Chapter 5

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Arriving at their location, Sunny inhaled the fresh morning air surrounding him as students of the academy walked around The University of Espers with contented smiles on their faces while some studied hard within classrooms scattered across campus grounds, housing different subjects required by every student regardless of age.

Having walked through the entrance, the three walked down the stairs together until finally reaching the bottom floor level, where they saw the towering building behind the water fountain in front of them, displaying all of its majestic glory to anyone who laid eyes upon its beauty and elegance. Its as if they themselves were transported to some medieval, fantasy world.

Although that wasn't the case when everyone came here for one singular purpose, which was to learn how to harness their powers, Truth be told, he doubts anyone here is interested in anything about what the professors have to say. Well, for him, however, he just wants to go home already, so he could do whatever else, like listen to music or play video games instead.

"Sunny," Mei called out from behind, "we'll pick you up after class, alright?" She said it with a smile on her face, showing just how much she and her sister truly care for him. On the other hand, it could be just their programming to care properly for human beings. But either way, at least someone cares for him unconditionally, unlike certain people.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure," he said after turning around to them, "so bye?" Smiling awkwardly while waving a slight gesture of farewell, knowing the twins would return later today to take him back safely again, "And before you ask, I'm not going to get myself into trouble again," this made the girls laugh heartily even though they were still giving cautious looks towards him.

Filled with relief, Lei sighed happily at this: "That's good to hear; I don't have to worry about anything happening then." Her tone spoke of nothing but joyful thoughts filling her mind now that everything was settled. Turning away from the young man, both sisters left him alone once more after walking up the set of stairs they had previously used.

Now that they were gone, Sunny scratched the side of his forehead and said, "I guess it's time to go." He muttered under his breath, swiftly turning back to where he was. He calmly walked around the fountain before slowly heading towards another set of stairs, much to his disgruntled mood. "Them and their stairs, seriously. The angeloids really need to stop making things difficult for guys like us."

Continuing onward, he climbed every step one by one; each footstep echoed loudly within the vicinity, causing others nearby to be slightly annoyed at his ever-so-loud footsteps. Not that he is complaining, as he walks rather loudly for someone like him. Either he is oblivious or just a rude individual in general. However, he doesn't really care.

Stepping onto the surface, he entered the entrance and was greeted by an imposing room filled with grandeur; it has statues sculpted out of marble that depict famous men who have made significant contributions to the building throughout history since the day Angeloids were constructing the Ark. To say the least, everything here is top-notch when it comes to architectural design.

Moreover, the place itself is like a damn museum. There are different sections containing various information about mathematics and science, respectively, as well as other subjects required to be studied upon entering the place.

But more importantly, there is also a library located somewhere deep within this academy where bookshelves are lined neatly against walls, forming a maze-like structure. Anyone can get lost easily if they are unfamiliar with their surroundings.

This extremely massive hallway was brightly lit due to chandeliers hanging from high ceilings above heads while columns stretched all around them majestically, giving off a sense royalty only fitting for those worthy enough of such a title. It's almost as if this area can hold thousands upon millions of people without any problem whatsoever.

And the fact that it's practically crowded like always every time Sunny comes to school makes him wonder: how many students are attending classes at once? Regardless, everyone else besides himself seems satisfied being in here, whether learning or spending time with friends instead of actually studying something important.

Sadly for him, he has no friends, and because of this painstaking reminder, this causes major loneliness inside his heart every time he sets foot in here. He doesn't know why, but sometimes when he walks through these halls alone amongst a crowd of others sharing laughter, it makes him feel even sadder than before, but it does not stop him from continuing his daily life.

Scratching the back of his head awkwardly, he continued forward despite how loud everything was. Walking through another set of stairs leading towards the second floor, where the majority of classrooms are located. Compared to below, it's spacious like always, with the exception that it has dozens of doors leading to assigned classes and subjects altogether.

With labeled numbers on them, signs starting from one to one hundred are labeled to specific sets of doors to categorize and help others find their designated rooms accordingly. It was a bit confusing at first glance considering there was so much going on around the area, but eventually Sunny hadn't forgotten that he took pictures on his first day.

Taking out his phone, he opened his screen with the tap of his finger and headed straight to pictures. "It's somewhere here." He passed through pictures of him and his father along with the twins about their boring activities before landing on the tenth image taken during his first visit ever since entering this school.

"Yes, I found it!" Excited and relieved at the same time, Sunny walked forward while keeping his eyes glued to the phone screen before finally arriving right outside room number three hundred.

"Hmm...?" He looked up from his phone curiously when he heard sounds coming from inside, noticing the door slightly cracked open. "This must be it," a smile graced his lips at the sight. He had done it and was now ready for whatever awaited behind those closed doors. Gulping nervously, Sunny prayed he wasn't late for class, as he couldn't dream of having to stay after school.

Cringing at the memories, there were times he did miss them and was forced to stay by himself with the same old professor. God, having to stay awake throughout the whole day was so painful, beyond anything else he has experienced so far. But at least he knows better to not be late because Sunny does not want to even imagine himself getting another set of punishments.

"Here I go."

Opening the door, his eyes widen at seeing an empty class except the professor standing just in front of him, mindfully writing mathematical equations and inequalities on the blackboard with chalk in her hand as relief washed over the young man, who had been nervously profusely today due to fear of being punished again if he arrived too late.

The room itself appears like any other typical college classroom found anywhere in the world, but what sets this one apart are its unique features, such as walls made entirely out of glass that allow natural light to flood into space while high ceilings give the illusion of a bigger area than the actual size. It really is giving students more freedom inside their learning environment without feeling cramped or claustrophobic when studying together.

Its conjoined desks are lined up neatly against the wall on the opposite side, where the blackboard stands tallest among them, all containing information related to math, science, and other subjects taught here, ranging from geometry problems to solving strategies for calculating variables involved within given exercises assigned by the teacher, who is responsible for instructing the group accordingly.

Behind the professor is her podium stand, which holds several items used during lectures, including textbooks written specifically for each lesson plan presented before them, along with a personal laptop computer connected wirelessly to the internet.

There is a television screen mounted right above the projector displaying slideshows, which is extremely useful in teaching certain concepts effectively using visual aid materials so the students can pay attention better, or that's what every teacher believes.

Feeling his presence, she turned her head and was surprised to see him. "Sunny? Your earlier than expected," the professor questioned curiously, raising eyebrows slightly at the young man standing at the doorway, "are you maybe excited for the day?" A smile grew on the woman's face, much to Sunny's disgust and horror at what she had said.

The first thing he noticed about this woman were her eyes; they are like twin emerald green jewels sparkling beneath long lashes framing their beauty. Her hair cascaded down over her shoulders in gentle waves, framed by dark locks reaching almost mid-back length. Mechanical parts embedded beneath the skin produced a cold blue hue that contrasted beautifully with the human flesh tone.

Along with the fact that she is Angeloid, just like Mei and Lei, but an older version, what sets her apart is how much of a pain in the ass she can be at times. Wearing her white coat vest along with black slacks pants and matching pumps shoes made out of synthetic material, which gave her an elegant look, she patiently waited for the young man's answer without any sense of urgency.

"Excited...?" Why would he be thrilled to come here in the first place? Sunny just wants to go home already, but knowing he doesn't make the rules here, he might as well just make a lie to cover himself from the emotional pain of getting punished. "Yes, yes, I am." He was first urgent to say it due to how much it hurts, but it's worth lying if that meant not having spent another day inside the classroom alone again.

The professor nodded understandingly before turning back towards the board once more, finishing up the rest of the lesson plan presented earlier. "Now take a seat, young man; class is about to start in a couple of minutes," she commanded gently while continuing to write down equations onto the board. "If you like, why don't you help me with this problem?"

What the hell?

"Sorry, I don't feel like doing it," sweat pouring profusely all over his body, causing him to become uncomfortable within seconds flat. "Not to be rude, miss, but I want to take this opportunity of freedom I have at the moment." Deep within his heart, he prayed that she would accept his pathetic excuse without too many questions asked; otherwise, he would surely be doomed for eternity.

She stopped what she was doing and turned around slowly, facing the boy who has been trying so hard to avoid helping her out today instead choosing the lazy route ahead by taking a break as her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Is that so?" He was humming softly under breath after seeing his nervousness from being caught red-handed off guard. No matter what he said, she knew he wasn't being truthful one bit.

However, for all her strict and icy demeanor, she isn't cruel to do something like this, especially when there is no appropriate punishment to be handed out in a time like this. "Okay, you can go ahead." She simply told Sunny before turning back towards the blackboard and finishing up the rest of the lesson plan presented earlier, "Just make sure not to let yourself fall behind on studies though!" The last part angrily muttered underneath her breath.

Sunny felt his entire worries and problems lifted off his shoulders. Truly, fate has once again come to save the day. "I won't, professor." Bowing quickly, he walked to the very back, where student desks are lined against the walls, in hopes of being like some kind of hidden nook or cranny unknown to others after sitting in secluded spot.

Surely she won't notice him when everyone is in their seats?

Sitting down on the chair, he placed his shoulder bag on the table before dropping his entire upper body onto it, exhausted, bored, and most of all, desperate to get this over with. Sunny then took a deep breath while staring at nothing but blank space within his closed eyes. Darkness was what greeted him when he slowly fell asleep.


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