Chapter 1

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Gasping for air, a young man wearing a white turtleneck shirt and beige pants sat in front of his bedroom door, having awoken from a dream that seemed so real, he could almost feel it in his bones. His orange eyes wide open, he stared down at nothing for what seemed like minutes as he tried to gather his bearings for what had just transpired today.

Sunny can't understand why he sometimes has this perpendicular dream where he is greeted by the same person every day. It is unbelievable strange to have it occur 2-3 times a week, and he always woke up with troubled thoughts.

"What is happening to me?" He muttered to himself, running his fingers through his messy hair as he continued to reflect on this strange phenomenon. "Do I know her? It? Whatever or whoever it is, I just think that I'm going crazy overthinking about it." Sunny's words run together in rapid succession. As he sits there, pondering his current situation, the sun begins to rise outside.

Everyone dreams, and so does he. But what sets him apart is how he mastered lucid dreaming years ago and now has control over his dreams whenever he wants to. Although he never really thought that his ability to manipulate his dreams would come into use, for it is a skill anyone can do, it is still a nice hobby to do whenever he needs to escape this world.

But to experience a recurring dream that he could not control is baffling and disconcerting. He had never felt anything like it before, and it was as if something inside him was trying to break free. Does that mean something wrong is going on in his body? No, it's just all in his head, making him feel that there are problems going on in his mind.

"I don't believe this. Why am I thinking this way? Am I becoming paranoid?" That would be the only logical conclusion he can think of right now. There was no reason for his subconscious to conjure up images of someone calling out for him like that unless he was going insane. Then again, maybe he should talk to someone about it because it is getting too hard to keep it bottled up inside. "Ugh, I think I'm becoming nothing more than a stupid idiot. Maybe I just need to relax for a bit..."

Sighing deeply, Sunny got up from his spot, stretching his arms and legs before heading towards the nearest window, where he could smell the fresh air and see the beautiful city outside. The room he stayed in was quite spacious and neatly decorated with modern furniture, giving off a comfortable atmosphere for anyone who entered.

Moving to the glass window, he opened it with ease, letting the morning breeze blow into the room. As he breathed in the refreshing air, he couldn't help but think about the dream he had just experienced. "What could it mean?" He asked himself as he leaned over the windowsill. "Ah, the morning is here already... I guess it's time to get ready for the day..."

After the near-complete extinction of the human race, the greatest of minds came together to create a utopia for the remaining men who survived or wished to escape the dead world they previously inhabited. Producing a beacon of hope for humanity, the angeloids are the perfect caretakers and companions to the remnants of the world. They are beautiful, kind, and caring, but also strong and capable, able to protect and defend those under their charge.

Or so they said.

Looking out to the bustling streets of the futuristic and modern city, several armed angeloids patrolled the area, watching over the citizens with eagle-eyed vigilance. Their sleek bodies gleamed in the morning sunlight, and their movements were graceful and precise. The only thing that differentiates humans is the fact that they possess some noticeable mechanical parts that are entirely made out of synthetic material and probably some other resources that man hasn't yet discovered yet.

Moving vehicles zipped past the street, filled with people going about their daily lives. Some of the men were heading home with their android girlfriends, wives, or whatever they preferred to call them. Others were walking in pairs, chatting and laughing with their fellow citizens. As he watched the scene play out in front of him, Sunny couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

For all the hedonism every man is doing as the android serve their every need, Sunny wants to admit that their lifestyle they are having is beginning to be really repetitive even though so many centuries has been since man has been enjoying the fruits of their labors. Their days consist of sleeping, eating, entertainment,and studying, and then repeating the cycle all over again.

He still cannot deny that such a peaceful life is truly blissful. After all, he is living in a world where there is no war or violence and where everyone is equal. But deep down, he knows something is missing. A part of him longs for more than what this sanctuary has to offer. "Probably I should go try out those new simulation headsets everyone is talking about," he mumbled to himself.

A sudden commotion outside drew his attention back to the present moment. Turning his gaze to the source of the noise, he saw a group of angeloids gathered around a fallen figure. Squinting his eyes further, he noticed it was a man with icy blue eyes, pale skin, and dark hair who looked like he was unconscious.

The man wore a black jacket, pants, and boots, with silver accents on his clothing. He looked like he might be in his twenties, judging by his appearance.They were surrounding him, their expressions indifferent to what had happened, as the chatter was too distant for him to hear what they were saying in the first place. It was almost like they were discussing a subject of little importance.

"What is going on?" This is the first time in his life he has seen something different, but suffice to say, he experiences different things when it comes to interacting with and seeing other human beings. "Was he drunk or something?" Usually, it's not his business to peeve into another's life, but he can't help when there is a scene happening outside of his house.

Suddenly, the androids turned their heads to him; the eyes of these women were icy cold. It was as if they could see through him, and they didn't like what they saw while people continued to pass them, not minding their business as usual. And by their sight alone, it sort of unnerves him, but not to the degree of hiding within his own sheets.

Having no clue what to do in this awkward situation, Sunny cautiously waved at them with a friendly smile, hoping that they would leave him alone and go away. Instead, the androids continued to stare at him with unwavering intensity. "Uh... hi," he greeted them nervously, knowing for fact they could hear him from this distance due to their increased senses.

One by one, none of them responded to his greeting. In fact, their stares have grown colder to the point of making Sunny feel uncomfortable. Feeling the pressure of their glares, he was ready to leave from the window when they all started giggling like school girls. This sudden change in demeanor caught him off guard, causing him to blink in confusion. "Why are they acting like this? Did I do something wrong? What is happening?" These questions swirled in his mind as he tried to make sense of the situation.

When it hit him like a track, "oh..." Blushing heavily, he almost forgot that angeloids can sometimes be jokesters, teasing men, especially when they are shy about something. "Well, they sure did scare me for a second there... I guess I should go back to my room now," Sunny said to himself as he watched them wave back at him in return, showing their playful plastered grins.

Puffing in embarrassment, he retreated from the window with his cheeks burning red. "Man, I can't believe they got me like that," he chuckled to himself. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. I should prepare for today anyway. I wouldn't want to be late for my classes," Sunny stated to himself, feeling like he had wasted enough time staring outside of the window.

The truth to be told about this society is that men still have to go to assigned buildings meant for learning in regards to math, science, and other subjects that will benefit them in maintaining their use of powers or unlocking them, for after the cosmic malestorm that descended upon the world, all of humanity was awakened with superhuman abilities that defy the laws of reality.

However, nearly all of them have varied so far; everyone is required to attend The University of Espers, as every Esper in this Ark requires complex calculations of how, when, what, and where their power should be used in order to prevent any accidents from happening. Moreover, this place serves as a hub for all the male population in the ark to learn and study math as well as other important subjects to properly manipulate their powers.

For it is simply not like any ordinary superpower people find in the comics, but rather, it requires a lot of understanding in analyzing and interpreting the numerical patterns that govern reality, gaining insights into the underlying structure of the universe and the mathematical principles that shape it, as well as understanding quantum mechanics to further the precise calculations needed to activate and manipulate their powers.

It is indeed a difficult and complex task, but it is necessary to avoid any unwanted consequences from happening.Therefore, every student must attend classes in order to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to unlock their true potential. But for someone like himself, he hardly wonders what kind of abilities he possesses after being forced to attend the university to study.

Most men currently lack the ability to use their powers; others have a hard time grasping their unique abilities; some are afraid of them; and then there are those who are skilled but not interested, for the ark already has everything provided for them. So everyone in the city is not really keen on even using them in their daily lives. He finds it strange to begin with when the authority demands everyone study to unlock their powers for reasons beyond him. Probably these angeloids wanted to have full control of their population.

Shaking his head, Sunny went over to the nearest closet to get his bag. Just as he was about to open them, a pack of unorganized clothes poured all over him like a waterfall. "Crap," he cursed, being brought down to the floor with the pile submerging his entire body. "Dad will be pissed," he joked, finding this quite humorous given what he had just done.

Part of him wanted to scream at the top of his lungs in frustration at this mess. However, he knew that his father would not be happy to see the state of his closet, so he decided to clean it up himself. "I should have organized this sooner." Pushing away the clothes over him, he carefully stood up while brushing the dirt off of him.

The mess that Sunny created was a mountain of clothes. It seemed as if they had exploded from his closet. There were shirts, pants, socks, and underwear everywhere. Some weren't even folded or put away properly. Price to pay when he is severely too lazy to do laundry. Despite the chaos, he felt oddly content. The sheer volume of clothes made him realize just how much stuff he owned.

Judging from that amount, he knew how dear his family is to him. Willingly go the extra mile for him to provide the best he deserves, he thought. "Thanks, dad, for always providing me with this stuff," he said aloud, thanking his parents in advance. Even though he is a young adult now, Sunny still feels grateful for all the things his family has done for him throughout his life.

Scratching his hair, he decided it would be best for those girls to clean up the mess. Sunny can't be late for school or else the professor will surely force him to stay overnight to have a private lesson, and he doesn't want to imagine himself being alone while listening to that boring lecture. "I really need to go," he sighed in assurance, not wanting to waste any more time staying here.

The sound of a gentle knocking outside his bedroom door alarmed him as two conjoined feminine voices spoke in unison just behind the barrier, "Its time for you to wake up!" Their mirthful tone caused him to turn around. "If you don't open up, we're going to break it down like before~" They teased
him playfully.

"You wouldn't dare," he replied back, slightly afraid on what is to come.

"Oh, come on, you know we would." One of them giggled, their voice light and airy.

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