Chapter 54

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Entering some random building as the sun rapidly sets, they find themselves in a dimly lit room with broken furniture scattered everywhere, the walls cracked and covered in dust.

It was a far cry from the sterile, well-lit environment of the hospital, but it was a place to rest for the night. Hansel collapsed onto a pile of trash, exhaustion finally catching up with him as he let out a deep sigh. "I'm fine," he said tiredly, his eyes closing.

"Just let me..." It was too late; he had already drifted off to sleep, his body finally giving in to the physical and emotional toll of the day's events.

Danny looked down at him, concern etched on his face. "Good night," he whispered lowly before turning to sit at the corner all by himself. His mind was still reeling from the events of the day, the images of the robot and the doctor's struggle replaying in his mind over and over.

He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt and helplessness that had settled in his chest, seeing how useless he was, unable to do anything but just watch. But then some unknown force came to the rescue, saving not just him but his friend's life as well.

Leaning his back on the wall, he can't shake the feeling that what transpired in the defeat of the Renegade was his own doing. Making him question if his powers acted upon themselves without his control. He was likely the one who summoned a gust of cold wind, the one who also caused the car to appear out of nowhere, and the very person who saved them both.

But how? He didn't understand; he didn't know how his powers worked, and he didn't know how to control them. Yet none of that matters now when they are alive.

"That could explain the phenomenon," having a sudden gust of wind appear out of nowhere to attack their assailant and successfully turning the monster's vines into smithereens is what he described as impossible when they are in a warm and calm environment.

Such a thing happening doesn't make any sense, and that could only lead to one thing: he's the one responsible for it happening, which he didn't even realize he could do.

The realization was a mix of relief and fear; the knowledge that he was capable of such feats was both exhilarating and terrifying. He knew that he had to learn how to control his powers and harness them for good instead of leaving them to have undesired consequences.

On the other hand, there is still the possibility of something else. Likely environmental changes or what not, but what they just saw is nearly impossible to happen, almost if it were illogical for such an event to transpire.

Another idea is that it was Hansel's doing, but he doubts it as the young head doctor is entirely focused on electricity, but it is possible nonetheless. Although I witnessed the surprised look coming from Hansel, the chance of this being true is slim at best to none at all. Either way, the truth will remain unknown until further investigation is done.

Sighing exhaustively, he raised his head upwards to the decomposing ceiling, eyes focused on the darkened space above. "What's going to happen next?" He wondered aloud, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Will I also discover who I was? Will we even survive this post-apocalyptic world?" The questions hung in the air, unanswered, as he lay there in the darkness, his mind racing with the possibilities and his heart heavy with the uncertainty of their future that is about to come, despite being reassured he has someone with him.

"It doesn't sit well with me knowing there are monsters on the loose," he said to no one but himself, his voice laced with deep, rotten fear of death. "I don't want to imagine myself dying without finding out who I was; it's a living nightmare come true."

The silence that followed was oppressive, the weight of their situation crushing down on him like a physical force. He felt small, insignificant, and utterly alone in the face of the unknown, with barely any direction for going where, what, or why.

Admitting how unsure he is of himself in being thrust into a dangerous world without knowing who he was or why he was even here in the first place. a cruel fate handed down by God himself just to test his might against the forces of existence that will try to stop him no matter what.

But Danny is more ready to fight against the horrors waiting for him. While he does not want to die, he is willing to leave a positive impact in this world because he could and wants to. "What is this?" Placing his hand on his chest, a familiar feeling came to him—the sensation that he couldn't put a finger on it.

It's a feeling of wonder and altruism in his heart, a feeling that he is meant to do something in this world. "I think I'm starting to remember something very important." The words trailed off as he closed his eyes, his mind racing with the possibilities of what he might recall.

"Who am I?" He whispered, his voice barely audible, "What is my purpose?" Aside from these troubling questions, he nonetheless has the urge to do what is right and to protect those who are in need, especially Hansel, who is a kind medical doctor and humanitarian who saved his life.

Within this moment of peace, a reverberating feminine screech suddenly causes him to jolt out of his reverie. The sound was distant yet unmistakable, sending a shiver down his spine. Danny's eyes snapped wide open, his heart racing as he heard it loud and clear: "Hansel!" Standing up, he rushed over to the doctor's side, who was still sleeping, and said.

"Wake up! We aren't alone here!" He whispered loudly, "Doctor?" His face came to complete dismay after seeing the man still asleep and not moving. "Hansel, wake up!" He tried again, shaking him gently by his shoulders, but the doctor remained unconscious.

Panic began to set in, his mind racing with thoughts of what could be happening to them. "Oh God, please don't let it be another monster." Two choices are presented in front of him: either he checks on the source and hopes that his Esper powers deal with whatever threat it is, or he waits here and continues to keep a watch on Hansel's safety.

Forcing him to make a decision, "I have to check it out..." He said to himself, his voice barely above a whisper, "What if it wasn't one of those things but a person instead?"

There is no mistake. It came from a human's voice, a particular woman, which he finds all too suspicious when they are extinct. But he knows that he can't stay here forever and expects danger to come to them without proper preparation for what they will be facing.

"I need to check it out," he muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the room once more before he turned to leave, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the empty hallways as he moved towards a door leading to a set of stairs on the far side of them.

Walking towards it and entering with no issue, he cautiously and quietly made his way up the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest and his senses on high alert. "Please don't let it be another monster." He repeated, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own ragged breathing.

The stairs creaked beneath his feet, the sound seeming to echo through the empty building.  Fear of danger and the unknown are important traits of any animal to avoid danger that is threatening their lives, including humans.

As he reached the top of the stairs after opening another set of doors, he found himself in a dimly lit, wide corridor, the walls lined with broken windows and debris. The silence was oppressive.


Sweating profusely, the only light source this building has is the moonlight leaking in from the broken windows, making traversing around somewhat bearable. "I can't stop myself from thinking about the worst-case scenario." He thought, his heart violently pounding in his chest as if it were about to burst out in the open.

The sound of his own breathing filled the air. "I need to find the source of that scream." He said to himself under his nose. Taking a deep breath, he continued moving forward, his eyes scanning the corridor for any signs of movement or danger that may lurk in the shadows.

Every step he took, he felt as if he were walking into the jaws of death itself. The fear was palpable, the tension thick in the air, and he could even feel his heart pounding more heavily. "I hope I'm not too late." His trembling at the thought of it.

He can't imagine himself being another failure once more. Failing to stand up against that renegade to save his friend was his biggest mistake, and now it's happening again, reminding Danny how useless he could be at times.

However, having witnessed his powers unfold before their eyes, he will make sure to never create another tragedy like that one. With a newfound determination, he will face whatever is ahead of him, no matter how terrifying it may be. The unknown is his greatest enemy, and he will conquer it, one step at a time.

After an hour of walking mindlessly without any sense of direction, he later came across a slightly opened door at the end of the corridor, a faint light emanating from within.

"Hello?" Sounding cautious, he called out if someone was taking refuge within this room, "Is anyone there?" The silence that followed was deafening. "Hello?" He called again, his voice growing slightly louder. "I'm not looking for trouble; I just want to know what's going on," he added, trying to keep his voice steady as he carefully pushed the door ever so slightly.

Sweating profusely, Danny prepares himself for who or what he might find inside. The door creaked open, revealing a room filled with the detritus of a once-living space. Furniture lay shattered, books scattered about, and clothing hung from a broken wardrobe.

In the far center of the room, a figure sat slumped against the wall behind him, terrified and desperate. His eyes, wide with fear, hissed in feral warning, refusing to leave his sanctuary regardless of how desperate he is in this sudden turn of events.


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