Chapter 21

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Everyone couldn't utter a word in this scene after everything that happened. Just when their beloved boss died in front of their very eyes, the young man continued to play his imaginary violin while listening to music as if he were the one being part of its orchestra.

It's as if the entire world has conspired against them, and the young man was at the center of it all. All around him had his complete attention, some where in disbelief of seeing him acting like this while others were more than ready to avenge their leader.

Within his own mind, the world around him is a stage where he stands in the spotlight, playing the violin amongst the crowd. He could feel the vibrations of the bow against the strings and the melody of the music that only he could hear, and he enjoyed it in every sense.

His movements were graceful and elegant—a performance that was meant to be seen. If only the audience would open their eyes and appreciate his art, he would be more than happy to share the beautiful melody with them. Smiling all the while, his eyes still closed, he continued to play through the quiet streets of a wonderful night.

One thug looked down at their boss's corpse, gripping his metal bat tightly. "What the hell just happened?" He whispered under his breath, his voice trembling with both anger and confusion. No one had any answers for him, not even the most experienced of the group.

Yet as he looked up at the person responsible, all he could see was his deep fury against the young man. "I'm going to kill him!" He declared, his eyes narrowing to slits as he took a step forward, while others followed suit, equipped with knives, blades, and all sorts of easily accessible weapons.

As they charged, their screams echoed through the night: "Die!" They yelled in unison, their anger and hatred for the young man fueling their every move. However, Sunny didn't move an inch from his spot or open his eyes to see them coming.

Instead, he continued playing if he was alone in a concert hall; his smile never faltered. The music in his ears was his shield, his weapon, and his hope. It was the only thing that kept him sane and relaxed in such a dangerous situation he got himself into.

Behind him, where his companions safely hid inside the restaurant as they watched the scene from their windows, Tom, his father, and Lei watched from the comfort of their zone, their eyes focused entirely on what was unfolding before them.

Neither had understood what would transpire from this, but all agreed that Sunny would win regardless of how dangerous the situation was. It was like watching a show that was meant to be seen—a battle of wit and power that was bound to end in the young man's favor.

From continuing his play, unexplainable events began to transpire when all of them had the intent of killing Sunny. From their body language to the tone of voice and the eyes, these men were filled with nothing but murderous intentions. The very aura of their malicious intentions was a beacon for them to act.

To exact judgment on his enemies and protect him from such threats. Making the world itself bend to his will in order to keep him safe. Its consequences are for those who dared to challenge him, and the ones who will suffer the most are the ones who started it all.

The night erupted in a chaotic symphony of violence as the thugs' vengeful charges collided with a maelstrom of unpredictability. The very world around Sunny seemed to transform into a malignant entity, bending to his will as the universe orchestrated a twisted ballet of retribution.

One of the assailants, in his frenzied rush, stumbled over a discarded shopping cart, sending him crashing headfirst into a lamppost. The impact was brutal, and he lay unmoving, a ghastly spectacle of broken bones and crushed dreams.

Another would-be assailant, with his eyes fixated on the young violinist, attempted to hurl a knife, only for the projectile to veer off course midflight, embedding itself in a nearby parked car's tire. The resulting flat tire sent the vehicle lurching backward, crushing the attacker's legs beneath its weight.

His screams of agony echoed through the night, a haunting counterpoint to the eerie silence that had previously enveloped the scene. Elsewhere, a group of two thugs tried to gang up on Sunny from behind, but a sudden gust of wind blew a stack of wooden pallets from a nearby construction site. The pallets collided with the pair, sending them sprawling to the ground, momentarily stunned.

In the midst of the chaos, one tried to open fire with a pistol in hand only to have the bullet miss him, ricochet off an unyielding brick wall, and strike his accomplice, the one who was still recovering from the pallet barrage. The gunman froze, his eyes widening in horror as he watched his friend crumple to the ground, a pained expression etched on his face.

A fourth thug, about to lunge at Sunny, slipped on a puddle of liquid that had mysteriously appeared from nowhere. The fall broke his concentration, and he landed awkwardly, dislocating his neck in the process and instantly killing the poor sod.

A large and bulkier man holding a two-handed construction hammer charged at Sunny's direction suddenly swung in the opposite direction, striking the very same thug on the head who was trying to open fire. His head exploded in gory mess from the impact as it killed him.

The blow had also become devastating, shattering the hammer's wooden handle and sending the wielder to a nearby wall before being impaled by a three-foot-long rusted nail in the back of his neck.

One cautious thug who saw his friends dying one by one had decided to play in safe distance, fleeing away while laughing manically, "You are going to pay, you bastard! Were going to make sure of—" He was interrupted when a car came out of nowhere, screeching to a halt in front of him.

Sadly for him, it was too late as the impact of the vehicle sent him flying through the air, crashing hard on the ground, leaving a trail of blood and broken bones while dying slowly from the hit. "Dammit..." With his last words, his eyes slowly closed shut, as the only thing he saw was the driver exiting from his vehicle with a horrified look.

Amidst the chaos, Lei watched him with fascination at what was happening in front of him. Having spent her entire life with Sunny, the only thing in their lives she isn't aware of is his Esper ability.

But now seeing strange events appear out of nowhere to protect him from those vengeful assailants had made her think about the power Sunny possessed: "What is he...?" She whispered under her breath, her eyes never leaving the scene, "Is this his power?" There are many things she knows about how Espers operate.

Telekinesis, clairvoyance, and manipulation of elements are the most common things that one possesses. But there are some who don't fit into that category. Those who wield inconceivable power that no one, not even herself, can understand clearly how they make sense.

She wondered, "Could he be one of those rare individuals?" Lei knew that Sunny's power wasn't something that could be quantified or measured in the traditional sense after seeing this. Many things run through her head from the possible explanations, but the one that stuck out was "karma." Karma is a force of cosmic balance, where every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Is this what he is doing? She thought, trying to connect the dots. Perhaps the way he's been able to avoid danger, the way he's been living his life without much harm coming to him.

Or she is suggesting something else that's more personal and more individualistic. A power that he himself doesn't even know he possesses. Neither gives her an answer as to why he is doing this in the first place. But one thing is for sure: Sunny is going to come out alive, and that is all that matters to her in the end, not how he is doing it.

Yet Lei is rather curious what kind of force is playing against those attackers. A force or possibly a concept that keeps the young man safe, and the one she believes is the guiding principle of his survival.

It is a force of nature that is beyond human understanding, a balance that is maintained within the very fabric of the universe. So whatever is protecting him from all of these threats, it must be something known to man, and she doesn't know which one. But she knows for certain that they are getting what they deserve.

"Their dying paps!" Tom said with surprise and a little bad of their lives being brutally killed in front of their eyes, "I know they brought themselves to this situation, but I still can't help but feel bad for them," admitting that despite his willingness to defend his business all the while ready to kill them when the situation demands it, he nonetheless felt a twinge of sympathy from the way they died.

It was a brutal display of violence, one that he never expected to witness in his entire life. His father, who was more stoic and hardened by his years of living, only nodded in agreement.

"The boy is doing the right thing," grim tone of voice said by Tom's father, "they were gonna kill him and then us. It's better this way, believe me." He spoke from a place of experience, having seen the darker side of humanity in his youth.

"Whether Sunny is the one controlling his Esper power or not, I hoped this lesson would teach these fools that they can't just go around taking lives and bullying those weaker than them without consequences," Malcom added, his eyes still fixed on the gruesome scene playing in front of him like a macabre theater.

Sunny happily continued playing his imaginary violin while sweat poured down his face, concentrating on the music and nothing else. The world around him was a stage, and he was the performer, a master of his own symphony as his arms and shoulders danced gracefully with the bow. The melody of the song was a ballet of its own, an intricate dance of sound and silence that only he could hear.

An audience of one, his heart, was the only thing he played to, and he was content with that. Mindfully putting all his heart and soul into the music, he didn't realize there was one of them marching towards him unharmed from behind, showing no ill will in attacking him from the blindside.

The silent thug took a smart decision in testing a possible hypothesis of how his Esper's powers works. Watching from the sidelines while his friends die left and right through events he can't explain was a hard pill to swallow, but the idea of facing Sunny head-on was just a death sentence.

He thought of the idea of not having the intention of attacking or harming him in any way. Rather, he would walk towards him just to see what happened. While he wants to leave because of this monster, doing so will get him killed, either by himself or by his superiors.

So there was barely any choice in his situation. Its now or ever, and hes going to do it either way. "I see..." He managed to get close for some reason, to the point that he stood so close to Sunny's back that he could choke him from behind.

Just when he raised his arm, intending to choke Sunny from behind after seeing this opportunity, he took the chance to do so and said, "I got you," smiling triumphantly at the thought of finally killing the young man. But before his hand could reach Sunny's neck, he felt a sudden pain in his heart—a sharp and searing sensation like a thousand needles piercing his skin.


Heart attack?! The one who almost reached him fell backwards on the ground, clutching his heart from the intense pain. He was gasping for air, his face turning a shade of blue as he struggled to breathe.

"Why now?!" At first, he was confused, but he realized his mistake. He was about to kill him, and when that happened, something activated, and it protected Sunny from ever letting his own fingers touch that bastard's neck. The only regret he has now is not telling his superiors about this guy.

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