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Chapter 2: Monday Night

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Nathan unzipped his backpack and pulled out a key chain from the side pocket as he aprouched the door to the double wide trailer and opened the door to the mobile home. The home was nothing fancy, in fact it was rather old showing its age with its 1970’s woodgrain cabinets and built-in furnishings, but it was the only home Nathan ever new. He looked at the built-in countertop and saw a note in his mother's handwriting “Hey Nate probably going to have to work late today at the diner feel free to cook yourself some dinner love mom. He took one look then note and then went to his small bedroom on the side of the trailer. He threw his bag on his bed and went to go take a shower in the nearby small bathroom and taking off his clothes. Nathan sighed as he looked at his naked body the mirror, Nathan hated the way he looked. The young man was short only 5’ 3’’, very pale, with a thin bony frame with no body ahor and a almost childish face and dark brown hair that was very brittle. He felt like an alien in his own body. He and almost everyone but his mother and Sam found his appearance off-putting. 

He quickly showered and put on a t-shirt and pajama bottoms before doing his homework before going to the kitchen and making some hamburger helper mac and cheese with some left over hamburger from the other night. He liked cooking and house work, he did well in his home economics class witch was another reason that his peers at school teased him. He then left one bowl out for his mother and sat down own the ratty leather couch and turned on their old tube tv to see what was on he then found an episode of Star Trek the Original Series “Arena”. He then ate as he waited for his mother to get home. About an hour later he heard the door open and his mother came through the door.  

Marry Perkins Orthos was a shortish woman with light brown hair, tired looking bright green eyes and a small framed body. She had the look of a small-town rural woman who had seen more than she ever thought. She was wearing her waitress uniform and said to her son in her thick Apalachin accent “hey son sorry I was late but I had to cover for Sara at the diner” Nathan replied to her “no bigt deal I made dinner for you” Marry smiled as she found her bowl and sat down on the couch with her son. She smiled looking at her adult as he said “hey... is it ok if Sam comes over tonight.. His dad is probably on a bender tonight” Merry nodded as she ate her meal “sure son just don’t stay up to late it is a school night the lawn chairs should be on the roof still” Sam smiled as he finished his meal and leaned his head on her shoulder, the two were very close for since before he had been born it had been just the two of them as his father had died before he was born. 

…... Later that night 


Nathan and Sam lied down on the two plastic lawn chair on top of the roof of Nathan’s trailer they could see the whole trailer park rom this angle all the lights from the homes and the people going around. Now that it was dark they both looked up at the starts, from this view far away from any big cities or light pollution you could see the stars and sky clearly Nathan always liked looking at the starts. He turned to his boyfriend and said “you think there's anything out there?” Sam shrugged his shoulders and said “probably, there trillions of stars so there are plenty of chances for planets and life is bound to be on some of them” Nathan nodded. Little did he know that soon both of them would find out firsthand. He then felt a strange itching sensation on the back of his head and started scratching it for a good while. Sam looked over and said “something wrong?” Nathan shook his head and said “just itchy” After awhile Sam knew it was time to go and before he left he gave Nathan a kiss before saying goodbye and slinking back to his uncles trailer next door. Neither young man knew that this was the last time their lives would ever be as they knew it. 



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