Chapter 14

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Morning found the trio up well before dawn, loading their gear into the wagon which was hitched to Maybell.  Her tail twitching in excitement.  Her ears perked up; her coat glistened in the lamplight.  The bells on her harness chimed merrily as she tossed her head from side to side.  As they were loading a small chest full of coins into the hidden compartment under the bench, she stamped her front hooves in impatience.  Sergei giving her harness a last thorough once over before climbing onto the seat.  Gathering the reins, he snapped them with a flick of his wrist.

Maybell threw her head back and down twice before starting to walk out of the yard hauling the wagon and its passengers away from their home.  Her steady gait was sure with nary a falter.  The reins in Sergei’s hands were slack, it appeared Maybell knew where she was going.  Every choice in the road, she would make the choice without guidance from the reins.  They travelled down the meandering mountain road at a steady pace, every once in a while, a switchback indicated the farmstead was farther up the mountain than initially registered in the minds of the travellers.  Sebastian, having never travelled by road, was astonished at how long it took to descend to the small hamlet in the valley.

The trip down the mountain took most of the day.  Places along the road had been wiped out due to the avalanche.  These had to be painstakingly rebuilt.  It was nice when some of the work could be accomplished using finite amounts of magic, the only problem was in time the magic would wear away.

By the time they reached the valley floor, they were happy to see the hamlet and its accompanying inn.  The hamlet was full of people willing to work.  The repairs would be made permanent once they knew what was needed.  Sergei and the villagers had an agreement.  They would work for him when he needed things done and he would pay them in goods or healing. 

As they approached the inn, the sun was just touching the eastern horizon.  The sunset revealed magnificent streamers of red-gold, indigo-rose, and violet-coral delineating the clouds.  It looked like a cosmic artist had dipped his brush into a rainbow and with broad iridescent strokes illuminating the sky to envelop the senses of paramours.  The radiant hues dimmed as the sun set further, altering the shades from indigo and violet to emerald and jade. 

A thick, powerful man who towered over Sergei emerged from behind the inn, as he climbed down from the wagon.  He offered a big meaty hand and addressed the diminutive older man as an old friend.  Sergei responded in kind, shaking his hand.  He indicated the wagon, horse, and the two boys on the bench.  With a laugh the giant approached the wagon.  After pulling an apple from one of the monstrous pockets of his apron he offered it to Maybell.  With a whicker of delight, she stamped her left front hoof once.  With a brisk nod of her head, she delicately took a nip out of the apple in a ladylike manner. 

“Now young lads just hop down from there.  I need to take this lady into the stable and attend to her.  She needs a good rub down and a nice warm mash.  I am Josiah, the inn's stableman.  Nothing gets me riled up worse than a mistreated horse, this lovely lady has no complaints about her treatment from the likes of you,” he laughed heartily.  “She has been rather well cared for.  But then I wouldn’t expect any less from Ol’ Sergei nor those he has on the ‘stead.  No siree, he teaches everyone who stays there to treat his critters with respect and dignity.  But I'm dither on when I should be attending Maybell’s comfort.  You boys go on in.  I have everything under control out here, and don’t you be worrying about your gear neither.” 

Climbing down from the wagon they looked sheepishly at each other.  They hadn't noticed the exchange between Sergei and Josiah.  In fact, they had been startled when he addressed them, they had been lost to the wonder of the dazzling colours of the setting sun.  Both had been lost in their own daydreams, each considering how the light would play over the scales of the other’s draconic form.  A form Sebastian had only glimpsed a couple of times, and which Eldrick knew nothing about.

Acknowledging Josiah with a wave of gratitude, they headed toward the entrance of the inn.  Opening the door, they are assaulted by the yeasty scent of fresh-baked bread, the aroma of stewed mutton in gravy, and the piquant odour of spices filling the main room.  Trestle tables set in rows down the center of the room with benches on either side.  A fire blazed cheerfully in the large fireplace set into the far wall.  Along the outside walls sat several round tables with chairs neatly tucked underneath to provide more space when they weren’t occupied by customers.  Along the back wall set aside from the fireplace was a bar with stools fronting it and glass bottles in racks on the wall itself.  Between this island of inebriation and the fireplace was a door leading into the kitchen, where the bouquet of aromas was originating from.  Glancing about, they spotted Sergei seated at one of the round tables just off the fireplace.  Close enough be toasty but not roasting.  As they approached, he waved them over.  He was pouring each a drink from a bottle set in the middle of the table. 

“This is juice from apple, peach, and a berry which grows near here.  They press it in the fall when the fruit is ripe and store it in the cold so that it doesn’t ferment.  I need to try to get a couple barrels of it for next winter.  Our rooms are upstairs," he indicated by pointing towards the stairwell.  "You two are sharing a room, last door on the left.  Dinner will be along shortly.  They offer a few things, but as I have yet to build a flock of sheep, whenever I make it to town I have a standing order here for their shepherd’s pie.  I hope you don’t mind.” 

Eldrick responded “Sir you are covering the expenses.  I have no arguments about what you wish to feed me.  We have all been eating the same thing for months now, I see no reason to change that.”  Sebastian shrugged noncommittally. 

As the food arrived, it looked like a feast.  Neither of the young men thought they would be able to finish the large serving.  As they dug into the pie, the toasted mashed potatoes split nicely as the scent of spiced lamb broke through.  The starchiness of the potatoes blending with the rich gravy, the lamb, so succulent it melted in their mouths like butter, and the peas and carrots added a distinct tang.  Before realising it, they had finished their entire trenches, along with a loaf of fresh-baked rye bread. The earthy and sweet flavour complimented the pie beautifully.  Looking up replete, they saw Sergei motion to the serving girl for dessert.  She brought over a large slice of fruit pie covered with sweet, iced cream.  The combination of vanilla mixed with the berries and the flakey crust was almost orgasmic.  Devouring it with such relish that Sergei thought they might just try to eat the dish it was served on.  With the meal complete they decided it was time for bed, knowing the next morning was likely to be as early as this morning was.  They had a long way to go.

The small, cramped room was barely large enough for the double bed, washstand, and footlocker.  The bed was barely large enough for them if they cuddled.  Looking at the bed longingly, they quickly shucked their clothes and climbed in.  Sebastian placed his back against the wall, so he'd be behind Eldrick when he climbed in.  As Eldrick was drifting off to fall asleep Sebastian wished him a good night, and placed a kiss behind his right ear, sending shivers of delight down Eldrick's spine.

Knowing it'd be difficult to find sleep, Eldrick reached behind him.  Slowly drawing his hand down Sebastian’s naked chest, eliciting a snarl of excitement from his partner's lips. 

Rolling over to face Sebastian, Eldrick gently caressed his thigh.  He slowly ran his hand towards Sebastian's groin.  As he did so Sebastian began to purr while he ran his fingertips along Eldrick’s side.  Sebastian's fingers began to fumble as his manhood stiffened and rose.  Eldrick, noticing the response, purposefully avoided running his hand alongside Sebastian's member.  He stayed on the inside of the thigh without touching it. 

"Oh, this is torture. Don't you dare stop, if you do, there will be issues."  Sebastian's mental voice broke into Eldrick's thoughts

As he heard Sebastian’s breath start to come in long, flowing sighs, he knew he couldn’t tease much longer.  With quick, gentle movements, his fingertips slid from the side of the thigh to the base of Sebastian's engorged phallus and with a feather-light touch began to run the edge of his nail along the length of the shaft.  This elicited a moan of growl-like pleasure.  Taking this as a good sign, Eldrick began tracing his finger up and down the length, ringing the tip several times at every pass.  As his hand returned to the base of the shaft, he would gently massage the large warm sack dangling underneath.  He wondered what it would be like to take that perfect scrotum into his mouth and let his tongue roll around the folds.

Eldrick found Sebastian's, warm, moist, inviting lips pressed to his.  When he felt Sebastian's questing tongue, he opened his mouth to allow it in.  Using his tongue Eldrick played with the one inside his mouth.  Every so often he would send his tongue questing into his lover's mouth.  He'd let it run over the teeth and tuck into his cheeks.  He slid his tongue over Sebastian's sharp canines carefully so as not to get caught on them.

A gentle stroke on his own member elicited a sharp inhalation of breath from Eldrick, he nearly swallowed the tongue in his mouth.  When their lips parted Eldrick felt a sense of loss.  Leaning over Sebastian, Eldrick ran his tongue loving down his cheek and neck, starting at the earlobe and ending at the clavicle.  He nibbled gently at the neck every so often.

With Sebastian's ministrations on his engorging organ, Eldrick fumbled.  Removing his hands from his current favourite toy, he placed them squarely on Sebastian's shoulders.  With a gentle push, he soon had Sebastian lying more on his side.  The deep blue eyes looking into Eldrick's own, surprise registering there.

"What's wrong?  Pooka got your tongue?"  Eldrick flashed a mischievous grin, "Now you just lay back and enjoy.  I have plans."  The twinkle in his eyes shone with a minor malevolence.  

Sebastian rolled to lay on his back, letting out a breathy sigh.  As Eldrick renewed his ministrations, he noticed his paramour's back arching into the air as the arousal increased.  Watching the contortions in fascination, Eldrick's curiosity peaked.  Leaning over he ran his tongue down Sebastian’s bare chest.  Starting at the top of the breastbone he slowly moved down the chest, a quick lap around each breast flicking the tip of his tongue over the raised nipple, then down to his navel.  The salty flavour of sweat and the rich aroma of musk filled his senses.  The light hair of the chest tickled his tongue as it passed.  The nipples poked through the hair stiff and throbbing slightly under Eldrick's attention.  The sound of Sebastian's beating heart echoed in his ears.  Upon reaching the navel he let his tongue delve into its depths.  Sebastian's moans grew louder with each passing moment, his body seemingly attached by a string at the navel with someone tugging higher.  A muffled cry escaped Sebastian's mouth though he was biting his lip.  His back arched so much that only his heels and shoulders were in contact with the bed. 

Looking up, Eldrick observed a face showing distinct arousal, a slight trickle of blood trailed down Sebastian's chin.  The scent of musky sweat filled the air with an underlying coppery smell blending into it.  A devilish grin spread across Eldrick's face, and a gleam of mischief filled his eyes as he returned to his ministrations.  The salty taste of sweat just beginning to form enflamed Eldrick's desire to savour more.  His tongue now slid from navel to pubis, increasing his own arousal. When the tip of his tongue flicked the base of the shaft, the thrill of excitement shot through his body like an electrifying shock. 

Running his tongue over Sebastian’s engorged member was like tasting ambrosia.  As he reached the tip, he ran his tongue around the head, and in a moment of pique, he opened his mouth greedily swallowing the entire length.  Sucking deliriously while running his mouth up and down the shaft, was like nothing he'd ever experienced before.  He could feel each ridge of his paramour's cock running over his tongue eliciting moans of pleasure from Sebastian as it pulsed deep into the back of his mouth.  Every once in a while, he would release the throbbing knob and run his tongue down the shaft until reaching the base, where he would then suck on the sack which hung there, taking the whole thing into his mouth and pulling back until the round nodules popped out of his mouth one at a time.  Sebastian's moans began reaching a fever pitch as he neared orgasm.  licking the shaft again back to the head he once again swallowed Sebastian’s manhood.  The moisture leaking from the tip was a heady ordeal.  Bobbing along the cylinder with increased desire and vigour only heightened their pleasure.  Pulling away he let his tongue linger on the tip flicking it back and forth to collect every drop.  Plunging his mouth once again down the throbbing pillar he took every last inch of it, the tip buffeted the back of his throat, causing him to gag slightly, pulling back a bit to reduce the gagging effect he eagerly swallowed the whole length once again, opening his throat so he wouldn’t choke.  A low moan escaped his lips just as Sebastian exploded into his mouth, the salty, sweet taste of him was delectable.  He unabashedly swallowed every morsel which was spurting from Sebastian's erect shaft. 

As Sebastian released his seed into Eldrick’s hungry orifice, his body racked with pleasure, moaning aloud, he reached down and pressed Eldrick further down his shaft, and the convulsive swallowing drew out even more, causing him to writhe in pleasure.  When he finished, he was so worn out he couldn’t move.  The release of the tightly gripping coils of gratification was like finding air for a drowning man.  A look of idyllic pleasure transcribed Eldrick’s face.   Guiding his lover, Sebastian embraced him longingly.  The two of them fell asleep completely replete. 

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