Chapter 43

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Eldrick found himself sitting at the table alone.  He couldn't remember when everyone left, only that one moment the room was full of people eating then it was empty.  Since no one asked him to join them he finished his meal, deciding to return to his room in the castle.  Not wanting to be a bother and not having the energy to offer assistance, he left through the backroom.  Getting turned around once too often he paused to ask a page for directions. 

"I will guide you there myself sir.  I am heading that way to collect the dishes from those rooms.  Did you hear about the commotion over at the house of healing?" 

"I just came back from there.  The sooner I find my bed, the happier I will be."  Eldrick grinned. 

“Well, here we are sir.  Have a good rest."  The page entered gathering the dishes and quickly departing. 

Sensing something was not as it should be, Eldrick let his senses flow through the suite.  The lack of life other than his own caused his heart to leap into his chest.  Bursting into Sergei's room fearing the worst.  Seeing no one there, he let out a sigh of relief.  Closing the door behind him he sought his own bed, there was much he needed to think about. 

Entering his room his gaze caught the covered mirror.  With a shudder, he climbed into the large, cold, and lonely bed.  Tears began to form and roll down his cheeks.  "Oh, how I miss Sebastian.  But Alie said I would have to learn not to rely on his presence.  It's just not fair."  He pounded his pillow while sobs wracked his body.  Eventually, he became unaware of the world around him. 

The sun-dappled ground slowly darkened.  The tree canopy above blocked out most of the light.  Looking up, Eldrick could see shadows crossing in front of the sun.  Just before the light of the sun was completely blocked out, a bright flash seared his eyes, leaving the impression of two very bright spots burned into his retinas.  Blinking he tried clearing his vision.  His vision returned in fits and starts.  When he could see again, a small fae woman stood standing on the path in front of him.  She was dressed in a buckskin skirt and doeskin bodice, with flowers growing from her carmine tresses.  Around her a circle of small verdant flora sprouted, enveloping the pathway, and spreading out into the forest.  Eldrick took a reflexive step backwards as the vegetation encroached on his position.  With closer inspection, Eldrick noticed the young woman had small horns protruding through her hair and her dainty cloven feet barely seemed to touch the ground. 

"Life is all around.  When it seems you are all alone with no help reach out, feel the strength of the world around you.  Corrigenda is not some dead thing, she is full of life, willing to help those with the understanding of how to ask."  Her soft voice rang like small bells in the air.  "A reverence for life in all its forms is essential to the Druid path.  There are those who have forgotten this."  As she spoke, she seemed to grow taller and become more menacing.  "ALL LIFE!  Even that of a lowly apprentice questioning their own worth."  Shrinking back down to her normal size.  "We will meet again young child, as once we met before.  You will walk my path and face my fate.  Of this, I am sure, though when that may be I do not know."  She held out her hands to Eldrick, the glimmer of silver reflecting in the returning light of the sun.  Taking her small hands in his, the velvety touch of moss and the scent of freshly cut grass assailed his senses.  He could almost taste the ambrosia of the fae dripping down the back of his throat.  "Sleep Amalin, it is not time for you to rise just yet.  But sleep lightly."  Blowing gently into his face, Eldrick felt consciousness slipping away. 

Waking took its time for Eldrick.  He had a feeling of peace and tranquillity.  Pushing the covers aside he noticed a small golden band nestled on his left thumb.  Try as he might the band refused to move.  He felt different.  Taking a moment to reflect he looked over his body.  What he observed was a shock.  He saw the form of his dreams, yet knew this could not be true.  Climbing from the bed he hesitantly removed the blanket from the mirror.  His reflection had not changed, yet something inside him had.  There was one very startling change in his appearance though.  His eyes were no longer just sapphire blue.  In the corners of each eye was a pair of bright flashes.  With this discovery, he realized he could sense all the life around him without trying.  Sergei was sitting in his chair, Sigmund was still lounging in bed, and there was a page approaching the suite with the morning meal.  To his surprise, there was also another heading in the direction of the suite but this one had a bundle of something soft in their arms. 

Dressing quickly, he rushed from his room to the door of the compartments, opening it just as the page was raising his hand to knock.  "Enter please, and thank you for bringing our breakfast."  Eldrick's voice ringing with true compassion startling Sergei from his dozing.  Eldrick declined to close the door after the page instead turned to see the young maiden whom he had bowled over a couple of days ago.  With a bow, "My lady, what brings you to this portion of the castle?"  His voice was rich with curiosity. 

She stood there in shock.  "I, uh, I thought you may be able to use these.  They really don't please me any longer.  I, well, um," she stuttered.  Eldrick offered her in, giving Sergei a look of entreaty. 

"You know I think I left me salve in the other room.  No Eldrick, I will get it you have a guest."  Rising, he left the room.  The page following quickly. 

"My lady, we are alone in the room.  What were you trying to say that had you so embarrassed with my master here."  Concern ebbing from his voice.  He ducked his head humbly. 

"Well, I saw how you looked at these gowns the other day while helping me change.  You also didn't really look at me, not in the way of the other boys in court.  I hope they will bring you happiness."  She gently laid out three gowns, the one she had been wearing that fateful day and the two which had drawn his eye.  "I cannot stay, I am expected to dine with the King this morning, Mother was quite insistent upon it."   With a curtsy, she bolted for the door, leaving Eldrick standing there in stunned silence. 

Eldrick gathering the gowns thought about her reactions.  Something was wrong.  He had a feeling he was at the center of it though how that could be he didn't have a clue.  Retracing his steps to his room, he gently packed the gowns away in his bag.  He wondered if he would have enough room in his bag for everything he would need or if he would have to leave the gowns behind.  Hearing a gentle knock, Eldrick turned.  Standing there without his cane was Sergei.  His posture was more virile than Eldrick had seen in many years. 

"Something is different Master.  Where is your cane?" 

"I left it in my room.  There was a strange occurrence yesterday.  I feel almost ten years younger.  From what I hear you had something to do with it." 

Eldrick looked shocked.  "How could I have anything to do with you feeling ten years younger?  You said it happened yesterday.  I spent the day over at the house of healing as you told me too." 

"Eldrick there is something going on here that cannot be explained.  You may be the center of it all."  Sergei glanced at Eldrick's left hand as a glint of light caught his attention.  "What is that?  Oh nevermind. Francine would like you to go for a fitting this morning.  I suggest eating quickly and heading over there, then back to the house of healing.  I am going to see if I can scrounge up a few more books while you are there today.  You did mention the lack of information on the fae."  Sergei scratched at his stubble.  "I highly doubt there will be much I can find though."  Giving a shooing motion with his hands, "go eat!" 

Eldrick, heeding his master grabbed a tray and began to consume his meal.  Remembering to chew his food properly and not just wolf it down.  He found the odd pastry rolls to be very tasty.  The filling of strawberries and cream was rich, while the rolled encasing was soft and moist.  They were too soft to pick up and so needed to be sliced into smaller bits and eaten with a tine.  As he reached the ends of the rolls they unrolled.  Struggling to finish because of this unexpected development.  He used the last of the roll to mop up the berry juices and cream from the platter.  Recovering the tray, he returned it to the sideboard.  With a nod to Sergei he left. 

* * *

"Sigmund, get out here."  Chuckling Sergei glanced over at the other room.  "Eldrick has gone to be fitted for his gowns.  I fear he is going to be a handful very soon."  Waiting for Sigmund to poke his head out the door before continuing.  "He has an interesting new piece of jewelry." 

Sigmund's brows arched.  "What do you mean?"  Coming fully into the room and taking a seat.  "You mentioned an amulet but there is something new now?  That boy has far too much power as it is.  Not only that, but he is quite capable of disguising it.  Are you sure he is going to be ready?  With that much potential, he is going to need special training.  I have no idea where he may find the training he needs." 

"You and me both, old friend.  I need to see if King Daividh has any tomes on the Fae.  I am afraid that the only way we will make the Conclave now is most definitely to travel the Fae realms.  Perhaps we may find someone capable of teaching him there though I fear that may alter our schedule.  I understand they have some means of controlling the way time runs and that is the only reason I am willing to take the chance.  Of course, we could fly but I fear Sebastian is in no condition for that."  Dropping his face into his hands he gave a muffled cry.  Raising his face, "I cannot sit here and wallow in doubt.  I have things I must attend to.  Enjoy the crepes I will be back shortly."  He rose, gathered his staff and quietly left. 

Eldrick, knocking tentatively at the door of the seamstress, waited to be called in.  Francine opening the door beckoned him in.  Entering the room he saw three gowns on dress forms.  His eyes widening at the sight of them.  He knew the lady for whom they were being made would be very lucky.  A twinge of jealousy struck at the thought that after the final fitting he would not see them again. Francine had him strip and stand on the stool as she removed the first, in a dusty rose, from the form and had him try it on. 

Standing back and looking at the hang and flow of the dress, she tsk'd to herself.  She walked around making small marks with her chalk.  Shaking her head at the way the bodice sat.  "I do not understand but it doesn't seem right.  I am going to have to change the design of the bodice slightly.  How does it feel?" 

"Well I am not sure how it is supposed to feel though it is a little tight across here," he indicated the area in which there should be breasts.  "It is also very loose around the waist."  With unconscious motions, he tried to readjust his breasts.  What was interesting was he could feel them, but not see them in the mirror.  Though he could see that the bodice was well filled out, and straining across the chest. 

"Well, I can make some alterations, possibly include a corset.  Ok, let's get this one off and try the next, it has a corset worked into the bodice so we can see if that will make a difference."  Easing the dress over Eldrick's head so as to avoid the pins pricking him she removed the first, returning it to the form and gathered the second, this one in vermilion.  Once again helping Eldrick into the gown, settling and adjusting until the fall was just right.  She tightened the corset, examining the difference.  "How does this one feel, is the corset too tight or can we go tighter?"  She ran her hands over the boning, looking for any sharp edges.  Worried about the fact that sometimes the initial tightening could cause splintering.  "Can you still breathe?" 

"This one feels better, it could be a little tighter I think.  I am not struggling to breathe if that is what you are asking?"  Taking a deep breath to prove his point, he felt something slip and pop.  Raising his hands he tried to press the errant breast back into the bodice.  His actions causing Francine to burst into laughter. 

"Now there is a first.  The bodice looks like it has deflated on one side and you are there trying to push something which isn't there back in."  Chuckling heartily she continued.  "I think I may have to make it a little tighter across the chest area to prevent that from happening."  As she was finishing the statement Eldrick got the breast back into the bodice.  "Or maybe I could just give it a little more depth."  Her face took on a quizzical expression.  "I have no idea what is going on but now everything looks fine."  Again she marked the gown with her chalk and added a few pins.  "Ok now for the last." 

Eldrick stood patiently while Francine gathered the final gown this one a two-tone in lavender and sapphire, with the paler colour on the bodice and the darker in the skirt.  The design was low cut and off the shoulder.  Carefully adjusting the lay of the gown Francine noticed a gap in the stitching between the bodice and skirt.  The draw for the top was too loose and the arms too short.  Scowling at the errors, for everything else was perfect.  She marked where things needed adjusting, made some quick stitches to close the gap. 

"That will be all for today.  I am going to need to see you here again in two days' time for a second fitting.  There will be one or two more after that and they will be longer."  Removing the gown she motioned for Eldrick to redon his tunic.  "I will expect you then.  I am sure your master has other tasks for you to attend to this day."  Her matter-of-fact tone was clearly a dismissal. 

Eldrick quickly re-dressed and left.  Reflection of the fitting brought both a smile and a drag to his steps.  Watching people as he passed them trying to figure out exactly who the gowns were meant for.  The only person Sergei had shown any interest in was Amarna and she was nowhere near in size to himself.  Then he recalled Beth, they were about the same size.  She was here at court to find a suitor or so she said.  But Sergei and Beth?  The image of them together caused him to chuckle.  Besides Beth had stopped in with gowns for him and seemed nervous because of Sergei's presence.  Could her nervousness have been because her mother had made arrangements to marry her off to Sergei?  Wait, could Sergei and her mother made arrangements to marry him to Beth?  That would never work and he could never hurt Sebastian like that.  With Sebastian in his thoughts, he picked up his pace. 

Entering the house of healing he noticed it was quiet.  Too quiet.  He stopped just inside the doorway, looking around.  That was when he noticed the destroyed door and the quiet flurry of activity inside the room.  He advanced to the room, peered in and saw three people moving furniture around at the direction of a small woman.  While two others were hanging new curtain rods of wrought iron with shredded curtains on them. 

"What happened here?  Where is Sebastian?  This was his room, wasn't it?"  His voice rising in panic. 

"Eldrick," Amarna's cutting voice from behind him made him spin around.  "May I see you in my office.  NOW!" 

Eldrick nodded silently, with his head bowed he entered her office.  He knew from her tone that he was in trouble.  Though what that trouble was he didn't know.  He had an idea it may be because of his outburst but the look on her face said there was more to it than that.  What could have happened since he left last night to anger her so?  With a meek voice, hoping to diffuse her ire, "You wished to see me?" 

Closing the door she turned a stony glare his way.  "Sit down!"  She rounded her desk and sat.  "Firstly this is a house of healing and I will not have you disrupting the work we are doing here."  In a softer tone, she added.  "Yes that was Sebastian's room and he is fine.  He has been moved to another room after he destroyed that one.  Amaryliss is with him now and they are not to be disturbed while she works with him.  I can understand your concern."  Her tone was conciliatory as she continued.  "I spoke with Sergei last night and he has concerns about your mental health.  So today you and I are going to talk.  I do not know exactly what is going on with you but there is definitely something happening."  She paused with a thoughtful expression.  "I am not sure how to proceed entirely but I will do my best.  This is new to me.  From what Amaryliss has told me the best thing to do is just listen and ask questions for clarification or to get the conversation started."  She reached for her cup and took a tentative swallow.  "I have heard that you have been having some unsettling dreams.  Why don't we start there?" 

Eldrick looked shocked.  Had Segei come here to tell Amarna about his dreams?  "Well, um, the uh, dreams started back at the farmstead.”  He continued to discuss all his dreams, though he left out the fact he had received gifts from the dreams involving the Eldritch. He did mention the dreams with them, especially what he could remember from the last, for that one he held only vague memory. As he spoke of his dreams, he began telling Amarna about his troubles with his identity. What troubled him most was his inability to articulate very well, breaking down into incoherent sobbing. 

Amarna rising from her chair, pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve to offer him. "I see there is more going on than you can understand.  I too am having trouble with understanding everything.  In fact, I am at a loss. Go ahead and cry. I hope it will be beneficial." She just held him, trying to offer comfort. "There, there, let it out." 

"I so want to be a girl and wear fancy dresses. Sergei has commissioned a number of dresses for someone who is about my size and so I am the one being used for fitting so they will be a surprise for the lady." Gasping sobs, with intermittent wails of anguish, wracking his body. "Once they are complete, I will never again see the gowns unless I see them being worn by the one for who they are being made. I just wish they were mine." He could no longer make any coherent sounds. The tears flowing freely, his nose oozing as he sniffled. 

"I know this must be hard for you, but there must be a way for you to be true to yourself," She paused. With a thought, she asked, "Have you considered there may be a magical way to accomplish this?" She bit her tongue for she knew the answer but could not explain it to Eldrick for fear of the consequences. "Speaking of magic, I am curious as to just how you accomplished the feat you pulled off yesterday. I doubt you could explain it any better than I can understand it." Rising slowly, she returned to her desk, opened a drawer and removed a couple more handkerchiefs. Returning to Eldrick she handed a fresh one while taking the soiled one from him. "With everything going on you must feel extremely lost. Leaving the farmstead which has been your life for so long, only to be thrust into challenging situation after challenging situation. No real guidance, or experience in dealing with what is happening to you." Patting his shoulder in a conciliatory fashion. "I do know that Sergei has your best interests at heart, gruff though he may be. He has learned sometimes the best way to teach someone is to guide without explanation. Making mistakes is sometimes the only way we can learn. Unfortunately, it is called the school of hard knocks. The upside to this method is that once a lesson is learned it is never forgotten because a hard lesson is the best way to get through a thick skull." She reached back for the jug of water and tumbler sitting on the edge of the desk. Pouring a glass she handed it to Eldrick. "I am not saying you have a thick skull. He has been pounding lesson after lesson into too fast lately that not everything is going to remain in there." 

Sitting back on her heels, she looked at Eldrick with compassion. Silent and waiting. Eldrick eventually calmed himself down, took a couple sips of water, several deep breaths and prepared himself for the deluge to continue. Not sure which deluge it would be, questions or tears. 

"We have been in here quite a while. Why don't you just rest for a while since I know how emotionally draining these things can be. I have to make my rounds, but I will be back." Regaining her feet, she quickly but quietly left the room, shutting the door gently behind her. 

Eldrick spent a few moments trying to compose himself.  He sat there drinking water and mindlessly turning the band on his thumb.  He was starting to doze when he heard a loud screech "PETAL".  Rising he opened the office door just in time to see Amaryliss flying out of a room, sprinting for the door.  He stood there in amazement.  Who knew a leprechaun could move that fast.  As she reached for the door it swung open, catching her in the face.  A pageboy stood there in shock, he had just hit someone with the door. 

"Lady are you okay?"  He held out his hand to help her up.  "I am so sorry.  I was sent with a message for," he paused, "Amaryliss?" 

"Well, I'm Amaryliss."  She stood there, her hand still in his.  Her foot starting to tap. 

"The Druid Sergei says to tell you he has Petal, you can find him in either the kitchen or library." 

"Ah thank you very much." 

Eldrick noticing she was bleeding.  "Lady Amaryliss, you're not going anywhere yet.  I do not think the King would appreciate you bleeding all through the castle.  And if you do find my master in the library he has a thing about the care of books.  I am sure the royal librarian is much worse."  He held out his hand to her.  "If you will allow me.  I am supposed to be learning this, I might as well show that I have picked something up." 

Dropping the pages hand, she took Eldrick's, allowing herself to be tended to.

"Please hold still Lady Amaryliss, this may sting."  He joined words with placing ice against her lip.  She took a sharp inhale but didn't move.  "I am going to try realigning your nose."  He closed his eyes, "oh can you hold the ice, please? I need both hands."  Releasing the ice into Amaryliss' hand, he placed both hands alongside her nose.  He took a deep breath, letting his senses flow over the elderly leprechaun.  With a quick motion, he snapped her nose back straight and watched the energies fall in line. 

"What exactly did you do?"  Amaryliss spoke airily.  "As soon as my nose snapped back into place the pain and swelling of my lip vanished."  Her eyes narrowing. 

"N,n,n,n nothing just realigned the nose and watched your energy flows," stammering self-consciously.  "They were all crooked when I started.  I don't know enough to manipulate them.  Besides I was told using magic to heal is not safe.  The body becomes reliant on the magic, and when it fails so does the body."  Looking abashedly at the floor. 

"You and I need to talk.  But first I need to change my gown.  I refuse to be seen running through the castle in blood-soaked garments.  A healer I may be, a barbarian I am not."  She rose, gave a respectful nod to Eldrick, turned and left. 

Eldrick sat there a few minutes trying to puzzle out what just happened.  Amaryliss is one scary lady, but she seemed surprised and it appeared like she was giving a compliment.  He was about to get up when Amaryliss came back through the hall heading to the door.  As she passed him, she threw a wink his way as she walked past.  He gave her a nod of acknowledgement, a quizzical look on his face. 

As soon as she was out the door, he jumped to his feet, running across the entry to the room she had vacated earlier.  Reaching for the handle, he gave it a tentative turn.  It turned easily.  With a hesitant motion, he opened the door.  Laying in the center of the room encircled by magical markings was Sebastian.  He tried to rush to his lover's side only to be stopped dead in his tracks.  Looking down he saw a circle drawn in what could only be dried blood. 

"What the...?" 

"Eldrick, I am encircled by my own blood for the protection of everyone here.  My energies are not stable.  At least that is the explanation that Amaryliss has given me.  I am inclined to believe her, this is her profession."  He shrugged with one shoulder, the other remaining limp.  "I am not going anywhere until I am healed.  Those are the healer's orders.  She doesn't want to see me grounded and unable to fly. 'A dragon which cannot fly is a dead dragon.'"  His voice came very close to an imitation of the elderly healer. 

Eldrick nearly fell over laughing.  "I hope that isn't a skill you plan on perfecting.  I fear to see you use it around Sergei." 

"Speaking of Sergei, what does he have you doing now?  There is so much you need to learn before reaching the conclave at midsummer.  Oh, for the love of Alie, we are not going to make it in time."  His head drooping on his long neck.  "And it's my fault.  Who knows how long it will be before I am allowed to leave this room."  Eldrick could see the glimmer of tears forming in the corners of Sebastian's eyes.  "You have to make the conclave whether I am with you or not.  This is what you have been training for you cannot throw it away on account of me." 

Eldrick had to fight the urge to rush over and throw his arms around Sebastian.  Tears starting to form in his own eyes.  "I am not leaving without you."  Sitting down on the floor, looking into Sebastian's grey eyes.  He let his sense roam the room taking in Sebastian as he did so.  The chaotic surges made him recoil.  "What in the name of Arma is happening?  Why are your energies flowing that way?"  He slapped his forehead with the heel of his hand.  "Of course you can't sense them.  It looks like they are tying themselves into knots all over your body."  His gaze penetrating deep into Sebastian. 

Sebastian knew he couldn't lie for that would only make it worse.  Amaryliss words coming back to haunt him.  "Amaryliss said, that the longer we are bound the harder it is going to be to keep secrets.  I have a problem though, once a dragon gives their word they are incapable of breaking it."  Trying to keep his voice low enough that he could say this and hopefully not be heard by Eldrick. 

"You are keeping a secret?"  Eldrick shifted slightly trying to find a comfortable position.  "I can respect that.  I am not going to ask what it is because, well, I have a feeling it isn't yours to tell.  I do not wish to cause you any discomfort.  You gave your word and I can respect that." 

Sebastian's head shot up.  The look of someone who had just been struck in the back of the head with a blacksmith's hammer.  The image caused Eldrick to burst into laughter. 

"You should see your face."  He couldn't maintain a level tone his voice rising as he spoke. 

* * *

Sebastian watching Eldrick sitting there laughing saw his form wavering.  First Eldrick then a beautiful lady with long flowing blond tresses and full bosom.  The image remained that of the woman, voice and body matching.  Blinking to try to clear his vision thinking there must be something wrong. With a panicked thought, he recalled Sergei's admonition about the spell surrounding Eldrick.  As much as he may want to, he dared not contact Sergei. 

"Sigmund, I need your help.  Where is Sergei?  Is Sergei still Sergei?"

"What are you babbling about?  You are still in the infirmary, correct?" 

"Yes..."  The questioning tone of his mental voice diffused the anxiety he had been feeling. 

"Your energies may be causing you problems.  Listen to Amaryliss.  Relax and rest."  The finality of the tone and the sudden dropping of a mental wall caused Sebastian to recoil. 

* * *

Eldrick rising to his feet looked over at Sebastian.  "I see you are tired and need your sleep.  Besides, I don't wish to be caught in here when Amaryliss returns."  Turning he quickly slipped out the door closing it gently behind himself.  Turning around he came face to face with Amarna.  She stood there tapping her foot.  Her penetrating stare boring deep into his soul.  At least that was the feeling he was getting.  "Amarna, I was just coming to find you."  His voice was slick. 

"A likely story.  I have been standing here for the last five minutes.  Because the door was open and I know Amaryliss wouldn't leave it open. I wanted to see who was in there.  I overheard part of your conversation.  Now we need to have our own conversation."  Reaching out she grabbed the sleeve of his arm and began leading him upstairs./ 

"Amarna where are we going?" 

"We are going to the study hall.  You are here to learn and so learn you shall." She led him into a room lined floor to ceiling with bookshelves.  "This is the library which I have acquired, specific to my art."  She pointed to the shelves closest to the door.  "I want you to start studying those books and scrolls.  I think you may find them informative."  Giving him a push she turned and left, closing the door behind her.  With her back against the wall, she let out a long breath.  "This young person was going to be difficult." 

With the door closed, Eldrick searched the first shelves indicated by Amarna as a good place to start.  They covered things from identifying plants and their medicinal properties.  These were things he had studied under Sergei.  That is most of them were.  He noticed there were new plants in some of the books.  Plants he had never heard of before with uses he had never considered.  Scanning some of the notations on plants he was familiar with, showed applications to which he had never heard of before.  With the dawning thought, there was more to each plant than just what was in Sergei's library. Eldrick sat, studying everything. 

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