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Chapter 6: Natalie

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Nathan looked up and his mother in disbelief as he felt some of the skin on his hand start to itch as his skin was starting to crack and peel. “You are saying that I am not only an alien, but I'm also the heir to a throne? And.... I'm turning into a woman?” Marry looked at her son and said yeah Nate that’s pretty much it. Kazden then interjected and said “all Zarthons metamorphosize, the body you have been in for about 8 years is just a shell, like a flesh cocoon and its time for the real you to emerge form you're shell” Sam spoke up his partner was trying to process this saying “ but why is he turning into a female?” Zera replied “random chance, all Zarthons are born male and during this time about 30 percent of us will make the transition while most stay male” She then took his hand and said “I know what its like ill help you make the jump cousin” Nathan looked into her eye and nodded he knew she was telling the truth but wanted more proof. He looked at her and said “so you say you have a true form? Can I see what I will be?” Zera looked over to her husband and nodded her head as they both pressed some buttons on a wrist mounted small computer “alrighty disengaging disguise field” The two of them then faded away replaced by their true forms. Both of their faces were more or less the same but they now they had different colored skin, Zera had blue skin and her husband had green skin. Both had sharp canine like teeth. Kazden having quite a few and Zera had ones just like Nathan. They also had pointed ears a lot like a Vulcans but with bestial like jaws Both young adults looked surprised as Sam replied, “wow that is awesome!” Then two then returned to their Terran forms as Nathan turned to his boyfriend “can have I have some time to talk to my mate?” Zera nodded “I understand the two of you need to talk this out” 

Nathan sat on his bed Infront of a small face mirror he was looking at it, it was starting to crack and peel skin. He noticed that a part of his face had the skin about ready to come off, so he took one end of the piece of skin starting from his scalp and pulled it down tearing the old skin off the right side of his face reveling soft suppled blue skin. He placed his hand on it feeling its moistness, After he was satisfied he sighed and hung his head down. Now could see it there was no denying it, he then lifted rolled up his shirt over his chest and felt there aera around his nipples, it was tender and a bit puffy. He the pulled his shirt back and hung his head. He then felt Sam pull him back onto the bed and into his lap with out saying a word and Nathan replied “I always knew I was different, I knew I was a freak, but I didn’t know this, I'm an alien and I’m becoming a woman and I'm going to have to expect this and run too it”. He turned to his partner and said “if you want out of this I understand, this isn't what you signed up for when we started to be serious walk away now and I wont blame you” Sam looked into Nathan’s blue eyes and said “I love you and I'm with you till, I think you will make a beautiful noblewoman” Nathan then blushed yellow on one half of his face put his hand in his and said “alright, lets do this” 

The three of them talked through the details of their exit from earth. It actually wasn’t that hard. Marry paid the lese on the trailer from a month-to-month base and their lease was up anyway. They wouldn’t need to take any money as that would all be more then taken care of. Both Sam and Nathan were 18 so they could pull out of school with little issue.  

Late that night they Nathan took Sam’s hand and looked at the place he had grown up his whole life one last time. “This a big step and I'm totally committed Nate” Sam said. Nathan squeezed his hand and said “I'm sorry you have to see me like this” Sam laughed and put his hand on his partners cheek and said “once this is all over you'll be one sexy alien woman Nate” Nathan looked up at him and said “Nate doesn’t really fit the me I will become, call me Natalie”   

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