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Chapter 7: Alien WASP

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The station wagon was packed with everything they could put in it and was going down the highway Sam looked out the back passenger window Nathan er.. Natalie was asleep in his arms. It was the first time in while she was sleeping but Sam couldn’t sleep. They had been driving away from Stone wood deep into the rural aera were the small, cloaked scout ship Zera and Kazden took too earth was waiting. Sam was thinking, his life had changed so fast in a day but Nat had changed even more. When they started they often talked about how when they were 18 they would escape their hometown but he thought that would be to New York or something not another planet. Sam looked over at his girlfriend then over at Zera who was on the other side of the car smiling at the couple she said to Sam “you two are going to make a lovely lord and lady” Sam hadn't realized until now the gravity of the situation and said “oh....... when me and Nat get together I will be a lord on your world?” From the front seat Kazden said “lord consort to be precise, you don’t really have any power or duties but too look good In front of the camera and advise your lady” Sam stroked his beard and said “that sounds easy sounds like the benefits of nobility without the work” Kazden looked over to Sam from the front seat and said “id work on your beard if I was you Zarthan men like a good facial hair but yours is a bit too unkempt, maybe bulk up a bit” They eventually came to a field out in the middle of nowhere and came to a dead stop as Natalie was waking up. they all looked into the night sky when Kazden said into his wrist communicator “alright captain Zalts lets get out of here” It was then the a beam of light came out of the sky onto them and in an instant they were gone and the cloak ship jumped out into space. 

The hallways of the space ship were rather bland with flat white walls and floor tiles that made a clink noise when you stepped on it. Kazden was leading the two now fully out of his dsiagues and in his natural form and they periodically passed a few crewmembers most of them were zorthans who bowed but some of them were other humanoid aliens that caught Sam and Nat’s eye. Nat was wearing a dull grey Zarthon jumpsuit that Zera gave her to wear since her old clothes would not fit her now. Kazden siad to them as they reached a room and said “this will be your quarters for our trip home should take a day or two so make yourslef at home” It was then that they all heard a loud series of clinks down the hall as a young Zarthan woman came running down the fall saying exactly “daddy daddy daddy!” Kazdan smiled and hugged the girl saying “Zora Im happy to see you again too” Zora was a pretty young woman, she had the same blue skin as Zera and Natily, the same bright blue eyes and the same regal defined jaw and chin as well as the same high cheek bones. She wore what Natalie would find to be typical noble female Zarthan casual dress consisted of a tight white sweater a short black skirt and high heels. Like her mother she wore a black choker and an earing but her earing was of a different shape as her mother’s witch was a symbol of rank with women in the great families of the planet. Sam found that She was good looking with a splendid figure that was proportional to her medium height. She had long flowing blonde hair that often clashed with her mother's and father’s dark hair. 

After she finished hugging her father her attention to Natalie and squealed and ran of to her hugging her as well saying “hello Zaotha my cousin!” Natalie didn’t know what to say to her enthusiastic relative and blushed yellow. She looked up to her and put on hand on her face and said “you're going to be so beautiful to when you get out of your ugly flesh cocoon. I was so happy when daddy told me you were female, I have 6 brothers I always wanted a sister” Natalie looked at her cousin with warmth she always wanted a sister someone to talk to about the boys she liked someone to talk about boys.  Zora smiled and said to her cousin “once you emerge like the beautiful woman you are ill help you with fashion and how to look pretty. I Know this is hard, I metamorphized a year ago, I want help you out” Nat looked at her and smiled with no sarcasm “I'm looking forward to that” She kissed Nat on the cheek and looked at Sam rearing her head back in approval saying to her cousin “you have a good choice for a mate, he looks nice strong he will serve you well, I have a line of suitors and I just can't choose witch one to take as my mate” Shen then looked at her father who looked at her saying with his eyes “you can do this later dear” Zora took the hint and said goodbye before running back to her room with the clink of her heels again.  As she ran away Sam said to Natilie “WASPS are even on other planets apparently

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