Chapter 50

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Suffice it to say, Danny was starting to like the place despite being torn down abandoned warehouse. He and his now trusted ally continued walking together through another set of hallways, their footsteps echoing in the empty space.

"The people here seem nice," he said with a smile, finding the hospital to have a sense of belonging even though it was in the middle of nowhere. It was an odd thing to consider, but it was the truth. There are people who are willing to help others in need, and that was something he himself reminded someone else of.

"Is that so?" The head doctor said it in a friendly tone of voice. "I'm glad to hear that, especially with all the chaos that has been going on," he added, his eyes looking at the young man from the corner of his side.

"Everyone here has been in a rough situation since the cosmic maelstrom; now we have made this place our sanctuary, a beacon of hope for those who are lost or in need," he explained, his voice heavy with emotion. "We have our struggles, all of us fighting for survival, but we do our best to help each other out," he continued, showing the true grit of humanity in such a desolate world.

Curiosity sprung on Danny's face: "What happened to earth?" In a low voice, he finally decided to ask this bothersome question, knowing that the doctor would know the answer, "did a nuclear war find a way to happen?"

Doctor Hansel sighed deeply, his eyes softening as they met Danny's. "No, it wasn't a nuclear war, but something much bigger than that," he started.

"There was a mysterious event that came from space centuries ago, a cosmic maelstrom that caused the world to be thrown into chaos, eradicating all females regardless of age or species for reasons beyond our understanding." The first time he had spoken about it, the pain in his voice was undeniable, "and it left the remaining men to fight for survival after it came to fruition."

"Is there more?"

Snicker flicked across the doctor's lips. "Of course, it didn't stop there. Even when the world reeled from the loss of the female population, a profound transformation was taking place within humanity itself. The cosmic phenomenon responsible for our near extinction had unlocked latent powers dormant within the human psyche, awakening dormant potentials that lay dormant for eons. Across the globe, individuals like myself began to manifest extraordinary abilities that defies logic and the field of science; we call them Espers," he said, his eyes sparkling with fascination.

Danny was stunned, his mind racing with questions, before realization hit him like, "So that's why you had electricity flowing through your hands back there!" He exclaimed, finally piecing together the puzzle. "Its exactly how you saved the boy's father," he added, looking at the doctor with new-found respect. "Can everyone be like you?" The question filled him with curiosity as he tried to imagine the world with people having supernatural abilities.

Then a chuckle escaped from the head doctor's lips in response to the young man's question: "All of humanity are Espers," he answered with complete certainty, "however, most don't have the skill to unlock their personal powers for their advantage." Confusion clouded Danny's expression at this answer.

"How come?" Danny asked, unable to comprehend the idea of having a world full of Espers but only a few who can control their abilities, "Is it because of training or something?" He was guessing that the key to controlling these powers is through practice and learning, just like any other skill, or so he thought. But what came next would surprise him further.

"It's a long story, but in simpler terms, let me explain it to you like this." Stopping mid-walk, he turned around and stared straight at his eyes as if he were about to give an important lecture to his new student. "There is a invented new concept called electromagnetic field resonance, or EMFR for short, wherein an Esper's unique electromagnetic field interacts with the quantum particles that comprise their essence. Imagine each individual as a symphony of electromagnetic frequencies, harmonizing with the subatomic particles that dance within their being."

Listening through, Danny stood patiently, silently watching the doctor's movements and studying his face as he spoke. It was clear that Doctor Hansel was trying to convey something important, something that is not easily understood by the average human mind.

And he himself knows damn well that he is not some scientist or mathematician with a degree. Instead, Danny is finding it better to take it in small pieces, one by one, even if it makes him look a little dumb by standing along with someone who is far more knowledgeable than him.

"The awakening of an Esper's power begins with the alignment of their electromagnetic field with the quantum vibrations of the universe. Through a process akin to quantum entanglement, the Esper's consciousness becomes attuned to the subtle fluctuations of energy that permeate the cosmos, resonating with the primal rhythms of creation."

Hansel said in a serious tone, "but the true mastery of Esper abilities lies in the manipulation of these electromagnetic resonances through complex numerical calculations. As the Esper delves deeper into the mathematical tapestry of reality, they harness the power of calculus and algebra as well as other complex means to modulate the frequency and amplitude of their electromagnetic field, unleashing torrents of energy with precision and finesse."

Making himself look dumber than before, he decided to rectify what the doctor is trying to say. "Let me get straight," he started, scratching his head while trying to understand the concept.

"You're saying that our body has some kind of wave like radiation or whatever you just said, so it only requires someone like me to know how to calculate using functions to control these waves properly, right?" He asked, hoping to get a simple answer from the doctor, "and I'm a normal guy who is Esper like everyone else, but my body just has this unique wave of mine that I need to learn how to control it?"

Laughing softly, he nodded with a clear smile plastered on his face. "Yes, you can put it that way," Hansel answered, "but to quantify this process, we will introduce another concept of electromagnetic calculation or ECE, is a measure of an Esper's ability to manipulate their electromagnetic field through numerical computations. The higher the ECE, the more adept they are at channeling and directing the energies that flow within and around them."

"However, the true complexity of Esper abilities lies in the interplay between their individual electromagnetic fields and the quantum particles that comprise their essence. Each individual possesses a unique electromagnetic signature, shaped by their genetic makeup, life experiences, and spiritual resonance."

Every time this doctor spoke, Danny's head would fill with even more questions: "Uhh, sure...?" The first time he had heard something like this, and it was hard to wrap his mind around the idea.

"What is else flowing within and around us that we don't know about?" He asked, looking around at the torn pain of the walls between them, feeling a bit worried about how long he was going to stay here after hearing his doctor's never-ending lecture.

"Through rigorous training and mental discipline, Espers learn to unlock the latent potential within their electromagnetic field, tapping into reservoirs of energy that lie dormant within their being. With each calculation, they delve deeper into the mysteries of their own existence, uncovering hidden truths and unlocking new facets of their power." Puddle of sweat filled the doctor's forehead from the long flow of information he was giving to the young man, and even though it was exhausting, his throat was becoming seriously dry.

Coughing deeply, he finally took a step back, signaling for Danny to give himself a breather. "There is a lot to digest, I know, but I believe you are a quick learner," he said with a smile. "And trust me, everyone can do it with patience and practice," Hansel finished, knowing that the young man will eventually grasp the concept.

At first, Danny was conflicted and confused by the information he got from this man, but as he continued to ponder, he eventually understood everything: "So I have to be smart and know math?" A basic thought came to his mind: "I can do that, I guess," he said, feeling a bit more confident now. "But what if I can't?" An interesting scenario popped into his mind.

Feeling his throat drier than before, Hansel reached for a nearby water dispenser, pouring a plastic cup of water and taking a gulp before quickly throwing it in a nearby bin of trash. "That's why I am going to bring you to someone," he said, turning around with a firm expression. "You will get Infinitum." The first time he mentioned the name, Danny's attention was immediately drawn to the word.

"What is Infinitum?" To himself, it sounds like some magical device he heard in fairy tales, but the way Doctor Hansel spoke about it, it seems like it is something very important.

Bringing his own index finger up to his face, he then tapped his own forehead, saying, "It is a replacement of your brain for a supercomputer with artificial intelligence included to act as your guide. It greatly enhances individuals to harness their Esper powers with unparalleled ease and efficiency, while also maximizing all human senses and gaining additional sensory capabilities."

Eyes sparkling with interest in this topic as he continued further to explain, "In plain summary, Infinitum's ability to hack other systems and predict the future is only made possible by its immense computational power, advanced algorithms, intuitive user interfaces, and adaptive learning capabilities, all of which combine to offer individuals unprecedented insight and control in an ever-evolving world. Infinitum is like a digital library containing the knowledge of every subject, idea, and topic found on the internet."

He was speechless, and Danny found it hard to process the information. He knew that he was living in a world where the impossible was now reality, but this was just too much for him to handle. However, he doesn't like the fact he had to go through surgery.

"You have it, don't you?" That would explain why Hansel is so intelligent: "So what happens to me? Do I become a machine?" It was more of a joke than a serious question.

"What?!" Hansel was a little surprised by the second question that came out of the young man's mouth: "Of course not; it just makes you become smart like a supercomputer, but anyways, yes, I do have one after I got it by surgery," answering the first part of the question, "although the process may not be pleasant." The final words were left hanging in the air as he didn't want to scare the young man. "But it's a small price to pay for the power it brings," he added, trying to make the situation sound less dreadful.

Danny did not like the sound of that. "I see..." Looking down, he was thinking about the consequences of getting this Infinitum. "I am not sure yet," finally deciding to respond. "I need time to think about it," he said, feeling a bit hesitant. He never likes the thought of having foreign object inside his body acting as some kind of replacement, even if it does make him more powerful.

"Take all the time you need," the head doctor said with a reassuring smile. "I'll always be here waiting for your decision," he said, giving the young man a chance to decide whether or not he wanted to accept this opportunity. "Regardless, there is another reason why I brought you here with me."

Interest plagued his mind. "Really?" Danny finished, his curiosity piqued, and looking at the doctor with intrigued eyes, "What else do you want to show me?"

Shaking his head, "It's not that; I need your assistance with something," averting his attention from his, he regretfully continued, "There is a working radio that was discovered in some building not far from here; I can use it to communicate with nearby communities for essential trading and other forms of useful findings, but there is still a problem in hand," he explained with a hint of desperation in his voice, "no one is brave enough to come with me."

"You are asking me?" Danny repeated this in shock, unable to believe that the doctor was asking him to help him. "Me?" He is not some sort of mercenary or soldier; he is some amnesic guy who just woke up to world he doesn't recognize anymore. "Why me? I don't have any skills or talents to securely find the radio and bring it with us safely," he answered, wanting to know the reason behind the doctor's choice.

Sighing exhaustively, "I know, but you seem to be the only one that could help me," he finished, looking at Danny with eyes full of desperation. "There is no one else to fill your shoes; I trust you implicitly," he started, his voice heavy with emotion. "Just this one? Please? It's the least you can do for me after I saved your life."

Groaning angrily, Danny knew he couldn't say no, not after all the doctor had done for him. "Alright, I will go with you, but I can't promise neither of us are coming alive." Being cautious and firm in his decision, he added, "and I might need some weapons for protection; I don't have any experience dealing with dangerous things." He was hoping Hansel would understand the seriousness of the situation.

Tilting his head slightly, "weapons? You don't need those; I can protect the both of us with just my powers." As he said those words, blue electricity manifested all over his body, shining brightly. "But I do understand your concern," he continued. "I will make sure we get out of there unharmed." The spark of relief ignited inside the young man's heart.

"Thank goodness."

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