Chapter 37

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Walking aimlessly in the early morning streets, Sunny moved in cautious silence, his footsteps light and his eyes scanning the horizon. His thoughts were distracted by memories of the past and the present, but mostly the future, which seemed uncertain and filled with unknowns.

He kept his head down, trying to blend in with the crowd, his orange eyes darting between pedestrians and street lamps, searching for the safest and most inconspicuous path to the Ark's headquarters.

Yet no matter where he goes, the feeling of being lost and alone without his family by his side still lingers, a constant reminder of the life he is beginning to leave behind for his own selfish reasons.

"Why am I doing this?" He asked himself, his shoulders heavy with the weight of the decision he had made. "It's worth it, I promise," motivating himself to keep going despite the consequences he would face. But there was one certain problem once he reached there.

"What am I going to do?"

Adjusting his glasses, he let out a sigh of tense exhaustion before lifting his head at the beautiful morning sky. "If only I just had more time to spend with them," Sunny whispered sadly. The tone of his voice reeks of depression and melancholy.

"I guess death is inevitable."

Sighing once more, he lowered his head towards the sidewalk in front of him as bystanders continued to move about in their daily lives, completely unaware of the turmoil he was going through.

The flame of jealousy ignites within the depths of his soul when he notices several pedestrians expressing laughter and smiles with their loved ones, moving in tandem within their ordinary lives.

"They are so lucky," he said, laced with envy and sorrow. "I wish I could continue in being like them," yearning for the desire of peace in mind, but he knows better not to dwell on it too much; after all, he had already experienced it for a long time, and knowing himself, it is better to see what lies beyond the confines of his prison than to continue the illusion that the world has placed on him.

As much as he had enjoyed living in the Ark, the spark inside of him still resides, telling him to go out of the bubble he had created for himself and see what life has to offer.

Perhaps the world outside is harsher, but it is also full of endless possibilities, which makes him more eager to search for his true path in life. In a way, spending all of his time being conflicted in a life he didn't outright desire at the bottom of his heart isn't what a person his age should strive for after staying here for a long time.

Sunny is smart enough to realize this lifestyle isn't the one he wants to live anymore. Instead, going far beyond these walls, he can create his own new life, one that is not bound by the limitations of his current existence as suited by the people around him.

He desires freedom, the possibility of learning, growing, and adapting, the ability to make his own choices, to forge his own path, to be the captain of his own destiny, and most of all, to realize there is something beautiful and worse than where he is right now.

A small smile graced his lips at the thought of it; maybe he is an anomaly not suited to eternally live amongst the citizens of the Ark. Perhaps fate has other plans for him, and he must accept them, embracing the change and uncertainty that lie ahead.

Whatever the case, he already has accepted it due to how everything is starting to collapse itself when he spends his entire existence living here. Eventually, things change and evolve, and he needs to catch up with the times by leaving the safety of his home to explore the vast expanse of the world.

And that is what he is about to do, as regardless of how satisfied some of these strangers are with their lives, there are always people in this world who wish for something different compared to what they have now.

Its a never-ending cycle of growth, change, and the pursuit of happiness, and he is ready to join that journey to discover who he truly is and what he is capable of in becoming not just the path he yearns to seek out but also the better man of tomorrow. That is what he wants to become.

Inhaling the fresh air with his nostrils, the Ark's streets were a symphony of activity, a sight of unity where everyone was at peace with one another.

The cool air spilled through the atmosphere as the chatter of the inhabitants mingled with the wheels of moving cars on the roads.

An orchestra of sounds, a dance of lights—the world around him is filled with so many activities that he couldn't help but want to hear some music right about now.

He is a stranger in this place, but the rhythm of the city seems to be calling him, the pulse of the streets beckoning him to step forward and be a part of it.

Like a seductive lady waiting near the street light, the miraculous city itself is whispering its secrets to him—a siren's call to come closer, to take a bite of its sweet nectar—in hopes of stopping Sunny from continuing to pursue his journey in finding his path in life.

But no matter how alluring this city tries to be, he will never stop until he discovers the truth—his truth—of what it means to live.

"It won't hurt to try," he said lowly, smiling from ear to ear as he began to take out his earphones from his pocket. "I'll listen to the city's song," locking his eyes on the bustling streets around him, the urge of his addiction was increasing second by second from the relaxing scene unfolding before him.

The vibrant colors of the city, the sounds of the people, the smell of the food, the taste of the air—it all calls out to him in just taking a breath of fresh and relaxing atmosphere. "Maybe this is what I need," he said, his voice filled with hope and anticipation, "a chance to hear the music of the city."

After putting in his earphones, he wastes no time immediately using his smartphone to select a track before putting it back in his pockets.

The uplifting, catchy song resonates with the beat of his surroundings, as the rhythm of the pedestrians along with the moving cars and whistling of the wind harmonize with the tune he chose.

"This is perfect," he said, his eyes scanning the city with a newfound appreciation. "I can feel the city's pulse," his voice filled with satisfaction, "it's alive," and his smile grew wider than ever.

"Fear the nostalgic in your bones~♪"

He can feel it in his bones; the song was more than just music but a seduction of the city's energy. "I never knew I could love this place," he said, his eyes gazing up at the skyscrapers around him. "I never knew I could be a part of it," his voice filled with a sense of belonging.

"I never knew I could be free," his smile spread across his face as he took a deep breath of the fresh air. "But I do now," he concluded, his eyes shining with a newfound sense of purpose and belonging in the world outside of the Ark.

"Baby, you're coming home~♪"

His eyes gleamed with determination, feeling stronger than ever.

"Stopping by the station to refill the gas~♪" 

With the song playing inside of his ears, his head was bopping as if he were in some nightclub; whistling to the rhythm of the music, his whole body started to move in sync with the beat. "Ah, yeah!" Sunny exclaimed loudly at the music filling his ears.

As exciting as it was, listening to music always makes him feel alive, and this moment of serenity he is experiencing right now was exactly what he needed to break out of the problems he is facing right now. It was a sight to see. His eyes were sparkling with the joy he felt from what he was currently listening to.

"Chocolate and sweets; juices and snacks~♪"

There is still a lot of uncertainty ahead of him, but for now, he is content in this moment of bliss. Showing just how much he is relaxed in just a few minutes, his worries and fears have momentarily vanished like the morning mist in the sun, where all he can focus on is the harmonious blend of the city's sounds and the song playing in his earphones.

No one can stop him from now on, as long as he continues to vibe. He will always turn out to be the master of his own destiny with newfound confidence and courage.

Sunny continued walking with his music still playing through his earphones, not stopping or looking back; he was committed to the new path and journey ahead of him.

With the worries already behind him, he is now focusing on the future that lies ahead, not taking any interest in what his troubled mind had created for him previously.

He feels unstoppable, unbreakable, and strong; the entire world itself is beginning to unravel before him, revealing a new world full of endless possibilities he can easily take on without worrying or thinking in the back of his mind to tell him in any other way.

The song is still playing, but the background noise of the city is growing less, signaling that he is heading in the right direction despite still being on the public streets of the city. Where he continues to move towards his destination, a new chapter in his life.

It's a good feeling he won't forget—the feeling of freedom he now experiences—something that he would never want to let go of nor think of even removing. Freedom is what drives him to give him life and to continue the chase of his ambitions that are waiting for him on the distant horizon.

Just as he continued tuning with his music, he accidentally bumped into someone while lost in his thoughts. "Oh, sorry," he apologized, his eyes widening in surprise at the sudden encounter.

"I wasn't paying attention." His expression became filled with embarrassment over his reckless actions. Removing his earphones, his former face morphed into surprise at seeing a familiar young man sitting on the ground after his fall.

"Tom?!" He answered quickly, his voice leveled in shock and recognition at seeing him again.

The young waiter was visibly in pain from the accident but still managed to smile weakly. "Hey man, long time no see," he answered, feeling his ass burning from the sensation of falling down on the pavement beneath him. "Mind giving me a hand?" Extending his right hand towards his friend, Sunny immediately obliged without hesitation.

"Sure thing," he said, rushing to his aid, his eyes filled with concern for his injured friend lying on the concrete floor.

He felt bad again, remembering how he was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice the people around him.

By being so focused on his life, he forgets that others too are struggling in their own way in this world, not just him. Making him feel selfish for only thinking about himself and allowing himself to be indulged in what he wished to become.

Sunny helped Tom up to his feet. "Are you okay? You look like you seriously got hurt from your fall," he asked, inspecting his friend carefully for any signs of injuries. "I should take you to the hospital."

"Dude what?" He responded with shock, "I'm fine, seriously." Insisting on Sunny's worries, he shook his own head to dismiss his friend's concerns.

"It's just a minor bruise; don't worry about it," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "Anyways, where are you heading to?" Tom asked, changing the subject quickly as he tried to switch the topic from his own misfortune.

Sunny replied, his eyes gazing off into the distance, "I'm planning to leave the Ark," stating his decision boldly, it was full of conviction from the very words he spoken that his friend could sense the sincerity in his tone. Showing a sense of purpose and determination in what he wanted to achieve by doing something dangerous and stupid altogether.

"Your joking, right?"

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