a Lord from the house of Orthos on a vacation to “Terra”. I thought he was a nut until he revealed his true from and took me to his spaceship. He asked me to marry him and he wanted to take me home to his planet. I took him up on the offer seeing it as a release from small town boredom. I went to Zarthon and met his family who seemed pretty ok. We had an amazing wedding and that’s how I Became alien nobility. As it turns out “Terrans” as they called me are highly compatible species cross species pregnancy and I was pregnant with you and you were born on Zarthon. Your father was assassinated by the Lord of a Rival house and because of some political bullshit there was nothing we could do. So distraught by his death I decided I wanted to go home and take you with me son and there was nothing they could do.... but I always knew that one day... I would have to come back when you came of age so you could take you' rightful place as his only child you inherit his position once you metamorphose.”  

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