Chapter 21

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Victor was desperately trying to figure out how the four of them had known.  The assassination attempt had left him stunned, but these four had reacted as if they could see the assassin.  What really irked him was the number of spells cast in the last two days which he had absolutely no knowledge of.  He had the most extensive library in the kingdom because every time he found a volume he didn’t have he would confiscate it using some obscure arcane law.  The truth is he made up the law to increase his own power.  Things were not working the way he had planned. 

Victor looking solemnly over at Eldrick and Sebastian wondered just what their connection really was.  He had never seen such abilities with so minimal power available.  He knew Sebastian was a dragon, but every other dragon he had ever witnessed had much more power.  He was going to need to find a way to get some time alone with Sebastian to pry the secrets out of him.  The dragon was injured which may make it easier.  He chuckled to himself. 

Being afraid that the jig was up, he began plotting his escape.  Triggering his ring he sent a magical message to his followers.  Warning them it was time to get out of town.  He was glad he had pre-arranged a meeting location in one of the farmhouses to the south.  He was going to find out everything he could and hopefully get his hands on Sebastian before he left the Castle.  He knew if he left the correct things in rooms Sergei would be vulnerable and that meant so would Sebastian and that young upstart of an apprentice.  How dare Sergei make the decision that he was not Druid material.  His father is a Druid, so he most definitely should be.

He began plotting the downfall of Sergei, a slow painful slide.  Nothing Sergei loved was safe.  Not even his precious library and farmstead.  Now, where did I put that map?

Victor stewing all through the meal almost missed the signal to retire.  Rising he trailed the group on their way to Daividh's private chambers.  He was deep in thought when Daividh rounded on him.

"YOU are supposed to be our line of defence against magical attacks.  If I didn’t know better, I would think you were somehow involved or at least complicit.  When our guests react quicker it shows me that you are in dire need of more training.  Unfortunately, you cannot be trained.  What do you have to say for yourself?” 

“Your majesty, they have some technique to which I am unaware.," he gulped.  "If I had stayed with Sergei longer, I may have learned this.  Maybe Sergei would be willing to take me on while he is travelling." His gaze turning to Sergei, eyes pleading.  "This way I may have a chance to learn,” replied Victor.  

He didn't receive a response to his question, but by the looks on the faces of Sebastian and Eldrick, he figured it was not going to happen.  He really needed to remove these two from the equation.

Clearing the furniture he listened carefully to what was being said.  He wasn't ready for the shift from human to dragon when Sebastian changed forms.  Feeling his own heart racing he understood what type of reaction the assassin would be feeling.  He knew he had to get out of the Castle soon, everything was unravelling.  He just needed to gather as much information as possible before he left.  What was Eldrick doing?  Oh crap, he's taking notes.  How is it possible that he can think that fast on his feet?  Why wasn't I the one taking notes, I could muddy the waters if I did.  Well, I have my magic I can fall back on to muddle the minds of those who think to thwart me.

Silently he cast at Eldrick only to have his spell blocked by some unseen power.  Looking closer he couldn't see any means of that happening, no shimmering of shields nor any barriers he could detect.  This young protege was going to be his downfall unless he could find some way to remove him.

He knew he would need to find a way to increase his power before he could cast anything on Sebastian, damn dragons were nearly impervious to magic.  Well, he had a few tricks up his sleeve.  He just needed an excuse to leave.  Well, at least they wouldn't be getting any more information from the assassin.  As he quickly cast a heart-stopping incantation, the assassin died mid-sentence.  

As his Majesty called in the heads of staff, Victor could feel his heart racing.  That damned dragon again,  How is it he would think of those pathetic underlings, they aren't even human.  What??  Closing the gates to everyone until the guy is found?  I don't have a lot of time but I haven't been released yet.  He didn't dare try to manipulate these three, he could feel his energies lagging and he needed every bit to make his escape.

“Victor, what are you still doing here?  Do you not have a staff of your own to question Now get out of my sight and do what I commanded” Daividh roared as he glowered. 

"Yes your Majesty," bowing he left the room.

"Thank the Eldritch," he muttered as he made his way to his rooms.  Once there he began gathering everything he had planned on taking.  Reaching for the map and several specific items like the crystal dagger and the tome regarding it.  He would have to send someone back to gather the items he couldn't grab.  There is on;y so much time before word makes it to all the gates.  Reaching into his wardrobe he grabbed the cloak he had hidden in the back, a dark nondescript thing with some minor rents and tears along the hem.  Throwing it across his shoulders he left, taking the servants halls, down the back stairs and out through the kitchen.

He could hear a commotion off to his left, turning to check he saw guards heading towards the postern gate.  Picking up his pace he made it to the gate before the guards.

"I am on a mission for His Majesty.  I need to get into the city."

"Yes, Vizier.  Open the gate."

Victor was moving before the gate was completely open.  Ducking under the portcullis he heard the approaching gaurds yelling for them to lock the gate down.

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