Chapter 22

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The quiet night in this city is beautiful, like the calm before the storm. The wind blows in a gentle manner, as if it were trying to lull the world into a deep slumber.

Peaceful and serene, it is the perfect time for the world to rest. But it was also the time when the most unexpected things could happen, and this night is no exception, for it is always teeming with surprises that can leave one in awe.

In a world where the living and the machine coexist, where Esper powers are as common as the air people breathe and the paranormal is as real as the ground beneath their feet, there is a young man who stood among the silent streets.

With his final breath, he opened his eyes and stood mindlessly where he was standing. After the song ended, Sunny looked around at the once-crowded roads and streets where many of Elvis thugs had surrounded him, now empty and desolate.

Only sounds that could be heard were the soft rustling of the leaves as the wind blew through the trees and the faint hum of unoccupied cars with their headlights still on. He also saw dozens of corpses inflicted with varied injuries coming from their own actions and the mysterious events that unfolded.

Removing his earphones and placing them back into his pockets, Sunny inhaled the icy cold air deeply, feeling the sting of the coldness on his lungs, a refreshing sensation that he had missed for quite some time. His heart was pounding so fast he could barely hear his own thoughts before releasing a long sigh.

"I did this." He didn't expect they would die, let alone them willingly to go far in attacking him. "So many dead bodies." The sight bothers him of witnessing this much violence.

But he knows he can't change what has already happened. All he can do is live with the consequences of defending himself and the people in need. "Its not like I got any choice," a grim look crossed his face. "They were about to kill me, and I can't allow that to happen." The guilt of taking another's life was still weighing heavily on his conscience, but he knew there was no other way. Moreover, this is his first time doing so.

On one hand, he doesn't know how his Esper powers activated by themselves; it is still a fact that their deaths are still his responsibility.

"Is this really my fault?" Looking down at his open palms, he wondered if those men he killed were his doing. "No, I don't think so," refusing to believe he is the one in fault, "I don't have control over whatever my power is," admitting that there is a part of him that is unsure of how his abilities work; "it decides for me; I just follow."

He is not trying to justify his actions; merely stating the truth, as this is his first time seeing a man die in front of him, let alone a lot of them surrounding him from this site.

Around him were like the battlefield of a war that has just ended. From the fallen thugs, a mix of fear and anger were present in their lifeless eyes, along with fear of how it transpired. However, behind those eyes was a desire for revenge for their fallen comrade.

While he can't deny they brought themselves to their downfall, it still bothers him some of them still are capable in caring about someone else despite how bad they are, "hmm?" Drip of water fell from the sky, "it feels wrong," he said, looking up as pour of rain began dropping all over the city.

Sunny isn't sure how to process this, "should I feel regret?" Decent human being needs to regret when they take a life, even if it was self-defense, "I felt..." So many emotions ran  through his head, "scared, sad, and a little bit of relief," he admitted, "but that's not enough, is it?"

The rain crushed down harder than before as he ponder of whether to feel remorse or not, "Its the right thing to do,"he can't help but feel uneasy of the blood on his hands, "I just want this all to end," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the patter of the rain.

His a good person. He wants to do the right thing. That's what Sunny strives for in being alive. The question is, does he still remain that person after witnessing and living through this night? "Yes, that's right..."

Clenching his fists tightly, "a decent human being needs to feel remorseful," he believed, finding it ridiculous to not feel bad for his enemies. "That is what I should feel right now, but it is becoming difficult." Somehow, there are other conflicting emotions inside of him that he is struggling to understand.

As the rain continued to fall, he couldn't help but wonder why he felt so detached from all of this. He just can't pick the appropriate emotion for this situation. It's all too confusing for him to understand, as if this one night had changed him completely in how he perceives the world around him.

"Why can't I choose which one is right?" He asked himself, trying to make any sense of this. "I hate this," scowling in disdain of what happened, "I hate all of this," glancing around where there are only dead bodies surrounding him.

He never considers himself a vigilante or hero but a man who strives to do what is right. And yet here he is, conflicted about how he feels about the situation.

"What's the point of all this?" he grumbled. "Why do I feel so...empty?" The deaths of these men changed him, and he didn't even realize it. Something is not right about himself. "I think I need a rest," exhaustion and mental fatigue were taking a toll on him. "I'm going home," speaking to only himself from the loneliness he was feeling from this.

Before Sunny could make another move, a firm metal hand touched his. "Sunny, let's go inside," Lei softly
spoke, the familiar face of his friend appearing behind him.

"Its raining heavily out here," she said, her voice filled with worry and care. "Come on, you are going to get cold." The growing concern in her eyes was evident from the way she spoke. Its an emotional scene, and Sunny is overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of her.

With one word uttering from his mouth, "sure," was the only thing that came out of his lips as he followed her, his steps faltering a little due to the emotions running high within him. He was in shock, heartbroken, and confused, but also relieved after the situation was resolved in an unexpected turn of events as the rain continued to fall hard against the ground. Where his heart was heavy from the weight of the situation, his mind was equally burdened by the magnitude of the reality he now finds himself in.

Bringing him inside the restaurant, she let go of him. The moment concerned Malcom and excited Tom came rushing towards the two of them. They both noticed the change in Sunny, the haunted look in his eyes, and the solemnity in his demeanor.

However, Tom was too blind in seeing this from how much he was happy to know they are dealt without much hassle. "I knew you could it, man!" His mirthful tone was a stark contrast to the subdued atmosphere that enveloped his friend.

"Right paps?!" Switching his attention to his father, "pa?" The old man's face showed a mix of melancholy and sympathy as he looked at Sunny.

"Lei?" Tom turned to her only to receive the same expression his father is having: "Guys, we won! Why are you all so serious?" He couldn't see the blood on Sunny's hands, not understanding the cost of achieving victory as well as the consequences of their actions. His happiness was innocent and pure, a stark contrast to the guilt and uncertainty that Sunny was feeling.

"Am I a bad person?"

Sunny suddenly announced, and the atmosphere was broken by the solemn words that hung in the air. The room went silent as everyone's eyes fell on him, waiting for his answer. "Am I? Tom?" Slowly lifting his head up, he looked at Tom with a dulled expression.

"You don't think so, do you?" He asked, seeking reassurance from his new friend. "I didn't want this to happen." His voice was barely a whisper. "I didn't want to hurt anyone, especially not like this.The tears were starting to form in his eyes.But I didn't have a choice," he cried as silence was the only response he received from them.

The three of them exchanged looks, each of them trying to find the correct words to say. Malcom stepped forward, a soothing hand on Sunny's shoulder. "No, boy, you did what you had to do to protect yourself and others," he said gently.

"It's not your fault nor your responsibility in their deaths; you did what you had to do." The repetitive answer didn't seem to ease the guilt that was gnawing at his heart. "Your not bad person, Sunny. You were shown to be an individual who puts others before himself, and that is what makes you a good guy," he said, hoping his words would provide him some comfort.

Sneering at the expected response, "That's what you wanted me to hear," Sunny turned and began walking away, much to everyone's shock. "I'm going to take a nap in the restroom." The pain in his voice was unmistakable, and the hurt and confusion were evident in his every step as he left them behind.

It was a heartbreaking scene, and it was clear that he was struggling to come to terms with the events that transpired for him as the group watched him leave, no one daring to move until Lei tried to call him out for this.

"Sunny! Wait!" Running after him, she was determined to make him stay and talk about the things that were bothering him, "let's go home instead! You don't need to sleep in—"

Her entire body immediately froze when she saw his head turning  back, a mix of fear and relief flooding her veins, "Sunny..." Stopping herself from going any further, she took step back after seeing the heavyhearted look on his face, believing it is best for him to reflect on his actions alone than having someone else making things worse for him.

"I'll be fine Lei," he said, his voice was soft and tired, "just...leave me alone for a while, okay?" With his parting words, he returned walking  away, leaving her standing there with a sad and worried expression on her face. The night was far from over, but the storm inside his heart was just beginning.

It was a moment of clarity that Sunny himself needed to find to fully understand what he has done and how his life will change because of it. A difficult journey that he must undertake all by himself.

Leaving them dumbfounded and worried, Sunny took all the emotional turmoil with him as he entered the public restroom, his hands shaking the moment he entered inside while the storm outside continued to rage. The one night that changed him is now a heavy weight on his shoulders, a burden that he must carry for the rest of his life.

Locking himself in this one-man restroom, he sighed exhaustively from the amount of emotions that he was feeling. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry," he murmured, his voice barely audible to his own ears as he dropped to his knees, his head bowed down low on the clean floor.

In the dimly lit, one-man restroom, simplicity and cleanliness were its most prominent features. The stark white walls, unblemished by any markings or stains, seemed to radiate a sense of purity amidst the swirling chaos of the world outside.

The gleaming porcelain of the sink and the toilet invited a sense of comfort, untouched by the grime and wear of time. Its fluorescent light overhead cast a sterile glow, bathing the otherwise empty space in a cold, clinical light. The air inside was still and quiet, the absence of sound a testament to the solitude of the room.

While the smell of disinfectant lingered in the air, masking the faint scent of urine, it only served to accentuate the feeling of cleanliness. It was a sanctuary, a temporary reprieve from the tumultuous world beyond the door. The silence here was profound, a stark contrast to the cacophony of the rain and the bustling city.

The only sounds that broke the stillness were Sunny's labored breaths, a poignant reminder of the turmoil within him. His heartbeat, a steady thrum, echoed in his ears, drowning out the noise of the storm.

He stayed there for a long time, not caring about anything else but what he needed to feel for this moment. Sunny believed himself to be a good person, striving to do the right thing, but what else is he supposed to do when there are forces beyond his control?

Especially when he despised his enemies for their actions—the ones who forced him to make the hardest decision of his life in defending himself and those he cared about. Its strange how the world can change in a matter of seconds, and he is trying to adjust to the new reality that he is living in.

Anger, satisfaction, confusion, and guilt were all swirling in his chest, a kaleidoscope of emotions that he struggled to process and understand. He is a man who wants to do the right thing as he keeps repeating himself, but sometimes the right thing is very hard to discern, "who should I be?!"

Gritting his teeth  as he slammed his palms against the cold and hard surfaces, he felt a moment of release, "I'm so tired of this!" Shouting on top of his lungs, the tears finally spilled over.


Then voice came out near him, "why must you be so concerned of it?" Its Sunny's voice, well the reflection of himself speaking through a mirror just above the sink, "stand up and come look at me," he commanded, a calm and collected tone that was so unlike the distressed young from moments ago, "its not very hygienic to be touching on a public restroom's floor isn't it?" The sudden appearance of himself made Sunny stood up and comply while still unsure of what to do anymore in this situation.

Reaching to where the sink is, he once again was visited by no more than his own reflection, "what?" He tiredly asked, too sick of  himself to even be surprised by the events.

"Relax and take breather, you just defeated those guys and now your feeling bad over their deaths?"

Snickering in response, "I don't know how I should feel about that," he  replied, "I never wanted to kill anyone, let alone in such a brutal way," to be fair, he was ready to defend those who needs it but the deaths of those men, especially how they died based on their injuries still leaves bad taste in his mouth, "that's why I'm here, trying to figure this out."

The reflection smiled of this silly answer, "you did what you had to do, haven't they already told you that?" He asked before softly laughing at the obvious answer, "so many times, I know," its been a long day for Sunny but he knows  he needed to talk to himself to fully understand the gravity of the situation he is in, "now let me ask you this, who do you want to be?" The question was like a slap to the young man's face, a realization that he has to decide on his own what kind of person he wants to be.

"To strive in doing what is right," Sunny answered, not  hesitating to give the answer that he truly believes in, "to put others before myself and to not be afraid of the fear that is in my heart," that is what a good person should be according but do I need to suffer for it? "

His reflection didn't respond right away; instead, it gave him a knowing nod. "Yes, there will always be a cost to doing the right thing. Sometimes you can't save everyone, or deaths are unavoidable in times like this. The world can't be a perfect place like you wish it to be."

"But remember, you did all this to protect the people you care about, to ensure their safety and to keep the hope alive, " he said, smiling ear to ear from this, "most of all, the person you wanted to be is you being true to yourself and finding what suits you as person of this society."

Eyes lowered, Sunny thought long  and hard about this, "I guess that's true," he muttered, the weight of the world on his shoulders lessening just a little bit, "perhaps this is a motivating reason why I need to get out of this place and find who I am," the words were like a newfound revelation to him, a spark of hope in the darkness that he was feeling, "and maybe I could become agent of good  for others in the future," the idea was a pleasant one to him, "only if I can live with the choices I have to make," he said, his voice soft and pensive.

"You are good person, regretting what you did even when the situation requires violence in return. Truly, you are the pinnacle of humanity," his reflection smiled, the genuine warmth of the words reaching out to him, "but the key is to find a balance, to be strong and compassionate at the same time. Someday, when the time is right, the world will see that being a good person doesn't always mean what should dictate you to be, but how you choose to be and what you stand for. You will be the one to show them that."

The last line was spoken with a gentle conviction, a belief in the young man's heart: "Take heart, Sunny; you will overcome the world and its ills just like you have done tonight." The words were a source of comfort to him, a reminder that he must keep fighting in his pursuit of striving for what is right.

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