Chapter 40

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Sunny and Tom stood beside Lei, their eyes locked on the tallest building they had ever seen in the Ark; its very structure seemed to defy gravity.

A marvel of engineering, this massive tower rises into the sky like a titan among mere mortals.

Its glass facades shimmer in the sunlight, reflecting the cityscape below and casting a myriad of colors onto the ground as if there were a rainbow around them. Their eyes widen at the sight they had never encountered nor seen in their ordinary lives.

Compared to the duo, her expression remained neutral, showing not an ounce of awe or amazement, as every angeloid that is created has all the necessary knowledge of the Ark and how it operates, including the whereabouts of such iconic landmarks.

The only problem is that they are programmed to never give up any secrets to those who are not of their kind, and seeing the curiosity in the men's eyes, she knew they would be no different.

Alas, it wouldn't make any difference since she would be the first known android to go against their mother's wishes.

"What is this place?" Sunny asked, curiosity overwhelming him as he took a step forward, eager to explore the marvelous structure, but Lei's hand gently restrained him, preventing him from going any further.

"Lei? What's the matter?" He questioned her, clearly off guard by her sudden action.

Sighing softly, she looked at the towering building before turning her gaze back to the two of them, retreating her hand from his shoulder as her eyes softened in finding the right words to explain the situation to them. "This is the Central Tower of Network; it is the heart of the Ark and the residence of Singularity herself."

Lei explained. The fear of betrayal was evident in her veins as she spoke of the forbidden topic. The trio shared a moment of silence, the enormity of the revelation hanging heavily in the air.

"Not single human or animal are allowed to get in unless summoned by Singularity," she continued, "and if we are caught trying to enter, we might never come out again." She glanced at the two of them, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Do you still want to do this?" Asking the two men, already knowing the answer to her question.

Tom glances over to his friend, etched with a serious remark: "You really want to do this, man?" He asked, wavering from the fear of their consequences, "There will be no turning back if we go through with this." His statement was laced with concern, showing just how much he truly meant with what he said.

Frowning in response, Sunny nodded his head, confirming everyone's doubts. "Yes, in all my heart and soul," pledging his determination for the task ahead. He may not know the full extent of the danger they would face, but they have come all this way for a reason, and he refused to let the opportunity slip through his fingers.

"Very well, then," Lei sighed. "Before we go, I want to ask your friend." Her attention switched over to the surprised Tom. The young waiter is shocked by this sudden change of events.

"Why are you helping him? I know this is your friend, but isn't this above your payload limit?" Her voice was gentle yet firm, asking the right questions that needed to be answered.

He hesitated, Tom's mind racing to find an appropriate response. "Well, I owe him a lot," he said. "This hero saved my life twice and even protected my father and restaurant from those bastards."

The ire in his tone was evident, his words laced with the bitterness of the past but the deep gratitude for his savior's actions: "He's the best friend I've ever had, and I won't stand by without repaying the kindness and generosity he has shown me."

Sunny blushed heavily at his words, feeling a warmth spread across his own chest at the sight of this waiter's loyalty and devotion.

He knew Tom was not a fighter, and his decision to help him in all places was nothing short of the bond between true friends. And by that very definition, he will never regret saving someone who is in need because it is the right thing to do.

"Understood," Lei replied with a small nod, smiling softly at the sight of their unwavering friendship. "Now follow me and stay close; we don't have much time."

She then led the way towards the Central Tower's entrance, navigating the maze-like streets and avoiding the curious gazes of nearby bystanders.

As they moved through the bustling streets, they finally came across the entrance of the Central Tower itself, which was guarded by no one but an imposing single appearance of a massive door.

The entrance to the Central Tower stood as an imposing monolith amidst the sprawling metropolis of the Ark. Its sheer size and grandeur were a testament to the technological prowess of its creators, the very architects of the Ark itself.

Crafted from a seemingly indestructible alloy, it gleams silver in the sunlight. The ornate design etched into the surface of the door was reminiscent of an intricate spider's web, with delicate filaments winding and intertwining, forming a pattern that seemed to defy the laws of physics.

It was a marvel of engineering, and yet, it was also a symbol of the power and control Singularity held over the Ark and its inhabitants. No one dared to approach the doors without permission, and the very thought of laying a hand on them without her approval was enough to send shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls.

"How do we get in?" Tom asked, his eyes tracing the ornate design that covered the entirety of the entrance, "I'm guessing there is no doorbell," he remarked jokingly, gesturing to the massive structure that loomed before them, intimidating in its sheer scale.

"Hey, Lei?" He watched as she walked forward without saying anything, only to stop and place her own hand on the surface of the door.

Suddenly, a visibly large wave of vibration surged through the metal, causing the two men to jump back in surprise. It was akin to watching a conductor bring an orchestra to life, the majestic door responding to Lei's touch with a subtle hum of energy.

The two young men looked at each other in utter confusion and asked, "What did you just do?" Sunny asked, tinged with apprehension of what had transpired as he couldn't understand why or what had happened before Lei turned to look at the two, a knowing smile gracing her lips.

"I used a unique code sequence that only we have access to. This door is programmed to respond only to us." She explained, "If anyone else tried to open this door, it wouldn't do anything." As she said those words, the entrance slowly opened before them, revealing the dark interior of the massive tower. The hulking door grinded to a halt, leaving a gaping maw before them.

Just as Sunny or Tom was about to step foot inside the building, lone Angeloid walked out from the shadows, her golden eyes glowing with fierce intensity.

It was an ordinary android like any other, but her body language says otherwise. But Lei, however, was already expecting this confrontation.

"Who have you brought?" the android demanded, cold and unyielding before glancing the back of Lei. "You know the rules. You are not allowed to bring humans without Mother's permission."

The lone android was an ordinary-looking android among her kind, yet her presence carried a distinct sense of authority and purpose. Her very eyes could pierce through the very darkness with a deadly gaze.

Clad in the usual sleek, shimmering silver skin that covered her entire form, she appeared as a seamless blend of mechanical precision and lifelike grace.

Every line, curve, and angle of her body exuded a cold, calculated efficiency, a testament to the meticulous care taken by her designers and craftsmen.

Her face, while machine-like in its perfect symmetry, bore an uncanny resemblance to a human, a design choice meant to help her assimilate more easily into humanity, just like most angeloids.

When it comes for her golden hair, it flowed in its silken strands, speaking gently in the non-existent breeze, a striking contrast to her frame.

However, her icy expression held no warmth or compassion, only a steely determination in taking up her duty of being a security guard and patrolling within the building itself.

Without any warning, Lei brought her hand onto her fellow sister's shoulder and asked, "What are you doing?" She wasn't able to get her answer when electricity suddenly rushed across her arm, causing her to cry out in pain.

But even in her agony, her eyes remained fixed on Lei, betrayal welling up inside her for what she is seeing. Before long, Lei stopped as she slowly turned around and walked away from the scene.

"Where are you going?!" Sunny called out to her, clearly uncertain why Lei was leaving all of a sudden.

"You don't need to worry about her," a smile graced the once-stern android who tried to prevent them from entering in. "I temporally overwritten her consciousness over mine," the real Lei announced, having taken control of the other android's body.

She then crossed her arms together in a display of power, a clear message to the duo that she had no intention of being stopped: "And before any of you ask, shes alive; once Sunny successfully escapes, I will return to my original body, fine and dandy and vice versa."

A sigh of relief escaped from the two's lungs as they took in the reassuring words coming from her: "Let's get going," Tom finally broke the silence, deeply eager to continue their journey after the unexpected flash of action. "We head inside and find that escape pod or whatever," he said, showing just how prepared he is to fulfill the goal they have set for themselves.

With a nod, Lei led the way into the darkened interior of the Central Tower, the three of them venturing deeper into the heart of the Ark, unaware of the dangers and challenges that lay ahead.

The future was uncertain, but they were prepared to see it through to the end for the sake of their friend, who shaped their lives through his selflessness and altruism.

The spacious hallway they traversed was a vast, seemingly endless corridor, gleaming with polished metal and immaculate glass surfaces that reflected the soft glow of overhead lights.

It is a display of the architectural prowess of the Ark, a place where every detail was meticulously designed to serve both form and function with the walls being lined with intricate circuitry and glowing displays, seemingly pulsing with energy as they passed by, showing a litany of information, stats, and updates on the Ark's various systems.

A symphony of sounds filled the air—a harmonious blend of humming machines and the distant chatter of voices carried through the vents. The atmosphere was one of hushed reverence, as though everyone within the Ark knew of the sacred nature of this particular hallway and respected its sanctity.

Where the air in this place was crisp and clean, devoid of the usual human pollutants, and the constant hum of the A/C system worked tirelessly to maintain the perfect climate. The floors, made of a non-slip, anti-static material, felt smooth and cool beneath their feet, offering a sense of stability and security.

Everywhere they go, it feels as if the entire place serves only one purpose, and that is storing the important data of the Ark.

Every corner held the secrets of the Ark's inner workings, and the very walls seemed to whisper tales of the past, present, and future.

This place was more than a hallway; it was the very soul of the Ark's operations, where the most critical decisions are made and the fate of countless lives rests in the balance.

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