Chapter 19

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The four conversed throughout the few hours they had left, discussing the possible outcomes of their daring plan. Adding many suggestions that could potentially help them succeed. Each member of the team, Sunny, Malcolm, Tom, and Lei, brought unique perspectives and experiences to the table.

However, none of them had the faintest clue if such ideas could be possible in the only time they had at the moment, while lacking the resources to carry out each suggestion they spoke off.

Malcom had the idea of sending someone else undercover within the group of those crooks. Under the guise of a new recruit, he would gain their trust and gather intel on their operations. Sadly for them, time has already passed, and they were running out of options.

So the thought of playing the long game is out of the realm of possibilities. His son suggested otherwise. Choosing another option that the group had overlooked, Tom proposed a daring plan for making everyone succeed in their goal.

"What if we armed ourselves?" Tom asked, his eyes glinting with excitement and determination, much to everyone's shock, "It's not against the law in the Ark to defend our property, right?" The group exchanged puzzled looks; they never considered this option.

Their conversation had been focused on the logistical challenges of gathering intelligence and the psychological aspects of confronting their adversaries without the use of violence. Although his father objected to such a ridiculous notion,

"No," he said, shaking his head in response. "I don't want blood in my hands, Tom," Malcom said with a grim look. "Neither should you," he warned his son.

"These men are desperate and dangerous. They will not hesitate to retaliate with force. But we shouldn't return violence with violence, as it doesn't make our situation look better if we start killing them in self-defense." There are many things that can happen from that; one of them is bringing them more attention from those crooks and lacking intelligence of how far and many they operate.

Lei disagreed greatly with him: "Those guys are intending to hurt your business," she reasoned with him; "if you don't act now, they might escalate their attacks and eventually destroy everything you've worked hard to build." The reason itself was understandable, but the means to achieve that goal is gathering information about their enemies.

The group doesn't have the time or resources to do so. On the other hand, Tom, a determined young waiter, refused to accept defeat. He believed that they could take down Elvis and his gang of thugs with weapons.

"She's right!" He said wholeheartedly, "If it means to defend our honor by killing those who tried to harm what is precious, then wouldn't it be fair to return the favor to them?" He hoped
 that his words would change his father's mind, but Malcom remained steadfast in his beliefs.

Refusing to compromise his principles, he would rather see his son and his business destroyed than to stoop to their level of violence in such acts of barbarism, even if it meant the end of his family legacy.

With an angry look, he swiftly hammered his right fist onto the table, producing a loud clatter and reverberating through the silent room. His blaring voice echoed through the empty restaurant.

"No, Tom. I won't allow you to risk your life for the sake of this establishment. It is not worth it! We do not know what kind of weapons they have, the talents and skills they possess, nor do we have the faintest clue as to how many members they have or where they operate! If we manage to kill them, we still don't know if one of their friends will come back to hunt us down."

Breathing heavily, his throbbing heart raced with fear and trepidation.

Tom became silent along with the others. His head turned low, feeling the weight of his father's disapproval. The room seemed to close in around him, and the air grew thick with the oppressiveness of his father's disdain. No one could disagree with the man. W

While Malcom does not wish to use violence even against their attackers, he is more worried about how those crooks will respond after Elvis defeat. He knows for fact that thugs and gangs alike sometimes operate in secret societies.

Those members would be sworn to protect their leader and their territory. With a single defeat of a squadron or beloved friend, the remaining members would become ruthless and vengeful in hunting those responsible.

So there was no option—not a single thing they could do about it. But there is only one hope left for them: "I will confront them," Sunny announced with a determined expression, his eyes narrowed in resolve. "That's why I am here after all, isn't it?"

He looked at them and said, "I don't need weapons, nor do I wish to take any lives. But I will make sure the threat is neutralized and those responsible are brought to justice." Truthfully speaking, he has no idea what will happen when this encounter takes place. But he's ready for whatever comes his way.

Malcom and Tom exchanged glances, each silently acknowledging the weight of Sunny's words. Yet Lei says otherwise. "I'm scared," her frightened tone echoed through the hollow dining area. "I still don't want to see you hurt or killed," she implored, her eyes pleading with Sunny to reconsider his plan despite already agreeing with him.

Her voice trembled with emotion as she voiced her concerns: "Is there any other way to stop them?" Looking at the father and son, none of them said a word as they shared a look of regret and guilt.

"We already spoke about this, Lei," Sunny answered with a forced smile. "I understand your worry, but this is our only option." He knows how overwhelming, scary, and stressful Lei is feeling at the moment. He truly doesn't wish to make her feel that way or make the girl's life more difficult; "just this time, I promise to come back unscathed," trying to lighten the mood and ease the tension, which worked for the father and son with the exception of her, as he could still sense Lei's doubt about this despite forcing herself to agree with him.

Watching Lei and Sunny being so concerned with each other made Tom question their relationship: "Are you two lovers by any chance?" It's been a long since he's seen such a deep connection between two people. Their bond transcends the boundaries of mere friendship in his own eyes.

If they are really in love, then that must be the reason why Angeloid is seemingly so worried over him. He wonders if he himself could ever get a lady to dance with and share the most beautiful moments of their lives together.

The chef of this restaurant was taken aback by the question and looked at his son with a mixture of confusion and embarrassment.


Horrified by his son's audacity, "That's rude to ask, and besides, what business is it of yours?" Malcolm scolded him, his voice echoing through the place: "Have you lost your way of being a proper man?" He questioned his son's behavior, a hint of disappointment in his voice as he watched his son navigate the treacherous waters of social interactions. Tom, a young man from the 21st century, found himself in unfamiliar territory when it came to matters of the heart.

True gentleman requires proper etiquette and manners. They display their refined taste through their speech, gestures, and actions. Tom, however, did not possess such qualities at that moment. Instead, the waiter asked them a personal question in this serious moment and situation their diner finds itself in.

Malcolm was taken aback by the audaciousness of his son's query. Making the waiter realize his mistakes in a flash of insight. As much as he wants to get to know his friends better, he can't ask such personal questions during moments like this.

Quickly standing him, Tom bowed his head at the bewildered Sunny and embarrassed Lei as he fruitlessly apologized for his impolite inquiry, "I'm sorry for asking a personal question; it was improper of me to do so in this moment of crisis."

The voice was barely above a whisper, his eyes cast downward. He knew that he had crossed a line and hurt the feelings of those around him, especially his code of chivalry and respect in dealing with people's relationships in the past.

"Ah, thanks?" Sunny responded with uncertain amusement, "But what exactly is it that you're apologizing for?" He asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice before the answer came to him: "Oh, because you asked an inappropriate question about our relationship in this moment of crisis?"

He continued, "Well, I'll let you know that we're just friends. Good friends," smiling warmly at the memory of their shared laughter and adventures. Their bond is almost like that of siblings, rather than lovers, in his own perspective.

Lei, with her reddened face visible for all to see, agreed with his sentiments. "Yes, we're just friends," she repeated, the words coming out as a whisper. She couldn't believe how quickly Tom had jumped to conclusions in a very unexpected turn of events when they were all trying to come up with a solution to a problem that could potentially destroy their livelihoods.

And yet, amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, there were some moments of learning from each other in times like this, as despite the grim situation they are currently in, it's sometimes nice to take a moment to reflect on the simple joys of life.

Suddenly Malcom laughed, his once icy demeanor melted away, leaving only warmth and camaraderie. "Son, I never would expect you to take that manner of politeness overboard," leaving a confused Tom in his wake. "I was just messing with you, my boy!"

The father answered Tom's question with a hearty chuckle: "You can ask questions at times like this, including about their relationships and whatnot! There was no need to apologize, but I'm still glad you did; you've got a good heart," expressing his admiration for his son's moral compass and integrity, "you're going to become a proper gentleman and chef after I retire."

Tom's eyes widened in disbelief before sighing with relief from it. "thanks pa!" Playfully punching the old man's shoulder, "I'll try not to disappoint you," he promised, a determined look in his eyes.

He had always wanted to make his father proud, and now he had a clear goal in mind: "But that was still rude of you to trick me into that." Folding his arms together, he grinned evilly. "I'm going to take my revenge; just watch, pa," he joked, his eyes sparkling with mischief and playfulness from his response.

"I'd like to see you try, my boy!"

Lei and Sunny watched as the two idiots shared laughter, jokes, and banter. The sight of this reminds me of how he speaks with his own father. Showing a level of camaraderie to the point that they are like friends instead of being son and father.

Regardless of this wholesome moment, he knows there are still important things to attend to. Especially when Elvis is coming to their place just to vandalize into smithereens out of petty reasons from having stopped going too far with their constant bullying on the young waiter.

Just as he was about to speak out in regards to the important topic from earlier, the sounds of wheels clinking against the pavement and engines roaring into the distance interrupted their very thoughts. His eyes then narrowed, and his hands clenched into fists.

He could make out the idea of who they might be, and by now, he was going to get his answer when he came out of the building and confronted them face-to-face with just himself. "They are here," he said to the others, his voice filled with a mix of fear, anger, and determination. Their conversation from hours ago seemed like an eternity, and yet, the moment of truth was finally upon them.

The car lights pierced through the windows like cold daggers, illuminating the interior of the restaurant. With each passing moment, the tension grew thicker and heavier with every step Elvis and his gang took towards the entrance of the establishment.

None of the four of them moved or said a word, but Sunny did. He stood up bravely and with a determined look at the frightened Lei, which was all he needed to give himself the strength to stop those thugs once and for all, and for the sake of innocent strangers, he couldn't stand to be bullied and humiliated.

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