Chapter 18

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Arriving at dusk, Tom led them through the busy streets of the city as they stood in front of the restaurant amongst the buildings that towered above them. Sunny, with his orange eyes, and Lei, an imposing figure, had followed closely behind Tom.

Their presence was enough to draw curious glances from the passersby, but none cared much about it, for it is utterly rude to stare at strangers in the bustling metropolis without permission. After all, everyone is minding their own business in the end.

The restaurant is a sleek, modern structure, with its glass facade reflecting the vibrant lights of the city along with its own minimalist design of the building, blending seamlessly with the urban landscape. The entrance is made of gleaming silver doors, inviting patrons to indulge in the culinary delights within. Its roof is adorned with a with a gorgeous mosaic of colorful tiles, a nod to the rich history of the Ark.

As they approached close to the entrance, Tom's father, a tall and slightly bulky-built, distinguished man, greeted them. He wore a pristine white chef's coat and hat, a symbol of his dedication to the art of cooking.

Around his late forties, Tom's father had a black beard and mustache, his face etched with lines of experience and ambition. His eyes, a warm brown hue, were filled with strong dedication to feeding the populace with the diligent list of food he had meticulously planned. He smiled at his son, happy to see him once again. "This is who you brought? The boy who saved you?"

Turning his eyes to Sunny with Lei standing beside the boy, he said, "It's nice to meet you; I am Tom's father." Raising his hand, he extended it towards him, "My name is Chef Malcolm, but you can call me just Malcom."

Sunny nodded his head, returning the kind gesture with his own as the two performed a friendly handshake with each other before resuming their important topic in hand: "I take it this is not going to be just a greet and meeting, huh?" He asked, his voice laced with understanding of the situation at hand. Feeling extremely bad for reminding them of their terrible situation, but it is better to be blunt and honest than delay the lingering problem, as he fears having them forget the important things in mind.

Sighing under his breath, Malcom briefly closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them as he switched his attention to Tom. "Son, are you sure this is the right decision?" A hint of worry is evident in his tone. His eyes, filled with love and concern, looked at his son intently. "Our lives are more important than the restaurant, you know that," the old man reminded him of this truth.

But his son, a determined young man, held his ground with unwavering resolve, refusing to accept loss and defeat at the hands of those crooks.

"Yes, father," Tom said, not holding back in his answer or showing any hesitation; he was committed to their cause. His resolve was fueled by his love and respect for their passion for making delicious food.

Not out of fame or glory but because it brings happiness and satisfaction to others, "I am sure that he will help us in protecting our business. Sunny has already proven himself worthy of trust and loyalty." His confidence in Sunny was unyielding and admirable at the same time, albeit a little foolish in putting all his trust in someone he just recently met.

Lei and Sunny glanced at one another, little on guard in what they have to prepare for themselves as Tom's father resumed his conversation. "Now you two," he turned. The man held a serious expression, showing just how much weight this decision holds for him and his restaurant. "You must understand that should the worst happen, let Elvis and his gang of thugs do what they want with our business. A human's life is not worth sacrificing for a mere establishment," stating how he didn't wish to bring any harm to those who are unrelated to their problem.

But Sunny accepted his offer: "Trust me, I can handle this." Truth be told, he is not sure why he is doing this all for the sake of just doing the right thing,"I handled them before," a complete lie when he had no idea how he even defeated them so effortlessly. He will face this challenge head-on, even if it means fighting tooth and nail.

Deepening her frown, Lei could not believe what she was hearing. She knows for a fact that what he was saying was a lie; however, she isn't sure how he managed to defeat them and save Tom.

Regardless of this notion, she still felt uncomfortable bringing Sunny into such a dangerous situation. She feared that he might get seriously hurt in the process, and she would be unable to prevent it. With a heavy heart, she was about to talk with him about refusing their need to defend their business until she realized Sunny had made this decision by himself and no one else.

Accepting this harsh truth, she stopped herself from forcing him to do anything. Lei remembered the conversation they spoke about, feeling like he was trapped in a cage, and the repeating cycle of a continuous lifestyle. She felt he needed to make his own decisions, regardless of whether they were foolish or dangerous, as the choices he made weren't hers but only his.

With that in mind, she remained on her spot, unmoving and concerned about how the events would play out when it came to the inevitable confrontation.

"I hope you know what you are doing, young man." Tom's father looked deeply concerned about this decision. "We should talk inside; it's not safe to discuss this out here," he suggested, gesturing the three to come inside their restaurant. The invitation was accepted, and the trio stepped into the interior.

Sunny and Lei were greeted by neat rows of dining tables, each set with a pristine white tablecloth, that gleamed under the soft, ambient lighting. The aroma of culinary delights wafts through the space, tantalizing the taste buds and promising a gastronomic adventure.

Silverware, glasses, and plates, all polished to perfection, are arranged at each setting, ready to be filled with the choicest morsels. The walls, adorned with vibrant paintings of exotic landscapes and mouth-watering icons, evoke a sense of wanderlust and adventure.

Soft jazz melodies, played on a jukebox in the corner, create a serene atmosphere, inviting patrons to indulge in the rich tapestry. a wonderful sight to behold in the midst of urban sprawl, a haven from the chaos and noise of the city.

However, Sunny felt a tinge of sadness at imagining the vandalism of destroying such beautiful icons. Everything here was built by Tom and his father, who worked 24/7 to bring delight to the people of the Ark.

Their hard work and dedication to the culinary arts are what kept the spirits of the citizens alive and happy. Just to see it all destroyed by a bunch of selfish bastards is really hard to witness for himself. It's like this entire place is their baby, who raised them with love and care, and now they are faced with the agonizing decision of whether to protect it or let it crumble into dust.

Malcom then led them to the table, where everyone sat down and discussed the subject at hand. "Sunny, will you ask you again?" his eyes glued dangerously at him, "do you want to do this? Protect our establishment." He asked, his tone filled with a mix of seriousness and skepticism.

He was unsure of the young man's abilities to withstand the threats and challenges that would inevitably arise, especially when he was unmatched by a large margin. "What are you dealing with here? A group of possibly armed men who have been secretly terrorizing other businesses for god's know how long. They have no qualms about resorting to violence, and they have a long list of victims who tragically died at their hands. Are you prepared for that?" A cold tone iced over his words, a chilling reminder of how death lurked in any corner of their room.

Lei did not like the sound of that, not one bit. "Sunny, this is dangerous!" She objected, her voice echoing through the empty restaurant. Her eyes, filled with concern, shifted from Sunny to Malcom, seeking approval for her stance: "We don't know what they have. Elvis and his group of friends come! One of them might be Esper!" So many things can go wrong, especially this: "And if that happens, I..." Dread crawled up her own spine, realizing her worst fears had come true; there would be no coming back from the depths of despair.

Losing a precious loved one is something she and her sister have never experienced in their lives. While all the humans in the Ark have tragically lost a sibling or parent, she never got to experience this gut wrenching feeling. She hoped Sunny would listen to the voice of reason. At first, she wanted to believe in allowing him to make his choices, but because of her own growing doubts, she's beginning to have second thoughts about his rational thinking in what is clearly an irrational situation or not.

He turned to her as sympathy flashed on his face. "I know Lei, I know," he said, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Listen to me just as I listened to you," he began with a calm and collected tone. "Elvis and his gang are ruthless and violent, a bunch of bullies who take joy in inflicting harm on those they wish. As much as I want to let this happen for the sake of my own safety, someone has to stand up to them, or if no one can, then their rampage will continue to the very end and hurt more innocent people." The answer was simple: "I'm willing to risk everything to stop this from going any further."

Unable to find the right words to counter his resolve, he let out a heavy sigh. She knew he was right all along. Those thugs have been doing it for so long that they believe themselves to be invincible. No amount of reason can stop them. The only thing that can be done is to make them say, "Please don't get yourself killed." Her heart aches painfully in saying those words; she doesn't want to imagine seeing Sunny's lifeless corpse on the pavement. It is a disaster waiting to happen, and she fears how Mei or Nelson will react to such news.

Chiming into their conversation, Malcom interrupted their talk, "May I ask you a question, boy?" Asked the old man, his eyes directed towards Sunny, "Why are you helping us? Is it because my son is your friend, or is it because you want some sort of compensation from us for your good  deeds?" Curious about learning the reason behind this action, silence held everyone  as their captive after no one made a move or word for its answer, which should be given by Sunny himself and only him and no one else beside him.

"Because it's the right thing to do."

The answer was unexpected for Tom's father; he does not know how to even respond to this. He's seen how the world was before the apocalypse and how humans were still capable of doing good and evil deeds. Every person has a reason for committing to something, whether it's for personal gain or altruistic reasons. But this young man is different from the rest. Not because Sunny is a stranger, but rather because the boy seems to genuinely believe in what he is doing with no hidden agenda whatsoever.

"Why is that?" Malcom inquired, a hint of intrigue in his voice. He couldn't understand why this boy would put himself in danger to protect strangers in all places. "What is that thing inside you that compels you to act, even when the odds seem insurmountable?" His son, along with Lei, was also deeply curious to know the reason behind such a simple yet complex action. Their eyes, filled with admiration and curiosity, followed Sunny's every move, as no one knew why Sunny was being the way he was.

With a short laugh, Sunny smiled wryly at the old man, "Because I can and want to." From his words alone, Lei and Tom still don't know how to interpret the young man's actions. "It's not because of some religious duty or compensation or fame or glory I get from this, but simply out of my nature to do good," he explained, his words echoing through the empty restaurant.

"Hmm..." Having nothing else to say, Malcom believes it is best to let this topic pass and move onto the important matters. "I still can't understand your reasons behind it, but I suppose it's best to let it go and focus on dealing with Elvis and his crooks," he said with a change of mind.

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